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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hugs! Christina. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. Your DH-no. NOT D! Unless it is the diarrhea  D! LOL but he sounds like a fool. And it looks to me like he had someone already. Because he BOUGHT a house. Most men wait a while before making a commitment like that! I am sorry you are hurting. This dam cancer makes it hard in so many ways. That said, it seems he was planning on moving on for a long time. 

    You will be fine! Don't let him get away with anything like taking more than his share of the assets. I hope you split any profit evenly. Sorry I get preachy.  I just want life to be good for you. Although it sounds like it's getting better! 


     And to all Mom's out there. Fur mommies, aunties, and adopted mommies who just take on that role in a neighbirhood, Blessed Be. 

    Much love to all. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Sorry to hear about you and "DH" spitting up but I do know exactly how you feel.  This BC thing brings out both the best and the worst in people.  It seems to me that these AH's can't stand it when they're not the centre of attention and unfortunately friends and family shifted their attention to us (and rightfully so) when we needed it most, their fragile ego's wondered why people weren't fawning all over THEM during this time.  To that end they look elsewhere for attention.  The women that end up with them either don't know about the circumstances when they stepped off or are so daft if they do know that they deserve them LOL.

    Its been just over a year now for me being on my own and its getting better all of the time. No new man on the horizon or anything but for the first time in my adult life, it's actually quite fine.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, really sorry to hear this bloody hell sister, just what you need! 

    It's very common I remember my BS would say to my hubby are you ok and are you coping? I think my BS does Lumpectomy when she can as she knows what shitty men are like. I sometimes think would my hubby still be with me if I didn't have my boob.  

    I think he stayed because he got all my money and a nice car LOL . 

    How are you doing? You know you can always cry with us. 

    Me, I had a mini breakdown and told my family what shits they were and they better change. They seem to have taken it on board but time will tell. 

    Both girls doing exams and I think the one who was ill will fail. I told her to re- do them and suck it up if it happens. 

    Love to everyone xx

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    oh, Christina, I am so, so sorry

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Christina, that sucks that you have to go through that on top of everything else. I am so sorry. 

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Christina:   So sorry to hear about the AH (as someone called him).  Be good to yourself.  You will have good and bad days.   And just be sure to get your fair share of any assets, as stated by someone else.

    I've been depressed.  I have mixed feelings about the job ending.  I rent my home and it's very very tiny so sharing with someone isn't logical.  And as long as I live in this area, I'll stay in this place.  $500 rent, $60 a month gas/elect.   Very reasonable.   I do plan to look for a possible part-time job.   And if I choose and decide I can make it without doing that, I think I will look into volunteering someplace.   I tire easily though so it would be kind of limited.  No long days.

    Sadly, I only have one true friend who is very married and only available for lunch on occasion.   I have many acquaintances but you know what I mean.   But I've always been a loner and can go to movies, dinner, etc. alone without being upset.  

    My daughters took me out for Mother's Day.  We had a nice evening.   Edited on 8/14/14 to remove some negative things I said about my kids.   Prefer not to leave on here forever.      

    Anyway, I'm thinking of all of you.   I finished my meds for the infection and all seems to be fine.  I think my fatigue is emotional more than physical.   I always feel stressed.   Even when I am not stressing, I feel stressed.   Does that make sense?   Take care, all.   

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Crap news.  A friend has just been DX with BC. We were at a 60th BD party last night and she told me.  She went through a breast reduction a couple of years ago and had to do screening and nothing was detected then.  She's still waiting on whether their going to do chemo first or surgery first so she's still in the horrible waiting pattern.  Fortunately for her she has a wonderfully supportive husband.   I had a good chat with him too about what not to do.  Keep her in your prayers.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    So sorry to hear of your friend's diagnosis. You are right - it's crap news! Bless her heart! You will be a tremendous help mate in this - if only she wants a listening ear from someone who knows. And we know you can offer more if she asks. 

    Praying for her. 


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB,  sorry about your friend..

    Fld, hugs. Stress gets you in so many ways. Hope you find time to do something fun..

    Now for good news.  My DD2 got married on Saturday the 24 of May. Outside and for once Memorial Day weekend was warm and sunny. Lovely!



    At the reception, they had a slide show of each of them growing up. Really cute as babies and lovely as young teens and grownups. The last slide was an ultrasound. Now. My DD did not have an ultrasound when I was carrying her. My DSIL did not have a US either. 

    So I'm gonna be a Grandmother, Grannie, Nana, Grammy, Busia, Oma, Grandie, MeeMaw!  Their baby is due  12-19-2014

    So um maybe a bit early but who cares. They're both over 30 and of course, married! LOL.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    My 2 sisters and me!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Alright two of my brothers and then 2 more. Only one couldn't make it. So 7 of 8 pretty good



  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420


    What a beautiful celebration! Great pics of your family!!

  • lgoldie
    lgoldie Member Posts: 18

    Diagnosed with diverticulitis yesterday.  taking flagyl and Cipro  supposed to have Taxol on Thursday.  Anyone ever hit this wall before?

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Sorry you are dealing with that on top of your chemotherapy. I can't recall if any of our 2012 chemo group experienced that. We'll help however we can. 

    Just wondering if, per chance, you thought you were posting on a February or March 2014 Chemo thread & clicked on this by accident. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Monica, thanks for sharing the photos. You look great! Susan I love your hair in your profile pic! I hope everyone is doing okay. I am doing okay. Not great, not terrible, and that's probably the best I can hope for. Divorce sucks but cancer was still way worse, that's for sure.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Looks like a great time was had by all!  Family pics to be treasured.  AND a new Nana/Granny/Memaw/Oma to boot! (No one says Memaw up here, but I love it!!)

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Moonflowr, congrats.

    Igoldie,that does suck. Chemo and diverticulitis.  Uggh

    Thanks, Christina.  Your hair looks fabulous too. There's someone else out there for you.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Thanks everyone I am happy.  I didn't know whether to be embarrased or just excited. I choose excited! LOL

    Christina you are looking pretty good!  And being rid of the *sshat will be a great move. 

    Igoldie, diverticulitis isn't fun. Go on clears for a couple of days. Jello isn't bad. Then when you get hungry just make sure not to eat seeds. Like strawberries have tiny little seeds. My DMIL got occasional flare ups. 

    Grit, is vacay over already? 

    Grit, Dltnhm, and anyone else interested, still going to have the Campout in Wisconsin at the end of July. Be glad to give you more info if you want. Just pm me if interested. 

    Much love to all. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Moonflwr, sorry. I won't be able to make it. I am on the East coast for a while. Will be celebrating my 50th in New Orleans in October, so have that to look forward to it.  I figure it's a miracle I'm alive, so might as well have a destination birthday.  I'm telling my family it's my wedding, damnit, since I never got married.  I fly to their freaking weddings. They should fly to my miracle birthday.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi girls, well it's happened to me ! DH has been texting a woman who is married from car club. She is married and we all go out sometime but she has been flirting and they were texting . Her hubby says she was arranging the car club but I saw the text messages, her telling him I have just had a bath and off to bed xxxx is not good. I lost it big time and told her she was a flirt and stop playing games with other woman's husbands. 

    It got nasty and we are not seeing them again, I told DH what I thought and if I'm honest I think I had a breakdown. He told me I had neglected him for two years because of the cancer and she paid him attention which didn't involve cancer. He says nothing happened and I'm sure it didn't but the last straw was when we were all out with them and others. I wanted a cup with a pic of my dog breed DH said it was rubbish but went a bought this woman one and gave it to her in front of everyone. Didn't get me one, I was so hurt and the bitch came and hugged me and whispered sorry. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Well Ali. It seems HE'S the one who should be sorry. I mean you were dealing with life and death and HE felt neglected? Dont get me wrong , shes not a good friend but he is encouraging her.  Sorry guess he's an *sshat to!  Hugs hon. 

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    oh Ali - stink, stink, stink. Sorry dear heart - for all of this. 

    Monica - not sure about the camp out. But I do want to meet you in person :-) 

    Grit - hope your October birthday bash is splendid! Lots of time to plan & yes - you are a miracle that needs to be celebrated! 

    Christina - continued hugs & thoughts & prayers. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Ali.  So sorry to hear.  So unreal that he was concerned about only him feeling neglected not the state of your health.  IMHO she's worse

    Monica.  I don't think I'll be making it either sorry.  

    Grit.  Sounds like that party will be a blast!

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Eleven more working days and I will be a retired lady!   I am now so very very excited.   I'll manage somehow financially.  I'm not worried anymore.   I'm just happy happy happy to be leaving the place I've been for 20 years.   It's kind of ironic.   I was married 20 years and then got divorced.  I've been working at my job 20 years and am retiring.  I hope to live 20 more years and then I can die.  (I would be 91...and ready).

    PM me the details of that campout in WI.   (or post on here....whichever you prefer.)   Since I am retired as of July 1, maybe, just maybe, I could take a little road trip.   No promises but I hope to consider it.   Maybe I can manage to do so.

    Sorry for those of you with the rotten husbands!   I've been alone for 30 years.  Sometimes I wish I had a spouse, other times I am fine alone.     Cancer is worse than being single!   

    A big thanks to all of you for your support thru my more depressing times.   If not for you, I think the depression would have gotten me before my heart disease or cancer could have.   I feel positive....I'm gonna enjoy not working.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    fld Mr I would love to meet you. If you can make the Campout great..If not when I recover enough to drive maybe we can meet in Kenosha or Gurnee Mills. I'll PM. 

    I am glad you are happy. That's what I would hope for everyone. 

    I am basically retired. In other words I don't work. I am on disability and if you saw me walk you'd know why. LOL But no way was i ready to retire when they dumped me during chemo. But life is what it is so here I am. I can't do much of anything. Arimidex has gotten to my hand and I have trouble holding my pliers when I do jewelry. Sigh. But i keep trying. Right now everything is concentrated on my TKR. (Total knee Replacement)  I don't want anything to stop this. LOL that's how I feel, I am wanting this so bad,  8 sx in 3 years and I'm still happy for this one. LOL

    Much love to all. 

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    FLDreamer,  retirement!  What a great adventure. I keep thinking up things I'm going to do if I ever get to retirement, but who knows if I'll be able to remember them at that point!

    Moonflwr, those are the kinds of surgeries that you can look forward to!  Fingers crossed for you. 

    Grit, destination birthday in New Orleans is a flat-out genius idea. I turned 50 about 2 weeks after I finished radiation and wanted a huge party but didn't have one. In fact, I am quite sure that I whined loudly about it in this very thread!  So I say, go for it!  Don't join me on the Whiner Line! 

    Ali. Yuck. I'm sorry.  Why is it that women have the reputation for creating drama, but most of the drama my friends are dealing with is Men Drama? 

    We just threw a 90th birthday bash for my Dad this weekend. (He is in amazing shape--mowed the lawn for us before the party.) It was a big event with about 85 guests--in fact, it was basically like having a wedding except with birthday cake instead of wedding cake.  We did a pig roast with all the fixings, and had everybody in a big tent on the front lawn of my folks' house.  Just a blessing that we could do it for him, and he could enjoy the party whole-heartedly....

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    hildy, i am permanently on the whiner line. new orleans is a trip to get away from all of this stuff.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    My DH had a meeting in NO,LA right before Katrina. I tagged along. I'm so glad I went. I still have to post the picture of the tackles beads ever. I will soon. It gave me agoal. I walked all over looking for beads to buy. I think you will agree that mine are the epitome of tacky.... LOL

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Good morning all!

    grit, a birthday in New Orleans sounds amazing! What a great idea!

    Ali, men are asses... seriously they are such babies sometimes. I'm glad you found out what was going on before it got past flirting. I do hope somehow the two of you are able to emotionally reconnect with each other and move on from what happened. You have been through so much!

    Hildy, your dad is 90 years old and still mowing the lawn!?! Holy cow! Wow! lol Send him over here, my lawn needs mowing!!! :)

    Karen, so close to retiring! I can't imagine! Sounds wonderful really, I'm a little tired of my workplace right now but I've got a long ways to go before retiring. Are you doing anything special to celebrate?

    Monica, when is the TKR scheduled? You probably posted but I don't remember.

    All is (fairly) well here. Still have my tearful days but I am okay. We have a buyer for our house and if all goes as it should, it will be sold in August and I can get my own place. I'm scared and excited at the same time. But managing this house by myself has been quite a challenge, and I'm looking forward to just having a small rental. I've been dating, I know a nice man through work and his ex-wife went through breast cancer, so he is very understanding of what I have been through and how I feel about things. Honestly if he had not had that experience, I don't think we would have gotten past the first date. I don't think I make a big deal out of the cancer, frankly I'd rather not think about it most of the time, but it is an issue and it's nice to be able to talk about it occasionally with someone who "gets" it. So we'll see how this goes... I hope everyone here is healthy and happy.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    christina, I am happy you are doing better and getting out..hope your house sells fast. And I think most of us don't dwell on cancer, but we have it and it will pop up occasionally.  It's nice when you don't get shut down by an ass! LOL

    Ali. Hugs hon. You've been through so much. I know they say God doesn't give you more than you can handle, but for crying out loud, God, I'm not as strong as you seem to think!  That's how I feel sometjmes! So hang in there girl! 

    TKR is TOMORROW. I'm freaking a bit. Reiki session at 11 today. Should help. It's a free session they offer at my tx center they say it helps with sx pain. And it sure can't hurt. LOL

    Much love to all.