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CONSTIPATION--problem with so many of our drugs



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    MinusTwo........ Hi, LOL, I only recently learned how to do an avatar. Now, when the mood strikes, I change it. Very fun. Can you imagine if we all did it---what a hootSillyHeart

    Glad your body is cooperating YAY.

    There's a learning experience for us all, from your post.

    1.You searched for different solutions to your problem

    2. You experimented to see what worked for you

    3. You continued doing it.

    This supports why reading from the beginning helps here and elsewhere. 

    "What works for others, may not work for you. Conversely, what works for you, may not work for others". Quoted from FBB 2014-sassy


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Hello soriya that rhymes with papayaSmile. Re: your post on the pervious page " Ladies, what about ripe papaya?  it seems to help me with constipation. :)".  Raised my curiosity. Off I went on a search. The link to Whole Foods was interesting and fun. They give the A to Z information about each of their topics. As a cautionary, please, make sure to read the part on Papaya and Latex Allergy.

    Very often, I look at Wikipedia as a source. I'm not linking it b/c it isn't done well. That's the first time, I've ever said that about a Wikipedia page that was well established.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


    Post a reply         

    An hour ago, edited a few seconds ago    by sas-schatzi

    Hi, popping in. I was posting with another member. I thought sharing the below information may be helpful to you Winking.

    The link is to a web site started by a Social Worker and a doc. It is a tricky site to use. The first page leads to a several hundred resource pages. But I think this first page, does not project the wealth that lies beneath. Be patient when following the links within the site. There are sections that are disease and drug specific. The specific page then links to lists of organizations that provide monetary or other types of assistance.

    Register first and do the request for assistances form. Reason: the request for assistance form is filed. If you apply to 1 or 20 organizations/companies, the forms don't need to be repeatedly filled out.  The system is designed to pull from the original form. There may be a few particulars that need to be added to a companies/organizations form.

    All the pharmaceutical companies have patient assistance programs. All the drug manufactures are listed there

    The other way to reach drug manufactures is 1. call the manufactuer patient assistance number(goolge keywords: drug name and manufacturer, then to webpage>>>patient assistance. Very time consuming.

    There is so much more on It took a bit of time to wander through the whole site. I've shared a telephone walk through with many friends and relatives. I even called healthcare facilities to tell them about this link.

    For completeness, there are many ways to get financial assistance for whatever you need. There are organizations that will do things for you i.e volunteers that buy groceries, drive, install handrails, build wheelchair ramps.

    How to find the info besides from the link above?  FIND the SOCIAL WORKER(SW).  It's there job to know these things :)  Talk to all of the following 1. cancer center SW, SW, 3. Insurance companies SW, 4. County SW. 5. church outreach leader.

    I requested from my insurance carrier a consult with a SW. That one appointment with the insurance carrier Social Worker, led to grants totaling $10,550. The meeting with the cancer centers SW, led to coverage of neulasta  for $4000.00.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Bump , companion thread Rectal issues, link in topic box

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


  • stepangel
    stepangel Member Posts: 22

    Always having struggled with constipation despite doing everything right (exercise, water, fiber supplements, healthy eating) I was very worried going into surgery. And less than 1 day being home from my BMX had to go back to the hospital for a few days due to a bowel obstruction :( Since then my doctor put me on Miralax. It is a life saver! It gets a little pricey though, as some of you pointed out. I did some research and found that some insurances will cover it. Also, Walgreens has a sale every so often on their brand of it where it's buy one get one 50% off.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Stepangel sorry you had the problem. Did they use the word post-op ileus with you. Common for bowel to go to sleep with anesthesia and or stressor illnesses. Reason I bring it up is, if you have surgery again do a little reading on post-op ileus. Google "mayo clinic and post operative ileus". Mayo has the best patient teaching info. I would have found a link for you, but I have a new computer. I haven't figured everything out yet. Good Luck, sassy

  • stepangel
    stepangel Member Posts: 22

    Thank you for the info. I will look into that for sure!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830

    I didn't read the entire thread on the subject, but I went from going a minimum of 2-4 times a day pre chemo - to small movements once a day the three to 5 days following treatment. I am going to see if any of the things I did read about help. I try to drink more water (which is getting increasingly gross to me), popsicles, dried prunes/apricots, and watermelon trying to keep hydrated and keep things "moving" 

    I have Milk of Magnesia from surgery which worked realy well, but the thought of drinking that stuff only increases my queasiness!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830

    Milk of Magnesia is my friend

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Homemom, glad something works YAY. Please, take the time to read the descriptions of laxative and stool softners on page 10. It's a short section, see how milk of Mag fits in :) sassy There is a section on the prolonged use of the drugs :)

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 830

    I've only had to use it now three times over the course of the last 4 months. It usually works overnight for me. When I start having normal BM's I feel normal again.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Homemom GREAT :)  please, put this in your favs and page ten is in the topic box links. Your usage is absolutely minor as you describe YAY!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    BUmP for a better go

  • kmpod
    kmpod Member Posts: 84

    I'm coming up to almost 3 years of Arimidex and I've been fighting constipation from the first week. None of the usual remedies worked to any sufficient degree. You know it's a problem when you're (almost) looking forward to the colonoscopy clean out.

    Much to my surprise the last couple of months have been greatly improved by adding a morning cup of coffee to my routine. (I previously drank tea). Now, on most days, about 1/2 hour after the cup of hot coffee I have a productive visit to the john. 

    Only those of us who have been chronically constipated understand the elation that comes with regular BM's.

    I just hope it keeps working.

  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    I suffered from constipation before the chemo and it's worse now.  Going to see a GI doc today prior to scheduling my first colonoscopy.  VERY recently I found Ezekial cereal wthat has a low glycemic index and has helped with the constipation.  Not too tasty so need. A little honey and fruit to spruce it up.

    If the GI guy has any other ideas, I'll post.



  • flaviarose
    flaviarose Member Posts: 249

    Re: constipation.   It never was a problem for me until about 6 months before my BC diagnosis.  Unless I take a tablespoon of psyllium daily, it is a big problem.  I do wonder if the constipation was an early sign that my body wasn't functioning properly.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879


  • PeggySull
    PeggySull Member Posts: 368

    My GI told me to take Miralax on a daily basis.  That combined with a high fiber diet(e.g. Raisin bran, cruciferous verge tables, raw fruit) and daily exercise has now made me regular on a daily basis.  I have a colonoscopy Sept. 11, so will report back then.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Thanks Peggy ;) :)sassy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,163

    Still wondering what would be better.  Docs approved so I take Colace on a daily basis and still get constipated once every week or 10 days.  Maybe I should open the Miralax I bought but never used.  Right now I'm not changing anything until I finish my last TWO herceptin infusions.  When I'm really finished, then we'll see.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    HI! MinusTwo. It's been a while. Every colon is different. That's a VERY important thought. What works for one person may not work for another. AND what works for each of use USUALLY, may fail us at times. That's why I encouraged new readers to look at all the suggestions from page one on to the end(pun). 

    Which leads to several new thoughts. I'll attempt to organize them, LOL........ran out of coffee so this won't be easy.

    When bowel issues either constipation or diarrhea are a problem, have a written plan. I suggest a written plan b/c then when you activate the constipation /diarrhea portion of the plan you don't have to think about what you are going to do. We ALL know thinking for us is an issue in itself LOL.

    Going to post this so I don't lose it--------------Need to find coffee------check back for the rest of the response sassy :) Coffee's abrewin :)

    Basic plan 1.Keep a calendar or a journal to mark daily bowel movements. 2. Keep well hydrated  3.Be aware of what foods bind or loosen your stools. 4. Follow your daily plan to manage bowels. (I recommend the non man made drugs when possible i.e. stewed prunes/apricots) For some people made made product use IS going to be part of the basic plan. But remember all drugs have consequences. Read my analysis on Senna a page or so ago.

    Low level plan-Plan B  1. If constipation noted by delayed evacuation or stools are hard and difficult to pass, institute plan B----miralax, laxative, stool softner. 2. Recheck hydration levels. (check urine---if you can see any color to it in the commode, you are not well hydrated enough)

    Maximum level plan -Plan C 1. Magnesium citrate 

  • birdlady222
    birdlady222 Member Posts: 185

    My doctors also recommend Miralax  on a daily basis.  I mix mine with a little apple juice.  This works for me, and is not harsh like Senna.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Birdlady, Miralax is widely used. Approximately 2, possibly as long as 3 years ago, the American Society of Gastroenterology changed their recommendation from High fiber diet (25 to 30 Gms) with adequate hydration as the proper way to promote normal bowel Miralax and proper hydration. 

    When I asked my GI doc, as he was telling me of the change, what he thought of it. He was closed mouthed. He's my doc, but I also worked with him and was taught by him for many years. He then repeated the new guidelines. He did so b/c he was following the guideline. I know what he was thinking b/c he taught me. He didn't agree. He uses/prescribes Miralax when needed, but his belief is in proper eating.

    All sub-specialties of the American Medical Association(AMA) have governing bodies that meet every x number of years to produce new guidelines and reaffirm what they continue to support. This does not mean there is universal support. It means consensus ruled.

    In a historical perspective, have guidelines always proved effective. No. In the 70's the American Heart Association(AHA) promulgated the use of margaraine(sic) over butter. Less saturated fat. In the 2000's the identification of the evils of trans-fatty acids was identified. So, for decades the leadership of the AHA espoused artery clogging trans-fatty acids as the choice for the populace. OOPS! Kept the cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in business and will for the foreseeable future.

    MY POINT :) Miralax is a new chemical. It's Polyethylene Glycol. Definition from internet:

    1. a synthetic resin made by polymerizing ethylene glycol, in particular any of a series of water-soluble oligomers and polymers used chiefly as solvents or waxes

     Favorite med site :

    I had more but wiped it out with an errant finger. Thank goodness I saved the rest. 

    Please remember all drugs are chemicals. Foods are chemicals. Apricots and prunes are chemicals. Apricots and prunes have been around a long time. We know what they do. Don't set yourself up for the "OOPS"

    BTW----Miralax shouldn't be used by anyone with kidney disease. If it's not absorbed from the gut and circulated to the kidney, why is that?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Bird , Peggy, and All. I keep Miralax in the house for plan B :)

  • birdlady222
    birdlady222 Member Posts: 185

    Wow!  Sas-schatzi, thanks for the heads up.  I do take a lot of pain meds for bone mets, and was advised that these meds were the cause of constipation, which I am to avoid(apparently at all cost)  I have always eaten a pretty balanced diet, exercised, and drank plenty of water.  I will up the apricots and prunes, and wean off the the Miralax.  I'll keep it for "Plan B"     Interesting that you brought up brother always refused to eat it, and convinced me at a young age that it was poisonous.  Turns out he was right.   We have often talked about our great grandparents who ate eggs, butter, pork, beef, and veggies that they grew on their farm.  They lived into their nineties without cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.  Our modern diet is so refined and processed that there is very little "food" in it. 

    I trust my doctor, but you have given me a reason to look at my diet more closely.  Thanks!  Birdlady

    Also, thanks for the link.  I have bookmarked that one.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,163

    Sassy - I bookmarked the link too.  Thanks

    Birdlady - I never switched to margarine either.  Or "I can't believe it's not...".  Real butter for me and lots of it.  It's probably the only thing I don't consume in moderation.