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February 2012 Chemo



  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    monica. Prayers are with you. Didn't realize knee replacement was so soon. Girl, you're gonna rock that knee. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    How's was the TKR?  My brother it done and was so happy he did in the end. He did his in in his 20's and suffered for years all the while playing sports and finally had it done at 55. Hope you're doing OK

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    sorry. Been moping aro u nd at home. It hurts. So i take pain pills. Pain pills are constipating, right????? Um. No. This here girls gone and got the big D again. Now as bad as it was during chemo, it's not quite that bad. But nearly every day I am doing laundry. Because new sx and walkers do not a sprinter make. Am trying to decide if diapers should go on again. I am in tears again. Come on. I knew this would be a hard surgery. Everyone tells me it's not easy. Ok. Pain I was prepared for. Not prepared to lose my dignity again. I suppose it's my fault. I ate fried fish yesterday. My DH is not a cook. So he goes out yo get things. Sometimes it's a sandwich. But raw veg snd I don't do well either. So toast eggs bananas rice chicken gets pretty boring. Oh well this too shall pass and one day I will beat the urge and make it to the bathroom ahead of my body wastes...... LOL see everyone needs a goal!  

    The one thing I cannot complain of is my DH. He is there. Amazing. I never thought he'd stick it out. That's 3 years of me being sick in one form or another and still here's there for me.  After 40 years married, and some very low times I am going to have to say it's mind boggling.  

    I know things did not Ho so well for most of you.  I am not bragging but want to to keep your minds snd hearts open because if it happened for me, my god, it could for you. I don't have a full marriage back but who knows. Maybe that too is possible. 

    On the other hand, maybe it's the pain pills...........LOL

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    monica. I am so sorry. Do they have doing pt? This too shall pass indeed. Day at a time. All that stuff. Glad you got the surgery. Is Wisconsin a medical marijuana state. I hear many women tout that for pain and no GI issues. Be better

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Boy I was a whiny chit! LOL. Ok. Switched to diapers. Why was I making myself crazy doing laundry? Also switched to mostly Brat diet.  The only real food was a ham and cheese on toast. Well see how that works. I wish I liked bananas better. Taking one pain pill during the night. 2 before doing my PT.  Seem to be moving better but still not fast enough. LOL.  Ice on knee. Of course all the exercises the PT gave me that she said we're not hard hurt. The ones she claims everyone hates I whip through. Fjgures. Once more I am an outlier! LOL 

    Grit thanks for being there. Thoughts count. I needed that. LOL.  

    Much live. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hugs Moonflwr!

    Sounds sore and the Big D to boot.  Slow and steady.  Great news on the DH front.  There is hope for some LOL! .

    Enjoying a lovely extended long weekend here.  Canada Day is actually July 1 but my wonderful boss gave us today off too. It's so hot weather wise, 37-40C with the humidity.  How we did the heat in those wigs I'll never know.  They just had World Pride in Toronto last week with the events ending yesterday.  Man that looks like quite the party, gay or straight.  Defo on the bucket list

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77


    I have just seen your posts re the total knee replacement. So sorry to hear you are feeling a bit fed up. I do hope you feel better soon.

    In case this helps re the aches and pains with Arimidex...nine years ago my friend was diagnosed with bc, triple positive with nodes, had a mastectomy, chemo, rads and Tamoxifen followed by Arimidex and is doing fine. Cancer-free.

    Thinking of you


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB and alice! Thanks I needed that too. DH is coming home tonight to take to Dr tomorrow but he hasn't left 2 rivers. ( hereinafter known as Trivers) yet. So he's over an hour and a half away. Guess I'll be trying to make my own supper. Put in the pre made rice. Tossed in a chicken breast in the cast iron pan. That's it. All i can handle  not really hungry but another banana does not appeal and need some protien. Took the D pills. Had a bout after the first. 2nd set taken let's see if it helps. I really hate being sick.  Sucks. Took a nap this afternoon. Couldn't even concentrate on a magazine. Sigh. I know I'll get there. Hugs

    Much love

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    perspective. A friend of mine just lost her son to stupid f*ck in cancer. He was young. Such loss. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    monica. You take magnesium, right? That adds to or causes diarrhea

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Yeah grit. I take 4 tablets a day..that's a lot. But before the abx for sx I was doing pretty good. Back to a mess now. Sigh. Took my Lomotil now. Hope it helps. See my ortho tomorrow for post op visit. Well see. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Happy Canada Day! All you up in the far north enjoy!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    I hope you're doing better Monica. Did your follow up appointment go well? I'm glad you are through surgery but recovery is really the hard part, isn't it? Antibiotics always screw with my GI system.

    Happy 4th of July everyone! I'm relaxing at home, giving myself a mani/pedi.... ah, pure bliss. Tonight I'm going to a bbq with the guy I've been seeing, and going to meet some of his family. I think it is WAY too soon to be meeting family but I didn't have the heart to tell him no. I'm such an emotional wimp sometimes! lol

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Happy Fourth of July my American friends!!  Enjoy the festivities!!

    Christina;  I'm sure you'll have a great time.  This guy must really like you if he's ready to introduce you to family!!

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Hi everybody,

    I'm an old retired lady now. June 27 was my last day.   Two weeks now and I can't quite get into a routine. Even though I was off a long time with the CA, I've had to go to work someplace for the past 30 yrs since my divorce. Feels weird not to have to be somewhere. I've started lots of little projects but not finished any of them.

    I'm a bit disoriented and have to figure out what day of the week it is although I know the date. lol   But I like not having to deal with those people anymore.   I received a survey form in the mail the other day ....sort of an exit interview.   Asking about management etc.   If I'm honest, and they share it with my former boss, all hell could break loose.  LOL.    He was unfair and biased.   At times    So far, I'm ignoring the survey form.     

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Monica, hope the TKR is going better.   I looked up Port Washington on the google map.   It's just above Milwaukee, right.   It appears you are about 240 miles from my city.    So I'm rethinking the campout.   I don't think I'll make it.   I really hope you are doing better though so the campout can be a huge enjoyment for you.

    Christina, once your house is sold, a little rental might be just right for you.   My house is tiny but it's so easy to take care of.  A bit too tiny though,  360 sq feet.   A double garage is bigger than my house.   How was your date meeting the guy's family?  Hope it went well.

    Susan, your trip to NO for the 50th sounds fantastic.  I feel I need to treat myself to some trip or something.   I keep wanting to delay it but at my age, and with a cancer and heart history background, I think I need to do things now rather than delay.   

    I think of all of you.  If I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean I don't wish you well.  Take care, all!

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77


    How are you doing?


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hi all! 

    Well I canceled the Campout this year. I'm not ready for a 3 hour trip! I went to a Memorial Service in Manitowoc and it hurt by the time I got home. Oh well. Next year. 

    Fld, Maybe we can meet in Gurnee Mills sometime.  That's about 2 hours for me. 

    I'm actually doing ok though. PT 3  a week but I'll be able to go 2x soon. When I see the ortho doc I hope I can go swimming and maybe even hot tub I g! I'll go back to the Y then! LOL

    Much love to all. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    monica. That's great. When is the next knee planned? I'm sure you'll be grateful to get it all done.

    I'm finally getting some vacation time. Next weekend I'm going up to NYC for a tattoo, see shows, and meet a few folks who are hug support to me.

    I had a flare up (progression) in November and am now on Kadcyla. I pray it works a long time. They are developing other herceptin chemo combos. Praying they develop many more of those, much easier chemo. Taxol disabled me. Won't do that again.

    Hope all are having a good summer

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh Grit! Enjoy your trip to NY. What tat are you getting this time?

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77

    Sounds like you are cracking on Moonflower!

    You will soon be back in the swim.


  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Grit,  How are you finding the Kadcyla?  I have heard some pretty amazing things about that med.  Hope the trip to NYC is wonderful! When is the Nola trip, or has that happened already and I'm just a huge spazz and didn't realize?

    Moonflwr, glad to year that you are making progress with the knee.  That sounds like a long haul of a recuperation. 

    I have become addicted to these kickboxing/exercise classes at a local martial arts studio, and feel much better as far as upper body strength goes. I wear a compression sleeve and glove and poeple at first thought I had a full sleeve of arm tats (It's a Lymphedivas sleeve that looks like henna tattoos.)

    Heading in to have a hysterectomy along with reconstructive surgery to fix several prolapse issues in a couple weeks. The fun never ends!

    Hope all is well with y'all!


  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    hildy. Hope the surgery goes well. Kadcyla is a much easier chemo them taxol. The problem is that the cancer learns the treatment and so the treatment eventually stops working. My hope is they have another targeted chemo likes this ready for when I need it.

    The trip to New York City is this weekend. I'll be getting another tattoo, seeing Broadway shows, and meeting folks who have been a huge support to me since my diagnosis. The trip to New Orleans is in October for my 50th birthday. Considering my original diagnosis it is a big deal for me to turnturn 50.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I am hoping you have a fantastic time in NY Grit! Enjoy. I still need to post a pic of the tackles NOLA beads I've got for you to try to top! LOL.  When I get upstairs I'll do that. And I too hope you can stay on Kayla for a long long time. 

    Hildy my DD is doing kickboxing. She had her first tournament. Of course her first opponent did an illegal chest kick and she went down.  I think she'll try at least one more time just to prove it to herself. I hope your surgery goes as well or even better than my last one! 

    Much love to all. 

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Susan:   NYC sounds great.  Hope you have a wonderful time.  

    Monica:  Glad the TKR is going better.  Hope you can be swimming soon.   I googled Gurnee Mills.  It's about 3 hrs from here.  That is totally doable.  But not till fall probably.   I need a bunch of car work done before I hit the road anyplace.   And I think I would treat myself and get a room to stay in.  (we could share if you wanted.)  Then, it's a more luxurious drive and trip and less stressful to have to come back quickly.

    Hildy:  Best of luck on the upcoming surgery.   Doesn't sound great but when needed, it's best to get it over with.  I'll  be thinking of you.

    As for me,  I enjoy being retired and not working but am really stressed over finances.  Living on half the income and making it last from one soc sec ck to the next is a big adjustment.  Sharing my place isn't an option as it is very very tiny.   And I love my independence and living here so I will stay put.   I may look for a part time job in a few months to bring in extra income.    It doesn't help that my work pension is delayed and I need it sooner rather than later.  

    I tried bicycling twice last week but was really short of breath.  Hoping to go out more often and build up my stamina again.   If I can enjoy that again, that would be great.  I used to love bicycling.   We have wonderful bike paths here.   Walking isn't so much fun as I need foot surgery.

    I love everybody's pics.  I really need to get a photo of myself to add on here.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hi everyone,

    I haven't been on site for so long. Really busy working. I had surgery last week. I've had a few pelvic ultrasounds in the past year and doc keeps seeing a enlarged fallopian tube. I had a hysterectomy prior to my BC but kept my ovaries. Now that I'm having surgery to remove the fallopian tube I asked the doctor to remove my ovaries since I'm now in menopause. Now I can start the Femara. Has anyone changed off the Tamoxifen yet? The nurse gave me a script for the generic brand of Femara but I really wanted the brand name. Anyway the brand with insurance costs $125.00 and the generic is $7.00. I heard in the past that generic is not as effective as brand name. Any suggestions? The pharmacy is holding both and I don't know what to do. The pharmacist said that only the inactive ingredients are different. Geez my head is spinning over this. Grit girl- how was your time in NYC? I was there last week, Saw Cabaret on broadway. It was awesome. I couldn't believe all the naked girls walking around broadway! I think my boobs looked better LOL!!!

    P.S.- pathology came back negative. Yahoo.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    dipad! Yay for negative path! You could try the generic first. If it give you too many problems maybe your insurance will pick up more of the cost of the brand name? 

    I hope you heal fast from your sx. 

    Much love. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Howdy folks, I hope all is well. Congrats dipad on the negative pathology, that is great news. Susan, let's see the new ink! Monica, hope you are continuing to heal well. Karen, I hope you are getting into a new groove and adjusting to life after work. I can't imagine!

    All is well here. Met two of my bf's three kids; the meetings were relatively brief but seemed to go well. My house was supposed to be sold on August 6th but it looks like it is going to be delayed. Financially it's a hardship, and it is frustrating to feel so unsettled. I had even found a rental I liked, and was just about to sign a lease when I found out this wasn't going to happen. But, I'm not really looking forward to moving, so I can't say I'm entirely sorry.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    dipad, thank goodness the pathology was negative.

    monica, how are the knees doing?

    christina, the trip to ny was fun but exhausting.  here is a view of the tattoo. it still hurts.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Hope all of you are doing fine.    How's the knee, Monica ?   Hope it is really on the mend by now.    Looks like I won't be planning a trip your way after all.   Not soon, anyway.   

    I have a niece who lives in Hawaii.   And her mom (my former sister-in-law) lives in AZ.   Together, they are treating me to a round trip to visit them.   My niece is even covering a room overnight on the way so I don't need to fly so much just to get there.  I fly to Phoenix, stay overnight and then fly to HA the next day.    On my return three weeks later, I fly to Phoenix, stay for 3 days to visit my sister-in-law and then fly back to Illinois.   I am excited beyond words.    With my finances as they are, there's no way I could ever take such a trip.   So, I will be gone most of the month of September.

    Now, a question.   I have never had any problems since my surgery with lymphedema.   Do I need to be concerned or take special precautions since I will be flying ?   Especially the flight to HA which is 5 hours, I'm told.    I'm not terrific with flying and am open to any and all ideas/suggestions regarding this trip.

    For that matter, if any of you have flown so far before and have suggestions on packing, etc., I'm open to that also.  I usually overpack.     Thanks, all,