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I look for other flat chested women. A rant.



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027

    Djustme, I am so terribly sorry to hear all that has happened to you. I wondered about not seeing you posting, but I guess I just assumed all was well with you. How wrong could I be?

    I don't have any answers for you, but I know everyone here will rally round, if needed for support. You'll never be alone here!

    I'd love to give you a big hug!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Djustme, so sorry to hear what a difficult, difficult time you've been going through - all those problems, in so many different parts of your life, well, I can't imagine the stress and pain you are experiencing. Like Ariom, I have no answers, just wanted to say "hello" and let you know if writing helps, we're here to read.

    I am happy for you that reading of other women being comfortable being flat has helped - as for those people in the gym - they're probably just admiring your STAMINA. Really. You sound so strong, so just remember to try to be gentle with yourself, while you're dealing with all these problems.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Djustme, what a rough road you've been on! I think you should give yourself credit for being upright and functioning. If the retiring boss likes you, why not tell him this is very rough for you and could he use his contacts to see if someone else has similar work? As you know it's really a beast to look for work. I'm really sorry to hear about your dogs also. You've lost 3 family members. (((((((HUGS)))))))

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104


    Is your name Sheila? Thanks for reminding me the BMX is recent and new. Wondering about the scarFx. Am going to google it. Deep breath. It is getting easier to look at my body. And my LE therapist said to massage the scar with a cream with vitamin e. It is helping me to be more accepting. Pectoral muscle seems tight though. Thanks for the support!


  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104

    Thanks, Sunflower. Yes this is my 7th year of dealing with this. Wish I could say it will be my last surgery but I have a friend with BMX who is having more surgeries b/c of growths over the original tumor. But hoping I can have more peace of mind and move beyond the stress of monitoring my crazy dense breasts that were constantly changing. Sorry you had to go through so much with getting implants replaced then removed. But hopefully you will get yourself that silk cami. Sounds like a great idea!

    FL warrior,

    Glad you had a good experience with your surgeon. Amazing your scar is barely visible! Can't imagine that.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027

    Hi again Georgie, no my name isn't Sheila, it's Moira.

    I think we are all guilty of "just getting on with it", and forgetting that we have just been through a really brutal surgery, not to mention all the uncertainty of waiting for results of tests and biopsies.

    We are just trying to regain some normality in our lives, after being picked up and shaken, hard!

    I know when I have said to others, "gosh, it is early days!" Most actually say, they hadn't even considered that!

    I know it sounds like a cliche, but it really is just time and acceptance.

    I am glad it's getting easier to look at your body, we are all wired differently when it comes to how we view it. For me, I couldn't wait to get the bandage off, just so I could see how it looked. That was normal for me, and had been the way I had always viewed post surgery scars. I have always considered them to be the road maps of my life.

    The silicone strip, the massage and the exercise have been a constant for me. The Surgeons here in Aus push very hard for the PT home exercise, to be done 4x daily for many, many months. I have found that massage with rich carrier oils with Aromatherapy oils is what works for me to stay supple and with no adhesions, my Pec muscle was tight as a drum for a while, too. I found out how great the ScarFx strips were when I had a fairly extensive hand surgery some years ago, my Surgeon gave me the strips very early on and told me to use them to lessen what could have been a very obvious scar.

    I know it feels very overwhelming and like it will never change, but if you can give yourself a bit of nurturing, because you deserve it, you'll feel better for it.

    I know this is not for everyone, but I actually watched a Mx surgery on YouTube, well after my surgery, just to understand what I, and so many others had actually been through. There is the belief that although we sleep through these things, our subconscious is taking it all in and processing it. I guess that's why we have so many different reactions!.....Take care!

    All the very best! (((((Hugs))))

  • subemc
    subemc Member Posts: 2

    I went flat for 4 years and someone in there said, "you look like my grandma." No biggie, but my husband insisted on something before Obamacare. I had a full DIEP and it hurt like a bitch but my small boobs look nice :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Georgie - re: vitamin E. the oils and liquids have a LOT of fillers. One way to get pure Vitamin E, is to buy a large bottle of Vitamin E CAPSULES( high dose lots of ius) - prick one end of a capsule with a pin, and spread the oil directly over the scar, massage. Most of the moisture creams, vitamin E oils, etc. are for "cosmetic" purposes. Not cheap either. I've found using a Vitamin E CAPSULE much more effective. You can then massage with coconut oil, or melted cocoa butter ( both in jars in good health food stores) added moisture.

    good luck.

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104


    Hang in there!!! Sorry you are going through so much now.



  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104

    Sunflower MA,

    Makes sense to use the straight vitamin E with a pure oil. I have liquid vitamin E and coconut oil. I was using Jason 25,000 IU Vitamin E Age Renewal Moisturing Creme. Not sure of the ingredients at the end even though it says, "pure, natural and organic", so thanks!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Georgie - it is "pure" but not all Vitamin E oil - and how much do you have to use to get the 25,000 ius? I think Whole Foods sells a very high dose Vitamin E oil capsule, and you'll be able to tell from the back of the bottle, how much you need to get what amount of ius.

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104


    Thanks. I have liquid vitamin E I can use. It should work. My scar looks kind of crinkled though.


  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118

    CC I'll have to go look for some Frankincense oil, it sounds intriguing. I love aromatherapy. I alternate between Vit E oil and Emu oil. I tried the scar strips, but they irritate my skin.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    CCFW - wow, sounds like it smells yummy.

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027

    Just wanted to mention that you need to use Pure Essential Oil, not just the scent. Frankinscense (Boswellia) is used as an anti inflammatory for Arthritis, wound healing and also to strengthen female hormones, so I don't know if there is issue with the hormone side.

    All essential oils are antibacterial or antiviral, and a blend that is specific for healing, anti inflammatory, and antibiotic, in a blend of carrier oils, will also boost your immune system. There are blends that are specific for calming you down and can be used even on babies to help them to sleep. A good relaxing blend, massaged onto the soles of the feet at night can really help if you're anxious.

    There are some interesting studies going on with essential oils for pain relief and for use as antibiotics for some bugs that are resistant to antibiotics.

    I have been using aromatherapy massage for Rheumatoid Arthritis for about 18 years, with great success, and started massaging around my bandages on day one of my surgery, and have continued every day to make sure my skin stayed supple and I didn't have any adhesions.

    It is a very interesting modality, especially if you are trying to avoid taking pain meds.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Ariom, I'd love to learn more about using essential oils for pain relief ( osteo arthritis in my knees) can you suggest a good book?

    thanks...I use homeopathic medicine for allergy relief, and arnica gel is my MAINSTAY for all bumps, bruises, strains, tripping and falling....clumsy, used to blame it on Arimidex, but really just clumsy ;-)

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027

    Hi Sunflowers! nice to see you!

    I have to say the amount of Aromatherapy books on the market is enormous, but the blends are pretty much always the same for whatever you are using them for and whichever book you use. The books I have are very old, and probably out of print now.

    I was fortunate to find a company here in Australia that makes the blends. I use a blend called Be Relieved for pain, there is also another called Be Sport to be used before any strenuous activity, and a third called Be Lite for helping with water retention and cellulite. The company is Balanced Essentials and the carrier oils are a mix of Sweet Almond, Macadamia and Wheatgerm. I am not sure if they are sold overseas. I would guess there would be a company in the US doing a similar range of products, if these aren't available there. Perhaps if you google Organic Aromatherapy Blends, or just google the essential oils specific for pain and make your own blend.

    I am not one to take drugs if I can possibly avoid them, so this has been a lifesaver for me over the years. I haven't had any option but to take steroids for my Rheumatoid, but I have managed to keep that at a minimum, I believe, because of the nature of the blends of oils I use.

    I hope you can find a blend that helps your knees! Take care..... Moira

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104

    Aromatherapy for pain sounds interesting. I can't use it because I have a cat and many essential oils can be toxic to cats. My 20yr old boy has kidney failure so I need to keep any possible toxins as low as I can.

    Acupressure can help and there are no side effects.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953

    Georgie, are they toxic for cats if they lick them or is just smelling them toxic? We had to get rid of most of our houseplants because our cat liked salad. She even chewed up mother-in-law's tongue which is supposed to be poisonous. Didn't bother her because it was probably too tough to get any juices out. We first discovered her habit when she ate the back half of an African violet. Didn't notice until I picked it up to water it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027

    I don't have any experience with cats. I just did a quick search to see which oils are supposed to be a problem, none of them are the ones used for pain. I certainly wouldn't use them if there is any possibility of them being toxic.

    I know these oils have been used very successfully on dogs and horses for pain.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Hi Georgie - so happens there are quite a few mastectomy-surviving cat-loving ladies on here.Smile I lost my last "baby" aged 18 just a couple of weeks before my dx, and my other baby had died aged 20 just months before that. (Looking back that timing was probably good, I didn't have to worry about failing feline health while going through BC treatment). Hope your "old boy" is keeping as well and comfortable as possible, and best wishes to you for a good recovery from your recent mastectomy surgery.

  • alexandria58
    alexandria58 Member Posts: 202

    Hi folks. Haven't posted here for a while. Been busy with family - my daughter got married, my father was ill, with writing and with legal work. All is well with me. Am going to try to post a photo of me from my daughter's wedding. I went totally flat.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Alexandria, great picture, and that dress is beautiful.

  • Nel
    Nel Member Posts: 597

    You look great.!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017

    Alexandria - guess it's only for FB users...

    Will look for aromatherapy oils, thanks for info. I see an acupuncturist every few weeks, and it is so wonderful. Keeps me very mobile, effects are cumulative, and gets better & better. Couldn't have gotten thru 5 years of Arimidex without it. That & being gluten free.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027

    I couldn't see the photo either!

    Sunflowers, I hope you an find some oils that work for you. I did Acupuncture for a long time for my Rheumatoid, along with the oils. I only stopped because my Acupuncturist moved away, and after a couple of tries, I couldn't find another that was as good as she was.

  • georgie1112
    georgie1112 Member Posts: 104


    My understanding is it is the smell of some essential oils that can be toxic as cats can't metabolize them. Do check with your vet or do more research. I know I had to scrap the pine and orange based cleaners.


    great to know that the aromatherapy oils for pain are not supposed to be a problem! I'm with you - anything that is simple is usually better for me. glad to hear these work well for you!

    feeling feline,

    Good of you to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Still, must have been very hard to have two important loses before your treatment. Though I understand that losing your cats or seeing them declining when you are in treatment would have been very very hard.

    My 20 yr old cat has been by my side every minute of my recovery. I was sort of looking forward to the dog lying in bed with me. But no, it was usually my cat. Now I am just wondering how to keep my boy from puncturing the brand new silicone prothesis. Holy crap, I cannot believe how $$$ they were! I imagine one poke with extended claws would be the end of them:)

    Anyway, grateful to have two animals. My cat seems to be the ultimate in endurance. He has come back from every health crisis.


  • respectnfreedom
    respectnfreedom Member Posts: 1

    I'm so happy to read this. I had a mastectomy L in 2007 and didnt have the reconstruction option at the time due to treatments etc and have been struggling with the whole prosthesis, bra wearing thing as it causes pain and lymphodema. I would be really happy to just have the other one off, but apparently I can't (in Australia) without going through the BRAC gene testing rigmorol. I'm surprised how everyone thinks I'm mad, that I should have a reconctruction etc, but I'm actually really, really comfortable not wearing a bra. My elderly aunt told me a story of a woman she met in the 1950's (before reconstructions) who had had both breasts off and would walk around without a shirt on (just like a man). Such freedom!!