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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938


  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Just curious - I have the option of staying and waiting for them to read my mammo while I'm there for the appointment - do you ladies have the same option?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I got my results while i waited. I 'm glad its only once a year i couldn't stand the stress.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I did the mammo, waited while they read it, had more pictures done, waited while they read that, and then went in and had an ultrasound, after which they recommended the MRI. It was nice that they could escalate it all within one appointment. That being said, Christina, I'm sorry you are having to deal with this, and it's going to be much ado about nothing. 

    AEM, didn't you have the 3D dealio? What was that like? 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    That is how it worked last time, but this time the radiologist that reads the mammos was off on the day I had mine done. Which I was not worried about at all. Believe me, next time I will stress that I want an appointment on a day when she is in the office for sure! Lesson learned!

    My skin is so dry, probably because it is winter but I'm blaming it on the chemo. lol

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Hi ladies - I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I still keep up with everyones posts.  I need to chime in on the Christina we care about you and you need to aggressively get in there for your follow up. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    I'm home sick today with a yucky respiratory/sinus cough thing. I'm watching my DH's goats hop through the fence between our land and our neighbor's land. lol I called DH - guess when he gets home he is going to have to relocate the goats and do some fence mending. Lucky for us, it's 50 degrees + here in Missouri.

    My ob/gyn's office called this morning. Nurse says, "Do you know about your needing follow-up imaging from your mammo?" I tell her I do, and explain that I had my onc's NP order the mammo, and that's who I'm waiting for. She tells me to call again. So I do, and I speak with the gal at the front desk, who is always super-helpful. She calls over to the Women's Services department, where they do mammos. They want an order from my onc. Gal is frustrated because usually the radiologist who does the reading will coordinate follow-up imaging but for some reason that is not happening. She tells me she is going to go talk with onc and his NP and she will get back to me. That was around 4 hours ago. *sigh* I'm off work today because I'm sick, I was hoping maybe they could fit me in for the follow up imaging today, but at this point it's late enough where I'm sure that won't happen. Oh well, I know even if (heaven forbid) something is there, a few days or even more is not anything to fret over, but it is still frustrating. Communicate, people!!!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, it's very cold here and we are going to get the cold weather from Russia.

    Love the story of the goats, you must live in a great place . I would love to see a pic of your back garden.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Hopefully you'll get a call early tomorrow to get in and be seen. How frustrating.


    Love the new pic. You look like a teenager! Almost makes me wish I would have tried the cold caps.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Follow up mammo + ultrasound scheduled for the 21st. My onc's NP called me at 8pm last night to apologize for the confusion and check in on me. How sweet of her! I was so touched, she was very upset that things happened the way they did.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    CHRISTINE, GLAD YOU HAVE THAT SETTLED! Now you have to forget about it til the 21st. Enjoy your weekend too!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I hope everyone is doing well.  The wife of one of the Docs I work with was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer this week.  I stopped by to see her today at the hospital (She had surgery on Friday).  The last time I saw her was several months ago, when I was bald, and obviously on chemo.  She lit right up, and said right off....your hair came back!   I could tell that she needed to see that.  Here she is, sitting and thinking about what is in store for her, and she could see that things do get better.  We talked about chemo, and what was coming up, and she was understandably very interested in hearing my perspective.  I was glad that I visited her. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Cancer Comedy

    A friend just turned me on to this performance by comedian Tig Notaro. She was booked to perform 2 days after being diagnosed with cancer in both breasts, and instead of doing her usual act did an impromptu stream about her diagnosis and life at that point.  This truly had me laughing and identify. It's $5 on either Itunes or Amazon Mp3.  Here is the link to the Amazon purchase.

    Tig Notaro Live!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I've seen parts of that performance, but haven't seen the entire thing--definitely worth a look. 

    Firstcall, that was nice of you to do, and I bet it was incredibly helpful for her to see that you do come out the other side of treatment. 

    Christina, glad you have things scheduled, and I, too, love the goat story. I used to have goats when I was a kid, and man, they are escape artists. 

    Just had my first ob/gyn visit since she found my lump in November '11.  My, things have changed!   

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, you know I'm helping to look after DH dad and he is getting worse. I spoke to the doc today and he said he has months to live. So it's palliative care and a social worker for help with care.

    Do I tell the mum and sister- in-law? SIL will not take it well.

    Have told the aunt and she thinks not too but I'm not sure?

    Also do I speak to the estate agent selling the house and tell him to reduce the price as they have found a bungalow. If he tells the mum too she will, I think they should move now and not in 6 months.

    What do you all think? As usual everything is down to me to sort out.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Ali, first of all you look fabulous. That color looks great on you and your hair! Man!

    Second, I'm sorry to hear that you are left holding the bag, so to speak.  Any chance your DH can take the responsibility of speaking to his Mum and sister? Seems kind of not fair that you have to. 

    About the house: What do the palliative care folks think? I would think that somebody has done a study somewhere about whether it's better to wait until after an elderly person dies to downsize, or do it before they do. I'm wondering that myself, as my folks (88 and 80) are still in a pretty big house with an acre of land. They are both very vigorous and healthy, but at that age you never know....

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali, as painful as it will be, I would tell the wife and daughter. Eventually they will figure it out and secrets can be so hurtful. My DH's sister got cancer and died...she never told any of us what was going on. The family is still angry and hurt. She had a heart of gold and we know she did not want to cause any of us pain, but we were also robbed of the chance to grieve with her, to support her and each other, and to start emotionally preparing. Just my take on it and obviously my opinion is very biased by that experience.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Well I told the aunt and the sister, will speak to the mum today.

    The sister was upset and wasn't sure if we should tell the mum. When the sister saw the mum yesterday( mum) didn't tell her about palliative care.

    The sister and mum think they will cope with moving even if it's three or four months time. The mum can't cope now with the dad and he can still walk a bit and feed himself.

    My DH thinks wait till he has passed away but finding this new place has taken years.

    It's taking so long to get help and the gp has been banging on the doors for a month now.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm glad you told the sister.  That's a big burden to carry and while I'm sure you're up to the task I would hate to think it could come back to bite you in the future. 

    My good friend's Mum was DX with lung cancer a few years ago, the Dad told them all but said he decided not to tell the Mum.  She was also suffering from mild dementia and he didn't think she could handle the news.  My friend was with her Mum in hospital and her Mum told her that she was dying from it and she told the doctor not to tell the Dad, it would only upset him.  I guess my point it that you father in law likely already is totally aware of what's happening to him. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Where'd everybody go?

    Probably busy. I am swamped. Spring semester has started. I'm doing an internship and it's going really well. This is my last semester. I can't wait to graduate this May!

    My follow-up mammo (and ultrasound maybe?) is Monday...can't wait for that either. Praying it is nothing although my gut has a bad feeling about it. I talked about it to a friend of mine who has had bad skin cancer multiple times. She said she's had three times that she thought she had cancer again, but it turned out to be nothing. She said she was sure it would be the same for me, but more importantly, if it wasn't, I was just better prepared to fight this a second time around. It was very reassuring to me. I hope it's truly nothing but she is right, if I have to fight this again, I know I can do it.

    Anyone feel like, after having been through cancer, you can get through anything? That's how I feel. Not much frightens or upsets me now.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina, prayers with you for mammogram. I'm sure this will be nothing.

    I agree. Things matter little to me now. I just want to keep my job, hence my insurance.

    I've been very depressed the last several days. The boobs still hurt and that is knocking the piss out of me.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I completly agree, if we can get through this we can get through anything. Good luck with the mammo and keep us posted.


    Crap your in pain. When will you swap out for implants from TE?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, I bet it's nothing like mine was, I've read this happens to many. I have to say I keep thinking do I want to do follow up's ? Mammo's are good but they can cause a lot of bloody stress.

    Have been to the pics to see all the latest films, I'm sick of popcorn and chocolate.

    Gritgirl, having pain can cause depression are you still taking pain killers?

    I'm doing well not drinking I'm on day 20 without wine. I gave up when I had chemo but started again after surgery. I don't feel like it so I'm pleased as punch.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Alli, Grit, Christina, hang in there. Wow, you guys have a lot on your plate. I hope things start to go better for you soon. Take care.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Grit, that stinks that the boobs are barking. Are you doing physical therapy at all? I have found that immensely helpful in stretching things out and getting rid of pesky scar tissue.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    My son Bryce is a music major (trumpet).  He recently dedicated one of my favorite pieces to me, I'll see if I can get it to link

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That was beautiful! What a wonderful dedication.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Mammo was completely unremarkable. Woo hoo!!!

    Susan! What's going on with your boobs!?!

    Firstcall, that is so sweet, you must be so proud. Smile Sweet of you to share it with us.

    Ali, you say you are sick of chocolate, I am not really sure how that is even possible.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Excellent news! Whoot Whoot!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, yay! Happy for you. First Call, very nice, and very special.

    Ali, I'm with Christina, how is it possible? LOL much love to all, and stay warm . -3 degrees around here tonite!