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February 2012 Chemo



  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Moonflower I hope your surgery went well, and that you are comfortable.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thx everyone! It was short and sweet. It was a lymph vessel that had a hole, probably happened when he was clearing the scar tissue and 4 cm lymph node . So he stitched it up. Had no nausea or D during recovery. Went in at 6:30. In RR by 7:15. In hospital bed, wide awake, feeling little pain by 8. Went home at 11pm. Just 20 cc in morning drainage. Tonite was just 20 more. So 24 hour is 40 cc. He will be able to pull my new drain by next apt on Tuesday. Oh, and the best news? I STILL HAVE MY TE IN!!!! So happy. Went out to dinner, DH treated me to lobster. ( well ok,.it was just one tail so only $20.00, LOL) but I am feeling hopeful!

    Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Great news!  Sounds like much more normal output now and yay for the TE staying put.  AND DH bought you lobster?  Sounds like a great day to me!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hence the celebratory Lobster. Of course, when the lobster is the same price as the black tiger shrimp, that my usual choice! LOL. I feel good today, but, um, let's say the abx did their job - at least on my gut! Will be staying close to the bathroom and taking probiotics and yogurt today.... LOL

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Monica that is great news! So glad things went so well for you!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christuna, thx! How are you feeling? Your surgery was a tough one. I hope you are getting better every day.

    Everyone enjoying the weekend? Here it has been raining all weekend. Jazz Festival was pretty much a wash out. Much love to all.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, DH and i are going on a dirty three day break in luxury suite with a garden and hot tub. Do i feel guilty not taking the kids heck no.

    So three days and nights of no stress.

    Picture me feet up reading a book and going to the spa.

    Hope your all good. Xx

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali. Sounds wonderful

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    You go girl! Enjoy it Ali!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Of course you shouldn't feel guilty!  Enjoy your well deserved break.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    wondered what the "goons" were! hehe!!!

    gosh- i've been away 3 pages worth! i've missed you all but have been very busy trying to divest of my somewhat wordly goods and get moved- down to 3 weeks from yesterday! and so very much to still get rid of....poo!

    grit did i tell you that i like your new photo????

    ordered a sleeve and gauntlet for my flight to Hawaii-15 hour flight- MO doesn't think i need the sleev but i don't wanna take a chance ons omething that i could have control over (meaning if didn't buy the sleeve i lost control of posiible LE- i KNOW it could still happen)

    hugs to all ! prayers where you need them!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Margo, you will manage just fine. Keep plugging away.

    I GOT MY DRAIN OUT!!!! Tommorrow I SHOWER!!! Many happy people.... LOL. No stink. Yay. Implant holding on. My daughter who just moved back to WI from PA is spending the weekend with me for my Bday. If you remember she came last year when I ended up back in the hospital while she was visiting. This time, I was in the hospital BEFORE her visit!! LOL so heres hoping for no repeats. Much love to all. We lost power. Today for over 6 hours. It was 95 here. Sucks. Went up the block to a friend snd sat on her couch til it came back on. Another neighbor came to be sure I was ok. Another offered their house. I have good neighbors.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Margo. Have fun in Hawaii

    Monica. Congrats and happy birthday!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Happy Birthday!   How nice of your neighbors!  What a relief to get the drain out.  They suck (no pun intended) big time. 


    You'll get it done, just keep the end in mind. Ah, Hawaii!!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938


    I heard this morning from my PS. He told me my surgical cultures were clear for three days. But the final report showed a growth of bacteria. Oh, no, not just any bacteria.

    No, a SPECIAL, UNIQUE AND RARE bacteria.

    I spent all day taking my temp and waiting to hear from the infectious disease doctor. No call yet. I will have to call her tomorrow. Arrgghhgghh. Every time my temp went over 98 I panicked. I mean 99.1 on a 95 degree day isnt exactly a fever.... LOL

    if I was a Munchaussen patient id be soooo HAPPY now.... LOL

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Oh, Monica. I am so sorry. Keep us up to date. I'm praying this is a false alarm.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Moonflwr.   That sucks! 99.1 is still considered a normal temperature, so that's good! I hope it's nothing, and that you have a great visit with your daughter. 

    Ali, hope the minibreak is/was great!

    Lumpy, I am pea green with envy. Hawaii!  What a wonderful thing for you to be able follow a dream you've had for so long. 

    Christina, how is the DIEP recovery going? 

    Had a six month checkup with the MO this week, who is pleased with me--mind you, I have not really done anything other than live life with my fingers crossed. It's a matter of biology, and I hope, the tamoxifen doing its job.   

    Been using my paddleboard a lot, it's really good for abs and core muscles, a place where I need all the help I can get!

    What else.  kids back in school, thank goodness.  Daughter and her friend spent the last three weeks of August building a lean-to/sleeping platform and little nature trails on a tiny island on our pond, and then sewing pillows and such for the platform out of vintage quilt squares we found at the dump. (the dump! Who throws out stuff like that?!) It looked like a Martha Stewart photo shoot by the time they were done. I'd post a picture if I could figure out how... 

    So of course they had to have a party out there.  Love this project. So much better than sitting in front of a screen...

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hildy that sounds fabulous! What kid wouldnt like such a nest. My kids had to settle for a little hole in the high grass we didnt mow for them. But they loved it. Glad your check up was clean.

    Christina I hope you are just busy healing. Check in when you can. Lumps hope your packing and clearing is going great too.

    Ok found out more. Seems like I was positive for SEQ staphlococcus entero Q. They are still doing culture and sensitivity on the culture. C&S test can take 48 hours. Then theyll put me on abx again. Dont know if it will be oral or iv. If its IV through my port that sucks. But I better wait and see. And No fever yet. Geesh. Just what I need more D. I am sick of Sh*t. Literally!!

    oh well it obviously isnt going to go the simple route so I shall just get on with the f* ckn detour....

    Much love to all.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Monica. Praying this infection is low grade or passing

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    We had a great time away the place was great and very quiet. Would post pics but i don't have the tree icon on my phone. Does anyone know how to do it.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali I can only post pics on my pc not my phone.

    Update. went to see Infection disease Everything seems to be going well. Got the big D (yeah surprise, LOL) from abx. But incision is healing. Hole from drain is kind of weird looking but I am on abx so not too worried. Feeling pretty good and no fever. And best of all IMPLANT STILL IN.

    Much love.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Monica. So glad all is going well

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Whoops, how did I let so much time pass without checking in? My bad...

    Ali I hope you enjoyed your trip with your hubby. Cool Sounds fabulous!

    Monica I am SO sorry about the bacteria but your comment about being a happy Munchaussen patient cracked me up! LOL!!! Glad your implant is doing well. This too will pass... right? 

    Hildy, so glad your six month check-up went well. Your daughter sounds so creative!

    I am doing great over here. Healing well. Seven weeks out from DIEP. My incisions are closed and I am trying to moisturize as much as possible to help reduce scarring. Looking forward to going back on November 1st, PS is going to lipo my new boob so it is closer to the size of my other. I was sure I was only going to get a nipple tattoo but now I am thinking of getting the nipple surgery done. It's a woman's perogative to change her mind, right? Cool

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina I am glad you are doing so good! And if you want nips go for it. STAND UP for what you want! LOL

    I hope everyone is doing better. Sorry I sounded a bit upset. I guess I was so hoping for a smooth time and got blindsided. I mean even the second surgery wasnt as upsetting. Just the thought of another infection threw me for a loop. ID doc said I didnt do anything it just happened. I didnt even change cat litter my DH was doing it so I wouldnt have too. Ah well it is what it is. Much love to all.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You were understandably upset. You're so prone to infection which doesn't bode well for surgeries right.  Glad to hear the TE is staying put and no fever now!


    Totally a woman's right to change her mind LOL!  I'm way behind on the recon schedule but very interested to hear about your nipple recon though.  Kind of living vicariously through you LOL.  I know in my heart I've decided on a TE mainly because I can't afford the downtime of DEIP.  Worse comes to worse I can always change my mind too down the road.  Very interested in the whole nipple issue though


    Sounds like you had a great time away!


    All sounds good with you.  Love repurposing vintage finds!


    You must be busy as a bee packing and such.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Thanks for all the nipple support ladies! I will keep you posted but I think it will be a while yet. I see my PS on 10/23 and I want to ask her, after I get the lipo done on 11/1, approximately how long I will have to wait before moving on to the nipple.

    This cancer stuff takes a L-O-N-G time to get through... I can't wait to be all done with surgeries.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh Christina, you are not kidding.if I can keep these darn TEs in I still have at least one more surgery for exchange. Hell also get rid of my side boobage too,bonus! LOL

    but that will be at least 2 months after I am filled. I was hoping for squishes for xmas (all I want for christmas is my two front boobs, my two front boobs) LOL but it will be next yesr probably. 4th year in a row our deductible will be paid up the first month or two! LOL Much love to all


  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Moonflwr, you are the best. I am going to laughing at that for hours now...

    Glad to hear the TEs are still in place!

    I am cleared to have tats--not going to do nipple recon. I talked it over with my PS, and his thought is that the radiated side is best left undisturbed if possible. (I had radiation recall after the exchange; you just never know what is going to happen. 

    But I still need to make my Vinne appointment. I keep procrastinating.

    Edit: Just called! February appointment. Grit, if you are available I'd love to meet up--will check in closer to the date. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, first, I'm going to join slimming world tonight as I can't shift the 7lbs.

    Second, my dog has bad behaviour problems thinking she is boss. She growls and bites if she doesn't want to do what she is told. Have a dog trainer which is costing more money than the results. Today my middle daughter tried to get her off the bed which she know's isn't allowed. Two big bite's on both hands- getting very worried I don't want to put her down but she is getting worse.

    She doesn't go on sofa, beds, I'm always ahead of her when going up and downstairs and through doors. Late at night is worse any help would be great.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, sounds like little girl has the idea she's boss. What I do with my dogs is I make them sit for everything, treats, food, putting on and taking off the leash, even petting.  That helps to re establish who is boss.  Everyone in the same needs to do this.  And use a treat or something else valuable to get her off the bed or couch, rather than get bitten.

    One thing though is get the pup checked for health problems. Pain can make a dog b*tchy (pun intended). So it's helpful to rule that out.  

    Here's a link descrebing the Nothing in Life is Free deal. The key really is consistency with this one. Let us know how it goes.