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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    firstcall:do you have to have a scrip for the compression garments? i am thinking of flying in the spring and wondered? new threads for Christmas!! whooo hoooo!

    hildy! yay! positives!!!! i mean for the good!

    grit--we all have to have our own coping mechanisms; i've had to develop some for work as well....a biggee in my life has been food which became my enemy so i have tried meditation- tho i always end up craving pastry!

    work is rough today trying to get everything done for the weekend- we are off on monday and tuesday so don't want to leave work in our queues(that word looks weird!)had our dept gift exchange yesterday and the guy who had me didn't know what to buy- he found an awesoem coffee mug-sturdy and big and says "Survivor When we have hope and believe, miracles happen"---i had to hug him cuz he really was not sure what to get me!!!!

    monday when we came to work, my cd player and earbuds had been stolen from my drawer (i've since been turned on to pandora!) -today a cop showed up -the player was found! my buds and the two sets that belonged to a co worker are still missing ....

    today our company provided cold cut lunch and had drawings for 5 prizes -two were for Free Fridays--I WON one!!!!! whoooo one of teh two first fridays in january i will be off with pay--how cool!!!!

    ok- i need to get back to work - not sure if i will be on over the weekend so please- house to clean and unpacking etc -my kids and grands are coming for simple supper and giftees on Christmas eve-----everyone be safe and enjoy the holiday in whatever way that you can!!!!hugs and cookies!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hildy, great news so happy for you.

    Gritgirl, thanks for that I'll try.

    My eldest is having a small party on Sunday and DH has a face like a slapped arse. I've told him he has to talk to everyone but I can see it's going to be a nightmare.

    As you know he finds social gatherings very hard if he's out of his comfort zone. He has friends who have cars but get him to do small talk - never.

    My kids find this very hard to deal with and to be honest I do too.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    lumpynme - the compression sleeve I started today is by prescription.  My OT measured me and all that stuff.  Before this I was using an OTC compression sleeve or a compression top.  The later two were UA products, which I purchased at Sports Authority.  They were helpful, but the prescription one is better (and more expensive).  Although my insurance covered the prescription sleeve but not the OTC sleeves.    Soooo...If you need a sleeve and the insurance covers it the prescription sleeves are very nice.  The OTC sleeves or compression tops are good to know about in case you need that option. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi All

    I broke down and got my hair trimmed yesterday! Felt kind of good to get it evened up.  It was 4cm on top and 6 in the back so I was envisioning  a mullet in my near future LOL! I was enquiring about extensions.  They'll do it for me for $1000.  If I had the extra I would do it but its so much money and maintenance.  I'm a low maintenance kind of gal.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    I haven't posted for a while now.  It's been busy the past few weeks.

    Ali:  Sounds like quite a scare for you.  Are you definitely cleared now and safe ..till next year's test ?  I sure hope so

    Hildy:  Glad you're clear also.  

    Firstcall:  Sorry you're having to deal with lymphedema.  Seems like you've had a rough time post chemo...the shingles, now this.  

    Lumpy:  Work sounds busy...but I remember when you just wanted to get a job.  It's hard though I bet at times to adjust to all in your life plus a new job, plus your DH.

    Grit:   the trip sounds fantastic.  When will you actually go to Bermuda?   I envy you.  I love the ocean and any beach anywhere ...where it's warm.

    If I've missed anyone, sorry.   I think of all of you.

    The past two weeks have been busy for me.  I had my 2nd cataract surgery and two follow-up appts.  All is fine.  My vision is excellent.  I don't even need to wear glasses anymore for reading or driving.   I also got the port out and that is healing very well.  And, I saw my rheumatologist as well as primary doctor, and routine blood work and MO.  Also, I have Barrett's esophagus so I saw the gastroenterologist one day and soon after had an endoscopy.  I am to take meds faithfully and we will repeat the test and do a biopsy in February.  Then, I might need a series of treatments called a Halo ablation.  Barrett's can lead to cancer so I have to folllow up on this.  I took advatage of my ins before the end of the year!

    My hair was growing out fast but now seems to have slowed down.  I have lots and lots of facial hair though, very fine and light blonde on the sides of my cheeks.  But none on the upper lip.  WTF!   I shaved it today with a trimmer I have.   

    Enough for now.   I either don't post at all or post too much!   Take care, all.  Be careful if you're traveling and driving!  

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Flddreamer - thank you.  My lymphedema isnt too bad, but my MO wants me to be proactive with it, which I am doing.  The shingles was part of the problem, it hit me in my right arm, which is the same area that I'm dealing with the LE now.  The shingles probaby was a little fuel on the fire. 

    MLB -A thousand bucks for extensions?  Wow.  Are there people who actually do that and pay that?  You don't need that.  Just use your million dollar smile. 

    The 20th was the one year anniversary of my Dx, and the 29th will be the anniversary of my RMX.  Kinda glad to get this year behind me.  I'm  feeling pretty good overall.  Running 7-8 miles every other day, swimming a mile every other day, and biking.  I am grateful to be alive, and for each of you.  You have all been an important support during this time. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yes! People spend that and more! I'd rather spend that on a new wardrobe and rock the short hair for sure!

    I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. Just think how far we have all come this year!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Merry Christmas to all.

    Firstcall, glad you have a good sleeve.

    Ali, glad to hear you are clear. Here's hoping your DH makes it through the gatherings.

    Lumps, sounds like the office party was fun. Glad you got the cd player back. MLB, glad you like the trim.

    Fldrmr. So happy you got the eyes taken care of.

    Grit, thanks for the link, ill try that.

    I am sure I probably missed someone. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

    Much love to all.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Merry Christmas to all my Feb chemo peeps! I am so very grateful to you all for the support of the last year. 2013 is going to kick the butt of sorry old 2012, that's what...

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Happy Christmas to all my great friends, we will all have the most amazing next year.

    Party went well apart from most of my so called friends didn't turn up. The ones that mattered I saw before and they went away for Christmas.

    Love and hugs


    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Merry Christmas to all my fellow 'chemo' friends.   This year behind us is one we'll never forget and never want to repeat!  Hope each of you has had a good Christmas and thinking of all of you.   Love and peace to all!  ((HUGS TOO!))

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Love and joy come to you! Merry Christmas!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hello all and I hope you all had a merry Christmas. Ali I am so glad that your scare was "just" a scare, but wow, what an awful scare!

    It has been non-stop in my corner of the world. DH and I basically lived at the hospital with his mother for a couple of weeks. Long story short, she did pass away this past Friday. Between that, work, and Christmas, I am pooped!

    I have my mammo on my good breast on 1/3, and I think I only have 3 more herceptin treatments left. Can't wait to be done, can't wait to get this port out!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, so sorry about the passing of your DMIL, my DMIL passed earlier this month. It's so hard trying to be there all the time and still do what you need to do. My DH was so stressed out. Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    My condolences for the passing of your Mother In Law.  We're both in the same boat TX wise for Herceptin.  I have exactly 3 to go too along with another SYMA.  Today is one and we've had our first snowfall overnight.  Should make for an interesting drive but alot of people are off today so I'm sure the traffic will be light.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Cristina and MLB, safe driving to your Herceptin. I am a bit jealous. I had to stop in August cause if heart issues, and I hope I got enough. Oh well, it is what it is. Much love.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    christina:  i am so sorry to hear about your mother in law.

    i wish i could  join the club of no more treatments, but my port will be my permanent friend.  as long as it keeps me alive, that's the way it goes.  i looked at my insurance benefit listing and saw that each herceptin treatment was $8,000. thank god i have insurance. scared the heck out of me.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    $8000 wowsa!  I wonder what it is in Canada, I'm guessing alot less as drugs tend to be here.  A while back someone mentioned the Neulasta shots being some incredible amount like that, if I remember correctly, the cost here was around $2000 per vs $8000 un the US.  How can that be if its the same manufacturer?  I don't get it.

    I asked the pharmacist what the cost of my 60 Tamoxifen pills would be if I didn't have coverage, $56.00.  I would have thought alot more.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    mlb, unless they're doing a generic version of a drug, i'm not sure how the drug can be cheaper in canada.  as long as the manufacturer has a patent on the stuff, they control the market.  that's why we all wait for drugs to drop off the patent protection list. 

    but $8,000 sure made me want to keep my job, that's for sure. if i didn't have insurance. oy.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I did some reading on the net and there are a couple of reasons that the meds are cheaper up here. One is that our government has a cap on what the drug companies can charge to the Canadian pharmacies, apparently a savings of about 25%, secondly, we Canucks are generally a less litigeous bunch so pharma figures the discount is worth the savings on lawsuits. Thirdly, you don't see TV ads for anything but OTC meds unless you're watching an American channel, so I suppose they save again on advertising. I always get a chuckle when I do see an ad and all of the disclaimers. Interesting.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Only popped on here for a minute.  I'm exhausted and ready for bed.

    Christina:  Sorry about your MIL.   I'm sure it's been very hectic for all of you. 

    My surgery was one year ago today!  Wow.  So much has happened.  I'm so glad the year is over with.  And, hopefully, I'm okay .... so far!   

    Love to all.   

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fldrmr, glad you popped in. What a difference a year makes.

    I was thinking about getting my port out. But they tried drawing out of my ARM and got nothing. Had to try twice as the little bit they got took too long and they couldn't do the test. That's cause I don't let them use a turniquet on either ARM. Don't know if I should let them after all. But then I think of lymohedema and go, no.

    My husband said my tx cost over , are you ready? $500,000.00. This year. That's a half million. Keep thatu job, grit. Of course if I had done as he wanted and switched my insurance to my work, wed be on Cobra, and paying twice what we are, plus the thought of losing it. Wow. So far I have managed NOT to say I told you so. LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Wow $500,000!!!  Good thing you didn't switch.  I'm not well versed in different insurance types but I gather under Cobra your co-pays would have been doubled? While I'm glad that my heart has been strong enough to continue with Herceptin, and grateful that the port was an option, I'm tired.  I have to wonder if there's a limit to how long you can keep the port in.  My wheels are kind of turning now thinking about reconstruction?  Although 2x I've had blood draws and the IV nuclear stuff they inject you with for the SYMA test and had no problems.  Hmmm, must think about that.

    I meant to mention that if anyone remembers I had recevied a call from the TX centre asking me to switch my apppointment from yesterday to the 24th.  I couldn't accomodate and the gal on the other end had quite the attitude telling me that my wait time on the 27th could be at least 2x because alot of the staff would have been on vacation due to the holidays. (hey they scheduled me, not I).

    Well either they convinced alot of people to switch their appointments or something because I've never been in and out so quickly.  I mentioned it to the nurse and she kind of rolled her eyes LOL!  She said no one in the chemo unit took any vacation this year because they knew that losing 2 days over the holidays meant they would be super busy

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, that's funny! LOL

    And, if I had cobra, not just my copays would double. Instead of family insurance being about $500 a month, it would be closer to $1200.00 a month! And, then there is a time limit. I think it might be 18 months. So at some point you lose coverage. And, then, who is going to take you? But at least that will be ok in 2014, they won't be able to deny anyone for preexisting illness. I don't know what people do when they have bad coverage.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hello, all !!!Wink 't been on in a bit -kinda glad to see the baord not busy so easier to catch up ! hope that means good stuff ..

    Christina; i am sorry to read of your MIL, yet glad she is at peace. hugs to you and yours!

    FLDreamer and Firstcall;;surgiversaries!!! whooo hooo !!!

    grit-the whole cost concept scares the hell outta me...when i got my ins thru work, sweetie bitched cuz now i pay a copay etc-he CANNOT understand why i couldn't stay on the medicaid for 5 years that i was entitled to for bc...does insurance fraud sound good on a resume???? i'm working with my tx center to bring my rads costs down due to income levels of this past year....i hate paperwork but am determined to get help .

    today i babysit two of the grands..anxious to do so yet hoping it's lowkey !

    had glorious Christmas Eve with my 3 kids and 5 grands! then got to see them all again on Christmas at my ex and his wife' i'm ready for spring!

    work is really nusto with the end of the year stuff-monday we will work til it's done and i'm praying it's not 9 pm before we punch out! i looked at a job posting-i'm somewhat qualified but don't think i have the energy to even try for it and i think i'm finding "my place" where i am; i've had a few teaching moments and some good work lately so maybe the learning is finally setting in!wanderlust gets in my head tho and it's difficult to stay focused!

    lovey cat is crying outside the computer/bedroom door so i am off to cuddle for a bit!

    hugs to all of you, my family!prayers for a great new year for all of us!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Just stopping to wish all a much better 2013!

    Much love!

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    A Happy and Healthy to you all in 2013.



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I emailed a friend last night and said, "May 2013 be less terrible."  He agreed.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Happy new year to all! Stay safe and healthy!

    Annual mammo on Thursday...I'm sure it will be fine but it's a little stressful.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Happy New year to each of you.  I hope all is well.  I started my new year out by running a half marathon, which went well.  Wearing my compression sleeve about 4 hours a day, and that seems to be keeping things in line. 

    I'm ready for the new year, and I hope everyone is doing well