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February 2012 Chemo



  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Faith, so sorry to hear about your sister that's shit news.

    My middle daughter has a summer job so it gets her out and not thinking about her weight. She is a a tiny size 6 going on 4 so not many clothes fit her. No shape to her i wish she would put some weight on.

    Youngest daughter who was 15 in may has met a guy who is 18 i'm mad as hell. I told her it wasn't right and if she she's him it's in our town not the city.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali; has your DH maybe developed a food allergy? i have mostly since my chemo- i am miserable that there are now many things i cannot eat-an example is hazelnut and i love hazelnut coffee.... glad to see you again . so sorry about te dx and will pray for your sister...and a hug for you!

    christina...just not sleeping can make one miserable! has been crazy nuts-in a good way but next week will be worse- we are down 2 ppl in the dept so workload is spread and two key ppl are vacationing next week so! yesterday, my "buddy" had a day off so i got to be two ppl and it was exhausting!our volume of work has about tripled in the last month which is great but the eyes are tired rom staring at the computer and the hands/wrists ached from folding letters and stuffing envelopes!positive side is that i bought 3 cd's of Iz (Hawaiian) and i just am in long as my earbuds are in i'm ok!

    counselling is going well- making strides and then boom yesterday i got a letter from my bio mother....dang it....

    changes coming i hope- will fill you in when i have more details- praying for this one!

    hugs and prayers to all of you!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Nice to hear from you but so sorry about the news about your sister. (((Hugs)))


    My nephew and his wife starting going out when he was 18 and she 15.  They got married 5 years later and now have 2 kids. She was/is (like most females) the most mature one of the two.  He's caught up finally at 33

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Cry  faithhopenluv - one of my worst, darkest fears is that my sister will also get breast cancer. I am so sorry to hear your news. It makes me so angry...  I will say that when I was diagnosed, I was so grateful for my mother, who was diagnosed a little over 10 years ago, she had been down this road and it was such a help to me, although of course I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I am sure you will be a huge support to your sister as she goes through treatment and recovery.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Thanks everyone. I do think her knowing that I was able to handle it all lets her know she can. She is my big sister, always looking out for me and the definition of badass. So I hope my journey helps here.

    Hildy - I'm very close to the end w the brava process. I have another surgery next week which should be my last aside from the nips. It hasn't been easy but it's doable. I agree there will be advancements and tweaks, but I think they will be primarily focused on making the prep more convenient.

    Best to you all.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone!


    So sorry to hear about your sister. My baby sister is 10 years younger and I cannot imagine her going through all of this. She actually had some cysts when she was younger - and with now my being the 'family history' she is being watched more closely.


    I think you are faring a bit better than you were with your DIEP recovery - but still have a ways to go. Glad to hear that you've gotten the itching under control. We all respond to these surgeries so differently. Give yourself TIME to recover ... REST ... and hang in there. And know that over time things do settle down.


    Our mothering just continues to be a challenge, doesn't it. So sorry that your daughter is struggling with anorexia. Hope and pray that she will find the right counselor to speak truth into her spirit and then help her to regain her health. From what I've read and heard this can be turned around - but it's like an addiction in some ways and the person has to 'see' herself correctly first and then gain the proper tools to reverse what's already transpired and then learn to eat healthy - all the while removing that distorted picture from her mind.

    How is it going with treatment for your lymphedema. Have you seen a therapist yet? Learned manual lymphatic drainage? Been fitted for a sleeve?


    Your avatar is amazing! I have always loved your avatar - from the beginning - so I'm missing my friend from the beginning - but LOVE the color of your hair and are those new glasses too?


    You always remind us to keep in touch and not fall behind. Hope that gal gets back to work pronto. I don't how anyone can expect you to keep up with all of her work and yours too. Good thing you like your music :-) You'll have to share your 'changes' with us.


    You went through the wringer with that cellulitus. Glad that you got the iv and the prescription and got past that tiny font problem. ARGH  Why is it that everything seems to be downsized into tinier fonts these days. I know my eyes are worse after chemo but I also know the Chicago Tribune reduced the size of the paper and the font to cut costs. And they cram so much onto those med bottles now. So sorry you have shingles too. I have heard that can be extremely painful so good to hear you weren't hit hard that way.


    Good to see you back. Sorry about the cysts. That pelvic sonogram - at least the one I had was something I'd rather not repeat.


    Good for you for keeping your distance and being discerning regarding your ex.


    Did you have your family/friend get together yet? I recall it was supposed to be this  month but couldn't recall when. I so wanted to commit to coming when you asked but we had so much up in the air here at home that I had no idea what would be going on.

    So .... the reason that we took that mini-vacation to Mackinac Island, Mackinaw City, the UP, and Green Bay was because we all could get some time away together because my husband was about to start a new job - in Kansas City. He started last Monday. Long story on his leaving Trinity but they have been very good to him these last 9+ years and now he is returning to work for the Salvation Army - just in yet another state we've never lived in before. Things happened very quickly in some respects so we have not made any moves to start packing or cleaning or clearning out or readying the house for who knows what. Our middle son returns to Trinity next Saturday for his senior year. And we have the oldest - a recent college grad (who wants to return to Colorado to begin a career - but needs a job first - lol) and our youngest (who is working here locally).

    To complicate matters, I am having another small outpatient surgery this Friday. Picking a date for that was crazy with everything going on but I also need to get it in while we still have our present insurance because it is an incredible policy. Fortunately, the new insurance, which we chose to have start October 1, is a PPO and all my doctors except one are on that plan. Right now I have no intention of leaving my team who has taken such good care of me and I am so comfortable with. So for now my husband will commute here or I will make the trip down there to see him. He's always preceded us in moves so this is no different - except that I have no children who are school age :-)

    This past Wednesday was my 3 month oncology appointment. All my numbers are good and tumor markers are stable. My WBC count continues to be lower but remains consistant (actually the exact same number) so my onc says that it is not a problem.

    Did see my lymphedema therapist 5 times and have another 5 left on my referral for the now. She really worked on the area I see as truncal lymphedema and then I also went for a new sleeve, glove, gauntlet (which I wear when I run, fly, or long stints of traveling) and also got a swell spot. A swell spot is filled with tiny pieces of styrofoam. The one I have tucks into my bra but sticks out on the underside placing that area between the band of the bra and the side and back of my body. It 'moves' the fluid with those little pieces gently massaging the area with whatever movements I make and it cushions that area. I don't wear it 'out' just around the house or when I'm sitting around the house and such when I feel that I need it. That combined with the PT has made a world of difference for me. I'm also going to get a night sleeve to wear if I were to get any flares in my left arm. I'm pretty much classified as prevention or low ... and I am hoping to keep it that way.

    Hugs to everyone! If I missed anyone, I'm sorry. Know that I have you all in my heart and in my prayers!


  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    faith- sorry to hear about your sis. Thank goodness she has you for your support and knowledge. My prayers are with you both.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Diana, wow you are busy busy! Good luck getting ready to move - ugh, moving is such a chore! And I hope your surgery Friday goes well. I hope you like Kansas City; I live a couple hours sound of KC and had my DIEP done at KUMED, also went to KUMED for second opinions a couple of times. KC's a nice city, not overwhelmingly huge, lots of things to do of course.

    Had a long day today. Got my last surgical drain taken out, which was great. My boobs are really sore. I am trying to just use tylenol during the day but maybe it is too soon for that because I am hurting quite a bit. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. You can feel your boobs? Good for you.

    Dipad. Hope the move goes well

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Catching up with reading everyones posts.   Been keeping myself busy with work. Today I saw the baby I delivered 5 days after my mx.  She's 19 months old now.  And my daughter graduated from her underwater welding school.  Now we'll see if there really are jobs for her underwater. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Wow firstcall, underwater welding! That is very cool! I can't imagine she'll have a boring job. 

    Amazing how time has passed since we first started treatment. It does not feel like it's been that long.

    Susan yes I am surprised at the amount of sensation in my DIEP breast so far. It is not strong sensation, but I do have feeling on the transplanted skin from my belly. And I sure have sensation on the side of my breast, where my skin that had been radiated is. It is red, swollen, peeling and miserable. My PS says that is normal for radiated skin. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Ok i'm doing a happy dance my daughter with the eating disorder has the grades to continue her A'Levels. I can't think what it would be like if she hadn't. She aslo has a job and has been alot happier.

    Love and hugs to everyone xx

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Glad your daughter is doing so well, Ali. That is great news. Laughing

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, that is good to hear.

    I had the fun this morning of discovering that the monster of the womanhood, my period is back. Arrrrrgggggh. That was one of the few good things about this whole thing, not have a menstrual cycle.

    That explains the long period with a heavy feeling in my pelvis and the pain in my lower back. Better than the cancer being back.  But still . . . .

    Now I get to go through menopause again.  Yeah.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Wow Susan! I also have not had my period since starting chemo, but my gyn checked my hormone levels and said she would not be surprised if it started again. On one hand, it's so nice to not have to deal with it! But on the other hand, a part of me sort of misses it sometimes. Seems like breast cancer takes away anything feminine-related. I know that is stupid and I should just enjoy not having to deal with it.

    I called the pharmacy this morning to refill my tamoxifen, and I am out of refills. That's not a big deal, onc will authorize more of course, but it made me realize I've got a year done and over with, for the tamoxifen! It really kind of blew my mind.

    I have a check-up with onc (or his nurse practitioner) today. I tell you what, they scared me so bad last month with that damn liver enzyme test (which we ended up doing an ultrasound of my liver and it was totally fine). I know they will want to recheck the levels again today. I was supposed to go back at the end of July to have them draw new labs but I never did. I'd better not get any scary news today. I am having more than my share of pain as I heal from recon surgery and I don't want any bad news!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina:  I'm with you on the scary news thing. I'm tired of it.

    I have never liked having a period. Since the day they started, it was painful.  At 12 I asked my mom if I could have a hysterectomy. Truthfully, I've never viewed a period as a feminine thing. I've also viewed it as a painful, get the hell away from me thing. I was happy dancing to not have the monthly pain.  I would have much rather have gotten rid of my uterus years ago and adopted than to have a uterus. Nothing but trouble, that uterus.  Good riddance.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Grit, I agree--more trouble than they are worth, although perhaps my kids would not agree. Laughing  I think it's safe to say that my period is long behind me, but as the menopause has kicked in, I find myself dealing with tummy flab that was simply not there before. Hmmm. I wonder if I've accumulated enough for a DIEP. 

    Christina, fingers crossed on the checkup today, and hope the pain continues to recede. That's a big-a$$ surgery you went through. 

    Ali, yay! on your daughter. Such a relief!

    We have two more weeks until school starts, God I wish they were back because the kids are like a pair of weasels at each other's throats all the time.  They're mainlining Dr. Who episodes, which is fun, but that is not going to be sufficient. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Okay, QUESTION for everyone. How often is everyone seeing their oncologist at this point? 

    I saw my onc's nurse practitioner today, everything is fine, but she wants me to come back in another 6 weeks so I can fill her in on how I am healing from my DIEP, and also let her know if I am definitely going to have a hysterectomy or not. My head was too confused to say what I wanted to say to her, in a nice way, so I said nothing: why do I need to come back in, in six weeks, to tell you this? So once I had my thoughts straightened out, I called and left her a message asking basically, at what point can I just come in say, once or twice a year? I don't see why I need to keep coming in so much. She got me to do more bloodwork today too. I just had bloodwork last month. I wish I had my head together; I would have liked to just talk directly with my onc today and ask him these questions. This just seems excessive to me. Thoughts?

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. You've had a few funky moments lately, so they're keeping their eye on you for a bit. Pain in the ass, but a good thing. Think of them as motherly, caring folks. That's what I tell my onc, that she's a second mother.

    Question. For folks who have started their period again, how heavy was the flow? This is crazy heavy.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi Christina, well you know in England we never have bloods taken or scans unless we have problems. I'm still doing every six months for surgeon and onco but see one of them every three months. When I have my mammo in Dec, my surgeon said if all ok I will see her once a year from then on.

    Do you really need a hysterectomy?

    Hope your feeling better xx

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Great news to hear that your daughters in a much better place.  You must be so releived!


    Can't comment on the period thing, mine was gone a year before DX.  Can't say I miss it much mind you.


    I'm seeing my MO tomorrow actually for my 6 month check in.  Bloodwork first and then I'm seeing him.  I've had blood work too for my annual physical with my GP.  She says they don't always send her the results and she also wanted to check my D levels amongst other things.  Just need to schedule a Mammo and I'm done for a bit.  Once I get the all clear I'll start with the recon process.

    Wow.  I haven't been on in a bit, just busy with work/life stuff.  Had my geriatric cat to the vet Saturday for shots and today for a shave down.  Ugh, he was so matted on his tummy and hind that it was for the best. He's not very happy with me right now, poor guy.  They gave  him some light sedation otherwise it wasn't happening!  He's also blind now due to cataracts and walks like an 90 year old.  As long as he's not in pain I'll do whatever it takes to keep him around.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i know that i have been MIA--work has been absolutely crazy nuts!

    grit- love the new pic!!!!!

    christina- i'm scheduled for ,i think, next week at oncolgist which is about every 3 months still.

    ok gang- here's my news- 6 weeks from tonite i hope and pray to be on a plane to Hawaii to live!details to follow---so freakin very much work ahead of me- we're going the route of sell everything and start over!

    this has been something we have wanted for years but the decision finaly came just about two weeks ago! that's it= walk away from the job and the house that i mostly love-and go!!!!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy. Good for you. new job in Hawaii? Very cool.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    MLB - aw poor kitty! I hope she stays well and with you for a long time.

    Lumpy - wow, MOVING to Hawaii!?! That is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Wowsa! Hawaii, sounds like a dream come true!  Make it happen honey if that's what you want!


    He's a he LOL!  His name is Furby and I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. The vet called me today to say that he's borderline diabetic and he has a mild bladder infection! He"ll get a shot of antibiotic tomorrow and he's now on a diet to help with the sugar levels.   I never had a cats before until them (his sister died a year ago February) but I love him to death.  Even though he's blind he's always by my side, even in the bathroom LOL!  As I type he's up on the ottoman laying on my feet.   This is the same cat that used to head butt my left boob prior to me being DX all the time.  Once I was and had the MX he's never done it since.  After surgery he would only cuddle me on my leg, never came near my surgical site.  Have to wonder about them having a 6th sense huh?

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Forgot to mention that I saw my MO today and all was good. I've now graduated to not having to see him for a year.  I have to say that Nurse Audrey and Dr. Higgins were the most awesome team I'm happy to not have to see them for a year.  It was a little weird being there today after 6 months.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB; cats and dogs DO know when soemthing i wrong- he was telling ya to see the dr!!!

    i am going to have to give up my two cats to make the move and i really truly am dreading trying to find a home for them..they have bonded so beautifully that i would only dream to place them together...

    i lied-i don't see the MO this week-it's next week....

    work has been absolutely crazy...

    not sure if i told you that i ended up having to write a letter to my kids about moving-tried very unsuccessfully to get them all together to talk - so i wrote- 4 pages worth typed! (we all know i am long winded)-this way they ALL got the same info---yesterday, at least the youngest son got his letter in the mail- he texted and we talked and he is proud of me and says it sucks! the older son i probly won't hear much from -and my daughter-well i'm waiting to see her at work today...once they all know i can start telling folks- and i'm sure coworkers will know long before i give my notice!it's scary and exciting!

    grit-i have to FIND a job in hawaii! i'm doing this kindof ass backwards!!!!! if i wait to do it "right" i'll never get there!

    hugs to all!!!!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    MLB - Furby sounds awesome! I do believe that cats sort of have a sixth sense. Congrats on "graduating" to only seeing your oncologist annually from here on out! That is outstanding!

    Lumpy - keep us posted on your move to Hawaii!!! That is so exciting.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    How are you feeling now?  Just a little curious about if the breast(?) feels at least a little natural? Any warmth?  Hope the itching has calmed.  Must have or you would have mentioned it.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Hey all. Just found out moonflwr had surgery last week to try tissue expander again. She's doing OK and hopefully gets drains out next week.

    I still am having a cycle and had the crap scared out of me with profuse bleeding. Still bleeding but less. Have an appointment with gynecologist next Wednesday. I have a fibroid and bleeding could be worse because of that. Plus likely perimenopausal. Have always had horrible cramping. Praying that doesn't happen because in past used advil and can't now due to blood thinners. just hoping bleeding stops soon. Sigh.