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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • turtle42
    turtle42 Member Posts: 31

    I have been on Arimidex for a few years and I find it so hard to lose weight. I have gain steadily during that time. I never used to eat before noon and now I wake up hungry and if I don't eat I get really shaky. 

    I really need to lose about 15-20 lbs. I excersize 30 min 5 times a week.

    I went off it for a month over the summer and dropped 12 lbs so there is hope that when I'm done with it the lbs will come off.

  • Blownaway
    Blownaway Member Posts: 662

    I tried Effexor for hotflashes related to having to give up HRT after 12 years.  The Effexor didn't seem to help and it made me feel weird so I threw it in the trash. 

    I wake up 4-5 times a night with pounding heart and heat radiating off me. I get very irritable with them. I get about 6 hotflashes during the day but don't mind those as much.  Not looking forward to starting Arimidex....

  • I have not had any hair loss problems and I have been on Anastrozal for 9 months now,,,,

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JeanieBeanie1200, Good!

  • muska
    muska Member Posts: 224

    I have been on anastrozole since March. I have slowly lost 8 pounds during that time - that is the weight I put on by the end of 6+ months of chemotherapy. My hair is growing very nicely and I just had my first 'normal' haircut last week. I changed my hair routine drastically because the scalp is very dry now, so I can't shampoo every day like I used to.

  • I have gained 27, I guess with 7 surgeries in 9 months not much time to excercise,,lol,, can't wait to finish healing and get back to "life"

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Jeannie, looks like you are nearing the end and onto a new more active life!  best of luck

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    jeannie, you beat me! I had 8 in 3 years. LOL but it does work. Hang in there

  • twisted steel
    twisted steel Member Posts: 14

    Hi, All!

    Been away for a while living life post cancer treatment, but still on AI's. I have tried them all. Anastrozole was awful. Felt like a 98 year old in my 49 year old body. Then switched to Letrozole. Bad too. Not as bad, I recall but bad enough that I was at times non-compliant. Then I switched to Exemestane. It's a much higher copay but totally worth it. I am still stiff and sleep had been an issue for sure, but it was better. And to be forthright, I used to be semi-compliant. Then I saw someone on here, who had done the chemo during my same start month, had died. And it floored me. She had been triple negative. And I thought to myself, she would have probably given a limb to have a cancer that had a secondary type of chemical treatment. Her2+ or estrogen positive. She didn't. So I had better pull up my big girl panties and take the damn drug and quit being a baby about it. I did. 

    I live in a state that permits medical use of cannabis. And for me, I have found that there are little gummy sour candies that my dispensary sells that have only 10mg of cannabis. I chew one 1-2 hours before I want to sleep along w my exemestane. And it works wonderfully. I fall asleep quickly as the psychoactive effects start. So I don't feel high much, which I don't like feeling. Then I sleep deeply and soundly. I wake up w almost no stiffness. I can run for exercise and feel no more soreness than usual muscle fatigue and soreness. 

    Unfortunately I had a period last week, and so my MO told me to stop the exemestane until my scheduled appointment next week. They added some tests to the usual batch of labs and we will take it from there. My plan if I am menstruating again is to ask them to remove my ovaries and Fallopian tubes". I have no use for estrogen makers. I am negative for either BRCA. 

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    I took some photos at rads today and thought I'd post them for those who haven't started, the unknown is always scarier than the reality.

    is the radiation room. While I lay on my back the equipment in the back
    swings forward on each side of me, first to take pictures to verify my
    alignment, then the orange piece moves to my right side, then my left
    side and then directly above me to direct where the radiation beam go


    started out as a squishy bean bag under my head and arm. After the team
    had me positioned correctly the air was sucked out of it to make a firm
    mold, leaving depressions for my head and arm.


    The mural on the ceiling of my radiation room


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    One thing I found accidentally:  the therapists had me remove my gown, gave me a small cotton/linen towel for modesty (yeah, right), then I'd lay down.  Well, I was still cold.  One day I forgot to take off my gown and hopped up on the table.  I slid off the gown and had it cover my form on the table.  Amazing the amount of warmth that it provided.  I did it that way from then on.  Give it a try if you're cold.  The therapists don't care what's under you :)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    my rad center used to give us towels from the microwave....oh so nice!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ProudtoSpin, for some reason my back was colder than my front.  The little towel was just covering my "good girl".  Bad one was exposed.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    we had big towels but man did I love those towels!  hmmm, cold and damp here tonight so maybe I should nuke a towel?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Good idea, Proudtospin.  I'll turn on the electric mattress pad and stay toasty all night!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    good to see you, me I have been working on a home improvement thing so staying home much for the dang building inspectors!  gees, you would think I was moving walls instead of just replacing a leakie tub!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I'm impressed!  I thought I was doing good straightening two closets and making a stab at getting out winter clothes.  We will not discuss the stack of ironing.  I'm finally beginning to have a bit of ambition after a very long time of not having it (not all due to BC).

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I live in town that took a direct hit from Sandy 2 years ago so lots of new rules and such , all good to me and I need to be able to age in place as they say!

    found a good guy to do the work but sure is a lot of details!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Good luck with it all, ProudToSpin.  I can't imagine how awful it must be to try and recover from Sandy!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Good morning ladies.  Well, I am officially off Anastrazole an onto generic Femara.  I think I will stick with this thread if that is okay.  I feel comfy here.  My MO actually apologized to me which surprised me.  I told him I was on another break from Anastrazole because the joint pain had become so severe.  He said "that is my fault" and went on to apologize and say that he should have switched me sooner.  He told me to wait to start it for another week or so.  Then we will see if the joint pain returns.  He said less women have trouble with this drug.  We shall see, I sure will be thrilled if that is the case.

    ProudtoSpin a quick you spin your own yarns?  What do you use?  I am just curious as we had two llamas we kept basically as pets.  When we moved from Wyoming to here, we could not bring them.  It broke my heart but we were extremely careful about rehoming them.  We gave them away but the new home had to pass our inspection.  We found a fantastic home for them.  Kristi was thinking of learning to spin their yarn.  Their new home was awesome, on nine acres and they built a beautiful barn for them before we let them go.

    I can't imagine going through something as frightening as Sandy.  I have pretty much always lived in very quiet climates. In Wyoming we did have a lot of wind and some good blizzards.  We are about 25 miles west of Boise and they have no weather here at all.  LOL.  It rains very little, thunderstorms are practically unheard of and winters, although cold, aren't severe like Wyoming.  It snows once or twice all winter and never more than a few inches.  Summers are too hot for my taste and no storms makes it kind of dull.  Of course I don't want damaging storms, but would love some good rain and boom boom now and then!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Janis, could luck with the change in meds, I am sure it will work out for you, sounds like you have a sensitive MO.

    No not a yarn spinner but before my diagnosis I was proud to be the oldest in the spin class at my gym!  Spinning is where you are on a stationary bike and peddle your poor chubby legs off till you drop!  Mostly for younger folks so I am not doing that anymore.  Laps in the pool and regular stationary bike is more my speed now.

    ok, building inspector was here and wants a revision from my contractor, seems I will be protected by a fire retardant wall if a fire were to start while I was taking a shower.....does it seem required? not arguing and just doing it!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    I too will be changing meds. MO gave me a break from the Arimidex for 6 weeks, I still have lots of bone aches but I definitely feel better. My head is clearer, my hands are better, and my hips don't hurt quite as bad. Tomorrow will be 4 weeks, and I have to get my port flushed, so I will ask then if I should start the examestane now or wait two more weeks. I feel nervous being off, but don't want to feel so bad again! I too would like to stay on this thread if no one objects, because I also feel comfortable. Hope that's okay with everyone!


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rhody & Janis, fine by me if you stay.  Your experience with Anastrozole and your new meds are vital information for those of us just starting the AI journey (like me).  I've only been on it a week and no problems (I wouldn't expect them yet anyway).  Thanks for sharing!

  • linda505
    linda505 Member Posts: 395

    I love that people who have switched meds stay on the thread as they bring so much history to the thread and also can enlighten us on the other choices.  Please stay!! I am only about 6 weeks in and so far so good - same flashes and aches and pains as before this Estrogen sucking drug - (ESD) - by the way I stole that from Lago :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Linda ESD is there for everyone to share…and I'm also one of the stickerrounders that have switched meds.

    RhodyMMM I was off Anastrozole for 5 weeks before I started Exemestane. Doing fine.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Isn't it wonderful that we have a CHOICE of AIs in case one isn't for us?  Very thankful.

  • Dogsneverlie
    Dogsneverlie Member Posts: 164

    Do you guys think most everyone has hair loss on this drug?  Is it smart to be proactive and ask about taking something before the actual hair loss starts?  What do you think?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    I am more than happy to share my Anastrazole experiences with anyone interested.  I have high hopes for the new AI (Letrozole).  If the joint pain isn't bad then I will stay on it for the remainder of my course.  I have slightly over two years left.  I did ask my MO what his thoughts are on the ten year plan some people mention.  He is not convinced it is necessary and thinks they need to do a lot more studies done to warrant the ten years.  Of course I do understand no two cancers are the same, therefore no two treatments will be the same.  Unless something changes I am pretty sure my MO will take me off after the five year mark

    Martha I know my Mo was always comfortable with taking breaks from these meds.  Last year about this time he had me take a 2 month break.  He said it is safe to do so.  I have been off it now for a month.  Yesterday he told me to wait a week or so before starting the new one.  I am happy with that.  I hope your switch will be good for you as well. 

    Peggy I agree that it is nice to have options with these meds.  I am hoping this switch will be a good fit for me.





  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Janis, my MO said that either Arimidex or Femara would be fine for me.  He chose Arimidex.  Hopefully Femara works well for you.  I will ask him about continuing for 10 years when I see him in 3 weeks.  I've only been on AIs for a week so don't know a thing yet about any SEs.  

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I have finished my 5 years with no hair loss at all.  I did 18 months on femara and the rest on aromasin.

    dang but hair is as thick as ever but a tad wavy now where it always was bone straight before