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February 2012 Chemo



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Thanks for letting us know!  Here's to a speedy recovery but take it slow.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Good luck, ymac! Susan, glad to hear you are ok...

    Edit to add: I just received a call from the MRI department to go through pre-registration for this MRI and it appears I can't have the damn thing because I have a TE that somehow or other is unsafe to have inside an MRI machine.  "Sorry, the treatment we gave you for the one cancer is preventing us from checking on a potential new primary tumor." What the heck? I am beside myself.

    Dx 11/14/2011, IDC, 2cm, Stage II, Grade 2, 1/17 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy i was getting ready to say that an MRI is a piece of cake compared to what we have been thru-now-arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    here's a special hug!

    thx for the name of the cat stuff..

    christina-that might not be a bad idea

    so glad to see susan checking and be well!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    {{{Susan}}} lots of hugs across the miles. Keep pumping the pain pump of you have one. Stay ahead of the pain. This is all about YOU and your healing!!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Oh Hildy - that just stinks big time for you. I don't have experience with TE. Hang on there.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Susan, glad your surgery is over.  (((Hugs)))Keep us posted.  I'm praying all goes well on your recovery.

    First:  congrats on the marathon.

    Others:  sorry about the cancelled MRI, the deer, the cat pooping, all thats going on.  Still fighting this cold and doing a quick hello to all.   

    Off work till next week.  The first cataract surgery is tomorrow.  Not worried or scared.  Just don't want my cough to get worse and prevent it getting done.   Saw asthma doc today and I'm clear for surgery if it stays the same.  Fingers and toes hurt a lot today.  Therefore, the quick checking in.   Will keep you informed.  Thinking of all of you.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Good luck, FLDRMER! Keep us posted!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fld, hopingbeverything goesvwell! Much live to all.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Well, am making plans to have a prophy mastectomy on the right side, just don't want to deal with this ongoing source of anxiety. I know my body and have a strong sense that something is going on there. 

    Looks like I have to have it sooner rather than later as DH's job is being eliminated. He has a couple months to find something within the company, who knows if that'll happen or not. 

    This year sucks. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    oh,hildy,i'm just so.sorry

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Yay! The day just got better seeing you post. How are you doing?

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Fldreamer, prayers that everything stays on track for you to have your surgery tomorrow.

    Hildy, it seems to be raining 'the other shoes' as they keep dropping. So sorry. Pray that you will get some answers soon.

    Susan, how the heck are you girlfriend? Are you keeping those nurses in check?

    Margo, I am clueless when it comes to cats. Hope you can get your pet retrained. Hope you are not overwhelmed with work and such right now.

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Susan glad you are well enough to post but don't overdue.  Sending healing vibes your way.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Susan, great to see you post! Glad to know you are well post surgery.

    My big day has arrived. Go in at 7:30am. Can't sleep right now - too much going thru my head.

    I'll be in touch when I'm able. Wish me luck!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ymac, good luck!

    Grit, time to heal!

    Fldrmr, safe surgery!

    Hildy, d*mn, that sucks! Hope he finds something soon. Hope you get it done in time.

    To all, much love

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Good luck to everyone with treatment and healing.

    I have a busy weekend, work then a wedding.

    Love to everyone

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy-i am sitting here looking for the dislike button! keep us posted and know that we care....

    susan!! whooo hooo gf so glad to see you post!!!

    ymac....hugs and prayers......

    ok it's friday and i need to kick some butt here at work so gotta go...

    hugs to all of you!prayers if ya need them!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    thank you everyone. sounds like.we all need a break. the drains are totally gross

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    It has been a sucky year and I feel your pain.  Try to stay positive that you DH will find something.  We're all here for you.


    Best of luck to you today!

    I've been on the fence about even posting this but the young woman that directed me here when I was first DX and was a huge source of information last year told me that she was just DX with bone mets.  You could have bowled me over with a feather!  She's so scared and confused and doesn't even have her TX plan yet.  I just feel so bad, she's 36 with 2 little kids.  After her BMX 3 years ago, there was no further TX as she was triple neg. 

    She's my SIL's neice and apparently my whole family knew about it for about a week.  They decided not to tell me so I wouldn't get upset.  I'm actually more upset I didn't know and didn't reach out to her immediately!  You'd think by now my family would know me to be the straight shooter that I am.  Anyway, keep her in your prayers.

    I had my (hopefully) last SYMA test yesterday (like a MUGA) so hopefully all will be OK to continue Herceptin.  Here I was kind of annoyed about still having to do TX, tests, tamoxifen.  Now I just feel lucky to be able to receive these TX's.

    Sorry to be such a downer.

  • skimommi
    skimommi Member Posts: 14

    Hello all of you beautiful warriors! I have been trying to read through many of the chemo posts from those of you that started early this year and learn what is in store. I would love to hear from anyone that worked during their treatments. How did that go and did anyone start out with the intention of working and then was unable to due to SE's? I anticipate taking a long weekend after treatments, and can work from home a couple of days a week when feeling up for it.  But, for insurance purposes I want to be realistic and if I need to plan more time out of work do that now. I heard it is easier to file for STD in the beginning rather than trying to do the right thing by working through treatment and if learning that I can't make it the STD company makes it more difficult to apply mid-treatments.

    Did anyone continue a regular workout regimen during treatment? Or did that become too much? I was pretty active prior to DX, and then everything came to a halt. Following my BMX I've tried to at least keep up some walking each day. I was hoping to utilize the gym during treatment, but have also heard that may not be wise due to the germ factor.

    I should begin chemo in December. Meeting with a new MO on the 20th. Pretty sure I will be told the same as my current MO, that I will take 6 rounds of AC/T, but getting the second opinion because of this particualr MO's reputation in working with young women. Also, the facility offers integrative medicine, such as massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. on site. I would like to take advantage of those treatments the day following chemo, and think it wil be much easier to do it all at one location. So far I have been driving myself crazy trying to locate and coordinate the additional care.

    Thanks and best wishes to you all!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Ymac. My prayers are with you!! Sorry I missed letting you know earlier.

    Myleftboob. I'm so sorry to learn about your sil's niece. Hang on to hope for her. Prayers for wisdom and guidance as her tx plan is developed.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497


    hi! so many variables play in as to how each of us responds to chemo as well as your questions about work, exercise, etc...

    maybe tell us a bit more about you? for example- i am 58 and post menopausal; no kids at home, left a job in michigan to move to Ohio then didn't start work again til after my first round of 4 chemo was done and my lumpectomy. i have never been extremely active however tried to remain at least at par...

    that doesn't answer your questions but opens the door to talk!

    sorry you have to be on these boards at all....wishing you the best and feel free to pm if you wish...

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Skimom, I had intentions of working and went back to work six weeks after BMX. Lasted four days and ended up in the hospital with an infection. After that my MO would not let me work. Because it was so close to my BMX leave, it counted as STD still so it didn't screw me up. After that I had a lot of scenic detours so was glad I was not working. Good luck, its tough to make that decision. AND, I did end up terminated because I used up all of my FMLA and discretionary leave, AND obviously my supervisors patience! LOL.

    MLB, so sorry to hear about your SILs neice, that sucks. I will add her to my prayers list.

    Ymac, you're on there too.

    I am going to see my ortho doc today. Only to hear him tell me I am NOT a candidate for knee replacement any time soon. Or possibly never. With a low MUGA, and the history of infection(removed two te's ) that's what he's going to tell me. I'll let you know if I was wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's what's going to happen.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    moon--keep smiling sweetie! somedays that's all you can do!!!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Moonflower, I hope you get better news from your knee doctor--fingers crossed! 

    MLB, I'm sorry to hear about your SIL's niece, but I'm glad you told us; she is in my prayers. You aren't being a downern at all--it is what it is, and its the reality of BC. It seems that so many younger women are being diagnosed these days--hard to think about sometimes.

    Ymac, good luck! 

    Skimommi, love the avatar!  I did ACT x 4 last winter, and worked throughout. However, I work from my house with flexible hours, which made it easier to sneak a nap here and there.  Also maintained an exercise regimen--managed to sneak a little skiing in, even, which was great. I mostly walked--tried to do that every day. Some running, some skating.  Some days you just don't want to do anything, and that's fine. The SEs are so variable that it is difficult to predict what will happen, although hydration was a huge help, I think. Good luck! 

    Thank you guys so much for the support--feeling better today. DH has several internal opportunities popping up already, which is hopeful. I've got an appointment with my BS next week. Looks like I'm going to be on a similar schedule as last year, surgerywise. What fun! 

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Like lumpy wrote, it would be helpful to know a little bit more about you since we are so different when it comes to our age, health, acitivities, work demands, children, etc. Some of us had chemotherapy following surgery. Some of us had surgery following chemotherapy. And at least one of us regulars had surgery in the middle of two chemotherapies. Most of us have our dates and treatments below, so that might help you as well.

    I just turned 49, was not approaching menopause physically according to my estradiol levels when diagnosed (chemotherapy put me in chemopause, so we will see what the future holds in that department), was not working outside the home and am still not, was an active runner (not fast - but daily + mileage), my youngest was a senior in high school last year -  now I have three in college.

    Did anyone continue a regular workout regimen during treatment? Or did that become too much?

    As soon as my surgeon released me to run with a bra I was out running. That was at the 6 week mark and days before my chemotherapy began. I was extremely grateful to have my runs and to be able to run through all of my chemo and my rads (see signature below for the length of all of that). So, for me, at least, it was not too much. Best advice on that front is to listen to your body.

    Some realize bone pain from the neulasta shot and combat that preemptively with Claritin and then for a few days after (if memory serves me). I didn't have the pain nor need the Claritin. We are all so different.

    I found the Taxol more difficult than the AC -  not because of pain, neuropathy, or such - but because despite averaging 25+ miles per week running, I gained weight and felt puffy and round during June and July. (I cried to my MO that I could only imagine where I'd be if I wasn't running. But during the last 6 of 12 Taxols my runs were not the release that they usually were/are because of that.) Fortunately, once treatment was over, I started losing it. Have 7 pounds to go before I'm back ... but I feel confident :-)

    You're from Colorado!

    We moved to IL from Lakewood in 2004. We lived in the Green Mountain area - not too far from Red Rocks. My oldest son will graduate from Colorado Christan University in May. Miss the mountains and the altitiude and its affect on the weather. Prefer powder to the lake effect snow that we get here! But preferred hot chocolate and cozy family room to skiing ;-)

    If you peruse the site a bit you will find a great deal of useful information and wonderful women and men who will help you in this phase.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ok, just back from my ortho apt. Gee, they don't want to schedule surgery any time soon, what a surprise! LOL. Want to he sure my heart is stable and since I am allergic to so many abx, want to be really sure not to rush into elective surgery. Well, I KNEW that! LOL. Oh well, had to cross my t's and dot my I's now, didn't I? So I limp along for a long time, does it mean anything he signed for PERMANENT handicap plates for me, LOL! That was funny. I needing a cane, handicap plates, etc for so long, because I didn't want to consider myself handicapped, and now, I use a cane and am glad to have the placard! LOL guess this year changed me a bit. LOL so funny! Love to all.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420


    You have such a great outlook. Bless your heart you gave been through the ringer this year.

    What is an abx?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Sorry, med speak for AntiBiotiX!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Ouch! I can only imagine how you have learned that you are allergic to so many Moonflower. Trial and error for something like that must have caused you much pain and suffering. So sorry.