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The Hermit Club



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    cam - made me smile, could use it this morning. Got about 3-4 hrs out of exhausted.  Stayed in bed and just tried to rest instead of gettting up.  Could I PM you about something that happened last night - could use a set of ears.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Of course bgirl anytime I'm right here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hi ladies! Sorry you didn't get much sleep bgirl :( Hope everything's ok.

    Camille, as always, love the pics! My tamoxifen causes insomnia-hate it.

    Ladies that are recovering from surgeries and treatments, you all are in my thoughts. Hope you are getting rest.

    Welcome Chey. We are a great, supportive group. You can rant, whine, or laugh with us. Most of us are just tired or homebodies or taking a break from annoying people,lol.

    I sent out a resume this morning for a very very part time job. It would probably only be about $400 a month… but even that would be awesome! It's 3 hours a day, which would be perfect! Wish me luck!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat 3 hrs. a day would be perfect for u. Not to much so as not to tire u more Ihope it works out. fingers crossed.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Hey girlies...rough week with borderline sick kiddos so I am glad it's Friday if for no other reason that I don't have to get them up for school in the morning.  The older one has ear infection/borderline bronchitis (has been complaining for a week but I thought she was exaggerating - bad parent) and the younger is having stomach issues/sleep problems (not like a bug/virus, more like reflux/IBS/nerves).  I did get out and about yesterday because I had no choice.  Had to see the youngest sing in choir at an assembly, then take her to the dr, then back to the school for P/T conferences, then  we went to eat.  I am back to wearing my wig - somehow my hats all look too casual for fall and winter clothes - dumb I know.  I have about an inch of hair all over but it is ugly colored, lots of gray and still very "old man hairline" in front.

    markat - that sounds great for a PT job - I haven't even thought about working again yet.  Let us know how it goes.  We need to do the pumpkin thing too - it finally cooled off here so that it won't wilt and cave in in the heat.

    bgirl - sorry for the lack of sleep.  Abby kept me up part of the night with her issues but I was able to go on back to sleep thanks to restoril.

    Chey - welcome...I am on the tail end of things (chemo, surgery, done, still waiting on decision about rads, then finishing herceptin and exchange surgery) and this is one of the few boards I still keep up with on bco...

    camille - sorry the numbers are low...that does explain some exhaustion though.  Keep us posted on what the heart guy says.

    Ok, I just read a couple pages back so I know I missed some things but I am trying to adhere to a schedule today - sit down and rest/computer stuff, etc...for 30 minutes then up and work for 15 minutes.  Setting timers and everything.  My left frankenboob and side are still very very painful - PS is attributing to internal stitches that haven't dissolved.  Ironic since right side was the cancer side.

    Next thing on the to do list is fold a load of laundry and then balance the bills to see if we have money to buy an alternator for our POS van.  It is about to go out - sigh....

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Oh and the irony of the drugs is that this is Red Ribbon week so the kids have all these say no to drugs days - hahaha - I have how many drawers and cabinets full of drugs!  Oh and I voted yesterday - yay for no lines and early voting -  and I voted for the medical marijuana initiative on our ballot - no way in HELL it is going to pass in this red state but I did it anyway.  Who knows I might need that one day!  My mom did too - and she is usually vERY conservative - but she also has autoimmune disease that causes much pain and inflammation.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Kltb sorry about u'r kids--that can be such a handful and u'r always running. I don't know how u guys do it.

    Good vote whether u use it or not someone will who needs it and the corners to buy are getting limited. Not that I know personally--Ahem.

    But my granson (8) just said to me do u really have o take all these drugs, and I exxplained YES, LEAVE ME ALONE. so he understood perfectly. LOL

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234


    Well, Abby made it to 11:10 so at least she got a half day in. week must get better.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Holy sheet they just called for an interview. I was in the bathroom so I have to call them back...ugh I'm nervous!

    Speaking of drugs...I still take my pain pills pretty regularly at night and sometimes during the day. This job requires a drug test. How does that work? Do they write it off because I have a rx? I seriously feel like a junkie typing that out.

    K- sorry about the kids... that's so tough.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    markat - yes, you will probably just have to show them that you have the rX.  Congrats on the interview!

    Got the house clean so I feel better about life in general.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Markat hahahahahaha did u ever think u'd have to worry about a drug test hahahaha--It's persription so it won't be anything. u druggy u.

    This is so exciting, u'll be leaving our hermit group--no don't leave us but u can tell us about u'r day when u get home. U'r heart will always be with us.

    And kltb I'm sorry Abby is not well now u'll be the nurse and u'r doing to much as far as I'm concerned but u know best.

    I think I told u before I was dehydrated yesterday and for some stupid reson I took 2 water pills, I wasn't supposed to take any today, there all out together--so I'm peeing like mad and drinking like mad so yes I'm mad I tell u, I'm mad--and goofy in my head too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    LOL! SHARE if you're trying to get healthy!    Then click to get big savings on healthy vitamins and supplements at Pure Matters!  LINK:

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    bahahaha on the cartoon - I need to post that one on FB.

    camille - oh no, so you are having to drink to replace what you are peeing out and peeing out everything you are trying to replace??

    I am not doing anything else for the rest of the day, I promise!  Well, I will reheat dinner - not cook, because everything is cooked.  A rotisserie chicken from the store and some homemade soup our neighbor had made for us and frozen.  Just hope it thaws out in time.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille lol! Nope never thought I'd have to worry about one. Keep drinking that water! Think of all the exercise you are getting running back and forth Wink

    K- You are superwoman, seriously. You are making me tired reading your posts!

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Oh and I'm definitely not leaving the thread IF I get the job. Big IF there. They could look at my weird hair and say no way, lol. I wish I could pull off the pixie look, but my watermelon head looks silly with it.

    This is pretty much the only place I post too. I'll randomly post on a Not Diagnosed thread, and my chemo thread ladies have all pretty much moved on. Us hermits have to stick front of our computers :)

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    Sorry a bit off the grid for the last day.

    K hope you get a break, remember the days of sick little ones.  Can be exhausting for sure.

    May be a restoril night for me - wow that sounds like a commercial to me.

    Seriously, drug tests we all probably couldn't pass because we just want to sleep and be pain free!

    Markat - I'm ok just some upsetting news last night, sometimes it feels like it never ends.  Hope you get the job, it sounds great.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    My screen looks really funny, and I'm not. I'm trying to go to sleep and I keep on having to oee so I'm pretty sure I dehydrated myself WTF was I thinking--my head hurts so bad and I'm dizzy--well dizzier than usual. hahaha U'd think after dealing with all of this stuff for 5 urs. I'd get the hang of it and I just don't really know. When I was called yesterday for one of my results I actually said oh that's not bad, and on the other end of the phone I hear yes it is and I said well it doesn't sound bad. Then I wonder why I get so many looks from nurses and Drs. when I'm with them. Oh I'm getting goofy and tired so I'm going to give it a try to go to sleep---hope it works

    Markat tell us what u hear tomorrow

    Bgirl try to get some rest--take drugs everyone......LOL

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    My screen is messed up too. It's okay on my phone, just a little weird. Interviews Wed. So we have until then for me to annoy you guys with my nervous musings.

    Bgirl and Camille hope you're both asleep! Camille call your doc tomorrow if your headache isn't better. You might need fluids :(

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435

    camille, hope you are feeling better today.

    Markat Muse away.

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Camille how are you feeling today?

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Hmm, sure has been quiet here today! Everyone out partying?

    I went to a party tonight for about an hour, lol. It was okay. Lots of people asking me how I am. I actually wore heels! I haven't worn heels in probably a year!

    Hope everyone's doing good!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    this thread is making my wonky eyes wonkier Undecided

    Just dropped Dh at a wedding reception, riding the D-train so I thought it best to sit this one out.

    How are you markat? Oooh la la ...heels...must have been fun. I think I will wear some in March Smile

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    Lol whatevah. Maybe if we get the thread to the next page it will be fixed? Or is the whole board like this? I usually post from my phone and it doesn't look too bad.

    Sorry to hear about the D! I almost sent DH by himself tonight, but then I could hear my MIL's condescending voice in my head, so I went. :)

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Markat, Hope you had a nice time at the party!  Heels, you wore heels! Thanks to taxotere, I will probably never be able to wear heels again.  I have taxotere souvenirs...hand/foot neuropathy.   

    No party for me.  I crawled out of my "shell" long enough to go to wal-mart and get a couple of bras and a bottle of wine!  Whoo-hoo. 

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Something happened in the middle of this page where the left margin became discombobulated with the paragraph part.  Avatars are in the wrong spot. 

    Help Mods!

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    chair dance to change the page...your turn next

  • whaevah
    whaevah Member Posts: 282

    new page...come on down

  • markat
    markat Member Posts: 502

    FL, I had taxotere also and neuropathy in my right foot. I wore them anyway to just see if I could. Then came home and popped a Norco haha!