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February 2012 Chemo



  • Teacup2012
    Teacup2012 Member Posts: 11

    I know how you all feel with the hair loss and making decisions about wigs and head coverings. That's where was at this time last week. I actually called in the first day after buzzing my hair because I just couldn't deal. But honestly after the 2nd day I was much more comfortable. I had many comments on my new short haircut! I do share the feelings of feeling like a fraud in my wig, but I don't feel like wearing scarves is an option for me. The minute I get home the wig comes off and stays off!

    Warm thoughts to all of you facing this transition this week.

    Moonflower - take extra care, you've sure had a rough few days.

    Firstcall - your run is an inspiration! I'm 19 days out from 2nd AC and this weekend I had a hard time even going up and down stairs I'm so fatigued.

    To everyone else - stay strong - happy Monday!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Good Morning everyone. 

    Moonflower- I hope your antibiotics kick in soon.

    Ali -did you get a port put in? 

    Going to get a run in and get the day going.  Bracing myself for Friday which is my next treatment.   

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    oh wow you do look so cute. Maybe you can get a similar style wig?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Get my port put in on march 15th and next day is new chemo. Didn't make it into work as first thing had to take the hamster to the vets. It has a bad foot and vet said it looks like a tumour and needs to be put to sleep. I burst out crying and told him my daughter can't stand anymore bad news as I have breast Cancer.. The poor vet was so kind and gave me a hug and said give it antibiotic for a week and see what happens. I just couldn't do it and I wanted my daughter to say goodbye to the hamster.

    Tomorrow will be a better day.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Good lord you've have a hell of a time, but I'm glad you're home now and didn't have to be admitted.


    Your son is too cute.  What a doll!


    Day 17 for me and my hair isn't falling out in clumps, more like strands.  I have it pulled back in  a clip to contain the shedding AND to get used to the shape of my head for when it does have to go.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Last week I reported that every day I had a patient or two who are BC survivors, most several years out.  Today I just received the biopsy report for a patient which came back DCIS.  I'll be meeting with her in a couple of hours to discuss her new diagnosis.  Fortunately, it looks like its very early. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    ali, i'm so sorry. that is hard. glad the hamster gets another chance.

    firstcall, that must be a challenge talking to someone else about breast cancer.

    I just met with my oncologist and met a woman who is 74 and having her 3rd bout with cancer. First time breast cancer, 2nd lung cancer, now breast cancer again. She was debating whether to bother with treatment. She was so alive and young feeling yet I can see her point.  I told her that things had changed a ton since the last time she'd done chemo and she could always give it a shot and then stop if it was too much.  Her daughter was with her at the appointment.  I looked at the daughter and said, "this must be hard for you." And then I said, if it was my mom, I'd beat her into getting treatment. Smile  My mom was 71 when she died and I miss her terribly. What a horrible dilemna.

    We ran into each other again in the exam room area and by that point she was asking me about the port and how that was, so maybe she'll give it a shot.  Either way, pray for her. How hard.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    Just went to the doc to get some Ativan to try and get some sleep, my Ambien isn't working anymore. Also went to Gilda's Club and the place was pretty cool with lots of activities and groups for cancer patients. I'm going to check out an exercise class and group session tomorrow. There all over the country, if anyone has one in there town you might want to check it out. I spend most of my time alone so hope it helps.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    So sorry about the poor little hamster.  I know how  you feel, just had to put down my cat because she had cancer.  Sucks big time.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Myleftboob, so sorry about your cat that's so upsetting. I have a cat and she is my world I love her to bits. I think everything is getting me down and I have been so strong and I can deal with this ok.

    My daughter called today and said " mum you are so strong it has made us get through this without falling apart" we have to deal with the Cancer and make everyone around us happy as well. If only they knew how bloody hard this job is, I would want a pay rise and insurance.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I know what you mean trying to be strong for everyone else too.  Once in a while its fine though to take a moment, have a good cry when you're alone and then get back at it.  I still have one cat left thank God (the one in the my Avatar) He's such a love bug!  He's nearing 14 so I worry about him though.


    I echo gritgirl's thoughts about how challenging your appointment will be today.  But you can give her a much more insightful perspective than a doctor that hasn't gone through it personally I believe. 


    Just added your new acquaintance to my long list for prayers. I know that in speaking to you she and her daughter got some comfort. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm here-thx for missing me myleftboob! over the weekend too lazy to get outta the chair and turn on the computer.

    this morning was 9 AM PICC flush and the grocery store- i hit the wall this morning--it has to be the steroids-coming down...low blood sugar and awful but i took an ativan and slept a few hours- ...could not have driven self...when i first got out of bed at 615 i thought it was going to ne a bad backache day but so far so good!

    still some hair straggling- my nose is running alot too!

    slug city here at my house....the cat and the dog curl up on me and i just don't have the heart to move them!

    moonflower-are you getting frequent flier miles at the ER? i would insist! seriously-get better!

    hope all have a better week!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    There you are.  Glad to hear it was nothing more than a case of the lazies. 

    Well count down to Friday for the 2nd TX.  Just got a load of groceries in.  So nice shopping on a Monday evening AND nice to know the type of food I'll be wanting next week.  Laundry all caught up.  Fridge is next then floors. Off to sign up a client tomorrow (YAY) and got a cheque in the mail for $195 courtesty of the Ontario Government as a subsidy for my foob.  Now I can collect the $200 from DH's insuranvce too (Had to prove what the government gave me first). 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    we are thinking we need to find another apt...the electricity in this one goes out for 10-15 minutes at a time- not in the whole place-just  the living room and the bedroom-- we're sitting here and allofasudden no tv no lights in the bedroom etc....and i sleep with a CPAP so it could be life threatening...5:45 AM the other morning woke us up!

    it's not in the breaker box and the rest of the building has their power.....

    super isn't answering her email and i didn't call- i printed the e out and am mailing it -will call her tomorrow i guess- mean time; dang it..much as i hate this place i didn't wanna have to push the "break the lease" envelope so early--this is not who i am but i am starting to worry that we could have a fire or something due to this......

    any lawyers on this list???????

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Glad it was just laziness, lumps. Been a bit busy or I might have realized We hadent heard from you for a while. LOL. My chemo tx 2 had been postponed as I am on antibiotics again. I seem to always take the "scenic route" on this journey. *sigh*

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23

    Thought I'd do a quick update.  I am at day 14 after tx2.  Didnt have bad SE this time but the fatigue was worse.  Got a rash on my poor bald noggin on Fri so they put me on antibiotics.  Didnt help much but today at the beginning of my "good week" my rash has been diagnosed as shingles.  Been trying not to cry all day.  Even started second guessing myself that I should be doing this to myself.  I know a pity party is not so helpful but really SHINGLES?    Tomorrow should be better.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Aw, Donna not fair. Shingles is not fair, it hurts, hope they go away soonest, will keep you in my prayers.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    As the doctor to prescribe you Valtrex ASAP.  I have those on hand for the occasional cold sore flare up.  It's prescribed for Shingles as well.  It works best when you start to feel an outbreak coming on but it can shorten it.  There is no problem with taking it while on chemo either.  I already checked.  I tend to get outbreaks when stressed and have to think its the same with Shingles.  This is probably one of the most stressful times of our lives.

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    End of Day 9, and I'm feeling really sorry for myself. I'd had a good day, felt pretty normal. Then, at about 8.30pm, I started to feel nauseous and took 2x Domperidone pills. First ones for a couple days.

    Within half an hour, I threw up. :( I spent 2-1/2 hours sitting quietly, sipping on water, but then threw up again half an hour ago. :(

    I'm fed up with this. Really thought I was past the worst of the wacky gastric SEs, but apparently not. Perhaps I have to keep taking my anti-nausea / anti-constipation drugs every day until chemo is over.

    Feel like I'm going to cry. I just want to feel comfortable and get some sleep!

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    oh galena, sorry you are feeling so bad ((((((((hugs)))))))), I decided to keep taking clariton since day 8 I got horrible bone pain, I have yet to experience nausea, I heard after 2nd tx it might happen.

    Last night was my first night I got6 hrs straight of sleepSmile, maybe it will happen again tonight.  my next does of poison is wed, my last tx is 4/5 of AC, so thats my target, just to make it to that date. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Galena, I feel for you, I really do. That was my problem from the first treatment, that and diarrhea. DO NOT GET DEHYDRATED .I did and ended up in hospital, I don't want to scare you, but warn. Hang in there. Call you doc in the morning or whenever they told you to. ((((((Hugs)))))

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Stupid hair question: anyone got a chemo mullet going on? Most of my hair is gone on top, but the longer in the back is hanging in there! LOL. I would have shaved it, but going to the hospital messed up that plan! So, chemo mullet time.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Galena, I am so, so sorry. If the anti nausea helps, take it. This stuff is hard enough without throwing up. Like moonflwr said, call the docs too.

    Moonflowr, hilarious. Mullet. I crew cut my hair so have no idea.what my hair is but short. Monday same Tuesdays are my worst days. Yesterday I kept looking at people and thinking she doesn't have cancer. That's not fair. Feeling a bit bitter, envious yesterday. Just one of my bad days. And it isn't fair.

    On a positive note. I'm not getting my period anymore. I've had such bad menstrual cramps, I've been praying for that since I was12. I actually asked my mom for a hysterectomy when I was 12. She.told me I still needed my uterus. She was wrong. I never did use it. :-)

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Therapy yesterday for this tight chest.....intense and painful! First nadir which they said was good but have swelling in neck above port side so did a Doppler which was normal but put me on antibiotics just in case. Hope they don't upset my already sensitive stomach. I also found a stitch in side of neck which they clipped. Have been so happy that I probably would not have another period since mine are horrible.......started in middle of night! Wonder what today will bring?!?! This is day 13 from first tx so I'll probably lose my hair :(

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Just found this great quote from Fran Drescher. She has an organization for the early detection of cancer

    When the doctor calls and tells you, "You have cancer," at the end of the day he goes home and eats dinner with his family, while you go home and eat your heart out with yours.

    - Fran Drescher

     There's also a great shop of that site for cancer care.  Looks like some good stuff.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    DonnaD - sorry to hear about your shingles, I knew someone with those once and are very painful. Is that an SE? I feel bad for everyone having such crappy se's. I am on day 14 after my first tx so waiting for the hair to start flying, I had a really bad headache last night, even had to ice my head and then a nose bleed this morning, don't know what's up with that. I had to go to the pharmacy yesterday to pick up some Ativan to try to sleep, it's getting to the point that I"m embarrassed to go there because of all the different drugs, they probably think I'm an addict. Anyway switching from Ambian to Ativan, I hope it works I desparately need some sleep. Hope everyone has an SE FREE day today :)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    JAG, the last thing you need to worry about is the pharmacist. I am sure he knows by the mix of drugs that you are in treatment for BC. Not to mention probably by the purchases of stool softener, and laxitives! LOL. The ambien works for me, but you seer wise to try something else if it didn't for you. MSBELLE (((((hugs))))) so sorry you feel bad. Sometimes things just don't go tight so hang in there, bitch here, and we will all do what we can to help. Gritgirl, thanks for another fun link. Much love and small SEs

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    Hi all. I have taken two lots of anti-nausea meds now, and feeling a lot better. I'd been eating really well and hadn't needed the meds for a couple days, but I will now continue to take them preventatively.

    I spent the last few hours on the couch as I didn't feel like being horizontal. Snoozed a little, and took lots of sips of water. My cat decided to keep me company. I'll try to attach a picture below... my apologies if it is bung.

    5am here, and I think I might try getting some sleep. Thanks for 'listening' to me vent. xoxo

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Im day 8 out from 1st tx. I thought I was the only one with the runny nose thing going on. It's actually stuffy and runny at the same time. I was up half the night blowing my nose while having a sinus headache. My head started itching yesterday all day. I guess I shouldn't complain, at least my appetite is back. can't wait for a slice of pizza! Hope everyone is feeling good and getting through the day.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Dipad -Hate to say it but I am day 20 from the 1st TX and my nose is still an issue, stuffy, yet runs like a faucet.  Should have bought stock in Puffs brand tissues before I started chemo, I could singlehandedly make myself rich.  LOL

    Okay so I am shedding someting awful, so glad I got this short haricut before my surgery and then again cut it in January.  Just an FYI, I am normally a redhead (though it is quite a bit grey underneath now).....I don't have a dog, so I am wondering if I could possibly blame the hair all over the house on the poor cat. LOL

    Anyway, dealing with the hair issue much better today.  Went to dinner with an old friend of 20 years, and she informed me at dinner, that she has been wearing a wig for the last 25 years because she has alopecia.  So that kind of put it in perspective, nothing like meeting someone who has something worse then you to make you stop sweating the small stuff.  Truth is, like she said, mine is only temporary.  

    Anyway (((hugs))) to all and wishing small SEs to all