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Treating estrogen responsive cancer naturally



  • AngelaJL
    AngelaJL Posts: 26
    edited December 2017

    Scaredashell07, check out this link for naturopaths near you.

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited December 2017

    Thanks so much!

  • frill
    frill Posts: 105
    edited December 2017

    Does anyone have recommendations for the Houston area? My hormone levels are low and I got back to my high school weight during and after treatment, which I hadn't been at for 20 years. I've struggled with weight since puberty so the weight loss is great but also makes me go hmmmm.

    I had been taking supplements, but am not sure of the efficacy or quality of the brands, so I would really like to talk to someone with experience controlling this naturally. My diet has changed drastically, weight is low normal, evidently I went through menopause (or chemopause) with NO symptoms according to my hormone levels. I'd like to talk to a doctor who doesn't think that Tamoxifen and its ilk is the ONLY solution.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Posts: 352
    edited December 2017

    I'll chime in here because I visited a functional MD this week (she specializes in women and hormonal issues, not typically BC per se, but very knowledgeable). We talked a little about estrogen dominance and some other issues, without knowing my situation at this time.

    I'm doing the hormonal urine test you guys were talking about here, plus in-depth bloodwork, + some other urine test. Functional MDs are very thorough but not cheap. And this falls in my out of network insurance, so basically not covered. A naturopath is part of her staff -- and once we have results -- I'll work with her, too. (I already do supplements, have seen an integrative MO.)

    I think MOs not running bloodwork or testing hormone levels is crazy. But I'm in marketing, what do I know? So -- I'm getting it done on my own. I'm not sure how beneficial all of this will be, but I figured, it's good information to have as I enter the phase following active treatment.

    So check out Functional MDs in your area. Larger cities likely the only ones who will have this, however.

    Good luck to all!

  • dtad
    dtad Posts: 771
    edited December 2017

    Hi everyone...IMO not testing our hormones before, during and after anti hormone treatment is a huge gap in our treatment plan. Its great that naturopathic docs do, but they are very expensive. The urine test is very reliable. We need to speak up and ask our MOs to test our hormones. I've said many times before on this forum that most MOs know very little about female hormones. So maybe we need an endocrinologist or gynecologist on our BC team. Good luck to all navigating this complicated disease.

  • marijen
    marijen Posts: 2,181
    edited December 2017

    Nrf2 Activators make your body heal itself from multiple diseases at once. Over 9000 related studies at NCBI PubMed.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Posts: 984
    edited December 2017

    Would someone repost the link to the urine test for hormonal levels?

    I can't seem to find it.


  • marijen
    marijen Posts: 2,181
    edited December 2017

    Antioxidants and cancer prevention - mixed results

  • marijen
    marijen Posts: 2,181
    edited December 2017

    Would anyone like to comment, this is very confusing. I'm rethinking antioxidant supplements...because I saw studies that are negative to antioxidants??

    Can antioxidants speed up cancer progression?

    Antioxidants and cancer prevention - fact sheet

  • marijen
    marijen Posts: 2,181
    edited December 2017
  • JuniperCat
    JuniperCat Posts: 392
    edited December 2017

    marijen, here is a general overview of phytonutrients...

  • marijen
    marijen Posts: 2,181
    edited December 2017

    Nice link Junipercat thanks.

    Is anyone taking CLA supplements?

    Health Benefits of Safflower Oil

    Like many plant oils, safflower oil is nutrient-rich, healthy oil that is rapidly growing in popularity. Made from the safflower plant, safflower has a rich history of use and it's versatility make it one of the most widely used plant oils available to most humans.

    Safflower Basics

    Safflower is a thistle-like annual plant primarily grown in the United States, Mexico, and India. Safflower is one of the oldest crops grown by humans and the oil pressed from safflower seeds is both highly nutritional and loaded with health benefits.

    Because of this, Safflower Oil is highly sought after and it is a viable alternative to traditional cooking oils like coconut oil or olive oil. Let's take a closer look into the benefits of safflower oil:

    The safflower plant is very similar to the sunflower plant and it resembles a thistle that is yellowish-orange. The safflower seeds are extracted and pressed into oil because of the naturally bitter taste of safflower seeds.

    Once safflower seeds are pressed into oil, the oil is either sent to be used in beauty products or as cooking oil. There are two types of cooking oils for safflower oil, which include:

    Polyunsaturated safflower oil: Polyunsaturated oil has a very high concentration of linoleic acid and is commonly used as cold oil, which mostly means it is mixed in salad dressing. Polyunsaturated safflower oil cannot be used as cooking oil because the oil will instantly become rancid.

    Monounsaturated Safflower Oil: Monounsaturated safflower oil is cooking oil that can be used in a deep fryer or to sauté vegetables. This oil has a long shelf like unlike its' counterpart and is the more versatile of the two types of safflower oil.

    Benefits of Safflower Oil

    There's a common debate about what type of plant oil is best to use. Safflower oil and its' cousin sunflower oil have a higher amount of vitamin E than say olive oil or canola oil – but both oils lack Vitamin K. However, safflower oil has the highest concentration of omega-3 and omega-6 compared to any other oil.

    The high nutritional content of safflower oil provides the body with many benefits. While these benefits are only currently being tested right now, there is enough data to make the assumption the claims are true.

    There are many reported benefits of using safflower oil. Some of ways safflower oil can help you include:

    Hair Health

    As we mentioned before, safflower oil contains oleic acid, which has scalp and hair benefits. This micronutrient helps to stimulate hair growth and reduces inflammation in the scalp. It also helps to keep hair shiny and vibrant, which is why oleic acid is used in cosmetic applications. When added to the scalp, safflower oil has been shown to help moisturize and nourish the scalp, helping hair grow faster and healthier. In addition, safflower oil also helps shine and soften hair as well.

    Weight Loss

    Although studies are slightly inconclusive, there is some evidence that safflower oil may help influence weight loss. Safflower oil contains several micronutrients that help to stimulate the body's metabolism to influence the body to burn fat instead of storing it. Some evidence suggests safflower oil may help slightly increase lean muscle mass as well, which will also help with weight loss. Safflower oils contains omega-6 fatty acids that help fight obesity. Omega-6 fatty acids also help balance blood pressure, support immune system response, and control muscle contractions.

    Anti Aging Benefits

    Linoleic acid found in safflower oil combines with sebum to unclog pores and reduce blackheads. It also helps to regenerate new skin cells, which may help clear up your skin and leave you with youthful, glowing skin once more. If applied to the skin, safflower oil also helps to smooth, moisturize, and prevent free radical damage. This is why many of the beauty products found on story shelves contain safflower oil extract due to its' healing and protective qualities.


    Safflower oil may be especially useful for women going through menstruation because linoleic acid helps regulate prostaglandins in the body, which cause hormonal fluctuations during menstruation. It is said that safflower oil may help reduce the severity of PMS and the side effects that go with it.

    Heart Health

    Finally, studies have shown that safflower oil can help to increase HDL cholesterol, lower LDL cholesterol and lower total cholesterol. The omega 6 fatty acids found in safflower oil are responsible for this and may significantly reduce cholesterol levels within a few days of use. Preliminary tests indicate safflower oil can help prevent coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes and it can eliminate high blood pressure and cholesterol problems. Safflower oil also a high amount of Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage and supports blood circulation and the immune system.

    Nutritional Content of Safflower Oil

    The average serving of safflower oil has roughly 120 calories, all of which come from fat. Nearly all of the fat in safflower oil is polyunsaturated fat, which is one of the two "good fats." Since polyunsaturated fats do not thicken when chilled, safflower oil can be used to make salad dressings or other chilled condiments.

    In addition to polyunsaturated fats, safflower oil is rich in vitamin E. In just one tablespoon of safflower oil, there is 4.6mg of vitamin E, which is about 30% of the daily recommended value.

    Safflower oil also contains omega-6 fatty acids, which beneficial to help the brain and heart function properly. There is also oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are micronutrients beneficial for the skin and hair.

    Side Effects of Safflower Oil

    There is really only one concern with safflower oil and that is that safflower oil may slow blood clotting by thinning the blood. Therefore, if you are a person who has issues with blood clotting or are planning on going under the knife for any reason, then safflower oil is not recommended.

    In addition, pregnant or nursing mothers should also avoid using safflower oil as a dietary supplement, although it can be used normally through cooking.

    Final Thoughts On Safflower Oil

    Safflower oil is one of the most beneficial oils you can find on the market. Safflower oil is incredible versatile and it's health benefits are rivaled by none.

    Safflower oil has a rich nutritional value and is loaded with skin, heart, and other health benefits. Safflower oil may be a great alternative to traditional oils like olive oil and coconut oil and it's cheap and readily available. If you've been looking for something new to try, then give safflower oil a shot.

  • marijen
    marijen Posts: 2,181
    edited December 2017

    Antioxidants and breast cancer risk- a population-based case-control study in Canada.

    BMC Cancer. 2011; 11:372 (ISSN: 1471-2407)

    Pan SY; Zhou J; Gibbons L; Morrison H; Wen SW;

    BACKGROUND: The effect of antioxidants on breast cancer is still controversial. Our objective was to assess the association between antioxidants and breast cancer risk in a large population-based case-control study.

    METHODS: The study population included 2,362 cases with pathologically confirmed incident breast cancer (866 premenopausal and 1,496 postmenopausal) and 2,462 controls in Canada. Intakes of antioxidants from diet and from supplementation as well as other potential risk factors for breast cancer were collected by a self-reported questionnaire.

    RESULTS: Compared with subjects with no supplementation, 10 years or longer supplementation of zinc had multivariable-adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of 0.46 (0.25-0.85) for premenopausal women, while supplementation of 10 years or longer of multiple vitamin, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc had multivariable-adjusted ORs (95% CIs) of 0.74 (0.59, 0.92), 0.58 (0.36, 0.95), 0.79 (0.63-0.99), 0.75 (0.58, 0.97), and 0.47 (0.28-0.78), respectively, for postmenopausal women. No significant effect of antioxidants from dietary sources (including beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and zinc) or from supplementation less than 10 years was observed.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that supplementation of zinc in premenopausal women, and supplementation of multiple vitamin, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc in postmenopausal women for 10 or more years may protect women from developing breast cancer. However, we were unable to determine the overall effect of total dose or intake from both diet and supplement.

    Major Subject Heading(s)Minor Subject Heading(s)CAS Registry / EC Numbers
      • PreMedline Identifier: 21864361

      From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

    • GoKale4320
      GoKale4320 Posts: 580
      edited December 2017

      I find the supplementation studies discouraging. There are so many wonderful nutrients available in foods, but I find it impossible to incorporate all of them daily. Also, I find a strict diet of plants and unprocessed foods to get in the way of daily living. When we travel, whether it is a short car trip of several hours for a few days, or a long car or airplane trip for 10 days or more, it is next to impossible to eat clean. And it affects the people with me at home or on a trip. I'm also trying to get adequate sleep, drink enough water, exercise, research recipes and health tips. It's a full-time job. So supplements were a way to fill in the gaps in my daily life as well as when we travel.

      On the other hand, with the information above about food sources of nutrients, I really do need to make some permanent changes to my diet and pretty much adopt a better lifestyle. I also need to get back to my daily flaxseed consumption and daily kale in my lunch. That's do-able unless we go on vacation. A lot of this is do-able on a daily basis until I burn out.

      Currently, I take Calcium with D3 (2400mg of D3)

      Vit C (1000iU) twice a day (2000iU total)


      Fish Oil


      Evening Primrose Oil


      Tummeric with Pepperine

      In January 2017, I was diagnosed with Stage 2A breast cancer, had a lumpectomy and 1/23 lymphnodes affected. I have lymphedema that has to managed for the rest of my life, but hopefully with nothing more than a sleeve and glove (proper diet and exercise, etc). I eat 3 brazil nuts per day for the Selenium that is supposed to help with lymphedema. Also considering taking a Magnolia supplement which is supposed to be an anti-cancer supplement and help with lymphedema.

    • marijen
      marijen Posts: 2,181
      edited December 2017

      Soy foods, cruciferous vegetables may reduce breast cancer treatment's side effects

      December 11, 2017

      Consuming soy foods (such as soy milk, tofu and edamame) and cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbages, kale, collard greens, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli) may be associated with a reduction in common side effects of breast cancer treatment in breast cancer survivors, say a team of scientists led by Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

      In the study, published in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, higher intake of cruciferous vegetables and soy foods were associated with fewer reports of menopausal symptoms. Higher soy intake was also associated with less reported fatigue. The breast cancer survivors studied included 173 non-Hispanic white and 192 Chinese Americans including US-born Chinese and Chinese immigrants.

      Researchers say breast cancer survivors often experience side effects from cancer treatments that can persist months or years after completion of treatment. For example, because many treatments designed to prevent breast cancer recurrence inhibit the body's production or use of estrogen, the hormone that can fuel breast cancer growth, breast cancer patients often experience hot flashes and night sweats, among other side effects.

      The lead author on the study, Sarah Oppeneer Nomura, PhD, of Georgetown Lombardi, said that while further research is needed in larger study populations and with more detailed dietary data, this project addresses an important gap in research on the possible role of lifestyle factors, such as dietary habits, in relation to side effects of treatments.

      "These symptoms can adversely impact survivors' quality of life and can lead them to stopping ongoing treatments, she says. "Understanding the role of life style factors is important because diet can serve as a modifiable target for possibly reducing symptoms among breast cancer survivors."

      When study participants were evaluated separately by race/ethnicity, associations were significant among white breast cancer survivors; however; while a trend was seen in the benefit for Chinese women, results were not statically significant. Researchers explain Chinese women typically report fewer menopausal symptoms. Most of them also consume cruciferous vegetables and soy foods, making it difficult to see a significant effect in this subgroup. Indeed, in this study, Chinese breast cancer survivors ate more than twice as much soy and cruciferous vegetables.

      Whether the reduction in symptoms accounts for longtime use of soy and cruciferous vegetables needs further investigation, says the study's senior author, Judy Huei-yu Wang, PhD, of Georgetown Lombardi's Cancer Prevention and Control Program.

      Results obtained in preclinical studies in animals show that biologically active compounds present in both soy and cruciferous vegetables cause breast cancer cells to grow, but have opposite effects in animals that consume these compounds well before cancer is diagnosed and continue consuming them during and after cancer treatments.

      Until more research is conducted, breast cancer patients should not suddenly start eating soy, if they have not consumed it before, says Leena Hilakivi-Clarke, PhD, a professor of oncology at Georgetown Lombardi and a co-author of the study.

      Researchers also found suggestive associations with lower reporting of other symptoms, including joint problems, hair thinning/loss and memory less in women who consumed more soy foods, but these associations did not reach statistical significance.

      Phytochemicals, or bioactive food components, such as isoflavones in soy foods and glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables may be the source of the benefit, researchers say. Isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors and exert weak estrogenic effects, among other effects. Glucosinolates in cruciferous vegetables influence levels of metabolizing enzymes that can modulate inflammation and levels of estrogen, possibly attenuating treatment-related symptoms.

    • marciam
      marciam Posts: 84
      edited December 2017

      Dear Ladies;

      thank you for this long and well researched post. Fro my own experience, I have taken Indol 3 carbinol recommended by a neurologist when he put me on Estrogen which then caused my BC. I have epilepsy, due to low estrogen. the Indol 3 carbinol did nothing to protect my breast from stage 3-4 cancer because of the Estradiol. its the Estradoil that you should ak you dr. to test. that will tell yo u if any of these compounds are truly blocking armotatase. No exceptions , if your estradiaol is high its isnt working.

      Iam discouraged because I have severe bone loss want to go off my AI after 6-7 years. I am cancer free my bones in danger of breaking. I used all the a compounds naturally and Iam not sure what else to try. I have naturally low estrogen. My AI makes my seizures worse too. So I am in a double bind here. I'm thinking maybe passionflower a known AI , that also helps epilepsy. am also wanting to get rid of my SE with the epilepsy drug which is a horrible rash wit h sores all over my body.

      I used Flax seed oil for about a year because it ended my seizures. its power but I cannot have it it increased my Estradiol levels and yet cured by seizures. I had to quit, recommended my oncologist, and I had a recurrence a brain tumor. that is now gone almsot 6 years out. I beleive in both forms of treatment, Alternatives and conventional.

      I use a table spoon of flax seed a week. Any other suggestions are welcomed,

      Happy New year withing you all the best of health,


    • marijen
      marijen Posts: 2,181
      edited January 2018

      Who knew Biotin, Vitamin B-7 balances blood sugar? And a lot more:

    • coachvicky
      coachvicky Posts: 984
      edited January 2018

      Thanks for the biotin article. I didn't know.

      Coach Vicky

    • MamaOz
      MamaOz Posts: 239
      edited January 2018

      Ruby.. not sure if you still check the forum. But I would be very appreciative to see how you are doing!!


    • blueshine
      blueshine Posts: 247
      edited January 2018

      Canabisoil. You can recerch it. Very promissing

    • SandraSummers
      SandraSummers Posts: 9
      edited January 2018

      Anyone know of a good natural path in Austin area?

    • trhbfc2017
      trhbfc2017 Posts: 18
      edited January 2018

      Hello All,

      I don't even know if I actually can formulate a question as much as I am just venting a little anxiety. I decided against taking any aromatase inhibitors. I have drastically changed my diet and may eat about 40 grams of sugar a day at the most. We buy or make most things without sugar. I have lost a good amount of weight/body fat and still working on that by hitting the gym 2 - 3 times a week. Taking my vitamins, using essential oils. 

      I was negative for the gene, my DCIS was ER PR positive and I have not had a period for 7 months so within menopause. I didn't need radiation/chemo and opted for a unilateral mastectomy. My right breast has been clear of any calcifications. I had been taking progesterone for 3 years leading up to this for birth control as neither my husband or I ever had any surgeries. 

      I just had a long talk with a woman who wanted to discuss the DIEP flap surgery as she is on her second run of DCIS after a lumpectomy, a series of radiation and AI drugs for 6 years. So the drugs did absolutely nothing for her. But there are so many people that I know that did take the drug and withstood the side effects. 

      I usually feel that I am making the right decision but every now and then I feel uneasy about it. I guess I hope to hear from any of you the reasons you said no to the drugs, why and are you glad? (guess I found my question after all)

      Thank you,


    • HoneyBeaw
      HoneyBeaw Posts: 150
      edited January 2018

      Hi Ladies

      Who here has used Hemp oils and have you found them to help with pain, sleep, anixity. I have heard good things from friends but no one that has had beast known as BC.

      What other herbs or oils have any of you used that you have found to help .


    • coachvicky
      coachvicky Posts: 984
      edited January 2018


      I believe your venting question is the dilemma all of us have at some point. What is enough? What are the consequences of our choices?

      My DH and I left all the "oncology groups" in North Alabama and saw an Oncologist at Florida Cancer Specialists in Tampa, FL. He had no connections to anyone in our home town. I asked the questions:

      Would you have done the same treatment I chose?

      Would you have done anything else?

      What is next?

      Finally, have I done enough?

      I never understood how I could be HER2 negative in some tissue and then borderline positive to positive in other tissues. He shared that the year of Herceptin was what he would have recommended to ensure the HER2 fueling my cancers was eliminated as much as possible. BTW, I had multiple & difference cancers in both breasts.

      The second opinion Oncologist really helped me stopped questioning what I elected to do. I elected to have a robotic hysterectomy under the advice of my Gynecologist. My thought was this surgery would be easier than debating chemo drugs if the cancers attacked my reproductive organs. My Oncologist thought it unnecessary but did agree for me to have the surgery. I believe my Oncologist only sees "Cancer Vicky" whereas my Gynecologist sees all of me over a decade relationship. The second opinion Oncologist said the he always recommends to his BC patients to at least "have a conversation" with their Gynecologist about a hysterectomy.

      Maybe a second opinion would help you also.


    • Momine
      Momine Posts: 2,845
      edited January 2018

      trhp, the added protection you would get from an AI is miniscule, because your risk is so tiny to begin with. If I were you, I would continue with the exercise, because it will keep you fit and healthy and may help keep any further trouble away. Other than that, I would try to stop worrying and go on with life.

    • marijen
      marijen Posts: 2,181
      edited February 2018

      More at

      Nutrition: Problems Associated With Dairy Products

      If you are currently battling breast cancer and enjoy eating dairy products, you will need to read this newsletter very carefully.

      I first learned of the problems with dairy when I was going through breast cancer in 2004. I picked up a book titled "Your Life In Your Hands" by Prof Jane Plant, a British geochemist who had recurrent breast cancer. Prof Plant fought breast cancer six different times, and she noticed that when she stopped eating dairy products (and meat) her cancer tumors would shrink and disappear.

      Prof Plant did also use allopathic medicine to help herself heal, she chose to have (at various times) a mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and irradiation of her ovaries to induce menopause.

      Convinced that her diet was one of the things that helped her the most, Prof Plant devised The Plant Programme, which is a dairy-free way of eating, similar to the traditional diet in rural China which has a relatively low incidence of breast cancer.

      Prof Plant's breast cancer did recur in 2011, and she believes that there were several reasons it did. She had slipped off her strict diet, and she was under a lot of stress writing a new academic book. So she went back on her strict diet, incorporated more exercise into her routine, and began meditation. She also took tamoxifen. Sadly, Prof Plant is no longer with us but she didn't, apparently, die from breast cancer. She died in 2016 from a blood clot, a possible side effect of the tamoxifen.

      Prof Plant also co-wrote a book, "Beat Cancer", in which she shared how to reduce cancer risk and recurrence employing such things as eating more plant-based foods, less red meat, salt, sugar and fat, going organic, using complementary therapies, as well as having regular exercise and reducing stress. Her more radical message is that a healthy anti-cancer diet should totally exclude dairy products. That means NO milk, cheese, butter or yoghurt. For her, this successfully stopped the disease in its tracks.

      So what is the problem with dairy products? There are quite a few.

      Cow's milk, whether organic or conventional, has been shown to contain 35 different hormones and 11 growth factors. It is particularly rich in bovine estrogens and for anyone with estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer, would best be avoided.

      Here's more information for you about what cow's milk contains:

      1. Growth Factors - IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) is strongly linked to the development of many cancers including breast cancer. IGF-1 is known to enhance the transformation of normal breast tissue into cancerous breast tissue, it is involved with the abnormal growth of human breast cancer cells ( a process known as proliferation) and it acts to prevent apoptosis of cancer cells (programmed cellular self-destruction). IGF-1 is also suspected to be involved in metastasis, the spread of cancer to other parts of the body [1].

      2. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), another growth factor found in cow's milk, which has been implicated in cancer spread through the development of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. VEGF is found in the udders of cows with mastitis, the most common disease of all cows in Britain and the USA and is the main reason dairy cattle are routinely given antibiotics. A 2000 study indicated "Patients with early stage breast cancer who have tumors with elevated levels of VEGF have a higher likelihood of recurrence or death than patients with low-angiogenic tumors, even if treated with conventional adjuvant therapy." [2]. A 2014 study, referencing the fact that breast cancer often spreads to the lungs, discovered that VEGF induced the production of prostaglandin E2 (more on prostaglandins below, associated with inflammation) in the lungs of mice, which researchers felt might be responsible for creating the micro-environment necessary for lung metastases to occur [3].

      3. Growth Hormones - In the USA, dairy cows are injected with rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) to boost their milk production. Monsanto developed rBGH from genetically engineered E. coli bacteria, it is the biggest selling dairy animal drug in America. But it is banned in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and in the European Union because of the dangers it poses to the cows. When cows are injected with rGBH they secrete 20 times more IGF-1 and it is excreted in their milk. The process of pasteurization doesn't solve the problem, it appears to make it worse [4], [5]. While organic milk is free from rBGH it does still contain IGF-1.

      4. Pesticides - Cattle raised on non-organic farms have high levels of pesticides in their bodies and in their milk, the presence of which has been proven to increase the incidence of various types of cancer.

      5. Antibiotics - Dairy cattle raised on conventional farms (non-organic farms) are routinely given antibiotics. The latest information we have is that it is standard practice that cattle given antibiotics are sequestered away from other animals and not milked until long after the antibiotics have left their system. That is - if the dairy farmer is doing what he/she is supposed to be doing. A 2007 study suggested that the incidence of breast cancer was higher for those who had taken more antibiotics [6]. Although the study did not investigate the correlation between eating dairy products and breast cancer risk, we do know that antibiotic over-use causes grave problems for a person's immune system and healthy gut flora.

      6. Casein - The main protein in cows' milk, casein is considered to be dangerous. One US nutritional scientist, Prof Colin Campbell at Cornell University, argues that it should be regarded as a leading human carcinogen. Way back in 1979, researchers knew about the problem with casein, they observed that about 50% of breast tumors analyzed contained casein, and that those whose tumors had a higher casein content, in general, had a poorer survival rate than the group as a whole [7]. In addition, casein is known to be a problem for those with prostate cancer; 2014 research indicated that casein promoted the proliferation (growth) of prostate cancer cells [8].

      7. Prostaglandins - A group of compounds with hormone-like effects, prostaglandins are involved with biological processes such as inflammation, blood flow, formation of blood clots and even induction of labor in pregnant women. Prostaglandins are derived from arachidonic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body. When dairy products are consumed, they are known to increase the body's inflammation responses and when you have breast cancer - or any other inflammatory condition - this is not a good thing. A 2014 study discovered that high levels of prostaglandins were associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer among normal weight, postmenopausal women [9].

      Lastly, a 2013 study [10] has reported that breast cancer patients who regularly eat high-fat dairy products appear to have a higher risk of recurrence than those who do not. The study included almost 1,900 women enrolled in the Life After Cancer Epidemiology study. Participants, diagnosed with early-stage invasive breast cancer between 1997 and 2000, completed a food frequency questionnaire after diagnosis and were followed for nearly 12 years. The authors discovered that women consuming at least half a serving of high-fat dairy per day were found to have somewhat higher breast cancer mortality than those who consumed less. Women who consumed at least one serving of high-fat dairy per day were found to have 1.5 times the risk of those consuming less than half a serving. The authors concluded that intake of high-fat dairy, but not low-fat dairy, was related to a higher risk of mortality after a breast cancer diagnosis.

      I used to believe that if we really wanted dairy products, eating a small amount of organic dairy was okay. I don't think that anymore. I think it's clear that cow's milk is better for calves, not humans.

      Better substitutes would be organic almond milk, organic coconut milk, organic rice milk, or a combination of these.

      I'm sorry if this information depresses you, but I thought you should know!

      1. Does Growth Hormone Cause Cancer?
      2. Prognostic Value of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Breast Cancer –
      3. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Plays a Critical Role in the Formation of the Pre-metastatic Niche via Prostaglandin E2 –
      4. Unlabeled Milk from Cows Treated with Biosynthetic Growth Hormones: a Case of Regulatory Abdication –
      5. What's In Your Milk, book by Dr Samuel Epstein
      6. Risk Of Breast Cancer In Relation To Antibiotic Use –;jsessionid=245EEC45E8CE27D993BC1365E928275D.f03t04
      7. The Identification of 'Casein' in Human Breast Cancer –
      8. A Milk Protein, Casein, as a Proliferation Promoting Factor in Prostate Cancer Cells –
      9. Urinary Prostaglandin E2 Metabolite and Breast Cancer Risk –
      10. High- and Low-Fat Dairy Intake, Recurrence, and Mortality After Breast Cancer Diagnosis –

    • marijen
      marijen Posts: 2,181
      edited February 2018

      IGF and Breast Cancer

      Specific protein plays key role in the spread of breast cancer

    • Momine
      Momine Posts: 2,845
      edited February 2018

      Thing is, we still don't know enough about this. Jane Plant may have been trained as a scientist, but she was not a medical doctor or a bio-chemist. The scientific findings concerning dairy and breast cancer are mixed. Most of the stuff I have seen has been in the form of correlation studies, which seem to suggest that high-fat dairy is detrimental, but that fermented dairy may be a good thing. Then there are things like this:

    • Amelia01
      Amelia01 Posts: 178
      edited February 2018

      Yeah, can't give too much credence to someone who is giving advice yet had 6 reoccurrence.

      If anything is to be said about dairy and whether or not it is a factor in breast cancer or even just beneficial is just thinking about the bottomline concept of "forced lactation" - take it as it is and a bit of logic as to what it probably contains (estrogen, igf etc) add in that nature intended cow milk for baby cows and end of argument right there.

      For those who can't live without cheese there is an option,

      I was following a Weston Price diet prior to dx, full fat yogurt, more proteins than carbs. Who knows of any impact. I also cultured my own kefir for a few years and would drink a small juice glass per day. But all of my milk consumption was European organic milk and more likely the A2 cows.

      I must be an anomaly for the poster child, in addition to my low bmi, I breastfed for 4 years. Oddly enough, my son's favorite boob was the infected one, and if this tumor had been around for the 6-8 years that the drs believe it was, he was slurping off it for a few. Hope it doesn't have any effect on him!

      We can discuss the carrageenan and other additives in package milk substitutes. Probably best to stay away from those too.

      Everything points back to only being able to eat broccoli and kale ---

    • MamaFelice
      MamaFelice Posts: 165
      edited February 2018

      Thanks for sharing great article marjen on IGF and BC

      I followed Valter Longo's fasting template while receiving chemo because it has shown to lower IGF levels by 50%....and the benefit of doing such while receiving chemo. This article aboveis a good general explanation of his work and studies, but you can google all the actual onco logical studies that have been done to study his work.

      I just finished my final chemo and will continue to make changed to lower my IGF with intermittent fasting, and dietary suggestions. I have seen conflicting articles regarding vitamin d and IGF production. Have you all seen anything worthy that correlates the two? My integrative doc wants my Vit D very high... need to discuss how that affects IGF.

      Thank you all for your open mindedness and desire to learn more about how we can help take charge of our health!


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