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February 2012 Chemo



  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Hildy - Loved your description of the swans on the lake. When my friend from Seattle was here we did lots of Chicago touristy things and in our reading discovered that the Lincoln Park Zoo started in 1868 with a pair of swans. We got a kick out of that. A couple of days later we read that a man whose job it was to control the geese population on ponds and was 'attacked' by a goose or geese. His kyak capsized and he drowned. There are conflicting reports but of note was that they actually use swans to control the geese population because the swans are so aggressive. I prefer the idyllic description of the beautiful little family. But that is me burying my head in the sand ;-)

    Dipad - I had immediate DIEP reconstruction with my own tissue and no TEs or such, but I did a lot of research and it paralleled what you and Hildy wrote about radiation causing problems with breast implants and such. 

    Hairloss - When my hair was thinning I had my husband razor down with the setting on 1. That's incredibly short but not bald - was concerned about razor burn and such. I never did lose all my buzzed cut hair. At one time I asked my husband about it and he said that it wasn't patchy or anything so he didn't think I needed to shave it to bald. It's still there. Never did wear my wig. I wear a ballcap when I'm running to protect my head from the cold and/or sun and sometimes I wear a cap in drafty places because the cool air swirling around my head chills me all over. Other than that it's just me. And the majority of days I'm fine with this me. I'm such a sweater anyway that I was kind of looking forward to having this or just the regrowth during the hot, humid summer days in IL. 

    Eyelashes and Eyebrows - So, after my 2nd Taxol, I started losing eyebrows and eyelashes. I'm on the 12 weekly infusions - just completed #3 yesterday, so those 3 are approximately equal to one DD Taxol infusion. 

    My eyebrows started thinning first - pretty evenly so it wasn't as noticeable but now they are almost gone on the outsides. I brush just a tad bit of light brown eyeshadown over my brow area right now and that seems to help.

    My eyelashes are the most troubling. I have such light eyelashes and eyebrows to begin with and always wear mascara. The bottom outside ones were the first to go - no surprise at this because I had a lot of tearing to the outside eye my last two infusions of AC. So thankful that is over!! All that salt was doing a number on that sensitive skin. After those lashes, there seems to be no rhyme nor reason to which ones have gone - some outside, some inside on top, etc. I finally stopped wearing mascara about a week ago and have been using a brow pencil (that the LGFB program gave me) as an eyeliner. It's softer and smoother going on than my other eye pencils. I line the top and bottom. Without it I feel totally naked :-( I feel that I look 'sick' without the lashes moreso than I ever have going with my micro almost bald head. 

    Read on a Hair Hair Hair thread about massaging olive oil into the scalp to help with hair regrowth and have been investigating this a bit more today on internet sites that deal with hair and scalp issues - not just chemo issues. The concensus from what I've read has to do with the hair follicles being stimulated and 'encouraged' to widen again. Coconut oil was mentioned also and a combination of olive and coconut oil massaged into the scalp. With all the positive comments here about coconut oil already I figured having another use for it would just be an added benefit !! I don't know if my hair will grow faster but I do want to protect and nourish my scalp. It just makes sense to me that having a full head of hair protects the scalp from drying out and the hair follicles from going tiny when regrowth is occurring just on any person. Some write about heating the oils, some write about leaving it on overnight and then gently washing it out in the morning, some write about massaging it in and leaving it on for about half an hour then washing it out. Lots of different ideas. 

    My oldest is 22 today! He is still in Colorado so I miss being with him on his birthday - the first one in 15 years - but he'll be home for a couple days when our youngest graduates from highschool at the end of the month. 

    Hope everyone is having a good day today!!! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Getting my Herceptin today, they had to add magnesium again. Also have to show up tomorrow for another blood tx. My hgb is 7. Oh well, been there, done that. LOL

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    thx all for the good words-

    the july 1st house fell thru-he won't allow my cat-another won't take any animals- i am looking at something today- my sweetie guy is being practical and saying WAIT and it's all money in his eyes- he is miserable here too but doesn't see that it's dangerous not just unpleasant! 


    diana-wonderful trip you had!WOW!!!!!

    it's gorgeous here- cool but sunny- the house i am looking at today has a simple deck in back and a yard--all one floor and a 2 car garage- so we wouldn't need storage anymore...and close to my kids-well 2 of them....and an extra bedroom-actually two--to allow lil grands to sleep over!!!! set up a sewing room and i want a yard to sit in.....i know that i should let logic in like my sweetie is but dang it-i want some comfort as well- and i feel like i have to grab it! the apt that is open in sept would be doable but i really think it will be small and confining after a bit.....

    well- hugs to all!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    btw--i still am not seeing anyhair growth-where it should be coming in i have lil bumpies-i massage thinking maybe the follicles need help breaking through!i'm trying not to stress becuz the TC can make it fall out again---diana--mine is patchy-some smooth areas and some where i stil have wisps that never fell out!

    my eyebrows are actually starting to regrow-thank goodness cuz i do NOT do a good job with the pencil! and my moustache is multiplying faster than i care for...

    trying to figure out how i am going to ice during my TC starting next week!

    getting laundry done and picking out clothes to wear to orientation next week-still so excited!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Re Ice.  If it were me I would get one of those little coolers, you know the kind that fit a 6 back, the hard plastic ones.  Transfer whatever frozen vegetables and ice in that, put it in baggies and set your nails on them and then put the other set dangling on your toes.  Where I was treated they had these little freezer packs that never got totally frozen, still pliable and wrapped a dressing around it.  I just stuck my hands in the coldest part.  You can always take a break when it get too cold too.

    Good luck on orientation!  I agree that you need a little yard so fingers crossed the one your seeing today is the one!

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    First 7 txs go fine, and the last one is delayed because my counts are low :(. Haven't been doing the nuelastra with taxol. My mo didn't think it was necessary. Had a neuprogen shot today which is fast acting and I try again tomorrow.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    had a rough day as well.. ended up having to get 2 bags of fluid with my herceptin due to dehydration.  Been really emotional lately. My daughter(9) is very excited about mothers day and for some reason it just makes me nervous and anxious about my future.  So tired of this horrible disease and I know my journey is just beginning.( surgery, rads, recon, hormone treatment) Will there ever be a time where I dont have to worry about cancer?

    Sorry for the whine.. i know it could be much worse. Just cant seem to stop the water works lately.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jen, waterworks is pretty normal. Hang in there. Just enjoy Mothers day and your daughter. I don't know when you stop thinking about BC, cause I haven't yet. Perhaps after active tx is over, we shall see. Much love

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Oh FHL,  that stinks about the low counts delaying the last TX.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your counts are high enough tomorrow to get 'er done....

    Jen, just keep keeping on--it feels like forever, but bit by bit, it will all get done and you'll be out the other of the treatment marathon.  It's just so much to take in all at once.  

  • 7of9
    7of9 Member Posts: 474

    Laying low for Mother's laws just don't get it. Today was my last Taxol ...yeah! My celebration was a day out to the zoo with my wonderful 2 1/2 yr old son all to myself. I'm so glad they are giving me neulasta tomorrow to help boost my immune system for my vacation followed by surgery June 1st!

    Now that I made it through, the nurses and social worker opened up more how Dose Dense (be weekly) and Neulasta are the game changers. I read a 7% increase in 4 year disease free reoccurance rate by keeping on track and doing all the meds. Everyone wrapping up....YOU CAN DO IT! Screw compounding side have momentum!

     I got the white fuzz thing starting on the top of my head so I'm thinking my mother's day present is confirmation the hair is trying to start up again...oh hair, say hello as the last of the eyelashes fall out...ha ha ha...bastard leg hair already required a shave last week. ah well...

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I hope you counts come up so that you don't have a delay in TX.  Finges crossed!


    Hugs honey!  We all know you feel.  Knowing a few other women that had gone through this within the last few years, when I was first DX was the worst for me anyway knowing how long all the active TX was going to be.  That's why I'm so gratefull for this place for venting etc. I get the feeling that most of my friends and family think that since chemo has ended that I should be cheerfully be back to normal.  They don't realize that the end of that particular TX doesn't mean the end of it at all.  We will all be in active TX for a long time one way or another. It can be a little overwhelming sometimes so for you to feel emotional is not a surprise.


    I know what you mean about in laws.  Lay low, you need to Mothers Day or not.  Sounds like you had a lovely afternoon with your son.  My in laws whom I love, just got back last week from 6 months away for the winter. Already MIL is like , we never see you.  "Um yeah, YOU have been away for 6 months". They live a good distance away too, yet she came to our town to visit a GF last week but didn't stop here for a coffee even?  Whatever...

    Well I'm off for my first H TX alone and to pick up my Tamox prescription this morning.  Have the white fuzzies too.  Going to be a long summer with the wig I figure.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Diana - thank you for your kind words, and I'm so glad you enjoyed your vacation. It is very well deserved!

    Wow Jen, two bags of fluid! You must have been turning into a raisin! I hope you are feeling better.

    My eyebrows are thin enough now to need help. I'm using Revlon Brow Fantasy and it is great, by the time I am done my brows look normal.

    Had my first therapy threatment today for the cording. I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who pointed me in that direction. The FNP at my onc's office was not familiar with cording. And today I went and saw a therapist who has been certified for 5 years in lymphadema issues, and he had never seen or heard of it either! But he was very interested in what I had to share about it, which is basically the information I got off of this website and from you ladies. He did quite a bit of massage and used a metal tool to start breaking up the tissue. There was definite improvement by the end of the session. He's going to do some research this weekend before our next appointment Tuesday about other methods to try. I would rather not be someone's guinea pig, but what he is doing is working, and hopefully he will be able to help others from this experience, which makes me feel good. He was pleased with the improvement we made and doesn't think we'll need much more than a couple more sessions.

  • faithhopenluv
    faithhopenluv Member Posts: 154

    Counts were good - I am an hour away from being finished!!!! :)

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, so glad its working. Jen, I am glad you got fluids, my kidneys shut down when I got dehyrated, so be glad for those two bags! Much love to all

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Glad here too.  Don't blame you for not wanting to be to be someone's learning curve. 




    How are you feeling lately. 

    Had my first H TX alone today.  Not bad, 45 minutes total infusion time. No headache or anyting. Onc thing surprised me though was that chemical smell when you pee for the first time after TX.  Great, that's what I'll smell like for the rest of 2012.   Have to pick up my Tamox prescription tomorrow. We'll see. I'll worry about SE's when I get them though.

    My legs are still weak.  I moving though, have been walking, working hard around the yard all week too.   The MO says it can take 6 months to see an improvement due to the chemo being in our systems !!  He has no aversion though around detox teas or foods that will help either but stressed to keep moving regardless.  I park at a mall across the street from the hospital and its less than a 10 minute walk each way.  Saves money and I get some exercise. I had to stop 2X just for a minute because my legs were so sore.  Sore where you worked out really hard and the next day they're sore.  I went for hour long walks after TX 1,2  and 3 and never had this issue. The MO says its very normal and due to the cumulative thing.  This surprised me.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Realize how much I depend on all of you and this site when I couldn't get on here earlier today! So just a big virtual hug and thank you to all on these boards. Much love

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi moonflwr912, how are things

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I am running a slight fever from the transfusion. Otherwise doing fine.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    H All

    Started Tamoxifen today.  No Se's to report LOL!.  My ankles are totally swollen today which is weird.  Didn't eat anything particularly salty, took my Hydro pill for blood pressure which I do everyday (its a diruretic), had about 5 glasses of water so far today.  So right now I have my feet up and hoping they go down.  It was a bit warm today but not hot or anything.  Can't blame Tamox either, just took it an hour ago with dinner at the Pharmacist's suggestion.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    MLF - that's great that you are making yourself walk. My onc tells me the same thing every week. I need to listen to him. lol I get herceptin each week between chemo. It's cake, I don't have any SEs from it and I hope you don't either. Please do keep sharing your experience with Tamoxifen, I have that to look forward to eventually and it makes me nervous.

    moonflower - I hope you are feeling better today. It seems so unfair, all the SEs you have had to deal with.

    Chemo #5 has been kind to me. I have not had any stomach problems or nausea at all. The only thing different this time around is they gave me a potassium supplement to take; I am supposed to take it twice a day but I am only taking it once a day (I hate to take pills, and these are huge!). Energy level is still low and I get out of breath easily, but I can deal with that. So excited to only have one chemo left! I can't help but wonder if this time was easier just because I am so happy to only have one treatment left. :)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Yay to one more TX to go! It does help alot when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I have also picked up a Biotin supplement along with Vitamin D3.  The biotin is supposed to help with hair and nails but it also says on the package that it helps metabolize carbs, fats and protiens. Sounds good to me!  In reading the possible SE's for Tamoxifen, it lists weight loss LOL!  I'm cracking up because that's the first one I saw and I'm hoping its the one I get!

    My legs are still sore but I did some stretching last night and thinking about a gentle yoga class once a week.  Of course the walking and to get on my Bowflex which is currently a clothes horse.  Yes the MO said just keep moving.


    I just wanted to mention that when I saw my MO on Friday, among other things I asked him straight up what his opinion was on the whole RADS issue because he was kind of vague with me all along when I mentioned it to him during TX.  He basically kept saying to me to get through chemo and worry about RADS when it was time to.  Anyhow, he said never thought RADS was required and wrote a letter to that effect to the board.  It was nice having his honest opinion along with the SR MO that I saw when he was on vacation.

    I am seeing my surgeon on May 31 for a referral to a PS to start investigating reconstruction options.  I want to see a few to see who I click with and get some various opinions on TRAM vs TE etc.  I'm not rushing in by any means but at least want to get the ball rolling.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    MLB, take all the time you need, reconstruction is a process, things change as you go along and you decide what you want and need when you want to do it. To h with everyone else. Happy mothers day to all! Much love.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Have checked my armpit and it feel the same as the other one after last chemo. When you think I couldn't put my arm down because my lymph node lump was so large.

    I want my scan now and not 23rd may and I want my surgery sooner than 19th June. I think when I go for my scan I will ask if she can fit me in sooner for surgery.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hello all !

    had a great mother's day weekend...getting ready to start work tomorrow- whoooo hoooo

    for some reason i really wish that i didn't have to start chemo again on friday-  my eyebrows are trying to grow in , my lashes are just soooo teeny and i do have some trace of white fuzz on my head...just really wishing i didn't have to do it ( for one thing worried about finger/toe nails) but...i want to know that i have done everything that i have to!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Good luck tomorrow!!!  I wish you were done with chemo too.  My lashes are hanging in but oh so sparse on the eyebrow front.


    I hope you can get your dates moved up.  Might as well ask, the worst the doc can say is no right.


    I'm in no rush at all for the reconstruction.  It can take a while to get in to see a good PS up here, there can be long waiting lists and I want to meet a few at least so this is just to get the ball rolling really. My young friend that had a double MX 3 years ago at age 33 had to pound on the door of a really good one, he at first told her his waiting list was 18 months long! She wanted recon at the same time as the MX and he only consented if she allowed him to to Alloderm as it was son new in Canada at the time.  That and that she was young.  I'm not going to have the same luck being a nearly 50 year old broad LOL!! 

    Edited to add

    Happy Mother's Day to all you Mums!!  I had a nice visit with my Mama today, was nice to see some of the family too even though they drive me mental some of the time LOL!  Love them anyway..

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumpy, good luck at work at work tomorrow. how much chemo do you have left? Ali, hope you can get the date moved up. MLB, well as long as you take it as it is, that will work! Christina, so glad tx 5 is going well for you, yay! My tastebuds came back for a visit this weekend, so my DH took me out for Chinese Wonderful. I have into Wednesday to enjoy, then I have to really watch my carbs because of the steroids. My blood sugars soar way too high those days. But, only two to go. I want to get this one over with so I can say I have only one left. Gritgirl, I hope you are doing ok. First call, how are you? Much love to everyone on the boards.

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    Happy Mothers Day to everyone :)

    Margo, Good luck at work tomorrow!

    Ali, I wish you the best of luck. I know how frustrating it can be wondering.

    Moonflwr, YAY for the taste buds.  Isnt it ironic, how little of a thing that is that we never thought about before?

    Christina, I am so glad #5 has been kind to you.  it was the hardest for me so maybe my next will be kinder? One can hope!

    Gritgirl, How are you? Been thinking about you.

    Firstcall, I hope your quiet means you are too busy feeling good and delivering babies to be on the boards :)

    So, time for my family vent time.  Up until now I have had the best support from my side of the family.  My husbands side.. eh. oblivious is the key word but we arent all buddy buddy anyways but always civil.  My brother in law sent me an email asking if he and my 9 yr old nephew could come and stay at the house on Friday night because they are going to the Speedway( I live in Indy and the Indy 500 is a huge deal here) on Sat.(they live in Ohio) I am not one to say no and they have never asked or actually not sure been to my house before.  I am a bit hesitant though because I have chemo #6 on Thurs(YAY for being done!) but last time I started feeling bad on Friday evening.  My husband is going out of town on Friday to do a race in STL for MS in honor of his aunt and cousin who have MS.  My mom is going to come stay with me to help me out.  My daughter has gymnastics practice until 8pm on Friday night. My son has an 845am soccer game on Sat am and my daughter has her gymnastics awards banquet which I am co-organizer for on Sat. Soooo it's just not really a good week for visitors plus when am I going to have time to clean my diseaster of a house?  I politely put in my response, I didnt mind if they stayed but listed everything going on plus I might not be feeling the best due to chemo.  His response was thats ok if it would be easier they could come after I get done picking up my daughter from practice Friday night.  Soooo looks like I have guests coming.  They are clueless and have been this whole time. They havent once asked me how I am doing or anything.  My mom is really upset but at least she is coming to help me out.  crazy people just dont get it.

    Thanks for the ramblings and this has been your dose of "as the crazy people turns"

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    AH, JEN, you will get through this too. Just go on with what you have to do and if you throw up on them, maybe they will get it. Sometimes people just don't. But with the indy race they should be out of your hair early anyway. Much love and (hugs)

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Happy Mothers day everyone.  Let me start by saying I miss my mother. She left this world a couple of years ago.  The summer before she passed, he was quite ill for a few weeks. She lived in another state, and I flew to visit her twice a week that summer.  I am so glad that I did. Often I just sat with her.   I knew I would only regret not going often enough.  Every Wed I would fly over in the morning, and home in the evening, and then back every weekend.  

    Today, for mothers day, I baked whole wheat rolls.  My mother made them or bread, every couple of days when I was growing up, and I learned to bake them from her.  When I say I made them, I mean I started with whole grain wheat, and ground it, and kneeded it.  I am ever grateful for a kind and wonderful mother.  

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    Jen-i think that's very ballsy of him to not say "no but thanks, we'll stay somewhere else! and btw how are you?" provide them bed and towels and take care of you!

    moonflwr- i start taxotere and cytoxan on friday (with neulasta saturday morning)this week- i go every 3rd week for a total of 4 so over 12 weeks--- s'posedly the SE's are less than the DD A/C that i already had BUT both the tax and cytox can cause nail bed problems and the tax also will make my slowly returning hair fall out again.... i was very very fortunate with minimal SE's last time around so i am praying..and i repeat that i want to know that i have done everything i can to stay rid of this--this go-round is because of the lymph node involvement otherwise i would have jumped right to RADS.also-work is being great to me-but i am having this on fridays so i have weekends to recoup- i'm reading that 3rd day (which will be mondays) could be hardest--but i can't do TX on thursdays--also i am going to have to be creative about getting labs done the week after each TX-i'll take early lunch hours i guess to get there before 11:30. it will all workout...i have faith!