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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    TJH, another BIL lives in St Paul. You're almost midway between both brothers-in-law. Neat.


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Yup!, Spookie!


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    I just received a notification from the hospital about a followup visit with my RO. The appointment is labeled "Sponsorship" The have also added and appointment with nurse navigator who I met for 5 minutes one time when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. For some reason this all seems so strange to me at this point. There is little I can do at this point except blood work, physician followup appointments and a mammogram in July. I feel like I am ready to move to recovery. Of course there will always be that worry in the back of my mind that the cancer will return but I can see no other option but to continue a healthy life style, exercise and get on with life. Am I missing something. I do have some issues with the diagnosis on my chart to get addressed. It is incorrect. I am not sure why I am meeting with the nurse navigator now that treatment is over.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BrutersMom, I met with a NP a few months ago at my MO's office. She really took the time to listen to my concerns and mental health. The MO couldn't spend an hour with me normally. I'm part of their Survivorship program. It just offers support in anyway you need it. Take advantage of everything they offer. You may find it isn't relevant. Like you, I felt I was already moving on. But I think the program I'm part of is a good thing. I had a nurse navigator too and she was there when I had my surgery and a couple of my MO appointments. She got me a lot of information when I was first diagnosed.


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    This is new to me. I have been through everything pretty much being my own advocate and researching my own questions. When I met her it was at the breast clinic after the surgery and the MO discussed my treatment plan. I spent 2 hours sitting in a room that day with my husband. I met the MO, the RO and the social worker. She came in at about 4pm introduced herself, asked me if I met all the people mentioned and said goodbye. I guess I just don't know what to expect it seems a little after the fact.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BrutersMom, I can understand that. It would have been more help when you were first starting this journey.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653


    Raising my hand too. No memory. I struggled to spell "raw" the other day. WTF! ESD some days I hate you.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Brutersmom, go ahead and meet with the nurse navigator since you are still early in this journey. Can't hurt at least one more time. Many on these boards meet with the BS, MO and RO for a long time after treatment. Maybe the nurse navigator is replacing the BS and MO on your team. If you have any questions from your own research ask her and see what she's got to offer ongoing.

    lago, you spelled all the words above correctly - proud of you! Hug

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Lago, I hate to tell you but I had some of those issues BEFORE ESD. I don't write as much as I used to when I was working. Brain needs to work more. It seems the easy words are an issue - you look at them and all of a sudden they don't look "right."


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Patoo, spell checkers are a mixed blessing, aren't they? Your brain gets lazy.


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    Patoo, She is not replacing any appointments from I have prescheduled appointments with RO, MO, BS through July. I will meet with her. I just find it odd that she comes into the picture now that everything is pretty much behind me.

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333

    I just wanted to mention that my nurse navigator was able to get me into a specialist the very next day. Also she helped me to get some counseling and support for recovery and helped me to find out about a local gym program with an occupational therapist that was covered by the hospital. If when I am in survivorship if I found a weird lump or anything I am sure she would get me in to the center the next day. She can see everyone's appt and make phone calls to help expedite things. I haven't talked to her much towards the end of my treatment but there were times I called her and she knew exactly what to do and who to call. I am so grateful for her. You seem very independent but it does help to have someone to call.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    t thanks Exercise. I am 5 months into this disease and have had to be independent and be my own advocate or do what ever they told me. Maybe she will give more than a high good bye this time. Helps to know what she is really there for.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Patoo spellcheck is one of my best friends. When it doesn't work I google it. Google best spell checker!

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Lago, I thought I was the only one who Googled words. Oh my!


  • jeanap
    jeanap Member Posts: 1

    I have been taking it for a couple of months and am worried about my bone density also, but found it is best to take it at night. Seems to make my muscles and bones stiff and feel arthritic, make me very tired. restless legs and my feet feel tingly. Taking it at night sure helps the tired at least

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    JeanAP, Welcome! If you are feeling creaky, try taking Claritin (regular not "D"). Some women have found it helps. I haven't experienced any problem with tiredness. Also, my MO prescribed Fosamax to protect my bones.

    It would be helpful if you would fill out your profile and make it "public" - then when you ask questions, we'll know all about you and people in a similar situation can respond.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915

    I am going to start a new thread on this forum on Bone Health, as soon as I have time to get my thoughts (and some research) together. I will let you know when.......maybe tonight while I watch the debates. I find it difficult to just sit and watch T V.

  • Amstar15
    Amstar15 Member Posts: 25

    for those that are having hot flashes... Has anyone been prescribed anything to help for that? My wife's last visit her MO asked how she was handling them and she okay for now. MO said he could prescribe something ( can't remember what he said it was). Just wondering what options are out there for her.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I used Effexor for a month or so. Then they lessened, don't need it any more.

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308

    Amstar, I take 600mg of Gabapentin before bed for hot flashes. I don't really need anything during the day, but I get terrible flashes at night. I have been taking it for about 4 years now. Dr tells me that is a very low dose. The only other thing my Dr talked about was anti depressant & I wasn't happy about taking that, I'm not depressed & some studies have shown it changes your brain chemistry. HTH, GG

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    Brutersmom, let me know what your nurse navigator does for you....Mine helped me a lot when I was first diagnosed. She gave me an hour long chat and a big resource book and she helped get me in to see the RO so I could set up my surgery (they (surgeon) wanted me to be seen by all of them before he did the surgery). They also lead the support groups at my cancer center, so perhaps she wants to get you goint to one of them . We have a RENEW class every month that deals with a wide range of survivor issues. My Ro continues to see me annually now---it was every 6 months the first year following rads. The MO sees me every 3 and will follow me close for 5 years and remain with me for 10.... I see my surgeon again next week, and suspect he may say he doesn't need to stay on....

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    I saw my RO today and the nurse navigator. The nurse that checked me in was one of the tech because they were short staffed. She was fun. She did her normal tasks and then I asked her about the incorrect diagnosis and she looked it up and agreed with me. When the RO came in he looked everything up as well and now they are changed. That makes the detail side of me happy. The nurse navigator visit was very positive. Apparently in 2016 every patient is required to have a 5 year plan of treatment and certain information must be provided to patients after they finish active treatment. Including your diagnosis, treatments received and future plans. The information she provided was helpful. I did take the opportunity to talk to her about possible breast reduction due to the differences in breast size. I was a C and when I put on weight after menopause I became an F. Now I am an F and C. Not good. She was very supportive and agreed it might be a better route that a prosthesis or a reconstruction. She talk to the Radiologist and he gave me a time frame to assist me. She also provided me with information on plastic surgeons support services, exercise programs, diet needs, and for the first time at this hospital someone talked to me about lymphodema. (Fortunately when I went for my second opinion they spent about 5 to 10 minutes talking with me about it.) She also gave me the chance to get some of the frustration with a particular staff member off my chest. The nice part is I now know what the plan is for the next 5 years if I do not have any issues or recurrence

    For those of you who have some issues with memory and that includes me. There is a paragraph on Memory issues in the paperwork that I recieved. In that paragraph it says that memory issues and concentration are common among many cancer patients. Not just by people who receive chemo or radiation to the brain. It can be triggered by radiation, chemo, surgery and medication. So I guess we are OK. It did advise that if it was troublesome to talk to you Dr.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    BrutersMom, sounds like your appointments were terrific today. Glad you finally got that diagnosis straightened out. It would have driven me crazy too. That is interesting about cancer itself causing memory issues. Wonder if it is the stress or if cancer changes something in the body that affects memory. Nice to know there's a good option or 2 for your reduction. That will be good - then you'll be balanced :)


  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    It is a part of the estrogen sucking drug....there is an article posted here on about it not just being "chemo brain".... Mine is getting worse---

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Mine too, redheaded1

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    It's so hard to tell if it is the anastrozole or normal aging since I'm 70. But I suspect that the ESD isn't helping. Damn.


  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    Mine is worse, too. It's clear to me that it is happening. So different from "normal" scattered/brain overload kind of days. I took care of my parents for years. One with Alz and one with mild dementia. This is most definitely different. I try not to get scared, just kick in the coping skills, take breaks, breathe, breathe, and breathe some more. Damn is right. Wishing for a good day for all! ✌️❤️ Lind

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Guess all we can do is work hard to keep the brain functioning, compensate for what we can't change. I guess I'm willing to trade off a bit of brain for keeping BC at bay. I do think it is easier to cope with the brain SEs when we know what is causing them. Wonder if the other AIs have the same effect?


  • mjjones453
    mjjones453 Member Posts: 8

    I have been on this drug since May of this year, the Oncologist wanted me to try to stay on it for 3 years. This after 5 years on Tamoxifen. I have horrible hot flashes even on Effexor. At first they were better, but have been getting worse lately. I have notices I am so tired in the morning, I chew gum and do a lot of snapping (LOL) to keep me awake on my 40 minute commute. Could this be from either drug? Might be something to ask my Oncologist. I did have my second bone density test, I am still in the normal range, but the density has diminished by a percent. The brain is terrible. I feel like a bumbling idiot. I can't think of words, or lose my train of thought very easy. I am 55 years old, and feel very scary about what it will be like in a few years. Will it get better once things even out? Is anyone finished with Arimidex, Hot Flash Drugs, and menopause? Does it get better? How long will this curse go on???