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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Member Posts: 641

    oh Red = sorry you got hurt.. damn ice!

  • ohiofan
    ohiofan Member Posts: 152

    Oh, Red....take care.  A broken wrist is no fun. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Ah geeze Red! That does suck! Tripped over my grandkids last Oct, broke left wrist. Have avoided surgery, so far. LE arm.

    The plastic bags your newspaper comes in are great for covering the cast for shower.

    Get a fun color for your cast! Mine was purple

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    thanks everyone   the newspaper bag is a great tip.  also cast color   always said this pearls and cardigan gal was going t0 get the tattoo lymph sleeve when it gets to the point I can fly again!

  • doxie
    doxie Member Posts: 700


    It's possible that you are experiencing lymphedema in your chest. I've had radiation and chest lymphedema LE. It's hard to tease out which is the problem. But if I treat it as LE, it gets better. Check out the LE forum for more information.

    Redhead, What a bummer! I stopped walking for a few days because of the ice.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Red so sorry about your wrist. Good luck with surgery

  • Bea2206
    Bea2206 Member Posts: 2


    Thanks to all of you for replying. I will definitely check into the possibility of lymphedema and will also see whether there is a forum on this. I will also wait to see whether the medication I was given helps or not. I should add that I have also been having problems with my fingers, especially my right thumb, but I am convinced this came from using the iphone too much while in the hospital... :-) I also had a cortisone shot, but it doesn't seem to have helped too much. I guess much of this discomfort and pain will go away with time. Or maybe not and I will just learn to live with it. All the best to all, especially Red with the broken wrist!

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305

    I hope you have a speedy recovery Red.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432

    Rotten luck, Red. So very sorry. Heal quickly now, ya hear?

  • mortmain
    mortmain Member Posts: 25

    Side effect update. Like PontiacPeggy, I started generic Arimidex mid-October. From these discussion boards, I learned that the Teva brand generic was preferred, and arranged with my local pharmacist to get it. Aside from the return of hot flashes (I went through menopause 7 years ago), a metallic taste in my mouth, and some stiffness, I thought things were going pretty well. I've improved my diet, and try to walk about 2-3 miles per day.

    In the last month, I noticed a steady increase in stiffness, enough so that when I wake up, or have been still, I hobble around like the Tin Man for a time. Generally, this stiffness improves as I move about, but I'm also noticing some soreness in one ankle in particular and a tightness across my ribs on the other side like a stitch after running. I don't remember hurting myself.

    When I went to refill my Rx the other day, I found out that the last month's pills were another generic brand (Accord). I made sure that the refill, which I start tomorrow, is Teva brand.

    I'm wondering if this stiffness is just the effect of accumulation of the medication in my system and should be expected, or if it is the fault of the other generic. I sure hope the 'bad' batch is at fault and that with the return to the Teva my mobility will improve. This may well be wishful thinking, but perhaps it is natural to imagine one has some control after life throws you a curve ball you didn't see coming.

    Anyone else experience differences between generic brands?

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Mortmain, I have seen other ladies post here that they've had issues with other brands of Arimidex, that's why I've insisted that my record says only the one from TEVA. I'd guess you reacted to something in the brand you got. We started our Arimidex the same day! In fact, most everything about our journey is nearly identical (except the breast they worked on).

    So far I've had no issues at all. I just started yoga in the past couple weeks and it feels so good!

    Hope that going back to the Teva brand takes care of the problems! HUGS!!!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    Peggy, yoga is a great thing to help with dang body aches!  and can help in so many ways!

    doing my oooohhhhmmms now that you reminded me!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Iris, I'm a total newbie. I'm very lucky I have a friend who is a teacher and she actually came to my house last night to help me do things right. And she made me feel so good by saying she was impressed with my flexibility. I thought I wasn't very flexible (for me). So I'm glowing!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Walgreens pulled the switch on me. I noticed more SE. I talked with pharm, she got TEVA. I still have SE, not like on the other stuff!!!!!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Walgreens is where I get my Arimidex, too, SpookiesMom. I do check my bottles, but now I will be extra vigilant. Don't need SEs because of the wrong manufacturer.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I think it is a big help to bond with a pharmacist, not saying which one but to have one that knows you and can help you

    for me it is my walgreens, she got me through a nasty time of sinus infections and now knows all my triggers so can alert me to issues before they come up

    I suggest bonding with one!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I was not a happy puppy when I saw the switch. That's the ONLY MEDI get there, walmart can't/wont get it. The pharm was very nice, made a note on my file. Then she said, I should remind them every time I refill to be sure they order TEVA. Just in case somebody misses the note. ARRRRGGGGHHHH but worth it.

    Then she said they have a lot of people who specify a specific manufacturer. That made me feel better, like I wasnt a grumpy old woman.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    I have to go to Walgreens for my Medicare plan. I definitely have bonded with the pharmacist the my hubby used. Not so much at Walgreens. But the guy is pleasant and I do check.

    SpookiesMom, it IS nice to know that there are quite a few of us who request a specific manufacturer. I would have thought we were weird. :)

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168

    keep in mind, you can get name brand Arimidex from the company for $30 a month. I'm still experimenting to see if it makes me feel any different than the generic. I would have a copay for the generic that would be a little less but not a lot, so if I figure out the name brand has less stiffness, thats what I plan to do. I got of track on my experiment, so I'm starting all over again on that.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    That is always an option, Angelia. And I know some women have found that best for them. Hope it works for you. HUGS.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    Peggy: Good to hear you're enjoying the yoga!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Definitely am, Puffin. My friend is studying YogaMedic and is very attentive to making sure there is no stress on the back, neck and joints. Everything was gentle and felt sooooo good.

  • mortmain
    mortmain Member Posts: 25

    Peggy, we have more in common than I thought: I also have an Oncotype of 13. Your Yoga activity is one I know would benefit me even way before the diagnosis, and I still resist. I just got my first smart phone, and it has an activity tracker (steps, stairs, miles). I'm finding it a good little motivator: I now walk 2 - 3X as much as I used to, 2 - 3 miles a day.

    I don't want to get my hopes up too much, Spookiesmom, but I feel validated by your report of experiencing more SE off the TEVA brand. I sure want my creakiness to be the fault of the other batch.

    Proudtospin, I like and trust my pharmacist entirely, owns our little local pharmacy. When we first spoke about my preference, he made sure that 'TEVA Brand ONLY' was printed on my labels. I'm fairly certain he knows nothing about the switch. The young woman I spoke to (she looked to be about 12 :) ) was ready to give me another month's worth of the Accord brand, kept putting her foot in it with every word she said. When I pointed out the explicit printing on the label, she first said she thought TEVA probably wasn't making the Arimidex generic any more, then she said that when the Onc doesn't specify that legally pharmacists could use any generic. When she saw how upset I was, she did make things right (called the company, made sure TEVA brand was in the next day). She's just young. Still, I'm thinking I should speak to the pharmacist just to clear the air.

    Angelia, I'd like to hear how your 'experiment' with the name brand vs. generic turns out. What differences do you notice?

    It's great to know I can turn to the folks on this board when issues come up.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    MortMain, I know me. I will not walk other than a couple blocks with my dog (and not at all right now - too icy and dangerous). I've always liked stretching type exercises. I was feeling so "tight" after my lumpy and rads and had just put DH into a nursing home, I knew I had to do something to regain my sanity and feel better. Yoga had been mentioned quite often and it appealed. And so far it seems right for me. Glad your activity tracker has worked so well for you! HUGS!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    surg mon at 11--fracture of radius and ulna  forced them both up ans back  playe plus pins that stay in 4-ever.  8 weeks cast, arm will be in shape of letter L wiyh finers yp to ceiling and elbow to shoulder bottom of L for a while--not sure cause when he said plate and pins I went brain dead.  8 week minimum of P.T.  60-70% function return, but he said most things I can do, but some things i.d learn new ways to do them and occasional pain would remind me of it  hope one handed typing will go away soonDevil

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    mortmain At one point Costco refused to sell me Teva for the same price as the other generic ($40 instead of $15). So I just moved my prescription to CVS and got it for the lower price. Also, when at Costco they did try to switch me even though it was specifically written I wanted Teva. I always checked. Also note Teva is the largest manufacturer of generic drugs. Highly remote they would just stop making it. I would report that she lied to you. That's a big no no coming from the pharmacy. She needs to be reprimanded because people don't go to a pharmacy they can't trust.

  • Msqueen57
    Msqueen57 Member Posts: 25

    Just got my first refill using Teva as the manufacture. Got it at Walgreen although they had to order it in for me. Requested they keep it in stock as I will need it on a monthly basis. Start taking it tomorrow. Hope to get the same positive results as others on this board. Those of you who switched to Teva from another manufacturer, about how long did it take for you to notice any difference?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Red-good luck with surgery!!!!!!

    Ms-just a day or two for me

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Oh, Red. Your surgery sounds daunting - for your recovery. Hope it goes smoothly AND pain-free. One-handed typing is a challenge. I'm trying visualize your typing with your fingers up to the ceiling - all I can do is laugh :) At least they can put you back together. You obviously don't do things halfway. HUGS!!!

    Lago, I'd have been really pissed at Costco for that obvious ploy to get more money. Generics are generics - at least that's what I thought. I'd certainly report that pharmacy tech to the pharmacist, too. Lies like that cannot be allowed a pass. You're so right - you need to be able to trust your pharmacist and pharmacy.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    mortmain: I got a Fitbit One for Christmas, and have linked it to the free app MyFitnessPal and it's made such a difference for me. I record my food on the FitnessPal and the exercise logs on the Fitbit, food data transfers over to the Fitbit. I'm walking 2-3 miles a day now and taking several fitness classes at the Y each week. I've lost 7 1/2 pounds since Christmas and feel strong.