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February 2012 Chemo



    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Christina:   did you get the results of your biopsy yet?   Sure hope all is okay.

    Moon:  Thanks for suggestion on the possible low potassium.  I get blood work again in a couple weeks and will keep that in mind.

    My work:    we are now part of the new company.  so far, so good.  My vacation and insurance stay as they were with the old company.   I was mainly concerned about that.  When I retire at the end of June, they won't replace me.  People in the new company will take over my duties.  It is a large company with 7000 employees across the world.   So, I guess it's good I'm gonna retire or I might have been unemployed.   Which would have meant unemployment so that wouldn't be all bad.

    Lumpy:   Has anyone heard anything more about how she is doing?   Last I read she was gonna go to Hawaii and didn't after all and returned to Ohio.   I kinda identify with her as she seems to be struggling with money as I am.  And her husband is ill.   I've been there too.

    I'm thinking of all of you.   OMG, I cant believe it's April 3 and the tv news right now is talking about 20 degrees overnight and maybe a bit of snow! At least we know it won't last long!    Our weatherguy just said it might be 70 next Tuesday.   yay!  Finally....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    It's been a Loooooong winter! They are saying snow tonight here too. Sigh.

    Christina have you heard are you all right??

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Karen, that is great news that the new company has worked out so well for you. So many people end up with crappy insurance, or getting shoved out prematurely... it's nice when a business treats the new employees well.

    I get my biopsy results on Monday afternoon. I was really stressed out Wednesday over it, but I'm doing better now. I work for the health system I use, so technically I could log into my own medical record and see them for myself. But whenever I've done that, the results have been bad. lol So I am trying to make myself wait, and I am trying to enjoy this time... it's stressful, but for all I know, next week I could have cancer all over again, so I'd better enjoy right now. Horrible to have this mindset...

    My tattoo on my new nipple is looking good. I had it done at my PSs. I was a little wary because they have a nurse who does permanent makeup doing the tattoos, and she is relatively new to the nipple tattooing world. She talked about all the training she's had on it recently, which I suppose is good, but at the same time, I value experience. I decided to give her a try; if I didn't like the results, I have a cousin who lives in Baltimore and I could go to Vinnie's, visit my cousin, no big deal. But the tattoo has turned out well. It's a bit bright, but the nurse said it will fade quite a bit. The color is pretty close to my "natural" nipple on the other side; it's a little more brown and not quite as pink as it should be, but it's relatively close. I go back April 30th for any touch-up work I need, and then I should be done, except for any future touch-ups I may need in time. I'm really glad I had it done; I was pleased with my result before this, and now I feel like I look even more "normal" when I look in the mirror.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I am happy for you Christina. I am looking forward to my nip tattoos. But I'm seeing my ortho first. Just to see if he's reconsidered my knees. Well see.

    Much love to all. 

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Christina:  That is good news about the tats.   I sure hope the biopsy results are that you are cancer free.   I'll be thinking of you.

    At my age, I didn't consider reconstruction surgery, not with my heart history, etc.  But I miss my left breast.  I hate being lopsided.  I have a prosthetic but have worn it less than ten times.  It is so uncomfortable.  I usually go braless, wear a t-shirt with a little over jacket.  I can get away with it but I don't feel as feminine as I used to.  And when the weather turns hot again, I'll have to figure something else out.  

    But overall, I'm glad I'm alive and hope the cancer doesn't come back!   I'd rather die of a heart attack than cancer.   Better yet, old age!  real old age!  Maybe.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    karen. Me too. I am praying to die of a heart attack. No statins for me.

    I have fake boobs but not having them would have been OK with me. I can't feel them and the silicone gets cold when the room gets cold. They're like built in ice packs.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    grit! They kinda are. Bit I still get those nasty cold waves before I get a hot flash. They last about a half hour to an hour and I bundle up and then sit until I have yo peel it all off again. LOL.  Luckily I don't get them as often. Now about 2 times a day. That beats 8! LOL

    Fldmr, I was thinking about not doing recon after I lost my first TE. But my ortho won't do my knees unless I prove I can keep an implant without infection. So here's hoping my 3rd try remains in place all year without problems. It 4 months already. I'm going to be 60 this year. Sure fell a lot older..... Much love

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Christina, hope you had good news....

    Well, I had dinner with three of my oldest friends on Saturday and after several glasses of wine we adjourned to the bathroom so I could show them Vinnie's handiwork, which is not something I would ever have predicted would happen in my life. But they were either incredibly polite or honestly blown away. ha!

    moon, I get those too! Cold flashes and hot flashes. The fun just never ends!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Really hoping you get good news soon!


    I haven't had my recon yet.  Been so busy the last year with moving and work but I really need to get on that train and get it done.  I wear a prostetic but don't find it uncomfortable at all.  There's a lady on the Canadian Thread that hated the heaviness of it and her daughter knitted her a couple of foobs.  She says they are way more comfortable and very light and she wouldn't go back to her silicone foob.  I can ask her if she has a pattern or something.  She says it fills out her bra quite well

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Have we heard from Christina, she got her results on Monday, Hun please tell us good or bad. Xx

    My MRI results are back just waiting for doc to call me. They have found a small lump/ spot which has a centre crust. It's nodular shape but skin colour - waiting to see if it something horrible. It's on the back of my leg just below my knee. 

    You have to laugh - xxx

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali. Yeah ha ha. Good enough?  Oh man. It's always something. Hope you hear it's just a.lump! 

    We are thinking of you Christina with fingers crossed. 

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    results came back benign. I am so relieved, like a heavy weight is off of me, and I can live again. At least for six months, until I see onc again. They always find something worrisome!

    Geez Ali, what do you think it is?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina,  yay!!!!!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Great news Christina!

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Susan, built in ice packs....hmmmm. I chuckled over that. I hate being cold so I don't think I would like that at all. Strangely, I wish I had had both breasts removed. At least then I would be uniform in appearance and the constant fear of the remaining breast getting cancer wouldn't be there.

    Monica, oh how I wish I was 60 again. It's all relative, isn't it. Remember when we used to think 60 was really old. I'm 71 so now I really do feel old. Nobody believes me when I tell them I'm that old. I guess I should be glad for that

    MLB,    I'd be interested in hearing more about the knitted foobs. My prosthetic is so heavy it almost hurts. And it is slightly bigger than my real breast. A very poor fitting but I thought it was fine at the time.

    Christina, I'm so glad you got good news.   I'm sure you are relieved.

    Ali, I hope it's just an ordinary simple  lump.  Keep us informed.  I'll be thinking of you.

    Tonight, I am so mad at my two damn 40 something daughters that I could just feel my blood pressure soaring.  I might die really soon of a heart attack if I don't calm down.  I only have the two daughters and you'd think they could get along.  They are bitching at each other over the most mundane stupid damn things.  I want to choke them both!   I'm sure I'll get over it. No computers allowed in jail so I'd best behave.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I think I addressed you as Hildy.  Sorry about that.  I still blame chemo brain LOL!  I've sent the lady a PM to see if she has a pattern.  I know she swears by them.  Are you a knitter?  Never learned myself.  I went online in search in the meanwhile and found this.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    FLDREAMER.  She got back to me already.  See below.  Let me know how you make out

    Hi Maureen

    Here it is! Even for a non knitter like me,
    reading the pattern was lots of fun. My first ones were filled with
    quilt type batting. Since then, I have lined a couple with material from
    panty hose and then filled them with micro beads from Michaels. They
    have more heft to them and the panty hose keeps the beads from spilling
    out. It's still washable. I wear the lighter, batting filled one for
    appointments where someone will weigh me.

    Hope it works!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Bosom Buddy's Casper Wyoming at

    Dancing sheep yarn.

    I still can't post links. But if you Google they make the foobs to order and send them to the person who needs them. Not sure if they pay postage. Other people knit them and pay the $12 dollars for the kit to make them to donate. That's how they can afford to do this. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    The main group in Arkansas takes orders and ships them for $5. Bosum Buddies. Also I guess there is a commercial brand called Bosum Buddies that is a soft foob for sale. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Yes I had a soft pair of foobs come to think of it when I purchased my after surgery camisole I just remember.  They were just OK but better than nothing (I only needed 1)  I could even mail them to you FLDREAMER if you want to PM me your address.  I had completely forgotten about them! Superlight and filled with cotton batton I think.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    It seems I don't have the energy to log on till weekends.   Haven't been here for a couple of days.  Thanks for the foob ideas.  I have an acquaintance who knits so I will check with her.  But, I'm going to PM my address also.   With warm weather now, (finally), it would be nice to wear ordinary sleeveless tops, etc. instead of always hiding with a t-shirt and jacket.   Thanks for the suggestions.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    Went gambling Friday night, hadn't gone in years. The slots took $100 from me and then I quit! It was fun.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Doesn't take long at the slots to go through $100 does it.  Just got me to thinking I haven't been to the horse races for a few years. I just love it too and will be putting it on my to do list this spring.  BTW love the new avatar.  Your hair is so long!!  Having a busy weekend, 2 BD celebrations and got a jump on some spring cleaning.  With all that cake it had me checking out Weight Watchers online.  I've had great success in the past so I think I'm heading there this week.  


    I got you're PM and will be mailing those Foobs out to you this week.  I know they made the world of difference for me when I couldn't wear a prostetic after MX surgery

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina I've never been much for gamboling. I went once spent 5$ came home with $10. That was enough for me. LOL I also love how long your hair got. Mi. Is still short because I keep it that way. 

    Fld, hang in there hon. 

    MLB has spring started up there by you? Down here were just now starting to see rain and thunderstorms. Some crocuses have popped up nearby the Ymca windows.  Just a few to show what's ahead. 

    Much love to all. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yes spring has sprung!  Rainy and 21C here today so about 70F.  I noticed this morning that my herb pot has something growing. I just let them dye off last fall because I wasn't sure what was perennial and was wasn't.  Haven't seen any crocus's just yet but tulips usually pop up around May 1.  I have to say though now that the snow is gone you can really see the damage to all of the trees from the ice storm just before Christmas.   Stumps everywhere you look and branches being collected by the city at the curbside.  So sad to see.

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Just a quick message tonight.   Whenever I come home from work, I usually crash and nap.  And I gotta still do my taxes yet tonight.   (They are kind of ready....I just have to finalize, review  and write a check and put in envelope to mail tomorrow.)

    Firstcall:   I'm thinking of you.   It's marathon time again and I think of you often.  I don't know if you log in here anymore but I'll be wishing you luck anyway if you end up running.   Be safe and have fun.  Hope your health is holding up okay.

    Others:  I'll be back in day or two.  Take care all.  Hope all are okay.    As for spring, bah humbug.   It's really cold here in Illinois again.  It even snowed briefly today.   Yuck to cold weather.  My bones and joints hurt when it's cold.   

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fld, have a good trip. Yes it snowed up here too. But Spring is on the way even if she's walking BACKWARDS!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Hey everybody! 

    I've got some daffodils blooming, that has to be a good sign, right? I'm sorry about the  snow, that's just not right! 

    Christina, so happy to hear your news! Ali, fingers are crossed for you!

    As I recall, First Call is running in the marathon this year, as he took a medical deferrment due to the heat last year. If you are still reading these boards, First Call, good luck on the 21st! It's going to be a very emotional day around these parts, that's for sure. 

    So I just got back from Alabama. My daughter's karate school takes part in this big community service project every year, and the teacher and some students travel to rural Alabama and help build affordable housing.  She was the only girl going out of nine teenagers, so she asked me to come along, which I did. Very cool event, even if I did have to sleep on a camping pad on a gym floor! 

    Hope you all are doing well. 

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Firstcall is planning on running Boston - but he took the heat deferment in 2012 right after his chemo and last year he was running and was stopped due to the bombing. I think his last posts are from October 2013. I might have other contact info but I'll have to look. 

    Christina - thrilled for you! 

    Ali - please let us know when you know. You're in my prayers. 

    We also had snow today .... 

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77

    Hello Ali and group

    I read your thread occasionally as you are all a month ahead of me. Your thread helped me prepare for chemo so thank you.

    Ali, could your lump be a lipoma, a benign, fatty deposit? I had one by my left knee and the GP took it out and sent it off to the hospital and that is all it was. No treatment required.

    Good luck!
