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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    just dropping in to say hi

    really having issues focusing my brain ...and mood swings..seem to really be taking it out on sweetie...and he doesn't deserve it....

    need to find motivation to get stuff done....

    this week is my sleep study - yay!

    i DID see the jcp promo on the free hair cuts and should have taken advantage--but didn't! boo me!!! the hair above my ears and part way in along my nape is long but no where else- i can't see it myself to cut it and can't find a willing free friend that i trust! pretty soon i am going to ditch the wig as i am just plain ol tired of it---

    had my shingles vaccine yesterday and my ins paid it all ! yay!!!!

    well- hi and hugs! prayers to susan!i'm a card sender too if i had addresses!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    thanks, moonflwr. getting down to the wire. surgery on tuesday.  all packed, just have to get dogs to the kennel, get my stuff to my aunt and uncle's house (god bless them for helping me).  plan on sleeping in the recliner and be dedicated to the pain killers.  so grateful to finally be getting this mastectomy.

    someone on the list asked about my address to send a card.  my apologies. been overwhelmed and can't remember who asked.  my over-loaded brain.  hope everyone is doing well.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'll be thinking about you Tuesday. At least having a lot to do to prepare will keep your mind busy. Prayers.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Susan, good luck on Tuesday! So excited for you! I hope you have a smooth recovery. Please post as soon as you feel up to it so we know you are okay.

    Moonflower, no offense taken whatsoever. Smile  I know three pills is no big deal in the grand scheme of things. I just hate pills. Tongue Out

    Stupid deer hit the side of my car on my way home from work tonight. Yell Seriously, feels like I can't catch a break these days. On a good note, DH and I watched The Hunger Games last night. It was really good!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Good luck Susan with your surgery.  Prayers for an easy time.


  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Susan - Hoping you do well.  I thought chemo was much more of a challenge than surgery.   We'll all be rooting for you.  

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Gritgirl, Sending lots of hugs and wishes for Tuesday, would love your address or anyone else who has it private message me.

    I had a great weekend went to hen party then a car meet. I have a stinking cold now but my cleaner has just been and my house is clean.

    Love to everyone and special love to you Gritgirl x

    Ps are you all voting?

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    i really appreciate everyone's well wishes.  been waiting a long time for this.  i have already voted by absentee ballott.  wouldn't miss this election for anything.

    ali, glad you finally had a good weekend. the treatments we took saved our lives, but they do leave some lingering affects.  i figure this stuff will lessen over time.  meanwhile, hen parties all around!!!!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    sending hugs and prayers for susan!!

    well--for all of you but hers are special right now with tomorrow's surgery!!!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Well I had a pretty good weekend.  Had my blood work done Friday, and it was better than before.  So I cellebrated by running a marathon on Saturday.  I've run a lot of marathons before, but this is the first one since bc.  It was a small local event, but (for those who dont know) all marathons are the same distance - 26.2 miles.  There were about 30 marathoners, and about 50 half marathoners.  I didn't set any records....finished in 6 hours and 7 minutes....last place.  But I've never been so glad to be last place...I finished.  Most of the other runners are running friends, and they were so very supportive, because they've all watched me go through this.  Their kindnesses were touching. 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Good Luck Gritgirl - your in the home stretch :-)

    Firstcall - congrats on both the marathon and the blood work !!

    Not to get anyone stressed out - but a lot of us are coming up on the year mark - anyone have their mammos scheduled yet? Mine is Dec 5th....I'm hoping I end this year on a much better note than last !!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    First call, that's great!  I'd be proud of finishing a marathon, period, regardless of the time. 

    Grit, I'll be thinking celebratory thoughts of your smooth, smooth surgery tomorrow. 

    My mammo is tomorrow morning. Fingers, toes, bellybutton--all crossed...

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Praying for you Susan!! I know it's been a long, long road to get you to tomorrow. You take care of yourself! Hugs, Diana

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Thanks, Diana. and I'll be praying for you tomorrow, Hildy

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    AEM and Hildy, good luck! First call, so happy for you! That is a great accomplishment!

    Grit, you have my prayers.

    Ali, glad you have a clean house, that feels so good!

    Christina, hitting a deer is a pain! (And that's not even counting the how the deer feels) I hope your car is ok. Deer can really mess them up. I bet you are feeling it today too! Pain pill time.

    Much love to all

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Good luck today Susan!

    Firstcall you are amazing! If I tried to run 2.6 miles I would keel over. lol  

    Yes, will definitely be voting today! Have to wait until after work though. Can't wait to see how this election turns out. Here in MO we have a huge ballot, seems like everyone is up for office this year.

    My mammo won't be until January. I do think about that a few times a day. What if my "good" breast isn't good, after all the treatment I've had this year? Scary to think of. I hope everyone getting a mammo has very boring results.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    firstcall-yay!! so proud of you -just for getting out there and then for finishing no matter how long it took! and positive bloodwork!!!

    susan my prayers today !

    sweetie brought me to work so he could go have his stress test and ultrasounds to get clearance for his scope...ugh! tonite is my sleep study ...ugh ! so my daughter will drive me home after work and then i'll vote! yay!

    one of the girls in my dept was prgenant -lost her baby yesterday- God's plan etc etc doesn't make it easy...she has a strong family and church support and will be back to work maybe thursday but it has hit us all hard...another girl in teh dept left early on friday 10/26 and ended up in hospital til yesterday-hopefully back friday- we don't know why we just know we miss her!

    on a totally diff subject-my cat is pooing in the dining room- her box is clean and it has been since june when we moved --she used the bathtub while i was in hospital so i thought she missed me! when we went to wisconsin we came home to 6 poos in the dining room(again i thought she missed me); yesterday and today i woke up to one each day...but she has been sleeping in our room so she knows where i am!!! what is wrong with her? no worms! clean box!will re-clean the carpet but meantime sweetie is really strongly pushing to get rid of her--help????!!!!!her name is lovey (like mrs howell from gilligan) and she is a lovebug and was a rescue so it's just not so easy.....

    ok- back to work...hugs to all!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Susan, you are in my thoughtys and prayers for a fast and easy surgery and recovery.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumps, wow! You have much going on. Hope your sweeties tests are good, and your sleeptest tell you what you need to know.

    Your cat is quite literally P*SSED! at you! How dare you go away, he'll teach you! LOL. Be sure to use a special cleaner or it will keep happening. Then put a temp litter box there if it keeps happening. Then move it somewhere else if he starts using it. Otherwise I got nothing. But you gotta.use the special cleaning stuff. They recommend it on Jackson galaxy site. Web or Facebook should have info.

    Christina, hope your results are clear! Be praying hard.

    Much love.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Agree with Moonflower that your cat is expressing her displeasure that you dared to leave her alone! The nerve of you! I am trying to remember the name of the special cleaner b/c I've heard that is vital in stopping the cycle.  Brain foggy, however. 

    So  they don't mess around with you in mammo-land once you have been diagnosed once, that's for sure. I had  a diagnostic imammo, for one thing. Then I had to return for more pictures several times, since I have dense breast tissue (still.) Then they decided to do an ultrasound, and the radiologist now wants me to have an MRI to be on the safe side. He says that he thinks everything is fine; he doesn't see anything specific, but that my upper right quadrant is a little busy—something about the tissue not lying as flat as he would expect. He compared it to my previous mammos, which look similar, but he just wants to make sure.  This is a marked contrast to the very serious attitude of the radiologist who did the ultrasound and biopsy last year, so I'm not too concerned, and in fact have wanted an MRI on this breast since the outset.  However, once you've heard the news once, its much easier to imagine hearing it again.  


    Whichever way it turns out, it does strengthen my resolve to have an MX on the right side; I do not need this ongoing anxiety. 


    Thinking of you, grit!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'll have to get stronger cleaner i guess....i'm truly open to suggestions as it is soooooooo frustrating not to mention disgusting and could be the end of her in my household....AND we are in a rental so i need to nip this!!!!

    i guess i need to schedule a mammo huh?

    sweetie update- so at 7:15 this morning i turned on the headlights as all good drivers should and drove to work; he then drove to the appt for his 3 tests--at 11:30 my phone is vibrating and he is in total panick mode as he cannot get the truck (our GOOD vehicle by a stretch!) started...ok- call my daughter get her car and get jumper cables from coworker and try to call him - goes into vm again and again and again...etc-you get the pic! finally he calls me and says to MY vm that he got it started and he is on the road--well again i call him repeatedly and finally tell him to pull in to my work lot --when i get there he blames ME for not telling him that I had turned on the headligghts-freakin ....OMG--he can't hear so the bell that dings when you get out with the lights on meant nothing......i give up! tomorrow's headlines will read "mother/daughter duo wanted for murder of kindly 73 year old"---cuz he kept calling my daughter which was why i couldn't reach him---nice thing was some lil ol lady with a cane (like him!) had cables and let him jump the truck with her car....geeeeeeezzzzzz

    ok-back to work....btw it is gorgeous outside and i really wish that i didn't have to be here at work today!!!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    OMG, Lumpy, how very frustrating! 

    I'll see if I can get the name of that cleaner. 

    So MRI is on Friday. Am now starting to freak out a bit. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy-what specifically is making you freak about the MRI?

    have you had one before?

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I haven't had one before, no.  I'm not worried about the procedure itself, just what they might find. I guess I was wrong about not being too concerned. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hildy, didn't you have body scan when you first found out. I thought we all had that!

    Tomorrow is the day I first found the lump in my armpit one year ago. I have my mamo on dec 17th.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Nope, I had a mammo, followed by ultrasound, followed by ultrasound-guided biopsy, followed by diagnosis. After that, I did have a bone scan, which was clean.

    I guess that current protocol is not to do MRIs on the other side--I asked about it last year and was told that it didn't increase long-term survival. Its a little frustrating, because I originally wanted to have a BMX and didn't because I didn't have enough tissue to do a DIEP on both sides, and they didn't know if I was going to need radiation or not (which makes implants iffy I guess.)

    So if there is something there, I'm going to be pissed for a number of reasons.  Another winter spent doing chemo is just what I need. (realize I am borrowing an awful lot of trouble here, just need to vent. Sorry!)

    Ali,  are you doing anything in particular tomorrow, or just treating it as another routine day?

    Lumpy, it's called Just for Cats, by Nature's Miracle.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hi all! 

    Susan - so sorry I didn't get a chance to wish you well before surgery, for some reason I was thinking it was later this week.  Know that you are in my thoughts and look forward to hearing from you!

    No more mammos for me since I had the bilateral mastectomy.  They also told me that, at this time, no more scans of any kind unless they have a reason to worry, which they don't forsee.

    Firstcall, I think its fantastic that you ran the marathon - who cares what place you came in!  I never did get a race in after the chemo and now won't be able to until some time next year.

    I'll be going in for my reconstruction surgery on Friday!!  So glad to finally be getting to this point, though I'm a bit scared as its a long surgical procedure and long recovery.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Margo you might try sort of re-potty training the cat. I agree that he started pooing out of his displeasure at your being gone, and I wonder if now he is just in the habit. If possible I would try putting him in the litter box every couple of hours, and take his paw and gently dig at the litter like a cat does after they use it.

    ymac - how exciting! I hope things go smoothly for you on Friday and you recovery quickly. Be sure to let us know how you make out. I'll be thinking of you.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ymac, I will pray for you on Friday.

    Grit, thinking of you too. Let us know howbyou are doing when you feel up to it.

    Much love to all.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Out tired but ok
