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February 2012 Chemo



  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi, good luck to everyone with check-up's. I have given up the wine and will do more walking haha. Not been on here for a while and to be honest the less I think of cancer the better. Will keep in touch with you guys and hope you do too.

    My arm is still painfull and waiting to see a specialist, I have put on weight and my hands are bloated as well as my tummy. I was told it's the Tamoxifen, my surgeon told me to stay on Tamoxifen for two years as the SE are less than the other drugs after.

    These drugs really mess up your body and it's a hard price to pay. I know I have to take them as I'm very high risk but you would think they could make something kinder to our bodies.

    Love to all

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Hey Everybody, 

    Happy New Year!  Doing very well over here recoverywise, looking forward to getting back out and exercising. Pond is almost skatable! 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali, I too am thinking less about cancer, which is so nice. A mental break. I will say, even having read what so many of you have shared here, I did not expect the very dark, very bad feelings I got before my annual mammo yesterday. The night before and morning of, I had this feeling --- I can't think of a word for it, but it was that very bad feeling that I had for days/weeks after being diagnosed. Bad bad feeling, fear/sadness/anxiety all at once. It's mostly gone now although I have not gotten my results in. The hospital has a new radiologist who only does mammo readings and she was out yesterday, so she will read it today. I'm sure it's fine though.

    Oh I need to lose weight too...I am heavier than I ever have been. I want to be in good shape for DIEP surgery in July so I recover that much easier. Definitely need to start a diet and exercise regime NOW. It's so hard to get motivated to start though! All those holiday treats got me in the habit of snacking on sweets all day, ugh!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, fingers crossed for you and great pic. I will have my photo taken and update it soon haha.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    I have edited my original post here to remove comments regarding my friend in Florida who died recently.   We have found an attorney who will discuss the situation with us.   Thanks to my friends online.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, they're working on kinder things.  Hopefully, they'll come up with them soon. Sorry the Tamoxifen is taking a toll on you.

    Christina, I love the pic too.

    I just got my hair done today, first professional dye job in over a year, with blonde patch.  It felt so good.

    Yesterday, January 3, was the anniversary of my call-back mammogram, where the radiologist ultrasounded me saying "This is very, very concerning," while putting her hand above her head to indicate how highly concerning it was. That was the start of hell, pure hell.

    I wish I could say I never have to deal with this again, but I can say today I'm doing ok and I'm alive. Having a permanent port, boobs that still hurt even two months after surgery (I call them the Evil Twins), and having to take Herceptin for the rest of my days is a small price to pay compared to how bad it could be or dying.

    I'm just going to continue to pray, knock on wood, pick up lucky pennies (I do all of this), and do my best to keep it one day at a time.  Today I have cool, dyed hair. Woohoo.

    I'm just so grateful you all have been here throughout all of this.  You guys are a major part of my support.  God bless you and thank you.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Susan I love the blonde streak! Very cool! and lol'ed at "the evil twins!"

    I am sick to my stomach. My mammo came back with something weird, but it is possibly just a distortion in the image. I have to go back for more mammo imaging, plus possibly an ultrasound. I'm sure it's nothing, but oh wow does it make me sick to have to worry this way... Seriously, what are the odds of a second breast cancer this soon after the first?

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Oh Christina, I'm so sorry to hear this.  Hopefully, it's just a distortion as you said.  But to have something strange, have to have more tests, wait for results....oh how my heart goes out to you.  The anxiety level must be very high.  Prayers that it's nothing and you'll hear that all is okay.  (((Hugs)))

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. When do you go back for the ultrasound? Breathe deep, watch lots of comedies, and keep thinking distortion.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Crap. Prayers for a stupid distortion. Like GG says try to stay occupied with mindless tasks and good comedy.((Hugs))

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, omg I feel for you as I've just been through this myself. I know you will be ok like me, as my MIL says "dust on the lens"

    Since I have given up the wine my arm is so much better. I'm glad I have the strength to give up and I feel very proud of myself.

    Gritgirl, glad your doing ok but sorry about the pain do you still take pain killers.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Susan, your hair looks terrific.   I'll be glad when mine is longer and I can color and style it more.   It's at that awkward stage where it stands straight up, especially if I had a hat on for outside and then come in and take it off.   But, hey, I have hair!    So that is good.

    On a side note, my chemo ended on June 21 and I still have the constant neuropathy pain in my fingers and toes.   Very irritating at times, other times actually very painful, depends on how active I've been either walking or doing things.  Small price to pay for being alive and hopefully cancer free but on the other hand, a constant reminder that I have/had cancer.   

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Fldreamer - check on taking Alph Lipoic Acid

    I've got neuropathy in one arm that came on right as I finished chemo. Very painfull - to the point of not being able to sleep or even have a couple mins thru the day where i could get comfortable. I started with 600 mg for a few month and only take 300 now. The neuropathy is now down to a very faint occasional annoyance.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Christina, big hugs--that is such an awful feeling, and you are right, it's very probably nothing. They are so extremely vigilent with people who've already had one dagnosis, which is good, but also stressful when you have to go through stuff like this.  For what it's worth, prior to my recentr MX, my breast surgeon contacted the radiologist who wanted me to have an MRI to see if she should do a sentinel node biopsy. He said, "No need, I was being an alarmist."   I don't  know if they realize what that does to the patient--triggers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, imho. 

    Susan, love the hair style and the streak! Have you started inflating the Evil Twins yet? I'm heading in for a one month checkup next week, expect the filling to begin. 

    Ali, good on you for giving up the wine!  I have cut way back, but must admit I have not entirely given it up.  

    FLdreamer, hope you are doing well besides the neuropathy. That is indeed a pain in the butt. or rather, fingers and toes. I have some numbness in my toes and fingertips at times as well, but not painful. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Your hair is coming in really nicely!  Great colour too. LOL on the "evil twins".  I'm going to be having a TE in at some point this year.  Can't imagine it will be good times all around.


    Good on ya for giving up the wine.  I admit to that I have cut way back but still indulge now and then.  Re your arm, is it neuropathy? 


    Glad to hear that that's working.  As usual you look stunning!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, I have diazepam that is supposed to relax the muscles. Otherwise take ibuprofen or other things. Mine was an immediate reconstruction with the bmx so I'm doing all the stretching at once. Ouch.

    Fldrmr, I also take alpha lipoic acid and it helps. My neuropathy is much better. I bought this cream that you put on hurting areas. My neuropathy was numbness so I didn't use it. It's recommended and I'm happy to send it to you.

    Christina, let us know how the callback goes.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Grit - I also use that cream on my face - it's been shown to help fine lines. I'm pretty sure it works!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    wine? i've cut back.....won't give it up.....

    i am not ready to believe that tomorrow is monday yet again.....

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    No follow up appt yet for mammo #2 + ultrasound. I just called to see what was going on. Should have called Friday or Monday but I just could not do it. Better to worry worry worry than get really bad news was my way of thinking. I know that is foolish though.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina does that mean all is well!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    No, it means I am a procrastinator. lol I need an appointment to do the follow up imaging tests. But I'm not in any rush.

    Ali I love your new profile pic! Has it been up for a while and I did not notice it?

    Anyone else frustrated with their hair? I was happy with mine until I saw photos my sis-in-law took for Christmas. Ugh, it's so short... *sigh*

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    ali, gorgeous photo.

    christina, let us know when the test is scheduled and we'll send out mega energy your way.

    my hair has just gotten long enough that i felt comfortable paying someone to put a blonde streak in it. so i'm a bit happier with my hair now. my joke is now that i've been bald once, i'm going to grow my hair down to my ass so i can swish it back and forth a couple times, then cut it off again. i tend to keep my hair shorter anyway. :-)

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Life changing mamogram 1 year ago today. I don't post much but do follow this thread. Thankful I had all of you this past year! Nothing beats the love and support of those experiencing the same thing!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Msbelle:  thank you right back. :-)  thank god for being alive, eh?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Put pic on last week i think, god ive aged since having treatment. I had cold cap but it didn't work on top or underneath. I have bought "Fast " shampoo which is good for hair growth (chemo Patients) it was made in Canada.It makes your hair grow 2" longer quicker so when i get it i'll let you know if it works. (amazon)

    Christina, get those bloody results asap so you can stop worrying and us

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    sweetie, if you've aged in looks since treatment, you must have look like your were 15 before. you're a beautiful woman. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    haha you still taking those happy pillsLaughing

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    oh, silly, silly girl.  the hardest time most of seem to have is taking a compliment. :-)

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i love the pic ali!! thank you for posting!

    hair-mine is finally long enough that it is starting to curl!!! yay! and it is thickening up more so the brown is more prominent now than the grey ....wish i knew how to turn my photo ....

    christina-get thee to the follow up to get results-

    side note-kinda--my daughter emailed today to ask where i got my free wig etc-one of our (whom i haven't yet met)co-workers' mom was just dx with stage III.... i am so proud of my daughter (she's 34) for how eagerly she tries to help ppl thru this horrid adventure! she is fwding my email responses to the daughter and giving her my home email as well as my phone number.... 

    another side note- sweetie is finally scheduled for his colonoscopy/EGD procedurefor next tuesday...he has been so miserable waiting since the primary first found blood in his stool back in what? sept? so---we're accepting prayers and good thoughts!

    hugs and prayers to all of you !

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Margo I hope his colonoscopy goes smoothly and gives very boring results! My husband had one last year. The prep is the worst part! lol

    I got a letter from the radiology department today - says I need to come in for follow up imaging, and to please contact my doctor. No $@&%!!! I called and left a message for the NP that ordered the mammo on Tuesday and still have not heard back! So I guess I have gone from procrastinating, to wanting to get this done. I will call her again tomorrow.