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February 2012 Chemo



  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Congrats Hildy. 

    Also, I moved my TC to Wed afternoons.  I found that this put my worst days on Sat and Sunday, which interfered the least with work. 

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Hi, it was my youngest 14th birthday yesterday so glad my eldest daughter did everything. I'm really feeling the pain and hot skin, mouth sores, cracked feet, cold sweats, tiredness and looking ill. So glad this is the last one I really have ad enough of chemo. DH has more exams to do so he will be home under my feet.

    Can't wait till I have the scan I just want to know what surgery I'm having. I have a concert to go to on 23rd June and the surgery is 19th June, I hope I get to see it. (Bruce Springsteen)

    Hope all is well with everyone

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    Way to go Hildy...the worst is over :D

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Jen, that SE sounds like reflux/heartburn except for the only lefthand side of it. 

    Lumpy: Hope you've heard about THE JOB already!  Stinks that you have more chemo, but at least no more adriamycin! I'm a bit surprised that you are having cytoxan again--did they tell you why?  

    Firstcall--hope chemo is more done with you now--have you managed to get back to a more regular running regiment? That is what I am most looking forward to, must admit.

     Ali, I am jealous of the Bruce concert.  He came here in March, but the man rudely didn't consult my schedule, and had his concert on a chemo day. The noive!  Hope your SEs subside quickly!  

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    hildy- whooo hoooo PFC!!!!! um...has your hair grown back??? can only wish, eh?

    ok it's tuesday- 4 PM-no phone call about "the job" yet.....really getting tired of this-found a nice house to move to (available july 1st) but afraid to do anything about it -without job it is out of $ range....

    no; i did not ask why cytoxan again- guess i just wasn't on the ball with that...i know that MO was worried about the lymph involvement- 1 node only but still..

    surgeon happy today but i still go back in a week...dunno why but....

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    Hildy- Yes, I am improving.  Running is more difficult than before, but its coming along.  I'm running 6-7 miles every other day.  I was doing 10-12 4-5 times a week before this all started.  I think this will take awhile. 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Firstcall - that's really good.  Pre-chemo I was doing 3-4 miles every day, skipping wkends...and I'm down to 2-3 miles every other day at a slower pace.  I did add in some upper body weight lifting in an effort to make me feel like I was somehow just modifying my workouts..not actually going  I'll be glad when the muscles stop feeling so fatigued and sore.  Is anyone else feeling muscle pain when they stretch?.

    stupid chemo

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    AEM and firstcall

    Now I don't pretend to be as active as either of you but I am walking.  I do find my legs weaker/stiffer.  Also around 4ish I'm hitting a wall and need to nap even though I've had a good nights sleep.  I guess this is just going to take time and in reading here a good 3 months to a year?! 

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    myleftboob - I'm feeling the same 4ish slowdown.  Like I'm done for the day and want to hit the couch for the night.   I wonder if that time will come alot earlier when I start Rads.

  • Abbe
    Abbe Member Posts: 1

    Hey Pejkug3.

    This is the first night that I've gotten on this site and although I've tried to start a post, I've had to run to bathroom each time. Surprised  I had my first TCH on Thursday, 5/3/12 and Neulasta shot next day.  Have knocked me on my fanny pretty much.  Some nausea, but lots of diarrhea.  What was your best remedy.  It is VERY encouraging to see your posts and your GREAT news that you're finishing your treatment. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Abbe, sorry you are on the D train. It's not fun. They had to put me on lomotil. That helped. Much love.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    What worked for me was basically the BRAT diet.  I bascially swung the other way after TX even though I took Senecot S, then the D for a few days then back to taking Senecot. Contact your MO if it goes on too long though for something to help like Moonflwer says.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, yeah, and abbe, stay hydrated, drink lots. Don't get dehydrated. Bad things happen then.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    You would think I would be getting better not bloody worse. Getting really fed up feeling poorly and I have a birthday bash to go to tomorrow. Maybe I can go for an hour just so I'm out of this bed.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    If you can go.  At least it will get you out of the house and some fresh air. Happy for you that at least this is the last one.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    I look so bad I don't know myself DH keeps looking at me which is pissing me off. The worse part is how I have changed if I saw a picture before and after I would have gone on meds haha

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    I know how you feel about looking like crap.  I'll feel OK then get a glimpse of myself in the mirror YIKES! Well I guess it's all uphill from here right, can't get much worse I figure.

  • dipad
    dipad Member Posts: 135

    Hi everyone,

    I saw my onc yesterday. She mentioned that I wil be seeing the ro soon. She said that breast surgery is usually done first than rads. She said you get a better cosmetic outcome this way. I was under the impression that RADS can damage the implant. Any feeback on this would be appreciated.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    My gardener came round to tell me how much it will all cost for the garden make over. He is such a nice guy until he said " so it's my 50th on Saturday how did you feel when it was yours" I am only 44 bloody hell chemo has a lot to answer for.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    So he's fired right?

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    No I'll keep him, I knew I looked bad.

    Also bloody price has doubled but hey it's only money.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497


    ok-can i get a whooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooo !!!!

    today i finally got "the call" and i start "the job" on monday!!!!!!!! full bennies after 60 days and pay is $1.31.more than i expected!!!!! oh gosh......

    i'm so excited....--i can hear the pointer sisters singing now!!!!!!!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I'm sooooo happy for you!!!!!!  I know how much you wanted it AND once you get going you will now have so many more options as to where you want to live too!!!!!  Whooo Hooo!!!! 

  • JenH13
    JenH13 Member Posts: 155

    YAY Margo!!!  So happy for you!

    Ali as soon as all this is over I bet you are going to be more beautiful than ever!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    abbe - i get diarrhea every time too. Over the counter Immodium keeps it relatively under control...when I bother to take it. I tend to wait too long to take it though and then I get dehydrated.

    Lumpy - That is awesome news!!! Finally!!! So happy for you!!!

    So Monday I spoke with the FNP at the cancer center during chemo about what I thought was cording. First she wanted to rule out a clot, so she sent me for an ultrasound, which came out perfect. Then she decided it was just a tendon. I was really a tendon is just going to randomly show up and run from my lymph node biopsy site all the way down my arm. But then Tuesday I went back for my neulesta shot and I saw her again, and she said she wanted me to go to the lymphodema clinic and see a special therapist there. So I have that appointment Friday. Thank goodness I have you folks or I would not have known about cording. I hope they can make it go away. It doesn't bother me too much, but I hate having to deal with yet another physical change in my body.

    I am two days out from treatment #5. I am definitely crashing, energy-wise. Can't wait to go to bed tonight.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumpy, yay! Congrats, I am so happyfor you. Doing a happy dance here!

    Christina, glad you are getting help for that problem. Good luck, hope they figure it out! To everyone, much love.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Have been awol for so long - finding it difficult to jump back in again -- want to encourage everyone and don't know where to begin!

    I'm so excited for you Lumpy! This has been such a long time coming for you and will make such a difference for you in the living situation department too ... you'll be able to get far and away from those strange folks! How awesome to have this position too and a good starting wage!!!

    Christina - was going to pm you when I saw that they first told you it wasn't cording. I've been through this and can tell you that having a PT who specializes in lymphedema and cording is definitely what you need! I love my therapist - and you will find one who will take good care of you. There is literature that many docs rely on that cording will resolve on its own without intervention but there is also evidence that patients need intervention to not suffer needlessly or at length. I am thankful for intervention. You will be too!!

    Ali, my dear, you have suffered so much - with SO MUCH. I cannot imagine how much you have been through and are going through. There just is no rhyme nor reason it seems to those who are dealt horrendous side effects and those who just breeze through this. My prayers have been with you through this whole thing -- not platitudes -- they include the 'why this precious lady Lord?' because I know He can handle questions and doubts when you are hurting so. Keep fighting dear one.

    Gritgirl, the added chemo was not what you were expecting or planning on and again my prayers and my questions have been forthcoming. I continue to trust for you ... you are such a strong fierce woman with a great sense of humor and the reason this portion of the community became such a community! Keep fighting. I hope you are able to get some peace and rest through all of this new chemo and have minimal SE.

    Firstcall and AEM, so glad you are running and hope that you will continue to realize a return to where you were. Running here too. Allowed my emotions to sidetrack me between last Wednesday and yesterday ... but this morning I put on those shoes and hit the road ... and it felt soooo good! 

    For all of you who have completed chemotherapy and are moving on to surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, etc. .. so happy for you to be through with chemo. So many of you suffered through side effects with pain, digestive issues, ad infinitum and have come out on the other side. I hope that you continue to heal through these next steps!

    I completed 4 dd AC on April 4th and had a 3 week break. We left straight from that last chemo to begin a roadtrip to FL for our nephew's wedding in FL that Saturday. My SE through AC were so minimal it was nothing short of a miracle and I am so thankful for that - knowing how so many hurt so much. Was able to see my mom and stepdad in Indpls going down and returning as well as my Uncle and Aunt in Atlanta, and my brother and his wife in the Nashville area on our way home. All were short visits sandwiched in between long hours of driving but the ride was fun actually being with my husband and two youngest sons (19 & 18). And our oldest was able to come in from CO for the wedding too. Except for the bride and groom - everyone was from out of town for the wedding ... we are a diverse geographical family - so it was great to be together with everyone for the beautiful wedding. We sent the boys home after and we went on a 5 night western Caribbean cruise with my in-laws and husband's siblings and spouses. There were nine of us - first cruise for Ron & I and first time to Mexico for me. The cruise that we thought could not possibly happen actually ended up being covered by Marriott points that my husband accumulates from all of the travel he does for work! We booked our tickets just shy of 3 weeks and got expedited passports when we found out that we could actually make it work. Had an unbelieveable time ... even climbed the rock wall on board :-) 

    Started Taxol x12 on April 25th .. just had #3 today.

    Hope to keep up a bit better in an active way. Even though I've been silent I have been keeping up with the postings except for during the break time when most of it I was without internet access. This is a crazy month however - mom just had hip replacement surgery yesterday, our 25th anniversary is next week and our youngest graduates from high school this month too. House is a wreck .. but full of LOVE! That's what counts, right? 

    Hugs to everyone!!!

    Blessings, Diana

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Lumpy, I'm so happy for you.

    Ditnhm, really glad you have had some fun.

    Gritgirl, hope you are ok I know chemo is so hard but your stronger than me.

    Everyone else who has said kind words thanks, I really am under the weather but I will get through this.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy, congrats.

    Ali, I am not stronger than you are. You've gone through far more than I have in more challenging circumstances. Getting through that takes strength. Enjoy your garden and find peace.

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Lumpy, so very happy to hear you got the job! I hope that July 1st house rental comes through for you and you are settled in a new home soon! 

     AEM and Firstcall, I admire you both for keeping the running going.  I subsided to a shuffle during Taxol, and am greatly looking forward to kicking it up to at least a vigorous ramble next week, after the last round of bone pain subsides. (Which incidentally is much reduced when I don't get the Neulasta shot. It's kind of odd--Neulasta didn't bother me at all during AC, but it definitely exacerbated the Taxol bone pain....) 

    Ali, don't beat yourself up,  everybody is strong in different ways and at different times, I think.  From where I'm sitting, you've been pretty amazing and handled some very tough SEs.  

    Gritgirl,  hope you are hanging in there.  Today is chemo day, no?  So that leaves five more after today (Hope I'm not mis counting here....)

    Dltnhm, that sounds like a wonderful and idyllic break for you--what a blessing!  

    A pair of mute swans on the lake just appeared with a brand-new family of five or six cygnets. They look all beautiful and fluffy out there, but these dudes are mean, territorial SOBs, let me tell you. They can really inflict some damage with their wings and necks, so you don't mess around with them.   One chased my daughter up a tree last summer and then hung out at the bottom till we ran it off with brooms and such. 

    Maybe we'll get lucky and the snapping turtles will prune that fuzzy little flock a bit... 

     Edit: Dipad,  I am doing rads before any final reconstruction for that very reason. My PS would rather radiate a temporary TE than a permanent implant, which can damage them. Also, I think that he wants to see how my tissue handles the radiation, b/c sometimes post-radation tissue is not a good match for an implant, or causes implants to get hard, or something like that.   I'm waiting to see how things shake out before I decide on final reconstruction options.... Still enamored with the fat grafting/BRAVA system idea that Faithhopenluv is doing...