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February 2012 Chemo



  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    I started this thread about Taxol and Nails  - I got a few tips....

    i really don't want to ice them.  There is something about the actual treatment being comfortable that has helped me through this.  I hate being cold - as I sit in an office in FL with a heater blasting.  I will get the tea tree oil and I'll ask the nurses at my onc office for any other suggestions.  I'm still not even clear what exactly we are fighting??  it sounds like on one hand it is an infection but what does icing have to do with preventing infection?  Or is the icing to prevent the growing cells from dying off and detaching?

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    I know what you mean about the well meaning folk. One of my secrateries said yesterday " OMG I'm so sorry I just found about your breast cancer. You are handling it so well. If it were me I'd be saying oh my god i'm dying" I felt like saying to her " thanks for the posistive thoughts". Not sure if its just me being overly sensitive. Everyday someone says :your handling this so well. Really? do I have a choice? Since the day I was diagnosed I have refused to go down that dark road. Its hard to be happy everyday but I try very hard to stay positve. I dont like sympathy and try not to let too many people know for that reason.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    The quesies feel like morning sickness. Both times when I was pregnant I had a constant craving for chicken curry and rice, I HATE CURRY. I can't believe it, the curry craving is back again.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Welcome Tracy! :)

    Lumpynme - good news about the job...hoping you can get started in April!

    Had treatment #2 this past Monday. Did not sleep well last night, felt mildly queasy off and on today. Meds are keeping it from being much of a bother though. Water does not taste good, which is killing me...I love to drink water. And my mouth is so dry. I have been drinking juice but too much bothers my stomach. Ugh...hopefully this doesn't last long. The very top of my scalp is a little sore, but it's tolerable. I hate to complain when so many have such worse SEs.

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    dipad, I feel the exact same way about the queasies, along with the fatigue - its like going through pregnancy all over again!

    I have had 2 txs so far and my nails are fine.  I did hear about vit E and nail strengthener and have been planning to put them on my nails, but as someone else said, there never seem to be enough hours in the day to actually do this!

    Back to a post a few days ago from JenH13 - I love what your son asked!!!  I'm surprised my own hasn't ever asked that question - I would have cracked up too.

    Someone asked a while back about going into menapause with TC therapy.  I was originally supposed to have TC but had a bad reaction to it and had to switch.  BUT, I was told that it would definitely put me into temporary menapause and there was an 80% chance I would go into full menapause because of my age (45).  I remember the person who asked was 39 so there's a good chance she won't go into full menapause.  On my new treatment, I am also supposed to go into at least temporary menapausea and I was looking forward to no more periods!  Actually thought that was going to happen after tx #1.  Last week, I started having discharge similar to what usually comes at the end of my periods, it tapered off this Monday and I thought that would be it.  However, yesterday, my period started with a vengence!!  Heavy bleeding, cramps, all the stuff that I haven't had for ages - WTF!!!  While I'm not necessarily looking forward to hot flashes and some of the other unpleasantries associated with menapause, I can't wait to be done with these awful periods.  Frown

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I feel  for you gals that are pre-menopausal.  Fortunatley or unfortunatley mine periods were so sporadic and unpredicable about 2 years ago then they stopped completly 14 months ago.  My last "parting gift" was Christmas of 2010.  2 years ago I had the hotflashes and so far haven't had more than feeling a little flushed.   You gals are getting thrown right into it vs easing into it.  Not fun and then to get a surprise killer period.  Not fair, BS actually.


    I would have normally have left out the gal statement, but I know you're not experiencing any of this LOL!


    Honestly the ice packs were not all that uncomfortable at all.  The nurse made little mitts and boots and I was worried it wasn't cold enough!  so I unwrapped the gel packs and had it right on my nails.  Just took them off when it got too cold.

    I picked up a wig this afternoon! I decided to forget the uber expensive one.  I figure if I wasn't thrilled with it why spend all that dough.  I only paid $75!  Most of the shops locally really cater to black women but the owner found one that is perfect auburn/med brown for me.  She was even surprised to find it, most of the wigs there are black or very dark brown or wild colours  like platinem or pink! LOL!   Now that would be a statement. A bit long but I'll have my hairdresser trim it a bit.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Well TX2 in done and I am now officially half way there.  WOOHOO - what an awesome feeling.  However today was not without its bumps in the road.  When the nurse started the Taxotere I had an extemely bad reaction.  Got nasuea, then closed my eyes waiting for it to pass, then got very warm, opened my eyes and saw white streaks in front of me and my lips started tingling.  Reached for my girlfriends hand and barely said get nurse and she yelled for her as she said I was the color purple. In seconds there were 10 people in the room.  They stopped the taxotere and started me on benadryl and oxygen and within 5 minutes i was okay.  waited a half hour and restarted the Taxotere and the rest of the treatment was uneventful.  Veru sleepy but other wise no lasting issue.  Scary though - especially since I had nothing llike this with the first treatment.  

    So I will keep up with the water tonight and hopefully will sail thru the after shocks as well as last time. In any event it is the half way point and I can't complain

     (((Hugs))) to all

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    dipad: i feel as you do- i wasn't given a choice in this bc thing-nobody ASKED me if i wanted it? or if now was convenient..i, too, try very hard not to go down that dark road and most (99%) of the time i am moving forward and just consider this a speed forced me to make some changes(mostly moving home a year or two before i was ready) and it IS darned inconvenient in the grand scheme however-

    it has helped that i have been relatively SE free or at least minimal SE's.

    i have my moments tho-and mostly they are crabby bitchy ones like i had a few minutes ago with hubby- but hey- he asked for that one! (wink!)

    maureen...we have a few wig shops nearby that also cater mostly to the younger set and others ....we also live near a community where kids still think bright pink mohawks are the rage! i agree that spending money on an uber wig is a bit much-mine gets raves- maybe i'll get sweetie to take a pic tomorrow when i get dressed and put on my face and hair! then if i can i'll change my avatar again....

    i was forced into menopause 12 years ago with my hysterectomy so i cannot imagine what the younger gals are going thru -i mean c'mon isn't bc enuff!

    folks- i had a good day- went thrift shopping and never went in a single store! (wasn't sposed to be that way but...saved money!!) had a great lunch, wonderful conversation and even got to see my granddaughter for a few!  and now i am has rained all day and been windy(but still warm!) so i am gonna go get closer to my dog and cat under the blankie!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    OMG you must have been scared!!  I'm taking myself tomorrow and now I feel a little aprehensive.  Well worse case scenerio I can call someone to pick me up.  I was judging how things went TX#1 and it was so unevenful.  But whoo hoo to those of us that will be half way there tomorrow and all through the week. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    what makes the determination to have taxotere? all of the stories scare the beejeezus outta me

    mthrdee you have angels watching you! glad you are now half way done tho!!!!!

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Lumpynme - I know that I am watched by angels, I lost my mother and my neice over the past few years and I thruly beleive that they have been watching me thru this entire ordeal.  

    Myleftboob - Again, it was fast and over quickly, more scary then anything else.  the nice thing is that the nurses have seen it all before and they preformed like a well oiled machine.  As long as you have someone to pick you up - you will be fine. I was a little shaky leaving, but it did not deter me from going to TGIFridays for dinner so as you can see, there were no long lasting side effects.  Didn't mean to scare you, just wanted everyone to know that each week can be different from the last.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I believe in Angels too.  2 Years ago my dear friend's father passed away suddenly from heart attack.  I'm 49 now but have they were neighbors back when I was 9.  They hail from West Indies and he was a very cool laid back, never mind handsome guy that played bass in a Regae Band for years.  His favourtie song was Three Little Birds by Bob Marley, well anything by Marley actually.  I'm still close to to the family and my DGF is now my neighbor in a different town!!

    Every time I am driving to see my MO, doesn't Bob Marley come on the radio. 

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Mthrdee, that's a wonderful image. My mom died suddenly in 2008 and my sister died just last year. I. So wish they were here but also believe they're watching over me. Glad you're ok

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Hi Everyone!

    I read through all the posts over the past few days but my mind is so fuzzy I forget who posted what.. sorry!

    Welcome to the new people!  We are sad you have to be in our club but glad you have joined our group of friends.

    Ok that brother needs to get over himself!  Sorry but right now is about YOU not him and his childish ways! and those friends.. they can go to TN with the brother!  We have enough going on in our lives we dont need negative and non-supportive people in them.  bye bye.

    Dipad- ( I did remember one persons name!) I feel the same.  Stupid nausea reminds me of morning sickness when I was pregnant! and I do get such odd cravings.. but whats the worse, is when I go to get the food to satisfy the craving my taste buds are so out of whack im all disappointed it doesnt taste like what i was craving.

    Also I am with you on the people. I know they mean well, but "keep your chin up" "stay strong" or my favorite that wanted me to rip what is left of my hair out.. " god only gives us what we can handle" Really?!?  Do you have any idea how these make me feel??  I am 38 yrs old with 2 young kids, working full time and still trying to lead a normal life while fighting BC. That alone makes me a warrior.  So if i have a down day, or I am not as strong. well all be dang I believe I am entitled to it!  Don't pity me, don't tell me to be strong, just be there when I do need you, just be my friend like you were BEFORE. Thats all I ask.

    Today I am 14 days out from my 2nd TX, Ill go in next Thurs for #3 so I guess that makes me 35 days out from my first TX.  I am losing my hair in small handfuls on top but still have some on the sides and back.. i keep hoping that being so far out that maybe I wont lose it all! I know its wishful thinking but you never know! lol

    I went in for my weekly infusion of Herceptin today and didnt put my numbing cream on long enough before. OW.  for those with a port and the cream. at least an hour before for no pain lol  I also had an appt today with a radiation oncologist.  My MO and my surgeon had both told me they didnt think i would need radiation due to no lymph nodes and the tumors placement.  The RO had a different opinion. For some reason that hit me really hard.  I know most people have to have radiation but it felt like yet another battle to overcome in the war.  She kept saying because you are so young.. made me wonder if this war will ever be over.  So I came home cried and took a nap.  I am in a better place mentally now but now I need to go find out more on radiation. I hear its bad but not as bad as chemo.  Anyone have any words of comfort or advice?

    Lumpynme- I am on Taxotere and so far am doing fine. I have the normal SE of fatigue and some queasiness but they hit on day 3 and so far gone on day 6.  Granted I hear it gets worse the more treatments in but so far so good!  Taxotere is a hard hitting chemo, pretty strong one so thats why you mightbe hearing SE stories.  Each person is different so dont get scared yet!

    Time to get the munchkins in bed, hope you all have a peaceful night with lots of sleep!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I just want to appologize to all on this board, I have been very selfcentered lately. With everything going on, I seem to close up. Not done yet, either. Not only is my 2nd treatment postponed, but I have to go in tomorrow for two units of blood. They will be adjusting my reg tx to, so I will probably end up with More than TV x 6. Ahhhhhjjhjjccccccgggggghh! Well, again I am sorry I haven't kept up my end of this deal. I will be betters right after the transfusions. I will start again. I really hate taking the "scenic route" Thanks, much love and small SEs

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Don't apologize, my goodness you have had such a difficult time, more than anyone on this thread unless I'm mistaken.  All the while keeping your sense of humor thoughout.  You need to concentrate on your wellness until they find the right dosage that works for you.  We're all in your corner OK.  Post when you can to let us know how you're doing and be as self centred as you need to.

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Let it all out moonflwr912 we feel it with you!! Hope your next week is better. Sorry you have had a rough one! Praying for you :)

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    On the eve of treatment two.  I had a bowl of my favorite ice cream, so I guess I'm ready now.  Its birthday week here.  Three of my kids had birthdays this week.  They are all away at college, so its phone calls and web cams.  Myleftboob-I think we are on the same schedule, or close anyway.  Ladies first-I'm pacific time and afternoon, so I'll follow you.  I know there are a few others too.  I wish for each of you the strength to continue forward. 

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Firstcall and anyone else having their infusion today - good luck and hopefully you will all have a restful and quiet weekend.

    Yesterday was day 11 from TX 3 and the first day I felt human, that lousy taste is gone from my mouth and I was able to actually enjoy two meals.  Of course still very tired, but I can live with that.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    We're on the same schedule yes.  The only difference is the difference in the time zones.  I'm on EST so I guess I'm 3 hours ahead.  The clocks go forward tomorrow, yay for extra daylight.  Just think 1/2 way done!!  I enjoyed a little bowl of my favourite jalepeno potato chips last night, I tried a couple of chips after TX last time and they really tasted terrible.  I guess that's not a bad thing though.

    Only had a few hours sleep last night due to the steroids, mabey 4 on and off.  I did start the 24 hour Clariton however so fingers crossed it helps next week with bone pain. 

    To everyone else getting TX today, here's hoping for an uneventful day and minor SE's after!

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Good Morning everyone.....

    Here's l link just for fun.  Not BC related.  This is a video of our high school jazz band last spring. Three of my sons play the trumpet (as do I).  We did a show with Alan Vizzutti as a guest performer, and this number is me, with three of my sons and Vizzutti.

    I hope everyone has a great day....


  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Awesome Firstcall! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Ok I'm back on this Claritin thing after neulasta. Which one is better to take...Claritin D or 24 hr Claritin without D. My ONC said plain Claritn without D but I am seeing a lot of info saying D works better. I want to be prepared and hopefully not have this bone pain. Will get my first neulasta injection after 2tx next week.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Today is chemo day for me too.  I had a hell of a cold the last two weeks. Took off wednesday afternoon and slept almost 24 hours straight. starting to feel better. so i get the feeling any illness is worse on chemo. that part sucks.

    hey, if folks could do me a favor. METAvivor, a group that gives 100% of its funding to metastatic breast cancer (what I got) is in a contest to win $145,00.  All yoeu have to do is go to the link below and then click Sign in to Vote.  They only ask your email address to sign in and they send you a link to submit the vote. Please pass this on. I'm hoping more research, the longer I get to live.

  • Jag1110
    Jag1110 Member Posts: 51

    msbelle - I just had one tx so far and used the regular claritan with no bone pain, I haven't heard anything about the D working any better. My hair is falling out so bad and my scalp hurts so much I think it's going to have to o today. I"m going to see my Dad Sunday and wanted to still have my hair so it doesn't upset him but I don't think it's gonna last that long. I just didn't want it to remind him of my Mom, she died of lung cancer 15 years ago. God I hate this shit!

  • Msbelle
    Msbelle Member Posts: 160

    Thanks Jag1110: I am the same. If I brush my hair today I think it will be gone. Just can't bring myself to shave it. My scalp not hurting though just kind of tingling. I hate this part too!!

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    gritgirl, I voted!  Hope it helps.  You're so right about the cold thing - it kicked my butt for over 2 weeks and I still have a bit of a lingering cough from it too. 

    mooflwer, no apologies needed at all!  We're all here to provide support no matter what and you definitely have been in serious need of it.  hope things go better and after the blood.

    mthrdee, so sorry that happened to you.  I had a similar experience with the taxotere during tx#1; it was so severe that they had to switch me to a different treatment.  Glad they handled it so quickly and that you were able to move forward with it!

    Wishing all of you who are struggling with bad SEs and the hair loss get through it soon and have better days coming soon.  Hugs to all of you!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Gritgirl, myleftboob, and firstcall, thinking of you guys today...Hope things go smoothly and with minimal SEs.

    I voted, hope it helps!  

    Moonflwer, no worries at all!  I kind of think of this thread as a safe ranting and venting zone (I hope that's okay! I don't mean I'm ranting AT you, just in a general place where people know where I'm coming from. Or from whence I come to be grammatically correct.)

    Stupid question: Is Taxotere the same as Taxol, or related in some way?   

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hildy,Taxotere and Taxol are both Taxane drugs but they are not exactly the same. They are made by different companies and the "carriers" (what they are covered in or made up with) are not the same. 

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    msbelle, my MO made sure I was on plain clariton NO D, will go vote now gritgirl