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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    My blood test shows serum glucose is high ... never had that before .. they did the blood test twice a month apart and it was still high ... has anyone else had that happen being on this medication? I feel trapped - fat and can't lose the weight ... I do walk a lot on weekends but through the work week there just isn't time -or I am exhausted from my long day... and now I feel like I make bad food choices.. I haven't talked to my doctor about this yet so don't know if he is going to treat the high sugar or keep watching it.. makes me crazy. 

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Lizzy, 2 years ago, while on Aromasin, I began feeling dizzy, off-balance and generally fuzzy-headed. I had a thorough ENT exam, including an uncomfortable VNG test where they blast cold and hot water i to your ears. Test negative for inner ear problems, as was CT scan for sinus. Was sent to two eye docs. One said eyes weren,t tracking together and she sent to a specialist, who found nothing wrong. Finally had a brain scan, and it showed nothing. By this time I was having tremors, full-body, and went to neurologist. He ordered the brain scan. I was miserable for 2 months, switched to a new anti-depressant, and it went away. Never found out what it was. No one ever mentioned aromasin, although dizziness is listed as a side effect.

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263

    Nancy, I have definitely heard that elevated blood glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure are all fairly common with this drug. Most docs hold off on treating it unless it reaches a dangerous level. Assume things will go back to normal once we are off it.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505

    Is there anyone on this thread who has been on AIs for over 4 years? I would like to know what typically happens with side effects long term? Do they go away at some point? Reach a plateau and stabilize? Damage (to bones, for example) continues to grow as time goes on? Is there a curve to this? I think I should call the manufacturer and hear directly from them. Dizziness seems to be a problem for a lot of women so I will inquiry about that as well. Any suggestions on any other general questions I should ask?

    Hard to believe that some men take these drugs for fun and to gain muscle! And here so many of us wishing we didn't have to be on them.

    Hugs, Nisa

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Please, if you have elevated glucose, START TREATMENT. The side effects from untreated diabetes can, and will cause you a slow and painful death. A worse death than from Cancer!!!!

    Blindness, dialysis, feeding tubes, heart attacks, loosing you feet and legs, bitby bit.

    Please start treatment.

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    Yup - you can expect high blood glucose, high bp and high cholesterol from Arimidex and Femera - wasn't on Aromasin long enough to find out - drs. will indeed treat the high bp and sometimes the glucose - don't think they'll treat the cholesterol except with diet - the bp can get too dangerous without treatment - I wasn't treated for the high glucose mainly because I didn't want to be - I did modify my diet by staying away from white bread, pasta, etc. and I walked every day (because I had/have a dog) - don't beat yourself up - this is only the drug and when you go off it things go back to normal. It certainly is frustrating though, isn't it?

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Lizzy--I was hospitalized three weeks ago for such severe dizziness/vertigo/chest pain/nausea. It came out of nowhere at 1000 mph.  My MO's nurse told me Arimidex would cause slight dizziness, but definitely nothing that would make you think you were having a stroke.  They did Ct., chest x-ray, ekg, wore a heart monitor overnight in the hospital, MRI of Neck and Head.  Neurologist thought he would see a slight stroke, but didn't.  Then I came home and have had headache, extreme fatigue and bone pain since.   

    My own Neurologist thinks it was a part of a vestibular migraine. I had had the flashing barcodes the Sunday before this happened on Friday.  They did run a ton of fluid in me and told me to keep hydrated.  My discharge papers said Severe Vertigo/Orthostatic hypotension.....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Red, DH has Parkinson's and with it, orthostatic hypotension. It's a bitch. He's not real body aware and doesn't know when it's going to hit. Very scary. I hope that they figure out what's going on. One thing we do with hubby, even though he is a heart patient, is make sure he gets adequate sodium. His first cardiologist had a hissy fit. Wanted someone whose BP runs 100/60 to take BP pills because that's what you do. I found someone else. His BP has dropped to below 60/xx. Now THAT is scary. He also doesn't stay hydrated. If your BP normally is on the low side of normal and has changed, you might consider how much sodium you aren't getting. That may or may not help but it is one avenue to explore. Good luck!!! HUGS!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    well I finished my 5 years on AL, BP has returned to normal for me.  cholesterol, still hi even with meds but the docs think that is inherited and with the newer recommendations it is as good as it will get

    I work hard on hydration as since I take a few allergy meds, they can dry you up but I track it by monitoring the number of water bottles I drink in one day!  I go for at least 3 bottles of 24 oz, if I do not drink that I do get headaches

  • LizzyinMI
    LizzyinMI Member Posts: 34

    Wow Red.  That vestibular migraine sounds interesting - I looked it up.  I do periodically get the wavey lines in my eyes but I can't recall if that happened prior to this episode.  I only had the severe vertigo and vomiting which lasted for about 24 hours.  No head ache, nothing else.  Now it's just this constant vertigo.  At least I can function now - I couldn't last week.  I'm still taking the meds my PCP gave me so will see how I am at the end of the week.  I am going to my class tonight and will to attempt to do yoga.  Should be interesting.......

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Member Posts: 278

    Lizzy, I also had dizziness when I was taking Arimidex. I felt like my equilibrium was always off, and my head felt fuzzy and foggy. I started taking the pill at bedtime but still felt "off." MO gave me a 5-6 week vacation from the Arimidex and I felt much better from all the various side effects. Switched to examestane (Aromasin) and although the aches and pains are back with a vengeance, my head feels MUCH clearer. I do work on balance exercises to try to help too.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Have to ditto spookiesmom re the blood glucose. If it turns into type 2 diabetes that can be extremely dangerous leading to blindness, loss of limbs (fingers, toes), skin rashes that don't heal easily, heart problems, etc. Those problems are not going to wait for you to complete AI treatment a few years down the road. Nancy, did they do the A1C test? The regular blood test is not very accurate as what you ate the night before, or didn't eat the night before can skew the results but the A1C is nearly indisputable.

    Speaking here from experience. I've been on Arimidex 6 years this month and was dx with type 2 diabetes in November. When I finish it, hopefully within the next 18 months, then I will see if the glucose goes back down and I will then stop the diabetes med (if my other lifestyle changes have not helped me lower my glucose before then).

    JMHO as we all know everything is different for each of us.

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    spookiesmom and patoo.. Doctor called and said to start Metforim...said she would test me again in 3 months... she said they did the A1C and the regular blood test..and it looks like the beginning of diabetes.. I still have 3 yrs to take this medication so I feel ok about starting this treatment...hopefully it won't be forever.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Good to treat it right away before it causes extra problems, IAmNancy. Glad you are comfortable with your course of treatment. HUGS!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Soooooo glad to hear you are on metformin!!!!!!! It's an old drug, quite safe!!! It can help with weight loss. Do take it with food. It's major SE can be diarrhea. If that becomes a problem, ask for the extended release.

    Can you tell I'm an old diabetic? LOL

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505

    I am not on it but was told that there is a clinical trial about to start at UCSD using metformin as treatment for breast cancer. Those of you on it may be ahead of the game because of unintendedBC benefits from your diabetes meds.

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    thanks for the encouragement everyone...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    LizzyinMI I just spoke with a friend yesterday that gets occasional vertigo from Anastrozole.

    IamNancy I gained 10 lbs over 3 years on Anastrozole. When I switched to Exemestane I lost all 10 lbs without changing anything in months. My new primary care was so concerned because when I met her a year ago I was 10 lbs heavier. She was concerned the cancer was back. I had to tell her to look at my records a few years back to prove this lower weight was my normal weight. I too have heard increased blood glucose. Also my pulse rate went down once I switched to Exemestane.

    NisaVilla April will make 4 years for me. first 3 on Anastrozole and this past year on Exemestane. I was diagnosed with osteoperosis 1.5 years ago. Bone issue continues if you have that side effect and must be treated if you stay on the drug. I never had dizzy issues.

    diabetes I have a family history of this.I don't have the issue but the 1 thing you can do (other than lose weight if you are overweight and watch your sugar intake) is exercise every day. It really makes a huge difference.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    That's great Nancy. Pre-Diabetes does not necessarily have to become full blown. I also changed my eating habits and exercise at least 30 mins every day. Was dx in November and at the time weighed in at 193 lbs. This morning weighed in at 169, down almost 25 lbs. Not sure if the Metformin helped with that but losing weight, especially lots of the belly fat is good not only for the diabetes but also against BC recurrence and a boatload of other possible health issues. I will be retested in 2 weeks to see if my glucose level has come down altho I don't expect to see it down enough to stop the Metformin, yet, but maybe eventually.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    Nancy, both my BFF and I had run-ins with the ER in the past couple of months. Standard blood tests for both of us showed high glucose, me at a pre-diabetic level, my friend actually in the diabetic range. Although both of us are overweight, neither of us eats much in the way of sweets, so we'd both thought we were homefree on the diabetes front. Not so. I cut out my beloved fatty foods and my friend cut out her beloved wine. I lost 15 pounds and my glucose went right back into the normal range. My friend went to the drugstore and purchased a glucose meter. She started testing her blood and, as her diet and weight improved, saw her blood sugar (both fasting and two hours after her main meal) go right back into the normal range. She'll have another A1C in a month or so, and expects an improvement. Really, this all happened very quickly. My ER visit was December 4, BFF's was January 1. I confess that fear was a big help for both of us, but I do want you to know that, unpleasant as it might be, it is very possible to address your glucose issue.

    I'd had a routine A1C (my first) in October, and that was 5.9, pre-diabetic, and I'd totally ignored/forgotten about it. At the time I was on exemestane, which I absolutely loathed. Now i am back on arimidex, and my A1C a few weeks ago was 5.4, normal. In my case, I can't blame the drug, just my diet.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    It's CARBS you need to watch, not just sugar. Basically anything white. Rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, some veggies, most fruits and juices, milk

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Yes, I cut the Carbs, totally for the six weeks and now if I have anything white it is at one meal only (breakfast or lunch,never dinner) and a very small portion. Haven't had any wine in 3 months. The good thing is that I know I can have anything I want, in moderation, so it's not a diet but a change in eating habits and I don't crave or feel deprived. I can, and will, make this a permanent change, with or without diabetes.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Good for you Patoo! Btw, nice to see you again!

    When I was active on the Am Diabetes forums, the recommendation was 45 or less carbs per meal, with two 15 carb snacks during the day. The RDs and CDEs can be dummies sometimes, spouting misleading info

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    I recounted my tale partly in hope of demonstrating that two of us made changes that benefitted our blood glucose, and partly to just kind of, well, warn everyone, that avoidance of simple carbs ain't no charm when it comes to moving along the road toward diabetes. My BFF has been on the paleo diet for a couple of years. She loves vegetables and eats a lot of them, but, except for occasional afternoon tortilla chip sessions, avoids anything "white" like the plague. I love crackers, but always have them with protein and/or complex carbs to slow their digestion and avoid an insulin spike. Both of us had BMI's a little above 30 (obese), and have managed to duck just below that number (into the merely overweight category). Both of our pcp's made alarming noises about fatty liver, whose development we are industriously working to block. Our blood tests provided a good scare, maybe I could even say, a healthy scare. Will we stick to our new eating plans? Who the heck knows? Both of us (join the universe!) have made successful diet changes before, and relapsed. This time, however, it's about health, not just beauty (although that is surely a factor), and we hope for long term adherence. We'll see.

  • 208sandy
    208sandy Member Posts: 582

    I worked in the outpatient diabetes clinic at our local hospital as a volunteer for two years and I can tell you the RD's there weren't "dummies" they were and are anything but. JMHO.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Please read again. I said SOMETIMES

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    what are RDs? and  CDEs?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Registered dietitians, certified diabetes educators

  • Jerseygirl927
    Jerseygirl927 Member Posts: 260

    I am new, just had my surgery, just had port put in today. still leaning toward no chemo, but now reading all about the side effects of Arimidex, which is wht they plan for me to go on. What else could help? I do have mild osteopienia, I was on fozamx for 2years and ended up with Gerd. went off that, tried the other bone increasers, but since I have already throne blood clots after my hysterectomy. they do not want me to take anything that could cause more...Dr suggested shots of prolia??? so waiting to see the final decision, but do take vitamin D, Magnes, Calcium and started taking Vita K, so we shall see if that helps, but with the arimidex, what might that do??? guess I got to get out there and pound the sidewalk, along with maybe some light weights.....we shall see, I am not that disciplined, so have to be serious....

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JerseyGirl, many women, including me, have no problem with Arimidex. I do take Fosamax. I already had GERD and take Zantac and Fosamax does not seem to be making things worse. Some of the ladies are on prolia and can better tell you about their experiences with it. Watch the vitamin K - it works the opposite of blood thinners. If you already have a tendency to blood clots, you may wish to re-consider taking it. My DH has been given it several times in the ER when idiotic doctors over-dosed him with warfarin. I gave it to him to get his INR down for epidurals for his back pain (he had other medications that acted as blood thinners besides the warfarin).

    Have you had an Oncotype done? Have you gotten the results? Hopeful that chemo is not in your future. Will you be having radiation? HUGS!