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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited January 2017

    Another source of dietary estrogens--canned foods, especially soups.

    "So just five days of canned soup consumption increased the participants' BPA levels more than 1000 percent..BPA is similar to endogenous estrogens, and therefore "has the ability to interact with estrogen receptors and stimulate estrogen production"

    "people who consumed one canned food item in the past day had about 24% higher concentrations of BPA in their urine compared with those who had not consumed canned food. The consumption of two or more canned food items resulted in about 54% higher concentrations of BPA."

    "EWG analyzed 252 canned food brands, mostly between January and August 2014, to find out which of them packed their food into cans coated with BPA-laden epoxy. Here's what we discovered."

  • yoga_girl
    yoga_girl Posts: 80
    edited January 2017

    Apple Almond Fiber Smoothie (free of soy, animal milk, gluten)

    1/2 cup organic steel cut oats, soaked overnight in water and drained of excess liquid

    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

    1/4 teaspoon ginger

    1 tablespoon almond butter

    1/2 apple, diced

    1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

    1/2 cup water

    3-5 packets of Organic Stevia (adjust number of packets to your taste)

    1 cup crushed ice cubes

    Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Adjust the consistency with a little more coconut milk or ice if needed.

    Added benefit: helps with constipation and bloating


    Green Protein Smoothie (free of soy, animal milk, gluten)

    3 tablespoons organic vegetable protein powder

    1 cup unsweetened almond milk

    1 big handful organic mixed baby greens (baby kale, chard, spinach, etc.)

    1/3 cup tart green apple, cored and diced

    1/3 cup diced pear

    1/3 cup sliced cucumber

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    3-5 packets of Organic Stevia (adjust number of packets to your taste)

    6 to 8 ice cubes

    Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Adjust the consistency with a little more almond milk or ice if needed.

    Added benefit: helps with constipation and bloating

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Posts: 499
    edited January 2017

    I can't wait to try the recipes, yoga girl. Thank you.

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Posts: 499
    edited January 2017

    I would also like to know which tests are recommended and the reasons for them. Thanks..

  • VeryDetermined
    VeryDetermined Posts: 2
    edited January 2017

    I was diagnosed in sept 2016 with ILC. 2 mammograms in August and sep 2016 said my results were unchanged from 2012! (Dislike these things for many more reasons). 2 ultrasounds and a biopsy confirmed cancer. MRI showed multicentric disease on right side, did bilateral mastectomy Oct 28 2016. One area size was 3 cm which made me borderline for chemo. Predictor tool in UK estimates a 1.6% chance of benefit for me.....that's not for me.

    It was not in lymph nodes, RO said no benefit from radiation....ok with this...

    Through research and experience with many cancer patients (famand friends), it seems that sometimes the treatments are worse long term.

    Tamoxifen (which 5 people in my family took with varying SE) is what the MO wants me to do, and I see him jan31. Not to question those who took it, but it scares me to the core. The cancer has turned me from fearless to fearful, however I fear it more than the cancer. Knowing it is carcinogenic makes it impossible for me to swallow.....

    Has anyone else refused it? I'm alone on the island right now. My MD who is beyond phenomenal has told me to discuss feelings with MO. He just gives me the cancer company lines like "usually well tolerated" "rarely happens" or "you need to...." Not a two sided conversation at all.

    I'd love to hear from someone on the island with me, it feels unpopulated right now...

    Thanks for the ea

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Posts: 499
    edited January 2017

    Has anyone out there taken NAC or sublingual GSH?

    I've just been told GSH is a highly effective antioxidant.

  • sarahrae
    sarahrae Posts: 52
    edited January 2017


    I have taken NAC as well as sublingual Glutathione. Yes, it is one of the best antioxidants around and offers huge liver protection/support. I feel like my liver needs as much love as possible with this cancer diagnosis.

    fyi, the sublingual form can be kinda intense to take, sulfur taste and size of tablet. but, worth it IMO


  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Posts: 499
    edited January 2017


    Did you stop taking it? If so, why?

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Posts: 499
    edited January 2017

    Very determined~ I am on your island. Stopped Tamoxifen after only 7 months.

    I want to be able to take supplements that were not ok with the Tamoxifen so trying Letrozole.

    Right now, I am consulting with as many alternative practitioners as possible. Plus, a second opinion with an MO.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Posts: 900
    edited January 2017

    For those who take aromatase inhibitors or have been prescribed AIs has anyone had a meaningful discussion with the DR on side effects, monitoring side effects, "safe" levels of estrogen, alternatives to AIs, foods/products to avoid that may have synthetic estrogen (BPAs, others?) ? AI is being prescribed, but I have not started. I am concerned about risks to heart/heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, and myalgia - many of these already a problem for postmenopausal women. Some of the side effects sound as if they stop once the drug is no longer taken, but others sound as if they could be permanent. I exercise regularly and usually keep to a fairly healthy diet.

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited January 2017

    Bluegirlredstate...tried to have a meaningful discussion with my MO about the SE of aromatase inhibitors but when she told me there are none the discussion ended! How could she possibly say that? So I did a lot of research and talked to my BS who was much more forthcoming. I have decided to refuse anti hormone treatment for now. I have multiple reasons if anyone would like to discuss further feel free to PM me. Good luck to all navigating this disease.

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Posts: 900
    edited January 2017

    dtad - how could your DR say there are no side effects from AIs ? Even the drug manufacturers don't claim that. AI was delayed for me, because radiation was being considered and now is ruled out because of radiation 7 years ago. I see my Oncologist today. She has been easy to talk to, and will discuss side effects, and has never ended the discussion because of my questions. She even changed the initial chemo cocktail when I expressed concerns about the third drug being added to the TC cocktail. She is an advocate of healthy lifestyle/diet (Mediterranean), organics, and activity/exercise. I'm not sure if I will refuse the Rx or not, but I am interested in learning about experiences of others, alternatives, and mitigating potential side-effects.

    Cancer treatment seems to be change as more is learned, and ever cancer and every person can be unique. But it seems as specialists have nothing else to offer, and that they feel that the risks from cancer/recurrence outweigh potential or even likely side effects from Rx. AIs concern me because of possible bone thinning, osteoporosis, arthritis, joint pain, and heart problems. These are already concerns for me since I am almost 60. Sometimes an Rx will be changed because of side-effects, other times another drug is used to chase the side effects (UGH). I will get my Vitamin D (important for calcium absorption) checked today with the regular blood work done for post chemo. I do take Curamin (tumeric) for joints as well as adding tumeric to food, and I think it helps.

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited February 2017

    bluegirlredstate....Exactly my point! After she said that I had no use for her....

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Posts: 1,309
    edited February 2017

    Blue girl - I was prescribed 2 aromatase inhibitors. I had to stop one after about 10 days. The second was about a month. I had horrible SE's. Bone pain, insomnia-6 hours of sleep in 3 nights with a sleeping pill - falling, loss of balance, memory loss, extreme mood swings, loss of appetite and many other minor SE's. Most subsided after I got off of them, but it took many months, and more than a year of yoga classes to regain most of my balance. I will never take another AI, but I know some women that were able to tolerate it. I don't have many SE's on Tamoxifen, but I still haven't decided if I will take it beyond the 5 year mark.

    Good luck with your decision making.


  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited February 2017

    A series of talks some of you may be interested in;

  • Cath78
    Cath78 Posts: 9
    edited February 2017

    Me too. Agree totally. We have to do what feels right. We made educated decisions.

    Believe , do research and be positive.

  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited March 2017

    This was an interesting topic, considering one of the benefits of eating organic.

    Reminds me of exposing children to 'dirt'/etc to build up a healthy immune system. And another reason why so many of our fruits and veggies may not be quite as nutritious/healthy as they may have been in previous generations.
    Perhaps for prevention organic may not be necessary, but considering that I am fighting active cancer, for me, organic may be a better choice.
    Really interesting and makes sense; now I'm off to do more research...

    "Salvestrols are plant derived compounds (phytonutrients) essential for wellbeing that cannot be made in the body and must therefore be supplied through our diet. As a group, these substances are chemically unrelated but nevertheless confer their benefits in a similar manner by reacting with a particular enzyme. This enzyme converts salvestrols into a form that is toxic to malfunctioning cells"

    " The team has now shown that these important substances are produced by plants to protect themselves from pests and disease in a similar way that mammals have evolved to use them. However, the use of many modern fungicides and crop protection chemicals means that plants which are not organically grown will not express high concentrations of salvestrols because they are never exposed to the attacks which cause the plant to produce them at such levels! About 100 years ago it is estimated that we would have consumed about 10 times the amount of salvestrols in our diet as we do now."

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337
    edited March 2017

    and the fruits have been modified for convenience....ever eatern a real orange??many seeds,impossible topeal without a knife, skin tough and the green liquids from the skin very strong and probably very good for you

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337
    edited March 2017

    there's a site rich foods

  • Momine
    Momine Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2017

    Blue Girl, My docs always ask how I am doing with the AI. They are very aware of the side effects and the fact that many women "cheat" because they can't deal with it. At the same time, my main doc told me that it wasn't useful to discuss specific SEs ahead of time, because it varies greatly from patient to patient. He told me to start, and let him know what I encounter. I was DXed at stage 3B. Long-term survival is not great with this DX. So, in my case, the inconvenience of the SEs is worth it.

    So far (5 years in), my main SE is foot pain. It comes and goes and is usually more of an annoyance than an outright pain. It is like arthritis, so moving helps. However, I have given up heels. In general, with all the SEs associated with treatment, I have found exercise to be the #1 antidote. #2 antidote is mindset. You can choose to make SEs the focus of your life or you can choose living your life as the main focus. #3 is diet. Eating a decent, healthy diet high in veggies and fibre, with lots of herbs and spices etc. can help reduce inflammation and just generally promotes well-being and maintaining a healthy weight.

  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited March 2017

    abigail48 " and the fruits have been modified for convenience....ever eatern a real orange??many seeds,impossible topeal without a knife, skin tough and the green liquids from the skin very strong and probably very good for you"

    I look in every store I go into, trying to find those REAL oranges, nope, all I ever see are naval, maybe occasionally tangerines, or mandarin oranges. I think real oranges also have better flavor--would really love to find some. Most fruit from any store is also unripe/hard, and last peaches I bought rotted before they ripened. :(

    Just have to wait for the fresh fruits of summer I guess...

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337
    edited March 2017

    I got the orange I'm talking abou t in jamaica 1965plus/minus may not be there any more either but I expect they're trees still with them at least

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Posts: 337
    edited March 2017

    I was in jamaica several years 1965 to 1970, can't remember which year I got the orange, not the last year I was there, one of the earlier years, never tried to get another, they had only that kind and impossible to managewithout a knife

  • Icietla
    Icietla Posts: 321
    edited March 2017

    Naranjas. Likely from the Chiriqui area. They are oranges, just oranges, and except for being oranges, they are unlike the varieties more familiar to us here in North America. They are fine for fresh-squeezed orange juice, but not nearly as good for that use -- not nearly as juicy and not nearly as sweet -- as Valencia oranges. Yeah, they are different. As far as I know, nobody eats them -- folks just cut them into halves for squeezing. Navel oranges, mandarin oranges, blood oranges, Cara Cara oranges, and tangerines are all great for eating.

  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited March 2017

    Has anyone tried or done any research on salvestrols?

    It makes a lot of sense to me.

  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited March 2017

    When salvestrols come into contact with the CYP1B1 inside human cancer cells, they become "activated"—and cause the cancer cells to stop growing or die.

    Salvestrols are generally lacking in commercially grown and fungus/herbicide/pesticide covered foods; much more abundant in organic fruits and veggies. Perhaps why some people respond better to a whole-food plant based diet--if they use organically grown foods. (Or extreme amounts of organic foods)Also, exposure to environmental chemicals or cig smoke can interfere with salvestrols. Also, foods that are allowed to ripen fully before being picked are much higher in salvestrols, and we all know how very unripe fruits and veggies in the supermarket generally are! And hybrid varieties are engineered to contain less salvestrols (because they can contribute to a bitter/tart flavor).

    Another reason to consider organic foods:

    Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors.

    I think it is important to be eating fresh, whole, naturally grown (organic) foods with the enzymes, etc ('life force') still intact.

  • gardengypsy
    gardengypsy Posts: 499
    edited March 2017


    "Yes" to salvestrols, "no" to BPA (don't even think of touching a cash register receipt!).

  • mapat
    mapat Posts: 31
    edited March 2017


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