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February 2012 Chemo



  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I hope your feeling less nauseous by the time you read this.  Love the pic of your cat, pets are so comforting right now.


    Please don't be embarrased.  Pharmacists have seen it all.


    Hey I thought red heads didn't go gray LOL!  Thats what my red head friends tell me anyway, I have alot of gray too.  Looks like crap LOL!  Shedding big time but all over, I just know I could pull it all out if I wanted to, going  to hang on as long as I can.  Had the stuffy nose thing too, seems better today just in time for the next TX.  Wow about your friend, you didn't know all that she was wearing a wig?  Love that.


    I hope you can get out of that lease. 

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    So...shedding....but I do have a question....Why is it that the ear hairs aren't falling off? 

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    you funny firstcall, I want my leg hairs and underarm hair to fall out.  I was actually thinking about nose hair the other day and wondering if that too falls out, hhhhhhmmmmmmm, anyone??

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    My theory was the hair that was exposed to wind was the first to go LOL!  But firstcall since your ear hair is still hanging in that theory is now blown.  Now I just think it goes where you don't really want it to. 


    My leg and nether region hair while more sparse is still hanging in LOL!! Sorry for TMI but...

  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    well I won't miss any of that, was wondering maybe if I shave my legs (I take a break in winter) it would be fast growing and maybe not grow

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Mabey, certainly worth a shot.

    Very proud of myself right now.  Just helped DH carry 10 sheets of drywall into the basement.  I think that qualifies as daily exercise right?

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    I was told that nose hair does go too!  I never even thought about ear hair.  Surprised  I'm practically bald now, but still have some head hairs hanging on for their lives!  Eye brows are starting to thin but the leg hair hasn't seemed to budge at all.  I can't remember who asked about the mullet, but while I didn't exactly have a mullet, I did have patches that stayed with me when most of the rest fell out - one patch right in the front along the hairline, one on right side of the top and another on the left side towards the back!  Not very pretty which is why I just had it buzzed the rest of the way.  BTW, the onco nurse told me not to have it shaved off completely as it would cause a rash or bad irritation of the scalp - use setting 1 on the clippers to do it if you're going to.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    yep to the nose hair...that contributes to the constant sniffling that we have :( 

  • DonnaDS
    DonnaDS Member Posts: 23

    My shingles are responding well to Famvir and I'm responding to oxy.  Guess I'll sleep for a couple of days until everything improves.  Feeling much more positive today, its just another little hurdle.  Thanks everyone, hang in there

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi everyone, sorry to hear about bad SE I hope you all feel better soon. Today I woke up full of beans and feeling good. Went to work in the morning and had lunch with a friend. We did some shopping and I got a great scarf for my head.

    Now I was told when I have my port put in they only numb the area and nothing else, should I be worried????

  • kyliet
    kyliet Member Posts: 587

    Hugs to everyone,

    Off to chemo2 today. Sometimes I think it is worse when you know what you are in for!

    My doctor prescribed me suppositories for nausea if I can't keep tablets down.  The chemist explained they had to be rectally inserted, when I said I realised that she said she had to explain because so many people try and swallow them!!! Not the most pleasant thing to do but at least they stop you vomiting.

    Hubby got the duct tape out, its great for removing the last stray hairs and doesn't seem to hurt.

    Kylie x

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    ali, when I got my port, they numbed the area but also sedated me - I wasn't fully under but they put me in "twilight" as they called it.   I was conscious and only felt the needle go in for the numbing but then nothing else; kind of slept but not really which is why they call it twilight.  It was over quickly and no problem at all.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Knowing my hospital I bet they don't do that, maybe when I go I will ask them to give it to me. I'm having chemo the next day I hope I'm not too sore.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, I found out you have to ask ahead of time

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ask, and get the sedation, makes it eaiser. Also they will probably leave the needle in till chemo so they won't have to poke you again so soon after insertion. It kinda looks like an iv tube but shorter. You will probably want to sleep more upright after as well. Good luck. Much love

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Can you girls tell them for me, all I get is smiles and sorry we don't do that.

    Tomorrow I will call the dept and say I need it.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Hi everybody,
    Haven't checked in for a while but I did read all the posts and hugs are in order for  sore arms, lost furbabies, fleeing hair, annoying side effects, and pretty much all the bad stuff.
    Been running around like a crazy person b/c we had a surprise 80th birthday party for my mother, which involved lots of family camping out at my house the night before, plus my son turned ten the next day so proper attention had to be given to that very important event as well. It was a great comfort to plan events built around love and family.  Plus, I got to have leftover birthday cake for breakfast.  
    I had my third infusion on 2/27, and the immediate sense of tiredness was more severe, but I haven't had any mouth sores, so that's good.  I tried Biotene for the second TX and that didn't work, so this time I went with warm salt water and that seems to have worked. I do have problems with cracks and peeling skin on my fingertips; it's generally a hazard of winter, but I've never had it this badly before.
    So I'm a little ahead of many of you on the hair follies, having shaved my head on 2/15, and as an advance scout thought I'd share that you get used to it, or resigned, or something like that. (But it sucks nonetheless.)  I have lost a lot, but I still have a fairly sizable stubble field up there. All I can think of is that my alter ego is some sort of winter animal like a wolverine, and I have an undercoat or something. Or maybe I misunderstood  what bald meant--thought it would be baby's-bottom-smooth up there.
    At any rate, I have gotten used to the wigs, it has become second nature to put them on. They don't itch or bother me, which is lucky, and I have gotten several compliments on my fabulous new hair cut.  I've been trying to keep this whole thing low-key in the local elementary school community, because I want my son to feel like school is a normal, 'free' zone, if you know what I mean.  So I was worried that the wig would be a huge 'tell,' but it doesn't seem to have been. Yay!  
    Last AC is on Monday, and I will be halfway finished. I'm both dreading it and looking forward to it being over.  When I get to the Monday in between treatments, the next week starts looking a lot closer, unfortunately.  
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I had the don't give a s*%t sedation here too Ali.  Didn't feel a thing.  Can you MO intervene on your behalf?  This was something that was addressed with me my first meeting with the MO!  I think it makes life easier for them too!  Be very insistant!!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali, tell them you are phobic and that you tend to squirm. They'll do it then

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    today i bared my head to my daughter-quickly!

    feeling like poo and nastier than cat sh%$--i'm blaming the steroids AND my landlady.....

    today i finally talked with her -she doesn't know how to respond to me- i'm thinking something like" i'll get an electrician over there" would have been nice! another tenant has same problem and complained but no maintenance came and couldn't find anything wrong-soon as he left the lights went out again. have gone out 9 times in last 2.5 hours.....i found a darling lil house-cheaper rent-neighborhood not quite the greatest -waiting to see-maybe i can get myMO to use the cancer card??????

    hildy-TWO birthdays withj cake!!! whooo hoooo!i'm a frosting girl myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    anyhow- that's my base touching for today! you are all in my prayers!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Oh and Firstcall, my theory is that the hairs you like the least are the ones with the deepest roots. Hence why the crone hairs on my chin are still around, waving in the wind. Perhaps your ear hairs have the same bad attitude.
    Ali,  are there any other choices for hospitals or is your MO just associated with this one? It sucks that they are making things more difficult for you.
    Lumpnme--that's ridiculous. It has to be something in the basic wiring of the building, not specific to your apartment if it's happening to other people as well. SHeesh!
    We make this thing called icebox freeze cake for birthday cake. It's Nabisco chocolate wafer cookies spread with whipped cream, then you stand them on their sides and make a log and cover the whole thing with whipped cream. And stick it in the fridge for the night and the cookies get all soft and the whole thing looks like a zebra when you slice it and oh man is it good. 
  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    moonflwr - sorry to hear about your ER trip. You have certainly had more than your fair share of misery in all this. but lol @ your chemo mullet! I shaved my head and I have all sorts of strange bald spots and squiggles. I cannot imagine what it would look like if I hadn't shaved my head.

    Ali - :( so sorry about the hamster

    Jag - hope you are able to get some sleep. It is awful to not be able to rest!

    myleftboob - sounds like you had a very productive day! :)

    DonnaDS - ugh, shingles, not cool!!! I hope you feel better.

    galena - That's awful, I am so sorry you had such a rotten, exhausting day. I hope it settles down for you and you can get some rest tonight. I will ditto moonflower - if I don't keep drinking, I get nauseaous. And I take my anti-nausea med the second I feel even a little nauseaous -my onc said to not wait.

    dipad - I have sporatic runny nose too. An acquaintance told me it's probably from the herceptin, and that it's going to be real fun once my nose hairs fall out and there's nothing to hold the running snot in. Lovely...

    Had TCH #2 yesterday, and neulesta shot #2 this morning. Was super tired yesterday because they had to stop 5-10 minutes into the T because I felt really hot and my throat felt tight, and they gave me benedryl. Whoo it made me sleepy. Anyway I got through it all. Felt overall okay today. Took one senna-s last night so I wouldn't have the constipation I had on days 2 and 3 after treatment, and it worked well but not TOO well if you know what I mean. :) Had a bit of a headache this afternoon, and got mildly nauseaous when I stopped drinking for an hour or two. Gotta keep drinking. Other than that I feel fine. Last time around Thursday through Sunday were the bad days so I'm a little nervous about them.

  • gigborn
    gigborn Member Posts: 11

    6 days out from TX 2,  Actually threw up this morning.   Not sure if I liked that better than the non-ending naseau.  At least I immediately felt better.   Daughter and grandkids were here last week and they did the shaving of the head party.  Everyone was crying and I was yelling - just get this done.    I am embracing my bald head and actually went out shopping with nothing on.   I seem to get too hot with the scarves on.    Is anyone taking blood pressure meds from before Chemo.   I found that I have to be extremely careful if I take them.  My pressure drops so low that I start to black out.  Hard to manage.

    Good news -  no more plucking the chin hairs - finally gone.

    I love reading all the messages - really does help.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy-my dad used to make that "cake" when i was a wee one!!!! yummo!!! aw man now i'm hungry again!!!!

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Ran 5 miles this morning. Came home and looked at the nether region and one area looked a little sparser so I rubbed and pulled at the hair and some of it came out. No pain.

    So I was thinking wonder what might happen with my head hair. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair and lots of single hairs came out. Repeat. Same result. Over and over again. It was laughable toe because it seemed to be never ending. And yet I have a lot of hair. I decided I better do that next hair it this morning before I lost too much. Out came the scissors and lots of cutting later ... A new 'do'. I will change my pic again so y'all can see.

    Good PT, but my cording is really hanging on there. Argh. Saw sister and took her a caramel macchiato. Brother and sister meeting at that point only slightly tense. Had blood drawn for labs today too. Nurse said my hemoglobin is still in a good range. WBC up but expected. All numbers looked good. Then it was time to go towards home.

    Had an arguement with my brother who came up to 'support' me. It just escalated. I had errands to run when I got home but he took off as soon as I got my things out of his jeep. Then later I got a text MSG from him asking if I still wanted him here. Then he said that he would no longer subject himself to such abusive discourse as a guest in my home. I can only tell you all that it did not get prettier as the evening progressed. I suggested he look in the mirror and exami e his motives for being here. He went for causing dissension in my home. The whole time I was out. It ended when I went into the bathroom when I got home and he left for home (Nashville,TN) while I was in the loo.

    I don't have the energy for this. I already felt like this visit was more about him than about him wanting to be here for me. But I did not need this tonight. I ended up yelling at my husband out of frustration with all of this. And I have a sick feeling in my gut.

    My 2nd hemp is tomorrow and I am just overwhelmed right now with all of this hitting the fan. Satan reared his ugly head today and the casualties are around. Usually I can roll but tonight I just gave to hang on to my faith and try to rest in His peace. But it is hardcore I was like a wild banshee with my husband and he is not the enemy.

    Down ... But not yet out,


  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Ran 5 miles this morning. Came home and looked at the nether region and one area looked a little sparser so I rubbed and pulled at the hair and some of it came out. No pain.

    So I was thinking wonder what might happen with my head hair. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair and lots of single hairs came out. Repeat. Same result. Over and over again. It was laughable toe because it seemed to be never ending. And yet I have a lot of hair. I decided I better do that next hair it this morning before I lost too much. Out came the scissors and lots of cutting later ... A new 'do'. I will change my pic again so y'all can see.

    Good PT, but my cording is really hanging on there. Argh. Saw sister and took her a caramel macchiato. Brother and sister meeting at that point only slightly tense. Had blood drawn for labs today too. Nurse said my hemoglobin is still in a good range. WBC up but expected. All numbers looked good. Then it was time to go towards home.

    Had an arguement with my brother who came up to 'support' me. It just escalated. I had errands to run when I got home but he took off as soon as I got my things out of his jeep. Then later I got a text MSG from him asking if I still wanted him here. Then he said that he would no longer subject himself to such abusive discourse as a guest in my home. I can only tell you all that it did not get prettier as the evening progressed. I suggested he look in the mirror and exami e his motives for being here. He went for causing dissension in my home. The whole time I was out. It ended when I went into the bathroom when I got home and he left for home (Nashville,TN) while I was in the loo.

    I don't have the energy for this. I already felt like this visit was more about him than about him wanting to be here for me. But I did not need this tonight. I ended up yelling at my husband out of frustration with all of this. And I have a sick feeling in my gut.

    My 2nd hemp is tomorrow and I am just overwhelmed right now with all of this hitting the fan. Satan reared his ugly head today and the casualties are around. Usually I can roll but tonight I just gave to hang on to my faith and try to rest in His peace. But it is hardcore I was like a wild banshee with my husband and he is not the enemy.

    Down ... But not yet out,


  • Teacup2012
    Teacup2012 Member Posts: 11

    Diana - so sorry you have had such a challenging day, especially with a treatment tomorrow. I don't even know how to encourage you. Just hang in there and be kind to yourself (even if you may have behaved badly with your husband). Relationships are so difficult even in the best of times, and these are certainly NOT the best of times!

    Hope you can find some peace tonight, and get some rest.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Love the new do.  It still looks quite thick

    Drag about the fight with your brother. Fighting with family is the worst. 

     I ended up breaking the ice with my sister, my Mom that's thats 84 had a fall on Sunday, nothing too serious but the alarm service got to her before me and she told me not to go, she would handle it.  She called my brother to meet her there.  Turns out the tough old gal dragged herself to the phone and the building super came up.  She is finally going with my brother to look at retirement living.  We have all offered our homes to her but she wants to live alone and independantly as possible.  I brought her around to a few about a year and a half ago and she didn't think she was ready. So its time.  Her legs are very weak and using a walker really has only weakened them more.  Although I suppose it kept her mobile. She needs to be safe.

  • galena_79
    galena_79 Member Posts: 29

    End of Day 10. Back on solid foods now, and feeling good again. Scary how quickly I went from feeling great to feeling blah. I'll keep taking the anti-nausea meds now, even when I'm feeling fine.

    Thankfully I didn't get dehydrated or need to go to the hospital. I'll definitely bring this up with my MO next time I see him.

    I want to get an early night tonight because my mother and brother fly into town early tomorrow morning. I understand why my mother is coming, but to be honest I'm a bit confused about my brother. When I saw him two months ago he didn't even ask what was going on with me or how I was doing. I suspect he's just coming for a holiday rather than to support me. But I'm not planning on treating him like a special guest or taking him sightseeing.

    Ali68- My local hospital installs PICC lines with local anaesthetic, and they install ports under a general anaesthetic. No way would I get one without any sedation!

    Hildy & Gigborn- Nice to hear that you're coping well with being bald. My hair is still holding on strong, but I think I'll see my hairdresser on Saturday.

    dltnhm- Sorry that you had such a rough day, emotionally. You don't need to deal with that right now! At least it sounds like you're physically doing well. And I'm sure your husband will be understanding; things will work themselves out.

    ((((((hugs)))))) to everyone. You're doing awesome. :D 

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Good Morning everyone.  I see that so many are having challenges.  Between side effects, and family issues, its been tough for several.  Yesterday at the gym, three of the guys that I have seen regularly there for years approached me and said they were going to go bald as a sign of support for me.  Never mind they were already bald.  Thats ok, they know I like to laugh.  So whenever I show up they pull their hats off.  I'm enjoying this week, but bracing myself for next week.  Next treatment is Friday.  May each of you have a good day and have the strength to face the challenges it may bring.