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February 2012 Chemo



  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    i'm too pooped to pop today......just absolutely no energy to do anything and woke with some slight back discomfort-hate tot hink if i didn't take the claritin!

    mo-oh yea-got cocky myself about being "done" didn't i?!!!!!!!!!

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    firstcall- thanks for the uplifting April's Fool's thoughts. Gloomy day in NY today. Stayed in bed all day. No appetite and wiped out from my last few days of steroid high. DH and daughter out looking at cars today. I feel depressed that I have no energy to do anything with the family. I hope tommorrow will be brighter a day.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ymac, you have a lot going on, hang in there . First call, I can't believe you Aw going to try the Boston. I don't know whether to congratulate you or headslap you! I guess you will know what you can handle. Lumps feel better. I couldn't get out of the chair today, I couldn't even read my book, just watched tv and took short naps. Feel like a lazy person. To everyone, please take care. Much love, and small SEs

  • Merrinell
    Merrinell Member Posts: 22

    I posted this on another forum, but wanted to share here also.

    I have a nice wig I wear when I leave home, but around the house, in the yard and when I walk around the neighborhood I've been wearing a cap or a turban....but everything gets uncomfortable after a while.  I saw a website yesterday for a scarf, but in my opinion it was very expensive.  I took the idea and today I used one of my old nice square cotton scarves (from when they were popular to wear around our shoulders in the mid-80's.)  I had tried pulling it back and tying it in a knot, but it just didn't work.  Today I folded it into a triangle and put it on and when I pulled it back I took a pony tail band and pulled that up to where it was comfortable at the base of my neck, twisted it around, and I promise you this is the most comfortable I've been since I shaved my head.  I've already had it on for twelve hours. 

  • Sissydi
    Sissydi Member Posts: 183

    Merrinell, I like that idea! My wig gets so itchy during the day, and scarves are a cheap alternative to hats...I'm definitely going to try the pony tail band!

    And FIRSTCALL, your making us all look bad! I walked a mile today, and had to rest! But your inspiring as well, as soon as I'm done with treatment, I'm back to getting in shape!

  • JudyP
    JudyP Member Posts: 35

    Hi Everyone!

     I saw a  utube video with a woman who took a long scarf, draped it over her head and instead of tying it, used a pony tail band on the scarf as if it was her hair.  I've done this and it works great!  I also have a $5 cotton bandana from walmart that I fold to a triangle, tie and then tuck in the ends into the knot and tuck the rest into the sides.  This is very comfortable and I've gotten several compliments on this($5, ha ha).  I even took it off and demonstrated it in the infusion center after being asked to show someone.  I was never so stylish!!  Ha-ha!

    Ali, I'm so glad that you went to your onc! That must have been so scary! I hope you are feeling better by now.

    Lumpynme and Dipadand and Moonflwr,  I hate those down days too, but you have to rest when your body tells you to.  Hopefully it is only a day or 2 or 3.  Drink lots of water and know we are all thinking of you.

    Gritgirl. you are so brave!  I think of you often and hope that things are changing to the positive for you.

    Firstcall,  evil April Fool's day pranks!!  Love it!  And, really, a marathon?!?  I sometimes call my daughters cell phone because I can't get off the couch to go upstairs to ask her something!!!  I'm such a chemo slug some days!

    Going for #4 tx on Monday.  I'm feeling anxious because my 3rd was worse than the first 2.  I'm hoping that this one isn't even worse.  Does it just progressively get worse?  Or am I just torturing myself?  But then I think of you, Ali, and my SE are nothing compared to what you are going through.  I hope you are ok.  Back to the lovely steroids tomorrow.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    lol @ firstcall, too funny! I would be tempted to do that... and ditto Ali, you are making me feel like a slob! You must be in great shape...yesterday I did laundry and every time I walked up from the basement I had to sit/lie down for a few minutes to catch my breath and calm my heart. No way could I handle 1/10 of a marathon!

    Stomach hurting last night and today...and I think my eyebrows are thinning. They just look lighter. :( Hoping to get some schoolwork done today if I can get motivated...can't really blame that all on cancer though, it's always hard to get started! :)

  • gigborn
    gigborn Member Posts: 11

    Hello everyone,

    Sure glad this week is over and a new one starting tomorrow.  Thought the week was going to be my easy middle week, Went in for blood tests and ended up with three days of IVS of fluids, potassium, steroids and magnesium.   All I could do was get back home and on the sofa.   In addition I have three 18 year boys here for spring break. My grandson and friends.   At least they have embraced my bald look and are keeping me young.   Finally got up today and made a big pot of chicken dumpling soup.    I just think that might fix everything.

    First Call -  Love the energy and attitude. JudyP love the description of Chemo Slug.  At least now I know what to call it.  Best wishes to everyone for a great week ahead.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    actually managed to read a book today- The Victoria Secret Catalog never  stops coming Jennie Nash....interesting following her bc and her attitudes about things! every person effected by cancer needs to tell their story!!!!!!

    woke with the back pain again ....i think it's like residual  of what i would have if i weren't taking the claritin and 2 tylenol handles it so i am trying not to wimp out!

    is anyone else having really watery eyes?

    tomorrow is the interview- i am seriously wondering if i am ready? the typing test scares me- i practiced a bit .... but i really i think i'm not ready to go back ....but....i need the money.....

    we'll see-i'll give it my very best and it will be up to the powers that hire - kindof if it's meant to be type thing dontchyaknow!

    not that i really want anyone else to be a slug but i am kinda glad to know i am not the only one!

    well; i'm defrosting the last of the pre cooked meals made within the last few months- guess we'll have to start cooking again-

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You must have frozen a ton of dinners!!  I'm impressed.  Go and give that typing test your all!!  You are definatley not the only slug, tomorrow is my slug day though I have to admit.  I did manage laundry, food shopping and cooking but expect to be down for the count tomorrow though.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    no actually we have been cooking and eating sandwiches---- the freezer isn't that big-it's just now almost that empty!my sweetie guy will eat the same dinner every nite til it's gone if we cook a big batch..i like change!

    i thought about laundry and shopping today- decided it could wait.....the shopping and returning library books will be on tomorrow's flight plan when i come back from the interview.....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Good luck tomorrow lumps! MLB, you accomplished more than I did. Gigborn, did you have to go to the hospital for all the fluids? This time for mag, they gave it toe in the infusion room on thursday and again on Monday. Everyone, drink up!!!! Much upbeat.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I signed, much love, auto changed it to upbeat! LOL

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Ymac, I'm sorry for your loss--it does seem like the hits just keep on coming sometimes.
    JudyP, my 4th AX tx was much better than the third, for what it's worth. Fingers crossed the same holds true for you!
    Ali, happy to hear you are on the mend, and Lumpyne, good luck! 
    First Call:  We actually live about a half mile away from the Marathon route,pretty much at the halfway mark. We generally put up a little roofed structure and have a bit of a party--lunch, handing out oranges, etc.  I have several friends running this year, including you! If you want to plan on a stopping point, or a place where your support wagon folks can come park and check in on you, shoot me a PM and I'd be more than happy to help out. Plus, we'll make you a sign, Can't argue with signage!
    Taxol SEs have diminished but have by no means disappeared, so I'm dreading the next one already and it's not for a week. I did have acupuncture, which was pretty freaking fabulous, and will be going weekly for the duration of this bunch of treatments. Taxol stinks.
    Made a bunch of silk-dyed Easter eggs with the kids today, which was very fun and relaxing; practiced the choir anthem for next Sunday which was far less relaxing as we are not ready at all and it could get ugly. Perhaps they'll hand out ear plugs along with the programs.... 
  • jap62
    jap62 Member Posts: 993

    I was wondering if anyone has had bumps, I have them on my neck, they don't itch and I didn't know they were there till my husband said something.  All has been good, nice weather so outside alot.  Sorry to hear of all the bad SE and emotionally tolls.  I go for my last ac on Wed then start taxol, wonder what to expect from that one, I hate not knowing how it will effect me.

  • mthrdee
    mthrdee Member Posts: 68

    Hi all, spent the entire weekend on the couch or in bed.  I was a giant chemo slug.....for all of you getting out and about, I don't know how you do it.  I am hanging in there but TX 3 was exhausting, at least no reaction this time.  I can't beleive how quick my taste went though.  Oh well, another one over and done and now to start the upswing.  

    Rainy weather here in NY certainly didnt make me feel like doing anything but wow, I cant believe how badly the rain was needed.  I was looking out the window and I dont think I have seen any rain in NY since mid-Feb, nt good for my poor spring flowers.

    'Off to bed - teeny tiny SE to all (((HUGS))) 

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Good Morning Everyone

    Ok this is a little weird, just had my #3/4 TCH last Friday, everything seems to be on par with the last two as far as tired, appetite etc.  My hair is growing??? On my head, I can feel stubble on my legs and even on my stashe LOL!  I even had to pluck a couple of eyebrow hairs.  Is this just a cycle thing?

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Myleftboob- That's funny, my DH thought my hair was growong back and I;ve only had 3tx. Maybe I buzzed too much. did you buzz your hair?

    Judyp, mthrdee- it was a yucky weekend in NY but i'm glad it rained. I would have been so depressed if it was sunny out and I was lying in bed all weekend. I also thought the 3rd tx was worse than the last two. My taste also went immedialtely. Lots of fatigue from steroid high and no appetite. I shouldn't complain I know it could be worse. Hopefully we'll all have a good week ahead.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    can anyone tell me what is the standard regimen for Taxol? Weekly or bi-weekly? and what type of se's may be associated with it. Thanks

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I did buzz my hair.  I think though even if I didn't I would look sort of monkish.  Weird but good I guess!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    MLB,  I think my hair started reviving after AC #3 as well--not sure b/c not all of it fell out in the first place, but I'm now a week past Taxol #1 and it's definitely growing.

     Dipad,  I think Taxol can be given both weekly and bi-weekly.  I'm getting DD Taxol x4, and it's bi-weekly.  but in the Taxol thread, there are quite a few people getting 10 or 12 weekly Taxol treatments that are lower dose.   

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    dipad - I had the first of 4 DD Taxols on Thursday.  I've had no stomach yuck at all, my taste is fine and my onc didn't even prescribe the extra emend for it - and no more shots!  But, they say bone pain is a common SE and I am having that.  It's not excruciating, but enough that it's very hard to sleep.  For me its my ankles and lower legs and it started Saturday evening. 

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hildy- i'll be getting the same tx as you and i have the same dx. how are se's with Taxol?That's great that your hair is coming back! No hair loss on Taxol?

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    faithhopenluv- did they prescribe you with anything for the bone pain? I wonder if the claritan would benift like it does for some for the neulasta shot. I also wonder if accupuncture would work? Never tried it but why not if it helps others.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    I just met a woman in the coffee room at work who had breast cancer last year. She went through chemo and looks wonderful and feels wonderful. We need to keep the positive juices flowing!

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Dipad and Faithhopenluv, 
    Regarding the Taxol SE--I definitely had trouble with the joint/bone/muscle pain, I have TX on Mondays, and it  started Wed afternoon--had trouble sleeping on Wednesday night. I called my doctor on Thursday and they had me mainline Motrin per my doctor--600 mg every six hours--on Thursday and Friday. I hate doing that, but it did make the achiness more manageable. For me, it was my pelvic area and legs.  Today is the first day that I don't notice it any more.  
    I also did acupuncture on Saturday morning, and found that very helpful, both for the bone/joint pain and for neuropathy, which in my case is fingertip numbness.
    I asked about using Claritin, but they didn't think it would be helpful.  I suspect that next time I go in, they are going to put me back on steroids for a couple days post TX.  
     Oh, and hair loss on Taxol--my chemo nurse says it won't grow back during Taxol, but my scalp seems to have other ideas. We shall see!
  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ya know; i thought that my hair (on my head) was growing but i thought that was impossible right now! i did have to shave my legs the other day...hmmmm

    ok- reporting in: i have never liked mondays and today sure started out with a kick in the arse--took the dog out and a neighbor jumped all over me about her darned dog that she takes out the same time every morning-how the heck do i know that????? hers is the noisy one upstairs...anyhow- walking back into the bldg i walk past hubby's pickup which is sporting a freaking flat tire! flatter than the proverbial pancake! we used fixaflat and took it for air and eventually went to wally's (road hazard warranty-) where they found NOTHING wrong which makes us question-once again- the neighborhood!

    fast forward--i had almost talked self out of going to the interview before i even got out of bed at 7! the testing process was pretty painless- i scored 43 words per minute which is not great but IS acceptable!!! and the other two tests 100%--whoo hooo me! the interview was with the head of the dept for which i would be working and i LOVE HER!!!!! she is flexible on hours and agreeable to working with me etc etc...she is very proud of her team and works hard to have good ppl who know their jobs so she can do hers (she is the "only" super in her dept where others have more than one in charge) --anyhow- we had a very good hour- no offer -but she wants me to come in for a "shadow" which i am ok with--i truly think this job is going to be a good fit and -not wanting to get cocky(cuz we KNOW i can, eh, MLB???!!!!!!!) i truly think there will be an offer----

    i did explain to her that my main goal right now-aside from my bc tx --is to get a job i can work and get moved outta this apt!!!!!!!

    then my daughter took me to lunch and i did some errands...and we took the truck to wally's.gorgeous weather here and i feel good.found a darling house-wish i could make the commitment today--not til i get the job!!!!!(don't know their pet policy-and need to give notice here-would love to do it when i pay rent tomorrow!--patience margo patience)

    now- reading about firstcall and the marathon and hildy living right there i wish i could travel to boston just to spectate!!!!!!!! i am a geneaolgist and i have mass. (and other parts east) heritage but not boston--nahant is the only city i can recall in mass right now- anyhow---wishin i could but too poor to pay attention!!!!!

    ok- rambling now.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    gigborn...mmm chicken dumpling soup, that sounds SO good!!! I bet you are having fun with those boys!

    lol @ hildy and your church group... bumps here, hope yours go away. That sounds annoying.

    myleftboob - the only "good" thing about this is my facial hair is not growing...oh please don't jinx it!

    lumpy - so glad the interview went well! keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Back at work today after taking Thursday off and leaving sick after working for 90 minutes on Friday. I was absolutely dreading it but it wasn't the great big mess I was afraid it would be, and everyone was nice. Sometimes when I am out, my coworkers act like I wasn't there to do my job on purpose...OMG people I would much rather be at work than deal with cancer! But they were all nice. Got my herceptin this morning and a small bag of fluids just for good measure. I love that they are helping me stay hydrated at the center. But I am drinking much better; the trick (for right now, anyway) has been very very cold (lots of ice) water from a bottle or jug (instead of tap) with a slice of fresh lemon. THE TASTE IN MY MOUTH FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS HAS BEEN DISGUSTING!!! ugh...

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Your intereview sounds really encouraging!  Crossing fingers and toes for you!!


    Thanks for the story about the lady in your office, it feels good to hear what the other side is like.  Very positive!!


    I know the facial hair thing beleive me.  But by the comments of others here I can't be imagining that hair is growing!?  I hear you about taste, water is fine, fruit OK,even milk, but salt (which I love) has a yucky chemical taste!  So gross. 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Way to go Margo!! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    I swear I sneezed the other day and my leg hairs grew due to the goosebumps :P