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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ok-who has a dog? an 8 year old dog who wakes them up at 2:10 AM to barely tinkle???? me dammit....and it's getting reeeeeaaaalllll old around here.

    i have a question-seriously-i am not one to go against a dr etc- however- i am scheduled for radiologist follow up in two weeks (can't believe it's been almost 6 months!) and got a letter last week that my RO whom i loved and adored has left the ireally NEED to follow up with anyone right now?

    i mean, i'm going to teh MO a few days later and WILL continue those appts- haven't even seen my surgeon like i should ahve in october- i was dr'd out....

    so- do i really have to????

    well- long long exhausting (mentally) days this week- going to cuddle with the horrid dog and watch a movie...nite all!

    oh- would love to find a way to meet up!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Good Morning everyone.  Hope everyone is doing well.  I'm hosting a marathon this weekend, should be fun.  I have about 100 runners coming.  The weather has changed, we've had some beautiful days.   I had my blood checked and I'm still anemic.....that seems to be the thing that is taking the longest to improve for me.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    enjoy the weekend fc!!!!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Happy Mothers Day.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Here's a mothers day wish for you.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    MLB - OW! Horrible that you fell like that! Amazing that you weren't hurt worse.

    Lumpy - wow, another haircut! I still can't bring myself to cut mine but it does look awful. Yeah I would quit seeing the radiologist. I saw mine once or twice after rads ended, and that's it. If you aren't having any problems, I would let it go. You still have your onc. I've quit on my surgeon too. 

    Diana, I hope your 3 month appointment went well.

    firstcall, hope your marathon went well. Certainly it had to have gone better than the last one... :/

    Happy mother's day to all you moms. :)

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    fc-was it cold and nasty? we had rain and cold and wind....

    my son is in trng to do the Cleveland Rite Aide Marathon next weekend and yesterday admitted he may never do another long one....

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Sure was nice having hair this Mothers Day!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    MS Belle

    Just think a year ago we were all pretty much bald  Hard to believe isn't it.  I cant wait for mine to grow more though.  I have pretty good body to my hair and its still there, but I kind of resemble Don King most mornings, it stands right up LOL!  Now I know why I kept it longish.  It needs to be weighted down!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Myleftboob- I do have some big hair that sticks up as well. It is better than being bald. I would fit right back in with the 80's.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i've had mine cut twice and still have issues with my cowlick in the mornings- i really want to grow it long again to cover that up but am not ready for the long growing process..

    cut the grass last nite- easier this time than last- more stamina even after a very very long hard day at work...

    where's grit?

    hugs from work

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    MLB, I'm laughing at the Don King visual! My hair is driving me nuts--it is insanely curly. I think at this point it's my own curl rather than chemo curl, but then I'm not sure how long chemo curl takes to relax. I look like Harpo Marx, except brunette (and grey!) Plus, there are two spots at my hairline on each side of my forehead that are definitely thinner than they used to be, which is annoying as I'm constantly fixated on covering them up, which is ridiculous but there you have it. Having said all that, very happy to have the hair!  

    Firstcall, hope the marathon went well. Are you the chief organizer, Tshirt orderer, guy who pulls the starting gun? That must be a fair amount of work. 

    Lumpy, I would drop the rad onc appointment, too. I think I had a six month follow up and am now finished there. 

    Christina, big graduation congrats! You must be so proud and relieved. What's next?

    Diana, how did the weekend go? 

    Going in for exchange surgery tomorrow--yay! I'm getting the fancy new teardrop shaped gummy implants, looking forward to putting another surgery in the rear view mirror!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    sending hugs and gentle prayers to hildy!

    i am noticing my hair on my forehead is thinner too- and if i actually comb or brush my hair i think i look like a scrub brush-ya know the old wooden handled ones from Fuller Brush! if i use product and let it curl it's not so bad but i just don't like it=however-grateful for my own hair!!!! and with it so short i have to work soooooooooo hard every morning- miss the eyelashes may never grow fully back to "normal" tho...

    ok- runners; i have a serious son is running his first marathon this weekend- he's done 5k's and a half marathon but this is the full whammy and will maybe be his what does a loving mother bring to  the finish line besides hugs? when he was in choir and band we would present flowers after a wonderful big performance but what does one do for a marathon?????

    i am going absolutely nuts at work; training an awesome person to help with my job so that i can be freed up to do other things-she is personally wonderful but she is driving me past the point of return sometimes....yesterday was a true challenge and my super doesn't seem to see the problems....i will try again today but she has to get these simple tasks down before she can move to others-and she keeps questioning everything...we are dictated by certain regs for compliance and i can't bend on things that she just doesn't get...and she is really having trouble rememberring all of the computer stuff tho she took copious detailed notes! sorry not more specific but -well- you get the picture!

    little kitty is getting more adventurous in the wee hours of the morning but still not really sociable-she and the other cat are getting along pretty well-but the dog is giving kitty and me fits-this morning dog is behind a closed door so kitty can roam and it upsets me to do it but it has to be...little on still spends the majority of her life in this second bedroom- her own imposed exile- eventually i think she'll grow into the rest of the house!

    enjoying better weather but i ache from the humidity yesterday.Lovey (big cat) and i spent about 45 minutes in the papason on the back porch this morning..just wonderful..but difficult to drink coffee with a huge cat holding you down in a chair like that!!!! (did ya all get a chuckle??)

    i DID bail on the RADS follow up- i called and the gal on the phone was just worried that i wouldn't follow up with someone- i assured her i see MO next week- after all they (RADS)  weren't doing any testing etc...

    a lot of you are MIA-praying it's all just busy with life!you have become my family and i do think of you and worry and ...well...

    sending hugs!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Sounds like everyone has enough hair to be a problem.  Mine was a little curly at first, but no longer. 

    Hildy- yes, Im the one who organized the race.  Its pretty low key, we have home made medals, but no t shirts.  Our next one is in August. 

    I've been doing pretty well, just havent been able to get my anemia resolved.  But I seem to have adjusted to it ok. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    first call;i was hoping you had an answer for my question of what to do for my son at teh finish line Sunday?

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201 old is your son?

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I think hugs are fine, and maybe a sweatshirt to pull on if its cold.

    Surgery went very well, love the outpatient procedure--got the swanky teardrop shaped implants and can already tell they are going to be more comfortable. Ya!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. Congrats on graduation.

    Lumpy. Sounds like dog has a uti.

    Hildy. Hope exchange went well.

    My life will never be the same. I have 6 month scans tomorrow. Praying they will be stable. After PT took reconstruction pain from 8 to 3, slammed with emotions of what the hell just happened.

    I'm not a bright bit of sunshine. Stage iv sucks. Could be worse. I could have been one of the folks who just died. I am tired of having and dealing with cancer. Going to talk to onc about cutting back echos from every 3 months to every 6. Those stress me due to fear of them stopping herceptin. I'm very honest with onc that my goal is to die of heart attack, not cancer.

    Sorry to rain on the parade. Just tired of it all. Just hoping scan comes out stable so I can act like this sh*t isn't here for 6 more months.

    Every woman I meet who tells me she's newly diagnosed, I tell her to not mess with it.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Gritgirl. You are not raining on the parade. We are a group of friends, we support each other and that includes the sucky times as well as the parade times.  It sucks that your recon is still causing problems, when it was such an emblem of moving forward. It sucks that you have to do constant scanning and worrying. It just sucks, period. I wish I could do something to help in a more useful manner, but I am thinking of you today, and hoping the scans go beyond stable to regression.  

    Husband has yet another job interview today. Fingers crossed. I'm supposed to be working but I just don't feel like it. Bad attitude!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Hildy. Hope the husband's interview goes well.

    They can't tell if the spots on my liver are stable cancer or scar tissue, so stable is what I will always dream of (they'll never say NED because of those spots). It's like I'm on death row, and the scans determine whether I get another reprieve. If only I could trade cigarettes with the other prisoners. As long as I get my three hots and a cot, and TV, I'm cool.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    oh grit- so long as no one takes away that sense of humor! you are def not raining on anything resembling a parade!

    hildy-fingers and toes crossed for hubby's interview- should  i swing a chicken?

    fc- he is 33...

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Scans good but clot in neck due to port. At ER now for ultrasound, MRI, and blood thinner. Scary but so much less scarier than the cancer spreading. I'm skipping happily while being nervous about clot. And if I go due to clot, it fits my master plan if not dying of cancer. :-)

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Grit - so thankful for good scans!

    Clot? you tell those docs to get that taken care of stat. I'm sorry you are going through yet another scary time. Feel a hug and know I'm praying for you Susan.


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Diana. Appreciate it. I'm a bit nervous but not too bad. This is small potatoes compared to other stuff. Hope to get all taken care of in a couple hours. We'll see

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Well it's stinkin' late for you too. Hope they are treating you especially good and giving you warm blankets.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Yeah. They're being very cool. Hopefully MRI to be done next.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Good to hear that too. You hang in there!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello, all. Just veggin at home not doing much of anything. So perhaps I'm low on magnesium again. Can't seem to get going. Low mag kind of has the same effect as low red count. Sleepy and slow. Sigh. I'll have them check when I go in next week.

    Grit, you can be pissed.hell, we've all been pissed, and you have some real reasons to be pissed. But, at least for a while (and we hope a looooong while) you can he pissed with hair!

    Mine is still curly, and I hope it stays! I've always had pretty straight greasy hair. The oily part is being taken care of from the arimidex. The chemo left me with hobbit hair, but I have to cut it every 4 weeks or I get a bozo effect, flat on top curly around the ears. NOT a good look! LOL

    Lumps,sorry you are having trouble at work. And being on your own again has got to he a real change for you. I am alone most week days, and almost every other weekend. Sometimes I go out to eat just to be around people. There were years when my DH worked out if town where I was alone for months, except for work. Now that I am not working, I find I have to keep busy with jewelery or something or I go a bit nuts. And, tripping in the house is not fun. Tell me, dovyou think the cats are trying to kill us? Is it s conspiracy? LOL.

    FC, glad you had a good marathon this time.

    Dltnhm, Thx, (blushing)

    MLB, glad things are going so well. Hildy, Whoo. Glad to get that last surgery out if the way.

    It is weird to realize we are almost a year out of tx for the heavy chemo. I need to make an apt with my PS to see if he is eilling to try surgery on my half inflated TE anytime this year, just to know. This half boobed thing (was gonna say half assed!) LOL is stupid.

    Has anyone had itching over their snb scars? Is that a normal healing thing or a scare you out of your skin thing?

    I guess I must be lonely, I talked way too much! LOL

    If I haven't mentioned you, I am still thinking of you, just not right st this moment due to stupid chemo brain.....

    Much love to all.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    moon..glad to see you but sorry you are sluggish..

    i am not alone- wish i was alone- maybe you are confusing me with MLB...or maybe i said something that came out weird!?anything is possible when i ramble! scary about the clot but i understand your comments...we're here rootin for ya!

    work has been better the last few days- we got an announcement yesterday that hrew alot of us in a frenzy-i'm not to talk about it for a few days-(never know who could google me!) haha!) no not losing my job ! just more changes...sometimes change is good so i'll ride it out!!!!!!

    beautiful day today-sunny -doors and windows are open- fresh coffee and bacon cooke dto perfection- my to do list includes gardening, shopping and laundry in no particular order-may even finally fire up the grill! tomorrow is the marathon  my son is running in so early to bed early to rise!!!

    hugs to all of you and prayers if you need them!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Wow a clot, scarey for sure but yes less scary than the big C.  Hope they've busted it by now!  How did you know you had clot though?


    Hope the exchange went well.  I really have to get on the recon train, haven't done anything about it at all.  Fingers crossed on Hubby's interview!

    Haven't been on much, super busy with work and I've been house sitting in the for a friend who's away in the old neighborhood. If I stay in the area, I think I'll have to move back here, I love my old neighbors.  These were people that were ultra helpful to me when I went through surgery and chemo.  It has a real retro feel here and reminds me of the 70's when I was a kid.  Still enjoying living alone though.  I was on my own alot in the last few years so now its alone but no stress.  I love coming and going and not having to report my whearabouts.  Groceries are so much cheaper now LOL!  I actually went to an organic butcher last week and bought myself an amazing Bison steak.  OMG a little peice of heaven.  So what it cost me $13 bucks, I could easily spend that on fast food right?

    This weekend is our first long weekend of the summer, Victoria Day, but also know as the May 2-4 long weekend.  Could be a little warmer, but its sunny and above 20C so I'll take it.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    They found the clot during my routine ct and bone scan. Spent all night at the ER and I'm exhausted. Now it's just taking blood thinners