Life on aromasin
Shayne - I had major depression after 3 months on Arimidex, I stopped it for a month and then she switched me to Aromasin. I also started to see a therapist, I was consumed with cancer it was in my thoughts constantly. (there was a lot of it around me with family at the time I was diagnosed) my therapist did EMDR (eye movement desensitization (not sure what the R means LOL)) to help me move past the trauma and it worked! I hardly think about it now and when I do, its brief and not to upsetting to me. Everytime I have another good day, or another test that comes back good I feel another step towards normal. Friday is another test marked off my to do list (colonoscopy time yuck) but feeling positive about it and looking forward to having it behind me. I still have the pains from the A.I. especially in the a.m., I try to get in some kind of exercise when I can and I always ate healthy. I did begin accupuncture for the pain in my shoulder area & down my arm (b.c. side) and I do think it is helping with mobility. I wish all of a us a peaceful victory in this season of life
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I am on Aromasin after 14 Abraxane infusions for a BC recurrance. My main and only symptom was the accumulation of ascites. The Aromacin was making the fluid subside, so we went to the more agressive infusion. Now after stoping infusion have been back on aromacin with no new accumulation of fluid, so far.
I have numbness in my right hand and feet, which I attribute to the Abraxane, but can stand the other side effects if that ascites will just stay away. Two weeks off chemo and I am building my strength back and ready to join the real world again!
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This came across my facebook page just now.....
So don't be frightened, dear friend, if a sadness confronts you larger than any you have ever known, casting its shadow over all you do. You must think that something is happening within you, and remember that life has not forgotten you; it holds you in its hand and will not let you fall. Why would you want to exclude from your life any uneasiness, any pain, any depression, since you don't know what work they are accomplishing within you? ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters to a Young Poet
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That is great Kayb: I wish all oncs were this sensible!
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Great kayb! Id feel the same way you do tho..... My MO said the same thing to me, when I asked what would happen if the SEs were too bad for me......QOL is afterall, so v important.
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kayb, thanks for sharing this. I thought about doing just that during the 2 weeks I was off of Femara (3 weeks ago). By the end of the 2nd week, I felt so good again. I slept great, I had energy and strength. No aches, pains, everything felt good, I felt like I was 16 again, that good. My body doesn't like Tamoxifen or Femara at all, that much I know now. QOL is at the top of my list of importance - also I am the boss of me now. haha. Today I am a week in to this Aromasin and so far, so good. Seems like things are calming down, so I will soldier on for now. Maybe your body is telling you it can take care of you itself?! Sounds like you have a great Oncologist who really listens to you. Have a good time on your Rx vacation!
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That is good news Kayb. Mine is 95% Er positive so I need to try to keep taking. Finally got the generic from Greenstone and hope it is as good as the name brand.
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I have been on Arimidex for 2 1/2 months now and seem to be doing okay with it. I have my 6-month followup mammo on 7/23 and I have times that I feel near panicked. It was a year ago that I was blindsided by this diagnosis and it is still so fresh in my mind how that all went down. I try to calm myself with good thoughts but the bad ones are overtaking them each day I get closer to this followup. I have gotten encouraging words from my oncologist but that really is hard to hang onto sometimes. Grade 3 keeps popping up in my mind. I have been told I am in "excellent" health otherwise and I do feel good with good energy but I do believe I may need some help with depression. Right after treatments were over with in late April I was riding high but as time wears on and I am not seeing someone on a routine basis, it is hard to keep the fears and doubts at bay. From what I read, arimidex may have something to do with depression so will need to discuss this with my doctor on the 23rd. Last week I had to get more arimidex and it went from $75.00 for 90 pills to $25.00 for 90 pills. The pharmacist says that happens when it goes generic so of course I had to ask "is it as effective?" and the response was yes. Pretty reasonable price. At first, I heard it was terribly expensive and I was worried about the cost as I have no prescription drug insurance. Sure does help to read all your posts and know that my fear is normal and that I am not being wimpy about all of this. I don't want to wallow but it is still so fresh with me. I have talked with women who are many years out and they say it subsides dramatically but never really goes away. It is my new reality. Best to all. Allagashmaggie
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Depression is a SE of Aromasin. I bet it is a common SE of the others too. I couldn't understand why I was so sad on the Aromasin, but the feelings went away when I went off the drug.
I think the doc can probably prescribe something non-addictive that will help with the depression.
Best of luck to you! I had my first cancer in 1982 and the constant worry and fear does subside. Your mind just can't handle these emotions full-time so they do go away. Keep busy, live in the moment as much as possible. Trust in God.
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dogsandjogs, I had the same experience going off the Femara and Tamoxifen, I wasn't as anxious at all. On the Aromasin, here it comes again. Allagashmaggie, you are right, we have a new reality now. I kept hoping I would go back to how I was, I will never get there. My surgeon told me maybe I'd be better and I liked that answer - be better. My family will never be the same either, I know they are always a little worried about me - especially my husband. There is no time to prepare for a cancer diagnosis, I was blindsided too. There is no history of cancer in my family of any sort - til now. My Oncologist, who I love and trust, told me there are no guarentees in cancer treatment, it's that uncertainty that weighs on you. My Radiologist told me that "I was an otherwise healthy person who just happened to have breast cancer." I try to remember that too. You hang in there, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Some days are good and some not so much, but remember, there will be good ones again, it's like you go in a figure 8 that way. You are not crazy and we are all here to support you, believe it or not, it makes me feel empowered to be able to share my experiences with you and others as they have with me, like I'm here for a reason. My checkups are getting easier and I am calmer, but it doesn't take much to tip me off balance, so I just keep working at it, and now I am past the 2 year mark.0
I don't wonder why we all feel the way we do - we have no estrogen to speak of.
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Great article! Explains a lot---
I actually worry more about my heart than the cancer. Low estrogen really puts you at risk for heart problems. I already have atrial fibrillation which can cause strokes. I try not to panic when an episode hits, but it is difficult as you feel very light-headed---I can't drive when it happens. Luckily the more I exercise and eat healthier the fewer times it occurs. But there is no warning. The heart just begins to beat erratically and nothing works to make it stop. It happens a lot at night when I'm ready to go to sleep. I just try to go to sleep and try to ignore the palpitations.
I think I told you guys (maybe on another thread?) about one of my dogs waking me up to let me know I was having an episode. That was so strange ---he knew something wasn't right---he is gone now - passed away last year - then my other dog died a few months later. Last year was difficult---
Sorry for the rant - got carried away - have a good day everyone~
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A few of us got together last year for a really nice lunch. We talked, and talked and talked. I think there was even a shift change of the waitresses LOL
I was so impressed by how strong and courageous the women were - not a wet blanket in the bunch.
Hoping to do it again soon!
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Just got back from my 2 year Mammagram. All looks great. I gues the Aromasin is working my breasts are now easy to read mostly just fat tissue!0
It was the first time the technician talked to me. She had me go over to the screen to show me just how great my scan looked. She was so happy for me she was smiling a big broad smile, of course she didn't say all clear, but it was pretty obvious. That was before the radiologist even looked at it.
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great news! Kira1234.
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Day 8 - no SEs. I say an affirmation every time I take one.....but needed something more, something believable....
I put my pills in another bigger bottle. On the outside I wrote:
and on the cap - LOVE IS HEALING YOU.
Determined to get find a way to use the power of my mind to get thru this therapy with no SEs......
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Joint pain so bad, I took myself off the meds for this week. Am driving to NM and so am hoping the drive will be easier off the meds. We will see.
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I've been on Aromasin for 6 weeks now. I can honestly say I feel great. I have the usual hot flashes, but that's about it so far knock on wood. Having had such a bad reaction with the Femara I am so glad this drug is treating me kindly.
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Great news Kira! Hope it stays that way for you--
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I have a friend who is doing awesome on Femara - others can't tolerate it. Same with Aromasin.
It seems odd, aren't the side effects from lack of estrogen and NOT the ingredients of the drug?
You would think you can either tolerate an estrogen inhibitor or not, so it wouldn't matter which drug you took.
Maybe it is the way these drugs are compounded----just wondering
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My Dr. thought this one might work for me because it is the most different of the 3 having the steroid component. It wasn't the SE, I was allergic to Femara I broke out in eczema all over my body.
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Kira great news--I'm trying to catch up to all the info--I've been in the hospital for a while but things will be fine. Slo I'm behind in all the news still.BTW most of kit was not from Aromasin, just a bundch of other Se from cancer stuff just a little from Arom. (aches and pains) from that. So I'll just settle for those SE. LOL
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Oh, that sounds horrible---
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camillegal, hope you are feeling better.
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Camillegal are you still in the hospital? I had to spend some time in the hospital as well from SE's from all the treatments. Not nice I do hope you're feeling better.
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Thank u guys--I'm home now--I've been in a couple of times this last month once for almost a week this time 4 days--but this was funny cuz mu dr called me at midnite and said she wanted me to go directly to the hospital now--I of course said do I pas go and get to collect $200.00, NO just get there now-That I really didn't like LOL The not getting $200.00.
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It must make you feel good that your Dr is looking out for you so much as to even call you at midnight.
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Hope your recovery is speedy camillegal!