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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • please let me know if changing helps you Angelia,,, maybe I will change then too....I have like 3 good days where I feelgreat and do normal stuff, then,,,,, wham!!! BC decides I did to much and I am tired,sore, and everything hurts,,, so back to resting for a day or two,,, when will it end???? ..... Healing hugz to all,,,,,

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Some statins are known to cause leg cramps. Lipitor is one

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    jeaniebeani, I will. I got my new prescription and signed up online but have to mail it to them, so wont' be able to start for a while.Its like I don't feel that bad but then I just kind of sit and think, I just don't feel that good either. I had a parathyroid issue back in 2009 and I had gotten so stiff I could barely walk from the house to the car. Once that was taken care of, I literally could feel myself gets stronger every day. Now, I'm feeling almost that stiff again. I have joined a gym and actually have gone there, but only for the first week. This whole week, I felt like I had a headache every day and had just started new blood pressure meds, so only made it one day. I am overweight, so I definately need to exercise and I am trying but I sure don't have the desire to do it. My doctor said she would change my meds and let me try something different but they all have side effects and I can't say mine are terrible. When I complain, I feel ashamed a little because I know I was blessed to not need chemo so it sure could be way worse than being stiff and hot.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    I also had the raging craving for sugar and simple carbs when I started exemestane (July).  just for the record, this is totally out of character for me.  While the craving has gone away, I've gained 15 ugly pounds.  In addition, my hair started falling out at an alarming rate.  I've been holiday'ing for two weeks and the shower drain is (thank goodness!) back to where it ought to be.  Will be going back on arimidex in a couple of days.  Currently angst-ing about the joint pains and brain fog that might, or might not, have been arimidex induced.  If they come back, not sure what I'll do.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Spookie, I know too well about the leg cramps on statins, generic Zocor did a number on me!  I refused to take statins for a few months but then my cardiologist got on my case and I have been taking lo dose Lipitor lately.  It does not seem to bother me but I have a dif pal who has had nasty reactions to almost all the statins.  trial and error!

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    I wonder if the cravings for sweets are the body's way of looking to replace estrogen? I've read that eating too many sweets makes the body produce estrogen.....I'm now almost three weeks on the examestane, my hands, wrists, and ankles are getting more sore by the day. Oh well, hopefully it will go away in a few months. Sigh......


  • hmmm. i recently started taking my simvistatin again.... never thought about the joint pain coming from there,,,,,, i am going to stop again and see if it goes away,,,, thansk for the information,,,,,,

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JeanieBeanie1200, I didn't have joint pain from my statins but I did have muscle pain - rather like electricity racing up and down my whole body. DH had severe muscle pain in his legs that hospitalized him. Needless to say we're not taking them again. After a month, no joint pain from the Anastrozole - fingers crossed!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Jeanie, my cholesterol hit the 300 with out the statin, tried something called Welchor which is not a statin but lowers part of cholesterol, but when I met my cardiologist he was firm about me taking a statin.   my family is huge on heart issues.   When he gave me the Lipitor he said if it bothers you then do every other night.  He also confirmed to me that the fact that my pain went away the same day I stopped the simistatin, that is how it works.  My numbers are now just over 200 and he is fine with that giving how high my numbers were to start.

    Yeah, I blamed my AL initially for the leg pain!

  • Tarot
    Tarot Member Posts: 21

    I dropped off the face of the board for a while....chemo then unexpected radiation threw me for a loop. I'm glad to be back though, done with treatment, and on Anastrozole. The sweet craving is hilarious...I used to have a sweet tooth before I was diagnoses, lost it, and now it is back with a vengeance! My hot flashes subsided quickly..maybe a month? Fatigue is still dragging on. I am super low on Vit D nd take massive supplements...shall we talk about constipation from calcium and Arimidex? haha

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Taroth, Hi! I have managed without any side effects so far from the Anastrozole. I do not take calcium; I do take Fosamax. I take 2000 units of Vit D. Usually my levels are very high but I wasn't in the sun much this summer what with my lumpy and my rads. Glad your hot flashes are gone. HUGS!

  • jobur
    jobur Member Posts: 494

    Hi Everyone,

    Came on this thread to see what experiences people have had with otc sleep aids to deal with the insomnia I have been experiencing since starting anastrozole.  I have been taking a Percocet or 2 during the night to help me sleep, but as my back pain seems to be a bit better I would like to find something non-narcotic due to the constipating effects of hydrocodone.

    Tarot - Hmm, never considered my anastrozole might be to blame for the constipation too.  I took calcium and D previous to my bc and did not have this problem, but who knows as more ingredients keep getting added to my drug cocktail?

    I am laughing about your sweet tooths!  Apparently mine was already so out of control I didn't notice any increase after starting anastrazole.  Really more of a dark chocolate person, but still.

    Which brings us to hot flashes.  Seems like mine have changed lately from just the sudden heat to feeling kind of out of breath and nauseous, followed by heat.  Doesn't last long but sure gets old, 10+ times a day and all night long.  I suppose it is time I stop complaining and give up some of those know triggers I enjoy so much -  caffeine, the occasional glass of wine, and oh, did I mention CHOCOLATE?

    Tarot - my flashes went away 2 different times, just like someone turned off the switch, but unfortunately they came back with a vengeance.  Hope yours stay away.

    Any suggestions on sleep aids anyone? 

    Thanks in advance,


  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    I have been taking a low dose of Effexor for the hot flashes, which helped ok, also take Chinese herbal supplement which helps more. Also have done acupuncture for about 3 months, and that has helped. Im backing off that to see if its more the herbs helping. But sleep is still hard= the Effexor gives me odd dreams. They were better for awhile, now seem back. I take a dose of zzzquil and about 9 mg of melatonin before bed, that knocks me out. I wake up about 4 hours later, dont sleep well for about 2 hrs then am ok after that. Im trying to cut even my low dose of Effexor in half to see if the dreams subside a bit.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jo, have you tried taking your Anastrozole in the morning? That's when I take mine and I've had no issues with sleep. No constipation problems either. However, I've just been on it a month. No unusual cravings for sweets. I've been lucky. HUGS!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Supplements and AIs. Be sure to let your MO know what supplements you are on. There are specific ones that my MO doesn't want me on because they can interact with the AI. Not sure which ones but she has OKed the ones I am on.

  • jobur
    jobur Member Posts: 494

    Hi Aviva,    I've seen lots of references to melatonin.  That's rx right?  Yup, seems like the sleep pattern is similar for most of us, able to fall asleep okay, then wake up after a few hours and can't go back to sleep for a couple more.  I seem to get my best sleep somewhere between 4am and 8am.  The other day DH and I both slept til 10:00am!  I don't think I have slept that late in years.  We are retired, but please accept my sympathies if you have to get up or/and go to work in the morning after that kind of night.

    Hi Peggy, I have read elsewhere that taking your A in the am is better for sleep, but that is already when I take mine.  Thought about switching to pm just to see how much worse it could get (I've always been a little backwards, ha ha!) but I'm afraid I might forget at night.  Glad to hear you have no sleep problems, hope that continues for you!  How are your joints?  I had a couple of joints with problems before A, more painful and in more joints than before after 3+ months, but tolerable.  Not sleeping decent is rough though.  Affects everything else.

    Isn't it fun trying to figure out what is doing what to us and what, if anything, we can do about it?  Gotta laugh...


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Hi, Jo! My joints seem fine. No different than pre-AI. I am taking Fosamax but that doesn't help with joints. I'm 69 and have the normal age creaks etc. I'd never get out of bed if I slept until 8 let alone 10! Guess that taking your anastrozole in the morning isn't helping with your sleep. I'd give it a shot at night. You'd think it couldn't be worse. BTW, I think melatonin is OTC in the supplements aisle.

    I'm awfully glad I'm retired. I was so exhausted caring for DH BEFORE my BC was diagnosed and certainly didn't get rested afterwards. Now that he is in a nursing home and I'm done with rads (a month ago), I'm less fatigued and exhausted but I think it will take me a long time before I feel invigorated again. Depression at work, maybe?

    We do have to laugh - so much better than anything else we could do. I'm lucky that DH has kept his sense of humor and is so supportive in spite of his problems. Love that man!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    jobur, melatonin can be OTC. Also a benadryl can sometimes help as a sleep aid. Perhaps not if you take it a lot but if you don't it's worth a try. I usually can't sleep early so then I'm still up at 2 or 3. Of course that means I sleep at least till 10 most times. LOL. Whatever works.

    Much love to all.

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    I've been taking my anastrozole first thing in the morning & was having horrible problems with sleep. Couldn't get to sleep & when I finally did I would wake up every hour or so & then it would take me an hour to get back to sleep. I tried melatonin, various dosages, didn't ever seem to help. My onco finally put me on zopiclone, 5mg & I've been taking 1/2 of one about half an hour before I want to go to sleep. Unbelievable the difference. I wake up once in the night to go to the bathroom & fall back asleep again. Neither the onco or my Dr are worried about addiction to it. They say I can take it as long as it works for me. I'm hoping for a long time. GG

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    GG27, how wonderful that you found a medication to help you sleep!

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    Thanks Peggy, Yes it is wonderful, I spent the last 5 years on tamoxifen & I couldn't sleep & then anastrozole which was even worse, which I didn't think was possible.... but now I sleep like I did in my 20's... if only everything else was like my 20's too!! :) GG

  • Pontiac Pegg.. I sure hope you dont have any SE, but mine took a little longer.... I also have Diverticultis and have had 2 colon resections so the flexeril and my Anastrozale, and my Percocet have for sure got me clogged on a daily basis,,,,

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    GG27 - it WOULD be lovely to feel like we were in our 20s again!!

    JeanieBeanie, I was wondering when most people started experiencing SEs from Anastrozole. I agree that a month isn't very long for them to crop up. You certainly do have complicating issues - UGH!

    HUGS to you both!!!

  • jobur
    jobur Member Posts: 494

    Peggy, I'm sorry to hear your DH is in a nursing home now, though I hope it makes life a little easier for you.  I have lurked on this thread before, so know you have had your hands full!  Congrats on finishing your rads!  From what I read here, it takes a while to get back to a normal energy level.  Hope you stay free of se's, everyone is different so I'm sure it's possible.

    Moonflwr, fellow Wiscovite!  Thanks for chiming in with some suggestions.  I think I will look for melatonin at Wally world and see if that helps at all until I get my next doc visit.  Are you a Packer fan?  Me not so much (pretty much hate all professional sports) but they certainly are kicking butt lately, eh?

    Dee, I'm guessing zopiclone, or something similar is what I really need.  Your (lack of) sleep pattern sounds just like mine.  A quick read through of the se's sound scary, but have not found many drugs whose se's don't!  Are you experiencing anything worrisome?  I would put up with quite a bit just to get a good nights sleep.  Will see what my mo says about it next month. 

    Thanks so much for the suggestions!


  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    Hi Jo, I've not had any SE's from the zopiclone other than a wonderful night's sleep every night!! I didn't read up on any of the SE's, I just made sure my pharmacist checked that I wouldn't have any interactions. It has really changed my life & I've only been taking it for about 3-4 weeks. HTH, Dee

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Jo, It has been hard with DH. Even he had decided a nursing home was the best option. Made the decision easier. BC, even without chemo, does take its toll on the body, and all the demands from DH were almost debilitating. Definitely exhausting. It seems to be taking a long time to recover from 4 years of 24/7 hubby care. We never thought nursing home care would be in our lives - we were wrong. What's hardest for me is losing DH's companionship permanently. No more will I be able to share all the small things of daily living, the quick joke or hug. Yes, I will be able to see him but he won't be in our home. And his dementia, while mild now, is progressing. My former boss said getting old isn't for sissies and he nailed it, sorry to say. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, your post brings tears to my eyes, hope that you have a network of friends to help you cope.  Must be hard to adjust but also hope you consider us on line pals as support for you~~prayers

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,544

    I am so sorry, Peggy.

  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699

    Peggy (((hugs)))

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Peggy you are one strong lady.  I am so sorry about your husband.  It has to be heartbreaking.  He sounds like a wonderful man.  My dad has end stage dementia and it is so sad.  he was always a strong vibrant man, an avid golfer all his life.  Now his knees are shot and he is wheelchair bound.  He is at home with his companion Lola who takes care of him.  She swears she will never put him in a nursing home.  Both my sister and I have told her it is okay if he has to go.  We all live in different states so we aren't there to help unfortunately.  I have no idea how long she can continue.  He is 6'4" and she is barely 5'.  He has fallen several times but it is better now that she has had bars installed and a ramp to the garage.  Still I know how terrible the dementia is.  My dad is 83.  I call him weekly and we have nice talks, but I am never really sure if he knows who I am.  How sad.  My sister went to visit him last month.  She said he is really bad and his short term memory terrible.  She said he is weepy too and that is not my dad.  That really hurts to know.

    Big hugs to you!  I am really sorry for all your struggles Peggy.  Sending lots of love your way too.