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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ugh, grit. Not fun. Lumps, guess I mixed you up with MLB! Chemo brain. I read now that chemo brain was proven, so its not really just us, proof, yes! LOL much love.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Susan, sorry about the clot but so glad your scans came out well otherwise!

    I am also loving hair. Anyone remember Kitty from That 70s Show? That's pretty much how my hair looks! lol

    I feel like my joint pain is actually getting worse, especially in my ankles. I have been doing a lot of yardwork and by the end of the day, walking hurts so bad. I am really not sure what to do about it. I thought by now the joint pain would be gone.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Its likely the Tamoxifen.  I don't even have to do yardwork this year and just the bit of running around getting flowers and herbs for pot, my knees, back and feet were aching.  Now I also cleaned the house I was sitting, packed up my car and had to carry my 30 pound cat in the carrier LOL.  Having a nice relaxing evening at home tonight though. Nothing like your own bed and bath.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i cannot explain how awesome the Marathon was yesterday! and this morning, i stopped to buy the Cleveland Plain Dealer (newspaper) because I knew race coverage would be there- on the front page was a large photo- kindof a Where's waldo--and there is my son!!! whoo hooo--so he was a lil over 4 minutes back from the start line so this was taken then...

    i don't know how to enlarge this and viewing full page is a joke

    ok- so-the first guy who sticks out in the photo toward the bottom  in a blue shirt with something yellow on it- there is a girl with a red tank top behind him (almost hidden) and my son Dan is behind her-blue shirt no sleeves sunglasses, dark hair, moustache and tats on left arm- serious look! determination!!

    he was smiling ear to ear coming across the finish tho upset with himself- he was in the 3:45 group but ran a 4:21....dang- he was upright, smiling and breathing at the end of 26.2 miles!he did go to the med tent -overheated -temp of 103* -they sunk him in a pool of ice and said no running for two weeks but he is doing well today!

    i bought him 3 roses and a card - and he held my hand on the drive home and sat next to me when we ate after the shebang! his friend shelly did a 2:11 half marathon- she is not a fast runner at all- and had nausea after - maybe i should give her my compazine?? haha--i am so proud of them both!!!

    adrian - this is so cool! i have never been a runner( tho my high school sweetie ran track)  but i feel like i need to try- not the whole 26 but geez at least like a mile!( a 5k? maybe!) i did walk 10 miles from parking to event  to parking! somebody pointed out today that's almost a half!

    well- long days this wek so heading home-

    oh- follow up with MO today- i've gained- i knew it but dang-

    everything seems fine- follow up in another 3 months.

    hugs and prayers

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Lumpy -

    I found him. I found him. Your instructions were perfect. :0)

    Glad you were able to experience this with him! Cheering on his finish!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    my DIL had sent a text thanking me for going to the race-my reply was that this was WHY i came home!(trying to really put the cancer behind me!)

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Margo, that's so cool that he was on the front page like that, what a keepsake! :) I'm glad he is doing okay, too. Just more proof that exercise is dangerous... ;)

    MLB it never occurred to me that the tamoxifen might be the cause of my achy/stiff joints. My feet hurt fairly often, too.  My aunt (also a breast cancer survivor) says we can blame anything and everything on tamoxifen. :)

    I'm grouchy tonight and I need to vent. Went clothes shopping and went up a size. >:( Also my brother-in-law and his son have been staying with us for over 3 weeks now. BIL lost his job. I guess I should be happy to help a family member out, but I'm just resentful. He is financially very irresponsible and it's hard to feel entirely sorry for someone like that. He helped out the first two weeks with cooking dinner and little chores like emptying the dishwasher, but this past week, nothing. His son is 17 and is "homeschooled;" meaning he halfheartedly does a little bit of schoolwork when BIL really pushes him, and otherwise he just plays his XBox in the guest room where they both are sleeping. I know I'm going to sound like a whiney baby, but I feel like, I just went through four years of grad school, I work full time, I went through a ton of crap with cancer...I do not feel like I need to come home to a messy house because of BIL and his son. I'm annoyed that my grocery bill has almost tripled. Also I have to keep my cockatoo locked up all of the time, because for some reason she loves to nip at his sneakers. Normally she runs free when I am home. So right now I am sulking in my bedroom with my cockatoo while DH and BIL watch a movie in the living room. I sure hope he gets a job soon (he is trying). I am having a lot of company over Saturday for my graduation party. If he is still here after that, I am done cleaning, cooking, and buying groceries until he is gone. DH can deal with it.

    Oh and I am having really mixed feelings about recon surgery in July. I am not sure if this is a bad sign, or if it is normal? On one hand, I am really tired of only having one breast. I feel like a freak. On the other hand, I am dreading having such a major surgery. It's nice to have the medical stuff done with. Ugh...

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hugs Christina.  You go ahead and vent all you want.  BTW at least you've scheduled your recon surgury!  I haven't even seen a PS.  I feel totally fine then like a freak once I'm getting in the shower.  I guess I've put it off sick of all things medical related like yourself.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Count me in on the hiding from medicine docs line! LOL have to schedule my PS, Knee surgeon etc. Only to have them both tell me no, not anytime soon. LOL but I have to try.

    Christina, I don't blame you for feeling upset. I let my nephew stay with us for two years, his sister and two kids moved in with me for two years later on and it don't easy. BTW, you have the right to put a list of things to be done on the fridge and expect them to do at least one a day, including 17 year old. It's part of his schooling! Also, tell them that Friday is your evening to yourself. THEY have to stay in their room that night. Bet they find another place pretty quick and you don't have to kill them! but, really set some ruled or you will all ne crazy. BTW, my nephew still calls me on Mothers day to say thanks for getting him graduated from HS! Good luck, and put you foot down.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, have joined the wednesday weigh in on here. i'm 61 kg have lost 3 lbs this week i want to be 59 kg.

    Things not been good for me and still waiting for results of cancer of the womb. A family member has had another stroke (male 50 with two kids wife running around like headless chicken) i swear we are a family doomed. He now can't feed, talk or walk the wife is a teacher and this is a big blow for us.

    SIL, is still off with depression and we can't do or say the right thing.

    Good news - Me and youngest daughter are going to London this weekend to see eldest daughter. just to get out of the house for the weekend is fab.

    Ended up in A&E a few weeks ago something i never will do again.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali-what is A & E?

    sorry to see that things are still so tuff for you...

    christina- you have every right to feel as you do- you can love someone without liking what they do! and the rest are on track- lists to do and rules and some "alone" time-gosh we had parrots for years and i understand that frustration!

    hugs and prayers

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I joined the Wednesday weigh in group too.  Unfortunalty up 1.5 lbs but it at least makes you accountable.  Good for you losing 3!  Sorry to hear about the family trouble.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali, good for you to lose weight. Sorry everything is going crazy. Much love to all.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Christina, vent away! That would irritate the living snot out of me, too.

    Ali, hope things have calmed down a bit. 

    Hope everybody has a great holiday weekend! We were going to go up to NH but the weather is going to stink, so staying at home instead. 

    Surgery healing going well--strange side effect that my PT calls 'radiation recall,' which is that the surgery seems to have stirred up my radiated skin a bit and it's itchy in places. But its better than a sharp stick in the eye!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i rec'd my labs report yesterday-

    my cancer marker is i need to learn what this means??

    and my Alkaline Phosphatase is extremely high at 169...i read about it last nite and scared self half to death...i am being looked at by my primary on 6/13 and he had recommended D3 to me last visit--hoping it's only about D deficiency and not liver probs.....

    anyone weigh in on this?

    everything else was well within normal range --hoping to have primary do labs to check "everything else" i DO NOT Love needles!!!

    hoping all have a good weekend- in teh states, MLB and Ali , it's our memorial day weekend so many of us-me!-have monday off to remember our veterans and all of those who have worked for our liberties!

    my granddaughter's 16th birthday party tomorrow...then i have a letter to write to my mother-have put it off way too long....could prove to be shooting myself in teh foot but i gotta do it!

    hugs and prayers.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ok so i read what this site says about cancer markers and now i AM i have to wait to hear from my MO????

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumpy, all the reading I did said that tm were notoriously unreliable. So keep that in mind. Hugs. Much love.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    trying to stay positive moon!

    very difficult day emotionally yestrday at the bday party- really wanna bury my head in the sand- i think hawaii's would be great! mabe i'll move there after all....

    worked out in the yard a few hours today trying to get some vit D!!! chilly here but sunny and nice...not sleeping well--too much on my mind...

    hugs- prayers-

    hey firstcall- did you get your medal from boston ? were you able to go finish the run?

  • Lgfoster
    Lgfoster Member Posts: 5

    I had the axillary dissection done. At first my arm was sore as well as very sensitive to touch. I was trying not to touch my arm but one of the nurse told me it was important to touch and move flat of my hand up towards the heart and of course to do my exercises. It took awhile but about 5 weeks after surgery it is feeling much better. I had 25 nodes removed but only one was positive for cancer. So hang in there. It will get better. Chemo is next. I am pretty nervous about it!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Thanks for all the nice words and support following my vent. You are all so sweet. Laughing I vented to my husband later that night, and after the two vents I did feel much better! 

    Ali, congrats on the weight loss! I hope your results come in soon.

    Lumpy I have also heard that cancer markers can be extremely unreliable, and also that it is more worrisome if they sharply increase. Has yours been overall stable or have they had a major increase?

    lgfoster, wow, 25 nodes removed! Ouch! I bet you are nervous about chemo and it is no walk in the park, but you will get through it, I promise. Most of us on this thread have been done with chemo for roughly a year. Hold tight to the thought that it does pass, and life is very sweet (at least for me) on the other side.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy. Top range on alkaline phosphatase is 15o so 169 is only slightly elevated.

    Which tumor marker did they run? I have the CA2729 run and a 17 would be an incredibly good reading.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    grit- i think it's the same marker..

    christina you asked if my markers had changed- i honestly don't remember seeing the numbers before this time...

    i was able to work in the yard yesterday- spent entirely too much time on two stupid projects and almost got lost in my own garage! got lots accomplished but not all as my lower back can only handle so much! today i had planned to continue but it is rainingAND cold- i can do wet or cold but not both!so-i'm back in the house in my long flannel gown with a cuppa tea!

    ribs in teh crock pot and i still haven't even starte that letter to my mother-

    it's been weighing so heavily on me for so long taht i don't knwo where to start...

    so i think i'll go play on

    lgfoster-wow- 25 nodes- i don't remember now how many of mine were removed- you do need to move your arm-just carefully! you don't want it to freeze up-hardest thing for me even more than a year out is not carrying anything in that hand- that's always been my "carry" hand!

    hugs and prayers to all of you

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy. If that's the ca2729, then that is a fabulous reading. Lived enzyme can go up a little for odd reasons, so unless it keeps trending up, you can relax

    I got stuck on jury duty. Thought I could do it, but became so anxious, my counselor suggested getting letter from oncologist t o bow out. Embarrassed by this but stress of being on new med and blood clot, along with being pulled away yet again from work (I need this job). Just was putting me in high wire stress.

    I told someone the other day that I wish life would quit slamming me against the wall. He said that eventually the wall would dent. That made me laugh.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ouch! grit! gf i understand about needing the job and being pulled away!

    i'm in a better spot about the marker number today-thx!

    as for the liver- i dunno if it's liver or vit D deficiency--will be tops on my list with my PCP on the 13th--when i lost muchos weight my liver became "fatty"- and i do use tylenol and i drink wine- i eat beef anf pork and bacon so---we'll see!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    I got excused from jury duty, with a letter from my onc, but the judge was a total bitch about. Hope you don't get cancer, bitch.

    Lumpy. I'm gonna say any of those would knock your enzymes up. You are a bad, bad girl. :-)

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    susan, that judge is a *%#&%. LOL @ the wall denting! That's hysterical!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Nice judge Grit. I suppose she gets alot of bs excuses why people can attend mind you although who would get a letter from an MO.  Biotch

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Yeah, the judge gets the compassion of the year award. Good luck to her when she gets sick. I would have hit her, but I might have bled out with the new blood thinners. Plus, as my friend Mary Rose says, you don't want to do chemo in jail. In my case, it'd be herceptin in jail.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    no-herceptin in jail sounds even less fun than herceptin as is! wow- compassion.....ok- i will NOT get on my soap box!

    and yea; i AM a bad girl between the wine, beef, pork, BACOn and just life in general! and as a gastric bypass person i am in bad enough shape about calcium absorption so i don't need to fight the arimidex....

    today we had a field trip to go see the new office digs(temporary til december)-small is not the word for where there will be 8 of us..claustraphobia will set in for many of us! flexible- i survived cancer i can do this!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    The only reason I don't feel guilty about pork is that at least in Ontario, the farmers don't use growth hormones or antibiotics on pigs. Matter of fact just took a little pork roast out of the oven, jerked it up Jamaican style overnight, Yummy.

    Gave up bacon even before BC although once it a blue moon I'll have it.  Been eating organic beef of late, only have it once a week so no guilt there.  Now I have to source a good organic (read cheapest) chicken farm. 

    As for the wine, sorry can't do it, give it up that is.  I will have an occasional beer, not big on spirits though, mabey the odd vodka/soda althoug I have liquor in the house to offer.