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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • Seashellie
    Seashellie Posts: 42
    edited November 2012

    I just posted on the femara thread. Wish I had put it here instead since I just realized I can't cut and paste.  Basically, after 11 days off of Letrozole, I feel SOOOO much better and almost normal again!! It's amazing. I was having so many problems and most are already gone. The major one was sky high BP that I didn't even know about....I feel like crying just thinking about it... I see my MO and Naturopathic Oncologist in a week. I can't take that stuff anymore, things have got to change. Looking for support.

  • HLB
    HLB Posts: 740
    edited November 2012

    My bp has always been on the low side and last time it was a bit high. Now I know why. Never knew that about letrozole.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited November 2012

    Someone was just raving about how wonderful she felt on Letrozole. I wonder if she has been warned about the high BP?

    I won't take any anti-depressants since being addicted to them years ago. I have also heard that they depress your immune system. I think that due to my taking the drug for several years it may have been the cause of my breast cancer.

  • mybee333
    mybee333 Posts: 672
    edited November 2012

    How do you find a naturopathic oncologist?

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited November 2012

    Can anyone tell me about Grape seed extract?  If you use and how much daily?

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2012

    Aromisin made me crazy. There may be people that can take it but I am not one of them. It affected every area of my life and none of it in a good way. It put me through the wringer mentally and physically. I feel for anyone dealing with its side effects. It's been almost 3 months now and I'm just beginning to feel like myself again. I'm not 100%, but at least I feel better than I did.

    I don't use grape seed extract but I cook with grape seed oil. Anyone know if that has any measurable benefits?

  • mybee333
    mybee333 Posts: 672
    edited November 2012

    Mini - How long did it take for your joints and body aches and pains to go away?  I hurt so much, every day and am wondering how much is still the effects of the AI and how much is my fibro.  I am so surprised (I probably said this before) by how much my feet ache and I am so stiff all over; it comes and goes but mostly lingers on through much of every day. I am concerned about permanent damage/premature aging.

    I see you are from Michigan.  I am from Michigan too.  :)

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited November 2012

    mybee333, I have to say that I'm not on any hormonals and at 48 my body feels like it's been through the wringer!  I sometimes think it was the chemo and that it will take more than just 1 year to pull it back together.  November 21 will be my 1 year mark since my last chemo.  I'm sure surgery and lymph node removal plays a part too.  I haven't done any research, but I assume when you disrupt the lymphatic system (I know mine is messed up), that must cause the body damage and aging.

    BTW, I don't know what 333 stands for, but strangly it is one of my favorite numbers :-).

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited November 2012

    It took me close to 6 months before most of the pains and aches went away. Two of my toes on my left foot still ache though - it never happened before the Aromasin - so I'm afraid the toe aches may be permanent.

  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Posts: 145
    edited November 2012

    i Have been following this thread ... wasnt sure if they were planning on surgery or pills.. so i asked...

    if ive got this right...

    if you are far away from menopause... they will do surgery... but if you are within 5 to 10 years of meno.. they do pills...

    im not sure why.. yet..

    but seems to me... id want the surgery... and deal with any issues naturaly..

    thank you for all the info here ladies, heres hoping you are happy, warm and feeling good today


  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited November 2012

    Celine - pre or post-menopause affects the type of meds they will will prescribe for you not whether or not you will need surgery. I had a lumpectomy and tried meds, but stopped due to horrible side effects. Now I take only natural supplements.

    Mybee-I've been off the AI for almost 4 months. The pains started easing up after about a month and I only have a few hot spots left. I'm wondering like Dogs if some will be permanant. Although I had pain after my lung surgery that I thought was going to be permanant but it finally ended after about 15 months.

  • CelineFlower
    CelineFlower Posts: 145
    edited November 2012

    thank you mini.. still so much to stay on top of...

  • mybee333
    mybee333 Posts: 672
    edited November 2012

     I found the name of a ND Onc. that works out of my health system. She sounds great from her write up. Says she specializes in not only oncology but women's issues and looking at the whole person.  With so many health concerns, I could not figure out which specialist to go to!!  Now, just maybe, she can help.  I really am excited about this.  (I have had a headache daily for two mos., about.........not sure why..........)

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited November 2012

    Great news!  Let us know how it goes----I would love to find someone like that too--

  • mybee333
    mybee333 Posts: 672
    edited November 2012

    Silly me.  All I did was a search and there she was.  There are several in the health system.  I do believe she is covered by insurance.  She is a doctor so I would think so. Headaches could be hormones, stress, allergies, brain tumor, who knows??

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited November 2012

    One of the ways I've been "treating" my estrogen + status is not to eat any soy isolate protein anymore.  I used to eat tons of Power Bars, Luna Bars, etc.  I also don't (of course) take my Estroven any longer.  I was taking that for 3 years before BC.  It's mostly a multi-vitamin with soy and other natural stuff that I took for peri-menopausal symptoms.  Now that I am post menopause, I just make sure to keep soy to a minimum.  Most of my current symptoms, I believe, are from chemical menopause and not anything else.  I'm not on Tamoxifen so I'm riding on what is left of my own hormones.

    Quick question... do you guys get a mamo every six months, MRIs each year or both??

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    Quick question... do you guys get a mamo every six months, MRIs each year or both??


    My BS suggested mammo in 1 yr. However, I *was* going to get one after 6 mos due to no rads ( my request)  but I changed my mind because of some swelling/ LE in the breast . It seems to me if we should avoid a BP cuff if we have arm LE, we certainly should avoid  a mammo for breast LE!  Having said  that, I dont believe my dr. will recommend the MRI, nor do I think my ins co. will pay!

    I would like to see what others  have experienced ( ESP those with breast LE issues )

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited November 2012

    Is that lymphedemia in left breast?  Is that what you wrote?  Never heard of that....  My breast is still a bit swollen since the LX.....

    My Onc is having me do full mammo at 6mos (next month) and then every year after that.  I could have just done the yearly, she gave me that option, but i opted to do the 6mo since my insurance is going to pay.  Im nervous about it......and just read on this forum that rads can cause expecting another US as well.  I also have a cyst in my left breast that was already checked out at time of dx......wondering if that is gone.  I asked to have it removed, and they said they go away on their own....

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Posts: 677
    edited November 2012

    Mammo once a year. MRI? no. Insurance won't pay.

    Thanks for the reminder by the way, I just got a letter telling me I was due.

  • mybee333
    mybee333 Posts: 672
    edited November 2012

    I had never thought about all those bars with all that soy protein.  I eat those - used to much more - they're so handy when you are working, running errands.  I am hypoglycemic and try to have something on hand.  So we think they're a problem, right?

    As to the follow-up, mine was initially  6 mos. mammo., then annually, and every two yrs. MRI.  However, my new BS has indicated he will do the MRI annually if I wish.  We'll see.  I have lots of calcs too.  I don't think now with the scars in my natural breast (from lift, etc.) that I could tell a lump even if I had one.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754
    edited November 2012

    shayne, Yes we can get LE in the breast. I've had it for 2 years now, but will say it isn't as bad as it was in the begining

    I only get ultrasound's if there is something they are worried about.

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited November 2012

    mybee, soy in moderation is fine (tofu, etc.), but soy protein isolate (in most protein bars) is suppose to be bad.  Soy lecithin is in almost everything and that is suppose to be okay.

    My BS was going to do mammos every 6 months with MRI once a year, but I'm thinking about skipping the MRI.  My last ultrasound in May had them all concerned when they saw a round shadow and I ended up with a needle biopsy for a cyst.  I have always had cysts in my breasts and I just don't want them finding false positives and leaving me stuck with the what should I do situation.  I ended up with LE in my left breast because of their damn needle (at least I think that is one of the contributors). 

    purple, I have LE in my breast and I did a mammo and all is well.  It hurt more then before BC, but a squeeze here and there was worth it to me.  The MRI... not so sure.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754
    edited November 2012

    Saw my Onc. on Thursday and told him I'm not using the Aromasin for the same reason he took me off the other two, so now he wants me to try the last one which is the oldest, and per his word the most natural, well I say no way. All these meds have ruined my system already.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited November 2012

    Kira - what were you SEs with Aromasin.....?

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012


    Lymphedema, shayne

    Look up breast and truncal LE in the search.

    Pls consult a LE  PT if you are concerned. Your swelling ' should be " gone by now.

    Be very careful with your arm.

    Good Luck.

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    The MRI... not so sure.


    Why not ?
    I actually thought MRI was superior to  mammo (?)

    As for the squeeze here and there - I now have LE in my arms.  Wouldnt have the BP cuff, squeeze !

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754
    edited November 2012

    Shayne, My SE's were coughing, vomiting, and then the final straw I broke out with eczema over my entire body. That's when my Onc. finally took me off the first one which was Femara. I've tried the other 2 in the aromasin line with the same results. I'm still trying to get my health back. I seem to have Asama now which I never had till all this mess.

  • rockym
    rockym Posts: 386
    edited November 2012

    purple, MRI is "different" than mammo.  They can see a lot more, but that doesn't make it a better screening tool.  I'm concerned since more things show, there is a greater chance of a false positive.  When I was first dx'ed I insisted on a MRI do they could check both breasts and make sure everything was fine.  They found an additional "thing" next to my real cancer and I almost ended up with a surgical biopsy.  Luckily, they could do a needle biopsy for that one and it was nothing.  I also had a needle biopsy last May that contributed to the LE.  I don't want anymore overtreatment.

    I noticed many ladies don't have the MRI as follow-up so that is why I was asking.  I'm hoping to avoid the LE in the arm.  No BP cuff for me, but since I've been massaging and squeezing my breast since last May, I wasn't too concerned about the mammo :-).

  • purple32
    purple32 Posts: 1,767
    edited November 2012

    I'm hoping to avoid the LE in the arm.

    I hope you do as well!

    Since it is in both arms/ hands and breast now, perhaps I'll just skip any screening at all----just as it would be foolish for  you to have a BP cuff with blood draw on your affected arm.

  • shayne
    shayne Posts: 524
    edited November 2012

    The docs never ever mentioned Lymphedema.  Not once.  It was only after that I read about it.  

    Kira - that is awful!  When i talked to my ND, she said if I couldnt take the Aromasin.....there were plenty of things to do with food and supplements/vits.  So far, the only SE ive had is fatigue/depression, but its not every day.  Im hoping when i hit the 6mo mark, these will go away.  If not, then I may rethink my decision.  All the SEs we put up with, and we dont really know if taking this drug(s) will help prevent recurrence.  No guarantees......


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