The Hermit Club



  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062

    Got a call from rads clinic, going tomorrow for "practice session". Finally.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    good luck mags

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Mags- wishing you a good visit tomorrow. Let us know how things go for you?

    Ducky- the SEs that we all deal with are so different around the AIs. Glad you are spared the hot flashes. I can deal with them easier than other things I have gone through on this ride.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 I said....never had one, but I do beieve I could handle that so much easier then the others I was unfortunate enough to get...I know their no fun, but I really believe pain is worse.......I feel bad for anyone who gets any SE' is the reason I went off after 3 1/2 years......

    May go back on a different brand, but right now I am enjoying what pain has gone, since going off......I think whatever aches I have now are "age related", plus arthritis which I had before cancer........I have been off for 2 months.........

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Mags, I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Although I do not always remember names and/or specifics, the women here are in my thoughts. I think someone is in surgery today ... Am hoping all went well.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816

    Lily, I am hoping your move goes smoothly. Packing is a monumental chore for me. I hope it is not an arduous task for you. I know some people find it easy and/or fun. I like unpacking better than packing

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Sally......LOL......I did not like either, and did most kids did what they coul

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Lily i am always thinking of u

    Mags have fun

    Hey sally

    Ducky u r amazing.

    Hey jazzy

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Ducky- I have been on the AIs two years this coming March. I just had a bone density test and results have increasing bone loss, which I am very concerned about, despite doing CA and Vitamin D, and regular exercise including weights. I am loosing 5% per year and very concerned I will hit the line with osteoporosis before I am done with the 5 year protocol. Got several bc related apts in January, and going to be discussing in every direction I go. Taking these meds for a very early/low re-occurrence risk bc at the expense of my bones seems like it may not be a good idea. I have a decision ahead of me.

    Blondie- hey girlfriend, you feeling better from the shingles yet?

    It is our Bippy that has surgery yesterday. I look forward to hearing from her when she is back home and recovered.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    For Blondie and Mommy with the new kittens.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Jazzy......I have the bone lost too.....will get another Dexa in April.....there are so many reasons to go off this medicine, but the one good one was "LIFE", but what good is life without quality.

    I get more bone loss, fall, and break a hip at 79, we all know how that can end you have a decision to make.......and we have any "true proof" that these AI's stop recurrence or lessen it that much........

    Do I want Mets.....hell no, but I also could not handle all the SE's.....I would have welcomed a "hot flash"........instead of all the other problems.......glad I didn't get that one too........

    This disease turned me from a woman who never stopped, was always ready to run, party, dance, drive 5 hours from Philly to Pittsburgh and 5 hours back for 4 years to watch my grandson play college football........

    Hope for the best is all I can do......if I try the Arimidex next....which is in the cabinett....all 30 of them......and the SE's come back......I am done for more AI' SE or even 2, but all of them................NO, not gonna go down that path again.....................

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173

    Hi to all... having headaches, so not posting much. Wish there was a LIKE button (like on FB) cause I would hit it for the Kitten pic/graphic, Jazzy.

    Prayers for Bippy, Mags, Lily and Blondie and all Hermits for healing strength peace and JOY. Thanks for keeping me smiling.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Ducky- I have been taking anastrozole (arimidex) for almost two years, and did have a rough six months to start, but when I went to see my MO last fall, we agreed to take a vacation from it and go back on and see if it was better. I have done better since, but still have issues with stiff feet, hot flashes and sometimes find myself getting emotional for no reason (been a bit short tempered at work this week, but that could also just be my frustration with the client site). I have noticed more fuzzy brain with time too.

    I think there is 10 years of clinical data around the arimidex products, but others are newer as I understand it. I don't think there is enough history to know if they really work. Like you, I don't want mets or the rest that could follow with that, but more than anything, quality of life is what matters to me.

    I hope you will do better on the new meds. but will understand if you don't continue to take them. Many women don't finish them due to the heavy SEs. I told my doc I would give it a try, but if it worked more against me than for me, I would reconsider.

    We all face these hard decisions as we go along. Thankful for BCO to have a place to talk about these things.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    jazzy....thanks you understand.....hugs

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602

    good morning girls I'm back home

    Surgery went very well, and all my caregivers were excellent. I got home yesterday about noon and began experiencing excruciating pain after we changed bandages. Figured out we needed a lot of gauze and more stabilization around the drain site incision. My poor husband, I had to subject him to seeing me and all my stapled glory. He's incredible though, and asked me how long do I think I could've hid it? We cried. Then things improved immensely once he got me fixed up.

    I'm having a lot of pain there because the doctor said there was much scar tissue from dead cancer which is good but he really had to do a lot. No surprises visually, but waiting for final pathology. I'm taking all my pain pills on schedule.

    My insurance pays for about five days of home health, so I'm anxious for her to get here this morning and help us with drains. The drains are simple but I can't handle them alone because I can't really use my right arm or hand right now. Again my wonderful husband got me through. He's a champion drain emptier!

    My next big project will be to take a shower today. Other than that I'm just taking it easy and not doing too much as I do not want to setback myself.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    Loved the kitty story. This morning Princess climbed up on my lap and then to my shoulder where she laid her head down and took a brief nap before getting up and going to the arm of my chair. Hard to believe that she will be 3 mo. tommorrow. Still miss Charcoal but its getting easier to look at pictures of him or talk about him without crying.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Good Morning Ladies, 'm always apologizing or being MIA and I really mean it. I get to maybe one topic a day (maybe) and I've never been like that.

    Bippy I'm so glad u'r surgery is over--I forgot about the drains, but when u have someone come in, they probably figure it out for you and it won't hurt.--mine never hurt. just a PITA but your DH sounds wonderful so that helps a lot. Now get plenty of rest and take meds if u need them, and take one day at a time. U can take a shower already. Wow that's wonderful.

    Mo I love the banter between kitten and dog, it's so cute. My dog came in my room and started barking and whining the other day and reminded me of Lassie trying to get me to follow him, so I did and as he took me into the living room he started walking and looked at my DD and looked at me and barked--my cat was near her and he didn't like it, so she got of and came by me and he guarded his mommie. We LOLed on that one, crazy furbabies, my ca does that on purpose.

    I didn't catchup on all the pages so I hope everything is going OK for everyone.

    Lily I never heard of that med, but there are so many, maybe this one is good for u.

    Who's the paralegal? Bippy? I'm sure u'r boss misses u, he'sjust making the best of a situation that's not under his control. My DD has it good tho and I always hope she knows it--she pretty much runs everything, only because that's her personality and they've been together for yrs. and yrs..

    Jazzy u'r busy again, good just hope u'r not crazy busy.

    Blondie those shingles better be gone

    I've been so tired all the time lately, it's starting to get me mad- I'm glad I'm sleeping all nite, but I can't stay awake more than an hr or so during the day. I sleep with the phone next to me to hear my calls and go back to sleep. I'm sure my messages sound stupid but I just write what I can.And I can't believe Christmas is almost here, I still have some things to do--but mostly finished, glad I can order on the computer, but Les is going out for one more gifts from Ulta and I think I'm done--Joey is getting his own computer--(thank God)--we put it on lay-away so we paid by weekly payments and a bean bag chair he wanted.

    I'm sorry  I I missed anyone and not reading everything I hope everyone is doing OK.

    Teka :)

    BTW my DD --so far--is pulling an A in school, but she's working for it I pray this goes well for her

    Ok I'll try to be better, if I wake up long enough. xxxoooxxx

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Good morning hermits- went to the gym last night to bike, and it made me sleep like a log, which I loved. I don't always sleep well, lack of hormones disrupts my sleep sometime (or the stress of life can too).

    Bippy- glad to hear you are home and recovering, although it does not sound like things were too easy with the surgery. Your home health folks will help you enormously. I had a home health person with me for two months in 2012 with all I went through, and they are a god send. They will tell you things you will never get from the hospital or doctors office about what to do when you get home. Like Cami says, take the painkillers so you can sleep and you can ease off those when you are feeling better. You have come through another huge part of this. I was so glad to see your note here.

    Cami- you sound like you are needing a lot of rest lately, so you honor your body. The pets sound adorable. And congrat on DD doing well. Is the holiday at the house where you live or somewhere else this year?

    Me, I am coming to the end of my contract for my client and met some big deadlines the past two weeks. After today, I will be off for a week, then go back to do some work the week after Xmas and then finish out the first week of January. Then I go straight into my final home reno work. I go to the hot springs for three days over the holiday next week.

    Tonight I am going to the Michael McDonald concert where I get to meet him! I have the perfect holiday outfit ready to go! Can't wait!

    Hope everyone has a good day and for those in treatment, I hope you are doing okay.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994


  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Mags- more like the first pot of coffee, LOL!

    Did you have the apt with the RO yet?

    Dealing with a client site hardware crisis this afternoon. Drama du jour. I should get paid extra for drama management!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,858

    I'll admit it, I'm a Procaffinator!

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Hi Hermits, True to my nature, I haven't been around for awhile.  Although, I am always thinking of you; I really don't know what's been going on site.  Will take time to go back and read.  Well, myself, I had my second reconstruction 2 days ago.  The old implant and scar tissue was removed, a new implant was inserted. I also had my left breast reduced to match the implanted side.  My doctor also did some liposuction on the side of my breast.  I'm plenty sore but is at home healing with pain pills. muscle relaxants and antibiotics.  I have a drain on the good breast from the reduction.  Well I guess I will go back and read some of the old post to get caught up to everyone's news.  Happy Holidays, Hermits!


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    Jazzy give him a kiss 4 me. Can't wait 2 hear bout the concert, sorry bout the clients beingidiots..also bout the issues with the meds, glad u n ducky can talk n grt it.

    cammie, u r so sweet n missed, but i know u r there, if there is an issue u will b there

    Dwi...i hope everything is fixed now n u get relief 

    Hi mommy

    Bippy, glad u made it out of surgery n u have u r sweet dh to take care of u

    Yep singles r gone but the nerve pain is so annoying still waking me up in the morning out of a dead sleep..fell down a couple of steps today,  pain but didnt break anything, have a nice fat ass cushion.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    It was an amazing night. He was very nice, took a photo together, signed a CD. Concert was fab.


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    I wish I could have been there, I bet it was wonderful

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    IOMG I ost my whole post--WTF it just went nowhere, Oh I' just to tired, well I was saying Hello to everyone and Dwill I'm glad u got that one done and and rest and heal.

    Jazzy I love that man for a long time now. woo woo

    Blondie I hope u'r pain goes away completely. Damn Shingles

    OK I'm kind of done--this is recockulous loosing a whole post. 

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602

    Good morning hermits!

    Jazzy, love Michael McDonald. I bet you had a blast! Thanks everyone for your well wishes I'm doing much better today a few days after surgery now.

    The drains have been tricky but we have learned some tricks of our own. Of course, the nurses could've told us this but they didn't bother. The visiting nurse was awesome though and I'll see her again today for drainage. My pain is finally under control.

    I can look at my stapled chest and not cry. It helps that the chest itself doesn't hurt at all. Also I have to think back to basics in that they cut the bad stuff out and it has to be. think I'm going to push radiation back a week or so just so I'm not sore for that. They said I could do that and I'm supposed to start the 29th, but I'm not going to push it. My husband has astonished me. He's never been able to handle any kind of blood and guts, and can't even clean up cat puke! Well, he is strippin drains pouring blood out, wiping my bum…also I don't have to hide my chest from him. It's quite a relief not to feel like I have to protect him. He's incredible.

    I am taking it very very slow and easy. I don't think I'll be able to go to Christmas dinner out like we had planned. The thought of trying to finagle my drains in anyway, dress, and be civilized is beyond me right now. My sister-in-law is going to fix us up a nice to go package that my hubby can just pick up on Christmas Day.

    Sorry I'm not up to speed with what's going on with all my hermits specifically. I'm thinking of you all and I am grateful that you were here.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994

    Bippy- your husband really loves you, and wants to take care of you. I am glad you are not upset about the surgical sites. I also think you really do need to be home and taking it easy for Xmas. Maybe order something from that restaurant you were going to go to and bring it home to enjoy a good meal. Eating something you enjoy will take on a new pleasure after going through this.

    Wanted to share a bit more about the Michael McDonald evening last night. There were only a couple of us doing a meet and greet with him. He is a very unassuming man, very polite, and you can tell he is just a kind man. I was hanging out with his tour manager (who sort of took a liking to jazzy, I think) and he told me a lot about Mr. McDonald. The tour manager said he had worked with a lot of entertainers in the industry through the years, and that Michael is just one of the best human beings he has ever known. My meet and greet ticket funds were designated to go to a hunger organization called, Why Hunger, and was told this was a passion of Michaels, to ensure everyone has what they need to eat. As I watched him sing last night, I realized no one sings better from the heart than he does, because in the end, I think he has a very good heart. It was an extraordinary evening on every level. And such a great way to wrap up the year!