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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hi Alice! Glad you popped in! LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Snow here today too!! UGH

    Hi Alice. nice to see you again!

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Monica, I think you misunderstood.   "Have a good trip"    sounds nice.   Thank you....but I didn't go anywhere, except back to bed.   I'm always so tired.   Anyway, I appreciate the good thoughts.    I like your comment about 'spring waking backwards'.   I smiled at that.

    Hildy, that sounded like a fun trip with the daughter

    It's still cold here, 32 degrees now at 6am.     I guess getting up to 50 today will be good.   It's such a weird winter and now a weird spring.

    I fell in my kitchen the other night and now my whole body hurts.   I fell totally on my right side using my hand to break my fall.  Nothing broke but everything hurts.    It's hard to type as my sore hand and arthritic fingers (with their neuropathy as well) aren't working right. 

    Have a good day everyone.   

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    fld! I blame chemo brain!!!! LOL

    I am sorry you are hurting. That is no fun. The weather is a big part of how I feel and determines if I can walk or not! Sucks. But some days I feel loads better and other days it's very hard to make myself get up and move.  Oh well. Hope you are feeling better. 

    Much love to all. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Ouch. hope you're feeling ok today.  Not good, I had a fall about a year ago and it while I just had a few bruises it scared me because I live alone.  

    I unfortunately had to attend the funeral yesterday for my Aunt that passed suddenly this week.  She lost her husband, my Uncle in early January after 56 years in marriage,.  I feel so bad for their 3 daughters and grandkids losing both parents within a 4 month time span.  At least they're together again

    Going out for fish and chips with a bunch of friends today for Good Friday then we're all going to our local pub for a couple.  How Catholic of us LOL. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, sorry about your Aunt. Prayers for her family. 

    Some exciting news to share.....

    I am getting my knee replacement!!!!

    Only one on June 18th, but it's been a long time coming. As most of you might remember I was to have had it just before BC took over my life. 3 long years later I am back on the schedule. Looking forward to yet another operation. That will make 8 in 3 years. Of course this is a big one but I am soooo ready!  The rad tech came out after my first X ray and said "wow, I can see why you are in pain"! LOL.  Um. Yeah. LOL

    Much love

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    MLB, that is very catholic of you.

    Moonflwr, congrats on the knee replacement.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Happy Easter everyone! :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Happy Easter! 

    Grit.  Great news!  I was talking to my cousin a couple of days ago and she needs a replacement as well.  They told her though she has to wait because she's too young at 56 and that she has to wait a few more years. I'm not sure of your age but you're younger no? Personally I don't think she's pushing her doctor hard enough. My brother had it done at 57 and was thrilled with the result.


    I found the foobs!  After I said I would mail them I had to go hunting and was afraid I had them in storage. They are a smallish C cup but you can always remove the batting and fill them either more or less with whatever you want and they just wash up in the machine.

     I had the lovely honour of having dinner with my bestie's huge, loud Scottish family yesterday.   Was alot of fun.  Now off to my sisters and her big Croatian in law's family.  Equally as loud and fun too.  I'm a lucky girl!  I don't think I've done much more than boil an egg all weekend!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, fun times! LOL big families are fun. 

    We just went out to brunch as none of the kids could make it. Oh well it was good and no clean up. But if course no leftovers either.... LOL

    I am 59 for my TKR. But they were gonna do it at 56 as I was in great pain. Of course I am still in pain but BC really put a big crimp in the plans. He says he'll take a chance because I am stable. And walking. And my heart seems able to take it. LOL.  And my diabetes is controlled. So yeah I am a complex patient he can gave a challenge. LOL.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938




  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Happy Easter beautiful ladies & Firstcall! 

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    MLB Sorry about your aunt. That must be very hard for her family. I'll be thinking of them.

    Mnflwr I am happy about your knee replacement. I know what you mean about delaying things. I was going to do two foot surgeries before the CA hit me. Now, I've decided not to bother. My job ends in two months and there isn't time for everything plus I am chicken to be having stuff done to my feet. And I pee too much too often to be told to not put any weight on my feet for six weeks!  (foot.  it would be one foot at a time with 6 wks no wt bearing...then, the other foot 2 mos later.)  

    I was very Catholic for first time in years and ate fishy stuff on Good Friday. came home and got sick. And sicker, and sicker. But not from the food. By Saturday, I had to skip the major family get together and by Sunday night, my daughter brought me to the emerg rm. My lower back pain was horrendous.  I thought it was delayed pain from falling.  They took x-rays and all is fine.   Then they took other tests.

    Turns out it was a kidney infection. By an unusual strain of bacterial. So I am in isolation and they are treating it with an unusual antibiotic to see if they can get rid of it. Here it is early Wed a.m. and i feel good but they won't send me home yet. I guess this could get serious so they're being cautious. I couldn't eat Sat & Sun cause of being sick and I've been on liquid diet since coming here. I would kill for a hamburger, or taco or pizza. (I guess that means I'm getting better.) I just hope the blood and urine samples say the same.

    MLB: Happy to hear you found the foobs. No rush on sending them. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

    Mnflr: Hoppy Spring brought a smile to me. Thanks.  But it's 34 degrees outside right now.  Where or where has our Spring gone? (to the tune of how much is that doggie in the window....)

    Hope all are as ok as possible.  

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Fldreamer, I am so sorry you were laid up and sick.  That's a crappy way to spend a holiday.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    fld! That's horrible! I hope the abx clears it up fast. You need your kidneys! Isolation isn't any fun either. This time you really did it! Take care and listen to them. When I was in renal failure the kept me 4 days. I wasn't even feeling sick though cause I must have just started into ARF.(acute renal failure) Oh excuse me it's now called something kidney injury. Cause I guess the old name was too hard LOL.  But yeah they are real careful about that. You must be getting lots of fluid. I went home 20 lbs heavier than I came in because of the flushing with fluids. Oh, and our Spring must be walking backwards for a bit cause it's pretty cold today too. But the daffodils are popping up anyway

    . Much love to all!


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I hope this message finds you home! Very scarey thing to have happen.  Amazing how quickly it developed into something so serious.  Let us know how you're doing.


    Ain't spring grand!  So great to see things popping up in the garden

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Thanks all.   I came home today (Thursday) at noon.   On oral abx for next 12 days.   Hope this doesn't come back.  The infectious specialist said if it comes back, I will be admitted for a TEN day regimen of the IV abx.   Wow.   I'll go nuts.   Anyway, I feel pretty good.  Eating normally again, no pain or discomfort.   VERY faithfully eating right and taking meds.   Don't want to go thru this again!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fld glad you are home. Keeping fingers crossed that you won't have go back!!!!

    Much love. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone,  well my MR scan showed that I had three discs problems and they were pressing on the nerves. I know now no cancer in my bones so that's great. My gp says to go on a anti- depressant  10mg everyday as it's good for back pain. Not sure about that but I will speak to my physio lady and see what she says.

    My kids are doing exams and it's been hard as they are up and down with their moods. Maybe I should take that anti- depressant. My spot on my leg crusted over then the top layer fell off but it still there and clear again. I have it removed on the 8th May but I'm not worried about it now.

    Taking my Tamoxifen at 6 pm and it's so much better or the SE are getting better who know's. 

    On a different note, I would only put this here- has anyone felt that chemo has made your face age terrible and caused wrinkles? Around the bottom of my mouth it's really ugly and I have always used serum's and creams which have helped but this area is bad. I want to try fillers but shit scared it will go wrong. Also I know I'm lucky to be here but why can't we look good too. 

    Love to everyone xx

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Great news on the no cancer.  I have always had  back issues and see a chiropractor once a month, works for me but I know not everyone is in to them.

    I totally agree with you on the aging thing.  I feel like my face has aged 10 years.  I guess its the chemo and the stress of it all.  I was thinking lately about looking into non surgical procedures, but scared of fillers too.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ali! I am happy for you. Less SEs and no BC in bones is nice to hear. 

    I wouldn't do anything to my face but that's just me. I am however getting a knee replacement so not exactly against surgery! LOL.  Just don't want to go through more. This will make sx #9 in 3 years and that's enough for me. 

    Much love. 

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Well, here it is Sunday night and I had the enjoyable 3 day weekend I missed last week when I got sick on Good Friday.   As stated earlier, I came home from hospital Thurs p.m.   Stayed in all of Fri but felt good enough to putter around the house.  Sorting stuff, cleaned closet, and straightened up the mess I made the weekend before when I was so sick.

    Sat was spent shopping.  I bought fresh new lavender and yellow rugs and towels for bathroom and a new comforter for my bed and throw pillows.  Money I should send to doctor bills.  (the hell with them!   I'll pay what I can when I can.)   I am dusting off all knicknacks and packing away for the summer.   I want as little dusting and cleaning as possible.  Still trying to lighten my load of stuff.

    Ali, I'm so glad there is no bone CA.   However, sorry to hear about the disc problems.  Back aches can be total hell.   I hope all can be controlled as best as possible.   

    Our skin:   I'm already old (age 71.....   how the hell did that happen!).   Anyway, my face generally looks young.  Nobody thinks I'm as old as I am.  But the skin on my arms, hands, legs looks mottled and dried up (even with lotions).  And I'm getting spots (age spots).   yuck!    Not gonna do anything about it.   Lotion will be it.  It is what it is.  I have enough real problems to deal with so I'll be as I am.   Sigh.   

    Hopefully, the abx are hitting the kidney infection as I feel good.  However, I've been sneezing and blowing my nose a LOT and am unsure if it is allergies or a spring cold.    damn,   just can't get a break!

    Hope all of you are fine.   Thinking of all of you!    (thunderstorms happening right now outside....I love a good storm..if all are safe, of course.)


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I hear you on the new linens.  I'm trying to stay away from my favourite shop called Down Under because I really don't need anything but dying to buy a set of bamboo sheets which are supposed to keep you cool in the summer.  Pipe anyone who might have them and let me know if they're worth it.

    I went mad this week and bought a new (new to me) car!!!  I have been driving a 1998 Civic since 1999 and I brought it into my mechanic for what I thought was a shot bearing.  He told me the frame was totally rotten and not to put a penny into the car.  Well that was all I needed to hear LOL.  I've wanted something newer but couldn't justify it, but safety is the first priority always.  I have have a little CRV Sport.  Just love it.  I'm a die hard Honda lover, this is my 3rd one in 25 years

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    MLB:   I hear you on the Hondas..   That's what I have and all I've had for the past 15 years.  I love that brand.     

    I'm doing well since coming home from the hospital a week ago.  Kidney infection seems to be totally cleared up.  I saw the doctor the other day and they did tests (urine, etc.).    All is fine and I'm back to work on a regular schedule again.   Almost felt good to go to work as compared to being in the hospital.   

    My job will end on July 1.  I will be retiring and I'm scared as hell.  My income will drop to half what it is now and I don't feel ready.  Especially when I look at the cost of Medicare Part D and supplemental insurance.  I totally screwed up my 401K and it is gone.   I will have a small pension plus social security.  I am so scared.  I've been alone since my divorce in 1984 and never dreamed I would grow old alone.  I always thought I'd meet someone to love and share with.....and with whom I'd share income as I got older.   

    My older daughter asked me the other day what I'll do with my time and suggested I make a dedicated effort to find a man!   Ha HA.   I don't think I dread it all enough to do that.   I'll live in a tent first before I would ever settle just for financial reasons.  Oh well.

    Hope all of you are fine.   It seems our weather here in Illinois is finally kind of nice.  Hooray.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    fld, maybe you have a friend to share expensive sith? It might be an option. And it doesn't have to be female? ; ) 

    MLB, Congrats on your new to you car! We always buy used but usually happy with them. LOL.  

    The weather was beautiful today. 60's!!! Yay!

    Much love to all. 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Any chance of getting something part time? 

     A single friend of mine in AZ took in a guy (she knew him) as a roomie and she was sorry she hadn't done it sooner.  She normally had a female roomie but the handyman skills this guy has (and I'm not being cheeky LOL) really come in handy.  She feels a little safer as well.  Doing this allowed her to hang on  her to home during the economic bust when she didn't have a job.


    I have never ever bought a brand new car in my life.  The thoughts of losing that value via depreciation by merely driving it off the lot makes me cringe.  As long as you buy from a reputable source and can verify the service that's been done its fine.  I'm a low mileage gal (or K gal as we say up here) and am sure I'll have this one for at least 7 - 10 years.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Well MLB my DH will buy cars on their last legs for about 500 bucks. He drives them til they break down. I told him that's fine FOR HIM! My car had better be dependable! When I was younger I could start a car with a screwdriver when the starter was broken. I told him if he thinks I'd do that now he's crazy! LOL I have a 2003 Saab. I love it. I've had it 5 years. His car has over 315, 000 miles on it. LOL

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I remember having a car with a carbuerator.  If I flooded it I would open the hood and use my hairbrush handle to keep the valve open and started the car LOL

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ever have to park on a hill to start a car with a clutch? Ah. Being young and stupid that's what we had to do with our first car til we could afford the parts to repair it. LOL

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hello to all, and happy Mother's Day to those of you who are moms. Looks like I have missed so much, but thankfully it sounds like everyone is stable/no bad news on the cancer front.

    DH and I split up. He had been talking about it for a while, so we put our house up for sale, and then BAM he went and bought a new place for himself and moved out. I am sort of sick to my stomach over it, but dealing with it. I've suspected he was seeing someone else since last late summer or fall. I don't know if he is or not, don't really want to know. I thought after recon and losing weight he would be interested in me again. Guess not.

    Karen, I can't imagine how it must feel to be retiring, and if I recall right it wasn't really your choice either. Would you be interested in finding something part-time? Just for a little extra money, and to keep busy, and maybe meet new people and try your hand at something new. I'd be bored not working, I'd have to find a part time job, or volunteer, or something!