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For Arimidex (Anastrozole) users, new, past, and ongoing



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Could be the med, or could be one of the nasty bugs going around caught you. Be best if you called MO Monday.

  • Lil-Rhody
    Lil-Rhody Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for the response Peggy. Other than the medication nothing else is new and taking it very easy these days...Not only was I diagnosed with Breast cancer in August I was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer in early March. I had it removed and thankfully no treatment needed....

  • Lil-Rhody
    Lil-Rhody Member Posts: 5

    Thanks Spookieiesmom, I'll give it a few more days and see if things change


  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Lil-Rhody, what a rotten 2015 you've had with TWO cancers. Glad the kidney cancer was "easily" taken care of. Spookie is right about bugs going around. Those could easily be flu symptoms. And thank you for filling out your profile and making it public. Take care of yourself!


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008


    Welcome! I am so sorry you have had two different cancers to deal with! I am with you on the Arimidez (anastrozole) SE's. I was about 6 weeks into taking it when I started getting nausea and food aversion. I can't stand certain smells and most food (except for bread, mashed potatoes and some sweets) make me feel AWFUL but if I don't eat my stomach hurts really bad. I see my MO next month and hope to have some ideas on how to cope.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    Lil-Rhody I hit the six week mark and had similar symptoms for several days. Then my joints got very achy. I was ready to call the MO when suddenly I got better. No real problems since then. Hope it is just a nasty bug and you will feel better in a day or two.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    It is surprising that SEs can get really bad and then disappear for some ladies. It's wonderful. I'm very lucky that I have none (knock on wood).

    Thinking of all of you at Christmas.


  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    Virus/Bug --- side effect sometimes they both have the same symptoms.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    imageMerry Christmas to all celebrating! Enjoy your day.

  • SueH58
    SueH58 Member Posts: 106

    hi! I have been on anastrazole for 6-8 weeks now and have noticed very dry lips and now a peri-oral dermatitis. Anyone else with these issues? Wondering if a side effect from AI.

  • SheilaB330
    SheilaB330 Member Posts: 17

    At 18 months on tamoxifen I had heavy bleeding - am post menopausal and 61 so knew something seriously wrong. That was August 2015. Went onto Arimidex in October 2015. Hard to say any side effects. Knees hurt. Ankles hurt. But more concerned about my reaction to tamoxifen. Subsequent ultrasound, biopsy, hysteroscopy & D&C, and a CT scan. Uterus full of free floating atypia cells. Aparently I have cancer and it is suspected to be Type II endometrial cancer - clear cell carcinoma or uterine serous papilary carcinoma. My gyn was worried I would need to have 2 surgeries if she did hysterectomy or that she'd have to stop and pull the scope out to send me to oncologist. So she sent me to a gyn oncologist who will do robotic surgery Jan 12 having complete hysterectomy with falopian tubes and ovaries and lymph nodes for staging the cancer.

    Be careful of tamoxifen if any of you switch. 1% chance of endometrial cancer doesn't mean you won't run into problems. It enhances estrogen in uterus. So going to be watching Arimidex for side effects. Hard to say if the tight feeling in my ankles is from it.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    SheilaB330, how frightening for you. Sounds like your docs are right on top of things and you're getting the care you need. Just sorry you have to go through this. Best of everything to you.


  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    Sheila - I second what PontiacPeggy said! How scary and horrible and how grateful that you are getting good care. Please let us know how you are doing.

    I am one of those who have collateral damage, too - my side effects come and go. maddening, but it's kept me on Arimedex for 8 months. Wow, seems longer..... ✌️❤️ Lind

  • rocityroc
    rocityroc Member Posts: 1


    I Live in Ontario, Canada & I've been on Anastrozole for a little over a year now. I am experiencing headaches, nausea, joint pain, dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, severe mood swings that I'm really trying to keep under control & also muscle cramping. Also severe dryness in my mouth, sinus cavities & vaginal which causes bleeding during intercourse. I started taking this medication in August 2014. I'm wondering if anyone knows if any of these side affects subside overy time.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    I'm almost 3 years on, recently developed the nausea, headaches. It's awful to have all your symptoms, maybe your MO would be willing to change your med? I'm looking at 3 more months, then a change to tamoxifen.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Rocityroc, have you told your MO about all your side effects? If not, you should. Perhaps he will change you to a different AI or prescribe medication that will help the SEs. On your own, you could try plain old Claritin (NOT Claritin "D") - that sometimes helps with the joint pain. And anti-depressants can help - pretty amazing. Write down everything you think is being caused by anastrozole and tell your MO. Try to get in to see him as soon as possible.

    Welcome to a great forum. It would help us immensely if you would fill out your profile AND make it public.


  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    The cancer risk from tamoxifen is why I refused to take it...I didn't want to trade 1 cancer for another. I told oncologist if that was the only drug I wanted a hysterectomy first. The SE I have from Arimidex are sometimes annoying but they are tolerable and do not make my life miserable.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    rjh chemo and radiation can cause secondary cancers too. But with Tamoxifen they watch you closely so they can catch it. The risk of recurrence from breast cancer is much much higher than from taking Tamoxifen. That said Arimidex is slightly better at reducing that risk.

  • tjh
    tjh Member Posts: 272

    That is also why I didn't do a lumpectomy with rads. Melanoma runs in my family and I have lots of moles. Since I see a dermatologist every 6 months, wear SPF 60 sunblock or sun shirts to avoid sun on my skin it made no sense to radiate my skin. Luckily all my drs talk and consult with each other and me so I get complete info to make choices best for me. It seems a lot of ladies here don't have that.

  • TikkasMom
    TikkasMom Member Posts: 32

    Does anyone else here get angry/short tempered without meaning to. Sometimes I get short with my Husband without meaning to then I feel bad. Been on Anastrozole just over 3 weeks now, HELP

  • Valentinebambino
    Valentinebambino Member Posts: 13

    Ok ladies as I get closer to my total hysterectomy surgery I am trying to prepare for what I'll need to have at home afterwards. My pre op appointments begin this week, surgery is next Thursday. Any suggestions on this? Any pointers ? Will I be sleep in my bed or recliner best?my husband moves alot during his sleep. Doc says I'll stay over nite in hospital. I have read some stay longer. It will be thru vaginas and also 3 small incesions in belly. Any help is appreciated.

  • Valentinebambino
    Valentinebambino Member Posts: 13

    Ok ladies as I get closer to my total hysterectomy surgery I am trying to prepare for what I'll need to have at home afterwards. My pre op appointments begin this week, surgery is next Thursday. Any suggestions on this? Any pointers ? Will I be sleep in my bed or recliner best?my husband moves alot during his sleep. Doc says I'll stay over nite in hospital. I have read some stay longer. It will be thru vaginas and also 3 small incesions in belly. Any help is appreciated.

  • brutersmom
    brutersmom Member Posts: 948

    TikkasMom For about 3 months after I was diagnosed I found myself short tempered and just miserable especially with my family. They just didn't understand and that annoyed me a lot. Give your self some time. You show your diagnosis as 10/15. You are still adjusting to the idea of having cancer and everything that goes with it. It may or may not be the drug. Do you have someone you can talk to. The thing that has helped me the most was when I finally was able to have a long talk with someone who had been through cancer treatment. Having that person who actually understands how I am feeling was the biggest help for me. People who have never experienced it don't fully understand.

  • vettegirl
    vettegirl Member Posts: 136

    Tikkasmom-It may also be due to "menopause"  and estrogen depletion.  My MO took one look at me at my last appointment and said "Your demeanor has changed.  I am putting you on a low dose anti deppresant."  Hormones really effect how we feel-without them-we have lots of crappy SE's.

  • Lil-Rhody
    Lil-Rhody Member Posts: 5

    TikkasMom I haven't had the moodiness as of yet but I know it is a side effect, hope it goes away soon for you..

  • Lil-Rhody
    Lil-Rhody Member Posts: 5

    Brutersmom you are so right about being able to talk to someone that has been through cancer. I have a very supportive family and friends but it is not the same when talking to them. On another note I took up crocheting, it's a great stress reliever.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    SheilaB330, When your gyn onc does your surgery is he cutting up or bagging your uterus or is he removing it intact through the vagina? If you haven't already check out Hystersisters dot com for great hysterectomy support. I am very, very sorry for the cancer diagnosis. It seems that SE of Tamoxifen is rare but very serious.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    roccityroc, the vaginal atrophy has been the hardest for me to deal with. There are non estrogen moisturizers you can try. I like NuEve which I bought on Amazon. It is a vaginal suppository. I also use Key E which is a vitamin E vaginal suppository. I make sure we use a lot of lubrication during intercourse as well. (sorry TMI). The worst symptom for me is bladder pain from the atrophy. Talk to your MO. Some will allow vaginal estrogen. Mine does not.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,338

    Molly, I think that HERE, there cannot be TMI. We all suffer from some of the more tolerable SEs and it's nice to know what has worked for you and perhaps it will help someone else. It seems really weird that you have bladder pain. I guess I don't see the connection. Not doubting you, just really surprised. I wouldn't have thought the bladder would be effected by lack of estrogen. Wow.


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    Peggy, if you look up low estrogen and atrophy you will see that bladder pain is a common symptom. Since my hysterectomy and BSO back in 2011 I have fought this battle. Unfortunately BC meant I had to stop using my vaginal estrogen so all the gains I made disappeared. I have tried a lot of different products to counteract the SE.