Any avid horseback riders out there?



  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    an update on my boy... He is much better! He lost a lot of weight--which was needed. I didn't even realize how big he had gotten. He looks amazing and feels great. Actually moving better than he has in a couple years. I kept him off grass and feed for 5 weeks. I slowly introduced him back to grass, a couple hours grazing, and the. Put a muzzle on him the rest of the time. I thought that would be ok, but then decided I should probably check with my vet to see and she said no, leave the muzzle on 24/7! I have. But he is just so grumpy now :( she said wait until summer. What do y'all think? 

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    Kjones13, how is he going to eat if he has the muzzle on 24/7?

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    it's a grazing muzzle so it has a hole in the bottom for him to eat but definitely limits his intake.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    I see--since he can eat, I would do as the vet suggested...better to err on the side of caution.  

    my sleep meds are kicking in so I'm going to sign off.

    Did he have founder?  I read some of your earlier posts and it sounded like me may have.  He's a great looking horse.


  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    yes he did. Glad it didn't result in any major damage though!

    Sleep well friend!

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited June 2014

    We use a muzzle on our Granddaughters pony 24/7 while on pasture.  It works pretty well and pony adjusted to it quickly. He gets way too plump otherwise.

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited June 2014

    Our baby girl is off to the trainers this Saturday.  Long over due as she just turned five.  She was supposed to go last year however I was diagnosed with the beast last fall so she stayed home. Can't think of a better present to myself for finishing treatment then to have her trained and ride her this fall on some trails.  She is as stubborn as she is pretty so the trainer will have her work cut out for herimage


  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited June 2014

    This is Amaya all grown up at age five.



  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    Beautiful!  Just to make a positive out of starting her at 5--she is more developed physically and mentally.  I think horses are started much too early but I am in the minority. Bridle Horses are started much later.  What is her breeding? 

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited June 2014

    Hey Ladies!! Good to hear from y'all!! 

    Kjones, sooo glad your horse is on the mend.  The muzzle is good, this spring grass is not good for founder. The horses just don't know when to quit eating!!!

    Northwinds, pretty mare!! She will be fun to ride.  I just sent three 2 year olds to trainers. Two were really big and mature so I felt they would be fine but I had a little mare that was LITTLE. The trainer kept telling me I needed to get her started.  Cutters think it is a sin if their horses aren't cutting by 3 (their futurity year).  I called him yesterday and  told him I wanted to pick her up after he got her broke and hold off on the rest.  I would rather have a 4 yo to cut on than a 3 yo cripple. 

    I have been missing Big Boy. Haven't looked for new show horse but a friend called me last week and said he had the perfect horse. He is showing him in July and is selling out. I tentatively spoke for him.. I am having Diep surgery in August so I am sure that will shut my riding down until the first of the new year but I will be ready to roll when the docs turn me loose!!

    Got to go ride! Got granddaughter who are impatient.  Best to you all!!!

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    beautiful mare!

    Jlow51--I never told you how sorry I am about big boy. I'm sure that was beyond heart breaking. Sounds like your granddaughters keep you busy! Keep us updated on potential new cutter.

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited June 2014

    She is out of my Sonny Dee Bar mare and a Morab stallion that goes back to Bask and Alladin.  I received a lot of grief over breeding my mare to a morab.   My first horse was a Arabian and I love the breed however always feel to big on them.  A trainer we knew had this very versatile Morab and I just loved his foals.   We are very happy with her.  She has the looks, structure and brains that can take her in any direction we might decide to go.  And at fifteen hands with a sturdy build she can  carry me all day and I won't feel bad.

    She has been handled daily, ponied along on rides and trailered to new places for exposure.  I have sat on her since she was three.  Just dont want to rush her. She is my heart and soul and hopefully my mount for the next twenty years.

    Jlow51, sorry to hear about the loss of your Big Boy.  It is so hard to lose them.  We lost my husbands first horse in a freak accident when he was young yet.  I still tear up thinking about him.  

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    Northwinds, nice breeding.  I don't  know the arabs but sure do know Sonny Dee Bar and love the temperaments of the morgans....the older, way back morgans.  How fun to look forward to having her back home.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    hey you guys, I was in a show on Sunday  (schooling) riding my friend's horse, Mikey.  He is a Belgian Draft/mustang cross, a wonderful horse and I get to show him at our next 2 shows.  I won high point rider, which I just found out about today.  Pretty good since I haven't ridden him since last summer and didn't get to warm up, but then Mikey is pretty cool...We also took a first in Cowboy Dressage which I feel so good about.  His owner, Rich, rode him in trail and also won.  Rich has said he would never, never ride in a show (he is a big roper--ranch roping not that shoot out of the box roping) but he did.  His wife Linda was my Show Mom.  My riding interests are now ranch horse and cowboy dressage.  Just wanted to share...I'm so grateful horses are still in my life.


  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited June 2014

    Great pic, Cowgirl 13!!!

    It is fun to see all the different disciplines in which we participate. I have always only been involved in western events but love a fine horse no matter what he is doing!! They tug at my heart!!! Of course, my husband says I have never seen ANY horse that doesn't tug at my heart!!! 

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    he's looking much better! Even for an old guy 


  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    He looks fantastic!

  • northwindsgs
    northwindsgs Posts: 41
    edited June 2014

    Need a "like" button! 

    Cowgirl13, I love palominos!  What a handsome guy.  You look great on him!

    KJones, that is the same muzzle we use On our pony.  He looks good!  I have a special place for the old timers in my heart.

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    I took the muzzle off yesterday and he had somehow made the hole bigger!!! Any natural remedies for rain rot?

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Posts: 793
    edited June 2014

    Kjones, congratulations on being able to leave the muzzle on!   Re: rain rot, I have heard wonderful things about Equine Elite...apparently it really works.  Good luck and enjoy the weekend!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited June 2014

    Hey ladies!!! Hope you are  having a great  summer!!! Kjones, wash in betadine soap or shampoo and keep covered with A&D Ointment or other diaper rash cream. 

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited June 2014

    thanks ladies!!

  • cp418
    cp418 Posts: 359
    edited June 2014

    Kjones - do some GOOGLE for horses with rain rot and treatment as Tea Tree oil.  I recall various Tea Tree products used to treat this problem.



  • chele
    chele Posts: 132
    edited July 2014

    I used Listerine on rain rot, worked well.

    Glad to see your horse doing so well kjones!

    Well, my show was a bust.  I started having symptoms of progressioin.  Turns out brain mets were affecting my balance, while my spinal mets were running rampant and causing too much pain in my lower back to tolerate the impact of ridiing.  Radiation seems to be working well so hopefully I will be back in the saddle soon.

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited July 2014

    Chele, so sorry progression has sidelined you for a short while but I am so glad radiation is working!!!

    Looking forward to good reports of many horseshows ahead!!!!

  • chele
    chele Posts: 132
    edited July 2014
    Thanks jlow! Just another bump in the road, no big deal. I'll be working on getting Blue and I fit enough to do a two day ride in September! Really looking forward to it.
  • kjones13
    kjones13 Posts: 662
    edited July 2014

    chele--sorry for the progression. Hope you get those things kicked to the curb! You have things to do, horses to ride ;)

  • TnWalker57
    TnWalker57 Posts: 1
    edited July 2014


    I am just recently diagnosed, still waiting on all of the medical terminology and then all of the decisions will be made. However, I have been trying to get information so that I am informed and I ran across this site and then this post!! I ride a Tennessee Walker, trail riding and horse camping. It's my safe place and my sanity. I'm concerned that after my surgeries, that I won't be able to continue doing what I love to do. I was happy to see that it might still be very possible for me to ride. My journey is just beginning but you have given me hope.

  • chele
    chele Posts: 132
    edited July 2014

    Hi TriWalker, nice to meet you!  I think your horse will be your salvation, at least mine has been!

  • jlow51
    jlow51 Posts: 76
    edited July 2014

    TnWalker, sorry you have to join us but glad you found us. This entire site is a wealth of information!! Oh, yes! You will ride again. Thinking of riding and competition has given me a goal and hope! Our horses give us such comfort and lend us strength to endure. Plan your next will happen soon!!! 


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