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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    wow- had to go look for us- on the second page again- folks c'mon!!!!!

    work-the move was horrid- and the conditions in the dept are very questionable-crowded etc-but temporary til the new bldg is done in dec?jan? i can always try to make good of any situation but i sat with my team lead thursday nite for a half hour after i punche dout-something has to be said to my "mentee"(dunno what other word to call the gal that i mentor!)she made my life so miserable thursday (and tried again friday morning) that i was ready to look for other employment -tho the pickings around here are slim for someone my age and without college degree (speaking of which i still wanna go back!!). anyhow- the afternoon got slightly better yesterday and my team lead is planning to "talk" to mentee on monday- team lead is such a sweetie but entirely too passive.....things at work are going to start revving up (workload wise) and mentee needs to get up to speed and in the same mindset or we are just not going to make it....i have been doing alot of negative thinking that i was the problem and not a good enough trainer -have decided that i was full of crap and that she needs to retrain!praises from my team lead and supervisor/manager say that i know the job and they have the faith in me and plans for other work sooooooo...we'll see!

    a/c went out in our truck and it's been near 90 so i am heading to get it checked out and hopefully fixed this morning - need to get some breakfast in me first...

    prayers for any of our friends or family in the wake of all the horrid tornadic weather these last few days...

    take a minute and jump in so we know you are allright!


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Had a great weekend away and the weather was good. Been weeding the garden and enjoying the nice sunshine.

    Still waiting for my results it must be this week.

    Does anyone know if you have had a lumpectomy can they lift the other boob. ( free of charge)

    Hope everyone is ok and getting by as best as we can.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Good Morning friends!! (Afternoon - Ali!)

    I'm behind as usual. Keep up with the reading but miss responding.

    Praying for you all - a peaceful day today with a little extra energy accompanied by a huge virtual hug across the miles!!



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali i doubt it but i would love to have my right boob match my left (tx side!)

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, glad you're doing better.

    If you have a mastectomy with reconstruction, they will match the other breast to the new one.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420


    In the USA, symmetry is a covered portion of the Act that makes breast reconstruction a must be covered benefit of health insurance plans. I'm not certain how it pertains to lumpectomies, but know it does to mastectomies.

    Haven't allowed any surgical procedure on my healthy breast. I'm not at the point where I want to risk losing any sensation, etc. in it.

    My preference. I've spoken to my PS about actually slightly reducing my ss ns side. The difference isn't discernible except when unclothed and my husband thinks everything looks great - but I 'see' it. Crazy huh?

    Still have a bit of chemo weight to lose so I can see what that does to my tummy fat breast. It should reduce a little.

    Someone ought to know the answer to your question! But I think you're our only English gal on this thread so we can't speak to your 'cost'.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    In Canada (universal health care) we can get a "rejuvinating lift" to the unaffected side for sure for if you've had a MX.  I'm not sure about a LX though.  I wonder if some of the British sisters could answer it for you.  There must be a thread here somewhere

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hey ladies. Margo I'm glad to hear that things are looking up at work. I hope the talk with your "mentee" went well. 

    Things are going better with the brother in law and nephew staying here. BIL finally got another job and started last Friday. I'm sure he'll need at least a couple of paychecks under his belt before they can move out, but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Got my results and all clear so very happy about that.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Whoo hoo!  Great news!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Great news, ali

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Great News Ali!   I've not checked in for a couple of weeks, buried at work.  I always like to see how everyone is doing.  I did receive my medal for the Boston Marathon, and they are going to let those of us who were not able to finish come back next year and run it again. A couple of weeneds ago I spent a little time working in the yard, and managed to stir up a little lymphedema.   And last Saturday I stayed up all night to deliver a baby (emergent C section at 3 am) and then ran the green river marathon.  And I have my second mammogram this month.  (Or should I say 'manogram').  And I'll have my blood rechecked to see how the anemia is doing.  So far I haven't been able to get my red cells back to where they should be. 

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Good news Ali !

    Firstcall - is this your second Mano since finishing treatment?

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    AEM - yes, this will be my 2nd mano since treatment.  My biggest problem has been getting my anemia to improve.  But I'm feeling pretty good now. Either its improved, or I'm getting used to it.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Lumpy - have you been able to get that newbie gal you've been training up to speed or out of there? That sounds cold. I don't mean it to be. I just want for you to have support rather than more work :o) Hope the claustrophobic conditions improve sometime soon.

    Christina - so glad that some things have improved with your brother in law and nephew. A job is a good sign. Did someone lay down the law about everyone helping out in the home?

    Ali - So glad you are all clear!

    Firstcall - I wondered, like AEM too, about your mano. I had a mammogram in November and a breast MRI in May. The plan is to alternate the two due to my second tumor not showing on any mammogram or ultrasound. And it was the largest one for staging purposes. Sorry about your anemia continuing to be a problem. I love to hear about your baby deliveries - even if they do keep you up all night :0)

    MLB - You really are disciplined in your diet habits. I don't eat a lot of bacon but enjoy a good BLT from time to time. We all need our guilty pleasures - lol. Bacon actually isn't mine. Ice Cream is!

    Grit - Good to see you on here too. How's the PT going?

    I'm certain I'm missing people - I get behind with writing but not with reading.

    Today is an UGH day. My mom called and she was called back on a mammogram and they ordered an ultrasound. Had found two spots - but they told her one was not of concern. It appears from talking to her that they might suspect a cyst since she spoke of them draining fluid ... when I asked her if she meant a fine needle aspiration she had some recognition of that. She said they told her they'd take it one step at a time and if need be, then a biopsy. I described my core needle biopsy to her and she wasn't certain if that would be the next step if needed.

    She called me to ask questions because according to her I'm "the expert". My mom was recently diagnosed with early Parkinsons. She also had a hip replacement surgery recently. Her memory is not the best and often times I think she's in early alzheimers but it might just be age. Her hearing isn't the best so sometimes my siblings and I think that it's not the memory but the fact that she doesn't hear everything. She does have a tendency to repeat herself a lot though. I know that most of the time they will find benign results and that's what I'm hoping for of course. I tried to reassure her of that. I am my family's history. But I also see that the older a woman gets the more likely that she will be diagnosed with bc. Mom's going to be 78. Her mom lived to be 96. Sorry I'm running on and on about this. She's a very anxious person and I encouraged her to get this done sooner (before the weekend) rather than next week because she has a tendency to let her worry get the best of her. The idea of the needle scares her already. But she wants to wait until next week. She's in Indianapolis and we live close to the Wisconsin border. Trying to figure out if I should run down there and go with her if she delays until Monday or if I should wait until there is more or less to deal with. So keep my mom, Gail, in your prayers. Me too - as I started on the internet while we were talking - finding the Breast Care Center that is connected with the hospital where she has been seen. I gave her the information but it seemed like it would have been better for me to just take care of it - but she has no medical release of information to me with her doctors. My step-dad is a gem. But I'm certain he's wiped out from everything else they've been through and is deferring to my 'expertise'.

    Sorry I've gone on and on. Just need to process this somehow.

    Hugs to everyone!


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Diana. So sorry to hear about your. I do understand that chemo can worsen Alzheimer's. Praying for you.

    Only occasional pt now so I can afford counseling which I need in coping with this. Knocking on wood to get a break. I'm tired

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    What a worry particulary when you don't live very close and with your Mom's other health issues.  Glad to hear she has a partner.  I sometimes think its hardy to see a loved one go through this stuff than go through it ourselves.   Praying for a B9 result. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Diana, so sorry for this stress with your mom. I hope it turns out to be nothing. I hate to hear that she has Parkinson's, that is enough to deal with without breast cancer on top of it. People with Parkinsons can develop dementia but usually that is after the disease has progressed some. I am so sorry you are having to cope with this.

    Ali that is super news!!!

    Susan, glad to hear you are able to access some counseling. I've thought about going. I've gone before in the past and it was always helpful.

    Firstcall, sounds like you are busy busy busy!!! But isn't that great? I love it...I love working late, I love waiting in line at the grocery store, I love getting to do all the normal things I used to do and not feel exhausted, worried, sick... it's great.

    Tomorrow my niece and I are going to flea markets, thrift stores, yard sales... I can't wait!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I know exactly what you mean.  Feeling tired just because you're tired and that's it. I'm going to a reunion of sorts tomorrow with about 200 people from where I grew up in a smallish town.  Feeling a little aprehensive about the new short do and being single and everything but I'm going.  Always have had longish hair and I just know people are going to be like "OMG, short hair".  Im not going to explain anything rather just say I needed a change.  My close friends that will be there know, but I find it kind of tiring explaining it all the time.

    Funny story though. I ran into an aquanitance yesterday and I noticed and said to her that she had lost alot of weight since I saw her last ( like 2 years). She says " I didn't lose any weight,  I had a breast reduction".  So I said "me too!". I did go on to tell her but it was kind of funny.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Christine....yes, I just enjoy so much the simple things, and being able to do them. 

    mlb---I'm still laughing.....I think I'll find a place or two to use that line......breast kidding. 

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    I survived the Race For A Cure today. My second 5k and i improved 9 minutes. Sure is awesome to see so many thousands of people supporting breast cancer.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Wow! So many.people on here, Im getting lost on who's doing what! LOL ive been having phone troubles so haven't been on in a while. Good to hear , lumps, Ali, Christina, first call that things are working for now. Grit, glad you can get counseling, it helps. Diana, sorry about your mom. I'm doing ok. Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Just in from my "reunion" party. So, so much fun and no one even asked about the short hair!  Althought it took some people a minute before they realized who I was. Alot of people I haven't seen in years.  I even got told that my funky hair cut looked cool! Dancing and everything!  So much fun and really glad I went.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, so glad it was a good time for you. You deserve it! Much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    first page! we're on the first page!! whooo hooo

    ok seriously-ali...that is the best thing i have read in a long time! congrats!

    mlb i am so glad that you went and had fun!

    firstcall.take care of you!

    diana...i wonder with my michael how much of his decline is health vs meds vs lack of hearing vs old age...and i understand that your family relies to you for all of the answers...sending a hug!

    grit; i think i need a bit of counselling-or my meds looked at...i'm finding that i am developing attitudes about things- so i'm going to break this out of personal reply and go general :

    my team lead finally had "the talk: with my mentee and, of course, everyting is peachy keen hunkey dorey- well--i really fear that she tempered everything way down and didn't get "gritty"....then she wanted to have both of us sit together to talk because some others on the team have been complaining (which i doubt seriously but hey-8 women in a room-wth?)....i ended up coming home early friday before that could happen- i ran away from it- i can't take confrontation and i cannot take being "called" as if i am team lead will be gone for this next week so we shall see what happens- diana- no-not too hard they way you said it- it's true that if she can't "cut teh mustard' she shouldn't be there- but they won't do that - they'll keep her on-yet- i do have to say that i have been there a year and am still learning lots so---we did expect her to learn a lot in a month or two- but she is just not progressing as well as i think she should...and i cannot retire so !

    now i have a question- how does one figure out what is needed to live out the next 30+ years without going to a financial consultant?i find myself really wanting to do some serious planning and i have no clue how to figure this out-is there a formula for what to expect to live on X cost of living?

    and a very dear friend is dying so i'm avoiding life this weekend.

    oh and the landlord has someone fixing the wet backyard issue- well -they apparently cut a wire to the garage so i have no electricity back there! and i was worried that they had dug up my beet plants! hahaha-at least this landlord cares enough to repair!

    sending hugs and prayers to all of you;need to change laundry and make dinner...tomorrow is monday again.ugh!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    (((Lumps))) hope it works out.

    Ok, I know we are all scattered all over the world on this board, but I wanted to extend an invitation to a campout second weekend of August at the family farm in Plainfield, Wi. There will be some of my discussion board friends from WI, possibly some from IL. It won't actually be camping unless you want, we do have tents there, but we have a house with indoor plumbing and everything. No lake, but one is nearby. trails to hike, fishing to do if wanted, but only promising a bit of peace. Pm me if you can get there and want more details. Much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i would love it but would have to bring michael and that poses it's own challenges!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL. I'm sure we could keep him busy.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420


    I'm probably the closest in proximity to you. I can't commit right now due to some unknown family variables, but if I am able, I would love to come see you.

    Or - we can meet somewhere in between in the meantime :0)


  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I want to come! So not happy i can't. If any of you guys come to London, WE can party all night long.