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February 2012 Chemo



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, keep us in the loop. I thought it sounded like cording too, but I never had it so what do I know! LOL. Much love

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906


    I had the same thing...stretching helps...mine eventually disappeared altho I do have LE.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Same here, noticed it when my drains were removed.  It did go away though thankfully.  I have be mindful about LE as well.  Had alot of pain in my left arm and it was my chiropractor that brought LE to my attention. Elevating my arm and stretching totally helped.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    The thing is, my PT says that the healing is a far longer process than  I realized--I had surgery Dec 19, and she says I am still healing.  I had cording at first, stretched it, had full range of motion, and stopped doing exercises. And guess what? The cording came back, or got tighter, or something like that, and here I am, going back to the PT.  I realloy wish that PT was integrated into the whole surgery/recovery process, but it isn't at Dana Farber, although it is at other places.
    Oh, and the PT told me I should never go into a hot tub or sauna, as that can trigger LE. Has anybody heard that one? I really love a good hot tub, so am sad.
    Okay, I have a cancer etiquette question for those who have finished up chemo.  Did you do anything in particular to thank your chemo nurse? I have had the same one the entire time, and was thinking of bringing cookies or a little Red Sox charm or something, but I didn't want it to seem like a tip or anything, since after all this is her job and she is a professional.   
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I have heard we are to stay out of hot tubs and saunas.  I've had to stay out of them for a long time though due to high blood pressure.  It does makes sense that we are still healing thought.  My surgery was December 14 so we were pretty close timeframe wise.  I still have some tenderness on my MX side, nothing terrible but its there. 

    I almost always had a different nurse for chemo with the exception of having my favorite one 2x.  I'm still going to be going every 3 weeks for herceptin starting this week for the rest of the year.  A little something is a nice gesture though. 

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    MLB...did you have Roy very often? He was the best and never missed a vein or never hurt me ...He had a 2 page write up in the Toronto Star yesterday after winning another award. Pictures and all..just wondered if you had him as a nurse!

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Hildy - I've been thinking about the same thing. I've had three chemo nurses but everyone at the office has been exceptionally kind from the ladies that draw blood, to the ladies that collect my payment and everyone in between. My dilemma is that although I'm done with chemo I'll still be back in for follow up. I've thought about sending a basket or possibly making something (I have a variation of tiramisu that everyone requests that I make). Or I thought about flowers or something that could go in the chemo room for everyone to enjoy. I'll let you know what I decide :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    No, never had Roy. I'm so bad at names but really good at faces LOL!  My favourite nurse though is a Jamaican gal.  I had her twice out of 4 TX.  I think we connected because she had been through chemo herself for Lupus so she really had first hand knowledge of what it was actually like to be on the steroids, the fatigue etc.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I just have to say my DH has been amazing so far. We live in different cities so he doesn't have to drive hour and a half each way every day. We have had problems over the years, and I can't believe this is the same man. I can't trust this to last, but I got to tell you I feel pampered during the weekends and when he is here for my treatment. I am just taking this day ny day, and trying to actually believe I could really depend on him . Very strange. Just had to say it. Thanks for listening.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    so last nite; i lost the last of my eye lashes.....very weird to rub one's eyes without lashes! i'm not liking this!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I have to say I wish m DH lived in another city LOL!  I think we'd get along better.  He drove me banana's this weekend.  I did a ton of work around the house, yard and he's giving me a hard time for taking frequent breaks. He figures since chemo's over I'm supposed to be my old energetic self.  He doesn't get it at all!  He's being a nasty piece of poo and lets just say I am rethinking alot of stuff.  Hmmmm.   I didn't waste any energy losing it though, was enjoying just being outside and getting the work done.  Love spring clean up even though its a bit tireing.


    There's going to grown back hun, I only have a few hanging in there myself.  Lashes have never been one of my good points and mascara drives me crazy because I wear contacts. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, my DH and I have been married for going on 39 years this fall. About ten were spent apart due to job requirements. Probably the only reason we are still married. LOL

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    mlb- your comment brought to mind what I find myself frequently saying......'I'm done with chemo, but chemo's not done with me'    At least some people get it when I put it that way....

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Good way to say it, Firstcall.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    That is a good way to say it.  I get it, some don't or they don't want to I think.  Oh well, their loss as far as I'm concerned.  We know better though.  I know I tend to downplay things like when people ask "how are you feeling" except for here of course LOL!  I make no apologies though to those that don't try to understand how exhausting both physically and mentally this whole drill is.  Like to see them try it.  This experience is a testament to how tough we really are.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Hildy - I was thinking about doing something for the nurses too after I'm done. I think it's perfectly appropriate. I work in healthcare and little gifts, especially homemade things, food, flowers, etc. are always welcome. The only thing that would be frowned upon would be things with obvious monetary value (cash, gift cards, etc.). A well written, sincere thank you card is a keepsake that is kept forever.

    moonflwr - Don't know what it will mean for the long run, but for today I am so glad that your DH is being supportive of you. Laughing

    Lumpynme - sorry all your lashes are gone. Cry We have to sacrifice so's worth it in the long run of course, but still hurts.

    MLB - OMG, what is wrong with your DH? Chemo is not like an on/off switch, who knows how  long this stuff will take to get out of our system.

    So excited for chemo #5 tomorrow! 24 hours from now, I will be able to say I only have one treatment left!

  • lsharvey822
    lsharvey822 Member Posts: 17

    FirstCall - I want to see remodel and wedding pics! :)

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Christiana0001- I does sound like cording. I agree PT helps a great deal. The physical therapist gave me a rope that you hang over your door like a pully. It helps stretching your arms. It has really helped.

    Ali- Congrats! You had a tough time. Go out and celebrate!

    I bought the organic coconut oil this week. Wow it is great. It even helped my dry heals. It is solid but melts quickly when you rub it into your skin.

    Taxol #2 tommorrow than 2 more to go!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Well the onc and PA do not think it is cording. They did an ultrasound to make sure it was not a clot issue, which it is not. They think it is just a tendon and are not worried about it as long as it does not change or get worse. I am a little suspicious of this because what I have going on fits the description of cording to a T. Hmmm, we'll see...

    15 minutes away from finishing treatment #5! So glad to only have to do this one more time.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    today was visit with MO-he starts out by asking if i had seen my surgeon--WTF???? so he had to go review when i said i have had my surgery--ok- so--on 5/18 i will start taxotere/cytoxan--not thrilling to me;followed by neulasta the next morning.ok- np- oh and we are going to TRY to do this thru my veins without re-inserting PICC line- we'll see!

    he really downplays the finger/toe nail issue....

    i'll have 4 TX spaced out every 3 weeks and i'll have them on fridays so if i ever get"the job" i will only need 1 friday off every 3 weeks....hopefully....

    i guess i am bummed today- i knew i had to have something but i didn't count on TWO meds that cause the SE's they do...ok--i want this gone so i'll do it and try to keep my whining to a minimum .

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Lumpy - Doctors can be so frustrating! So when do you have your first treatment? Feel free to whine!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumpy, hang in there. Here's hoping you won't have the SEs! You could finally luck out you know!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    You're doing the same TX I did, TC but with Herceptin.  Do ice your nails during Taxotere.  Where I was being treated they brought them to me and for both hands and feet.  I had no issues with nails witht he exception of them being a bit more brittle than normal. I believe the T was only an hour and you can take breaks when you get cold.  My MO would look at my nails every visit so he was well aware of possible nail issues.  If  you're getting the Neulast shot, do try the 24 Hour Clariton.  As far as down days, I found that the Monday after the Friday TX was the day where I just wanted to sleep all of the time.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ouch about the monday after! am praying that i can get it all outta my system on sat and sunday so i only miss one day of work! (that is assuming i get "the job!")

    i'm going to have to take something with me to ice with. i'll stick my feet in ziplocs of ice if i have to!!!!  and i def will do the claritin--i did with my AC and won't get that neulasta without it!! i swear by it!

    christina- i start a week from friday on 5/18

    ok about "the job" --daughter had 20 hours OT last week! she told me today that the gal who is heading "my" dept thought that i was sposed to start LAST week and is very upset with mgmt that they have not made my offer yet! sooooooooooo still no call today....the week is young tho.....

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    I'm 2 hours PFC! Woot! Must go check to see if my hair has grown back or not. Wink

    No bell ringing, just a hug, which is fine with me. And I gave my nurse a little gift, which I am happy tohave done.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Yay Hildy, congrats!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449
    WOO HOO HILDY!!! Laughing
  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Yay Hildy!!!  I keep forgetting to refer to  it as "PFC" LOL!! Love it!!

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    YAY Hildy!! congrats!

    Lumpy- same as MLB I am on TC right now. I get it on Thurs and Sun and Monday are my down days.  Highly recommend the claritin 24. Take it the day of and 6 days after to help with bone pain.  I only ice during taxotere and havent had issues yet.  I wrap bags of peas and put them under my wrists, and behind my ankles on the recliner when I am getting it. Thats what my nurse recommended.  Also use Sally Hanson nail strengthener too that will help. I have it on all the time.  Hope that helps you some!

    Ok I have a really odd symptom I havent heard of or had before. I dont even know if I can describe it.  It started yesterday when I was bending over to pick something up. It was like this intense pressure that started on the left side of my chest and went up to my throat. It was very uncomfortable.  As soon as I stood up it went away.  Today the same thing happens. Its like a very strong preasure only on the left side of my throat and when I bend over. its freaky!  Any ideas?(dont know if it matters but my port is on my left side too)

    Hope everyone is having a good night!