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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Puffin, yeah for you to loose the weight !

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place, but I see this topic is for Anastrozole users - past and present. I took Anastrozole, then Letrozole until my onc. let me stop in September, 2014 (because of severe SEs). I am having my six-month check-up on 2nd of March and last week, I was shocked to find a lump under my left nipple (this breast was reduced at the same time as the mastectomy surgery on my left breast). I am so hoping this is a cyst ... I read on the internet that breast cysts can be caused by estrogen fluctuation. I do not eat chocolate, drink alcohol and only drink 1 coffee a day. I mainly eat a plant-based diet with a lot of beans and lentils included. I also exercise more than I ever have in my entire life. I am at the upper edge of BMI in terms of weight and dieting to bring this weight down.

    Could this lump be caused by the fact that I stopped taking AIs and the estrogen is creeping upwards??? Has this happened to anyone else and it wasn't more cancer? Oh yes, the stress is starting to build ...

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SoLinda, I don't have any answers for you, just loads of HUGS and positive thoughts!

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Thanks so much, PontiacPeggy! I am indeed scared and trying not to think about it, but the next two weeks and a bit before I see the oncologist and mastologist will be difficult.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Of course, you're scared. But try to think positive! Not everything that goes wrong is cancer! More HUGS!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    double on Peggy's thoughts, the next few days will be the down rite pits!  now stay busy doing things that keep your mind occupied and off the dreaded cancer

    do you need a manicure, pedicure or facial?  I knew it, go get one ! or just take a hike....a nice one!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    ProudToSpin has good ideas! Do them if you can!!!!

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Proud to Spin and Pontiac Peggy - thank you so much for your concern and excellent suggestions! At least I do have a lot to do in order to prepare for my trip to the hospital (it's a 3,000 km drive from here) and various exams ... I will try to get back on the thinking positive track - and remember how the mastologist gave me a big hug, congratulating me on making it to 3 years with no recurrence ... and now that I am at 4 years - a strange, worrisome lump ... At least my husband is able to come with me this time - he is a great help. I wish I could stop thinking about more cancer! They should make a pill for that, ha ha ...

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Where are you located, SoLinda? That's a terribly long drive Ugh. You sure can't make that drive daily. I'm so glad your DH can go with you AND is a big help. My DH wasn't really comfortable being there with me so after my initial visit to the BS, I arranged for someone to stay with him while I had my appointments.

    SoLinda, they may not make a pill but they DO make WINE :) And Chocolate! I suggest both. At least you'll feel better. Just remember we are all in your pocket every step you take giving you hugs!

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    A 3,000 km drive?? wow Linda, I thought I had a long trek to my onco, it's only 5 hours including the ferry. No wine on the drive, but there's nothing against driving under the influence of chocolate! :) Good luck. Cheers, Dee

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Ah, Pontiac Peggy, you brought a smile to my face! One of the more stressful things about cancer treatment (for me) is that I live soooooo far away from the hospital where I am being treated. I live in the Brazilian Amazon, close to the Bolivian border and have to travel to the city of Sao Paulo where I am treated in an excellent, modern hospital ... (a good thing because the state where I live has virtually no cancer treatment!!!). Having to be away from home for treatment is the worst part for me. When I was first diagnosed, my husband and I were "stuck" in Sao Paulo for a year because even though I was supposed to have only 6 chemo treatments, I got pneumonia after number 2 (and almost bit the dust) and to round out all the fun, had a large pulmonary embolism only 2 weeks after my last chemo and then I wasn't allowed to travel for 4 months after that. I hate to worry in advance, but I sure don't want to go through any of that again. My husband surprised everyone, even himself, at how competent he became with all the hospital stuff and nursing yours truly. I am still impressed at how he managed to drive to the hospital through Sao Paulo traffic where it appears everyone is a Formula 1 driver, ha ha By the way, I was just diagnosed with pre diabetes and had terrible headaches for a couple of months, so the wine and chocolates probably won't cheer me up much. Perhaps I will just look at a bottle and sniff a chocolate wrapper for now Loopy

    I appreciate so very much your support and that this discussion board exists. I have no one here to talk to about this other than my husband, so I often lurk on these boards, reading and reading.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Dee, I was NOT suggesting wine and driving as you well know! I like driving under the influence of chocolate. And now I'll have another brownie. One just isn't enough tonight!

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    Oh I know you weren't Peggy! Just me being a goof!


    I'm just sitting here waiting for hubby to finish getting his Valentine face ready, I've got dinner prepped & ready to go. Have to eat tonight as I start my fast tomorrow for my colonoscopy on Monday.... oh yes, it's an exciting life that I lead!! ha ha Cheers, Dee

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SoLinda, you really do live back beyond it all, don't you? My heavens! It must be beautiful. What do you do there?

    What a crappy time you had of it last time. And scary. No wonder you have your worry hat on. It sucks that wine and chocolate are off the goodie list for right now. Hopefully the headaches go away and you'll be able to enjoy them soon.

    You do have one talented hubby to navigate those streets. Not sure I'd be brave enough to tackle them. You must be awfully proud of him and he sounds like a good man to have by your side.

    This time will be better and all will be well! HUGS!!!

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    ha ha Dee - I, too, have driven under the influence of chocolate on Vancouver Island and Vancouver (where I lived for many years before moving here) I hope you and Pontiac Peggy will have some chocolate for me tonight! Thanks to you both for making me laugh and taking my mind off things that I shouldn't be thinking about. Good night to you both!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Dee, of course I knew you were being sassy, Just had to call you on it :) Enjoy your last meal and stay close to the bathroom! Colonoscopies are the pits. Necessary but that does not make them fun. HUGS!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    /SoLinda, good night and sleep well. Dream nice, pleasant, happy dreams - we're with ya!

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Thank you! Will try to dream of pleasant things - am going to bed now. Have a good night, too!

  • mortmain
    mortmain Member Posts: 25

    SoLinda: PPeggy and the others have it right. I have it on good authority that Chocolate is going to be declared its own food group, and a necessary one. Snorting it counts, for those pre-diabetic issues. I'm sending my most persuasive thoughts against your fears and hope that with the chocolate fumes they prove a good defense against any threats to your good health.

    Puffin, I'm encouraged to hear of your success with the weight loss. So far, despite the exercise and healthier diet, my weight isn't budging. PPeggy, the Yoga is reported to have many benefits besides increased flexibility. Is it true what they say about the serenity and better outlook?

    Msqueen: As far as I know, I was on Teva brand for three months and on this other brand last month (although I didn't know about the switch until recently). I started back on the Teva today and I hope I'll notice a difference. How long have you been on AIs? If so, where was your generic made, do you know? What SEs were you experiencing?

    Spookiesmom, you say you noticed a difference in two days. Can you tell me what differences you experienced?

    Lago, Spookiesmom: I too have heard that TEVA is a major generic manufacturer. I wonder why it takes these fancy arrangements to get it? I'm sure no one is trying to be sly when they give us the other brands, makes me wonder if they think all generics are the same, that the differences are all in our heads?

    Once again, my fingers are crossed for you, SoLinda. I so hope you have good news.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Mortmain, I think we get the different brand generics because the pharmacy has a "better" arrangement with one manufacturer over another. And I agree that yoga seems to calms the mind, body and spirit.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    LoLinda is the lump moveable? Is it solid or squishy?

  • Elsiemae618
    Elsiemae618 Member Posts: 1

    I had to stop the Anastrozole, I had constant headaches, my blood pressure went up to 180/70. I was lucky I decided to monitor it at home. went to my family dr and we discussed it she sent a letter to my oncologist that I was stopping it. I did a lot of reading about it on my own. There is a only a 2percent decrease in risk on I am supposed to go in and see him and discuss what else i can take

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    solinda, I'm hoping for your sanity that the lump is just scar tissue. Or a fatty lymph node or something else minor. They are sometimes! Hugs.

    Oh and Dark Chocolate kisses are only 1 carb serving if you eat 7 or less. So give up a slice of bread for chocolate occasionally! LOL

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    solinda--I am so glad to add you to my I know somebody who lives in ---  list! another coorner of the world!

    it could be nothing--if you have been doing self exams and it just popped up, you have done the only thing you can--seek attention.  now distract yourself from it until the date---prayers for reduction in your stress and anxiety and for a safe journey to and from your appointment----do you celebrate mardi gras in a big way?

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    Oh, you guys are the BEST! I have been festering here with no one to talk to who has ever had to deal with BC and all its issues! Nobody really understands ... My husband is wonderful, but just says "don't worry, we just have to wait". My rational side knows this, but ... sigh ...

    Anyway, I do appreciate all your comments in a big way - they do help!

    Mortmain I am definitely adding chocolate back onto my menu and will snort it if I have to Happy Will ask my husband to save his wrappers so I can at least sniff them (no calories that way, ha ha)

    Iago this lump feels different than the biggie of 2010 and my hubby agrees - it is definitely smaller and somewhat squishy. I can't tell if it is movable - the more I feel and press on it, the more confused I get. My dream is that it is a cyst ... Drs. did say after my mastectomy and reduction surgery that they found several cysts, large and small, in the breast tissue.

    Moonflwr912 yes, will give up my carbs only occasionally, but will definitely put dark choc. back on the menu. Especially with a 3,000 km. drive to get to my onc. appointments ahead of me! If it is not a cyst, I sure am hoping that the lump is scar tissue (hmmm, at 4.5 years post surgery?) or a lipoma that is starting up. I do actually have a couple of other lipomas, so I do have this tendency ...

    Redheaded1 thank you! Yes, now you can say you know someone who lives in the Amazon and who loves it! People in this area don't tend to celebrate Carnaval (Mardi Gras) very much - it seems to be celebrated more in Sao Paulo and Rio. So, no, I am not planning on dancing around topless in a thong, with feathers on my head to distract myself from the lump SingingLoopy ha ha ... (Sorry, I always try to distract myself with humour when things get tough).

    Again, I do thank you all for your comments! It really does help and I don't feel so alone!!! Big hugs and all the best!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SoLinda, fingers crossed that it's a cyst! That mental image of you dancing around in a thong and feathers is quite....interesting. Yeah. That's it! I'm sure DH would love it (mine would). And that's why we live in houses - so we can do fun things in privacy :)

    It IS hard to wait, especially when you have to drive so darned far. Keep thinking those positive thoughts so they can smother the negative ones. I'm sending a whole bunch your way! HUGS!!

  • SoLinda
    SoLinda Member Posts: 60

    SmilePontiac Peggy - yup, houses are good ... thanks for making me smile ... (I hope I am not giving anyone nightmares envisioning the thong and feather thing, ha ha!) I also hope my husband and I don't get any speeding tickets on our very long drive!!! Not really that much longer to wait now ... Big hugs XXX

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    You're welcome, SoLinda! I think most of us are envisioning how that look would be on ourselvesShocked

    Are the roads good? Freeways where it seems to inviting to speed? How long will it take you? Laughs and HUGS!!!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    You are so right, Peggy. I've been imagining myself exactly as described. What a hoot! Luckily, I live alone.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    i also live alone now, BrooksideVT, since DH went to a nursing home last November. Aren't we silly and isn't it fun??? Are you doing okay on Arimidex now?