2013 Survivors!!!



  • aruba
    aruba Posts: 276
    edited February 2017

    So happy to read this great news Ireland! I think we have all been though enough in the scared arena! Hoping everyone is doing well.

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited February 2017

    Ireland...Glad to here all is well.......Cheers to a great year!

  • ireland20
    ireland20 Posts: 175
    edited February 2017

    Thanks for all prayers and good thoughts everyone. It is such a comfort to come on here and know you are all here. Love you all loads. Xxx

  • websister
    websister Posts: 405
    edited February 2017

    Wonderful news, Ireland - must be such a relief for you!

    Re: tamoxifen changeover to Aromasin - bleeding - it sounds plausible A glad you are following up with your GP.

  • ireland20
    ireland20 Posts: 175
    edited March 2017

    Well went to drs....now waiting on biopsy results for womb!!!!...as a result of medication for bc!!!....Joy💀

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Posts: 517
    edited March 2017

    Hi Ireland... I'm sorry to hear you are back in waiting mode. It just never seems to end!

    Aruba how are you doing??? how is your time in FL? Must be just about up, no?

    Sorry I haven't been around. I've been reading, but then get too busy to write. I lost my job in September. That bitch I was working for fired me for insubordination when I pushed back and went to HR and reported a hostile work environment. No matter - I found a wonderful new job in November, started in December for a company that's been in the fortune 500 top companies to work for for the last 5 years; and it really is. and I get to WROK FROM HOME almost every day. I go into NYC every couple of weeks for the day, but when I do they pay all my expenses. I'm really happy here. And I got a raise in the process. God is good.

    XOXO ladies....

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited March 2017

    ThumbsUpCongrats Juneau.......

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Posts: 263
    edited March 2017

    Great news, Juneau! New job sounds perfect. :)

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited March 2017

    Hi girlfriends! Been a while since I've posted. Joanne are you having fun in Fla? (As if I needed to ask?)

    Congratulations Juneau! Your new job sounds like heaven! Your stress level must be way down, too!

    Ireland, I think I had three biopsies for bleeding on Tamo. I've been on Anastrazole (Aramidex) and a monthly injection of Zoladex for 7 months now. I had a checkup with my Onc today. I'm so happy to be off Tamoxifen I can't even tell you all. I feel so much better!! The only thing is.....I have a cataract in my right eye. My eyesight went down 2.0 whole points(?) from a year ago. Got new glasses and contacts a month ago and I feel like this prescription is already no good. My optometrist said it was from radiation treatment. My Onc says no, maybe from anti estrogen med? Why do I have to have these weird ass side effects? How do I know if I should stay on the same meds if I don't know which ones are causing it? Should I just have my ovaries removed so I can go off the Zoladex at least? I'll need to stay on these for two more years because I took so many breaks from Tamoxifen. I really thought I had it made when we switched. And I was so paranoid about joint pain. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! Thanks for letting me vent. At least daylight savings is back and we have an extra hour of daylight...wooohoooo!

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Posts: 345
    edited March 2017

    Sweegi - I feel you! I had both eyes done in 2015. My dr said it's from treatment. High doses of steroids and the tamoxifen. Took a while for my eyes to settle in but I think they're good now. The surgery was a piece of cake compared to what we've been through. Good luck!

  • SwgeeWi
    SwgeeWi Posts: 199
    edited March 2017

    You're right Karen! It'll be a walk in the park, ha! Thanks for letting me see the " glass half full" view. Pun not intended. I feel like such a whiner and a cynic these days. It's good to think positively. It's good to think positively. It's good to think positively

  • ireland20
    ireland20 Posts: 175
    edited March 2017

    Hiyi ladies, latest update on my never ending saga.......biopsy clear and a massive polyp the cause of my bleeding now removed!!!! Polyps are apparantly a side effect of tamoxifen and armidex!!! Who knew!! I am now back to my positive mindset...Happy Monday everyone.x

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited March 2017

    Ireland-I had a polyp removed too, it was benign and yes caused by Tamoxifen!!!

    Glad you are well...

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Posts: 714
    edited March 2017

    Ireland glad things are good.

    swgeeWi no one can answer anything directly. My dentist is convinced my teeth problems are from radiation but Oncologist says no and basically it is age. I can see it being both combined. Maybe the same with your eyes. There has to be a connection

    Having a great time in Florida. Enjoyed the beach at Boca Grande on Tuesday. Another 9 days left. I am liking this retirement thing.image

  • websister
    websister Posts: 405
    edited April 2017

    Ireland, glad results were good and polyp gone.

    Nice to see so,e activity here, I haven't been checking as regularly as I once was.

    Juneau - sounds like your new job is great for you, I'm glad you found it.

    Joanne - that beach and you look wonderful!

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Posts: 263
    edited April 2017

    Happy Easter to all! Hope everyone is doing well.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Posts: 517
    edited May 2017

    hi all!!! I've had ongoing eye problems since my chemo/Tamoxifen. Gift that keeps on giving, right??

    In Wilmington, NC visiting the MIL AND SIL. I can work from anywhere !!!! It's so great!!! Sending you al Love. I have plans for dinner with Ramols on the 22nd. I'll be sure to post a photo

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Posts: 540
    edited May 2017

    great to hear from you!

    Still in Laughlin and love being retired.

    May 1st I took my last arimidex. Hooray.

    I understand eye problems! I've also had my gall bladder removed and my appendix burst in February. Don't know if I can blame arimidex ...

    Other than unexpected surgeries I'm feeling great. Actually lost 10 without the beast. We actually bought a new treadmill when we moved but it's already in the garage.

    I will be looking forward to your photo with Ramols!

    Hugs to all! Can we say the five years went by quickly

  • KarenZ0305
    KarenZ0305 Posts: 345
    edited May 2017

    had my cataracts done 2 years ago. Yay tamoxifen!

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Posts: 645
    edited May 2017

    I am also a 2013 survivor. Has your MO's said if they want you to go for 10 years on the meds?

    I was on Tamoxifen from Sept 13 to April 16- I was put into surgical menopause. March 2015, after my ovaries grew to the size of baseballs.

    I bucked being taken off Tamoxifen as I was having minimal side effects. Dr told me an Ai was better for post-menaupasal women, and gave me a percentage of how much better it would help me. I wish I could remember that number...

    I was put on Arimidex in April 2016. and side effects kicked in full blast , in July 2016,while on my dream vacation to Alaska. I did not get to do or see half what I wanted to as my bones ached so badly and my ankles and feet swelled larger than I ever seen them. I was so upset!!

    I gave myself a 2 month break( MO said two weeks, he did not feel Armidex would cause the pains after I had already been on it for a few months when it happend ) but side effects did not go away in 2 weeks, but by 2 months I felt soooo good.

    I was then started on Letrozole end of Sept 2016 and have had minimum side effects or so I thought, I had a dexa scan April 2017- After being on Zometa(trial saying it will help prevent cancer from returning in bones) and my dexa shows my bones are thinning, Still in normal category but thinner after only 10 months on an Ai and being in menopause. My cholesterol has also increased a whole lot- went from fine to high in a year.

    My new MO was gone so I had a MO NP who told me my GP could treat my cholesterol with a statin and I could try a heart healthy diet, I was also told that when my bones got to the state of Osteoporosis I could try a drug to counter that. UMMMMM!!!! My GP told me that a heart healthy diet is not going to help me if it is being caused by Letrozole.

    I e-mailed my new MO and asked her what I should do. she told me if I wanted to go back on Tamoxifen I could, it was up to me. No explanation. No lets test you again in a year, nothing. I am soooo frustrated!!

    I have been having ear ringing since about Dec 2016- I went to an ENT he told me to go off Lertrozole for 2 weeks- it has not helped- so he suggested I do a brain MRI in case the cancer has spread- I contacted my MO she left an e-mail stating that they do not do an MRI when a person is dx with early stage breast cancer but if my ENT wished to test me it was up to him,, HELLOOOO shouldn't my MO be involved in this if I am now presenting with problems? Why leave that to an ENT or at least she could review my past blood work and say she feels I am doing ok. no.. Just an e-mail with what appeared almost a mad response.

    After all this time have you had problems with your meds? Do you seem to think the doctors kind of feel. treatment is over. here is a drug. now go away?

    Thanks for letting me rant....

  • AryaS
    AryaS Posts: 15
    edited May 2017

    Hi all. I had a benign uterin polyp removed too in Summer of 2015. Result of eight months Tamoxifen back in 2014. I am still trucking along and trying to stay on Aromasin. These AI's are really challenging.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Posts: 517
    edited May 2017

    my onco says 10yrs. I'm not going to switch off tamoxifen when I go through menopause. No way. Too may REALLY bad se's on AIs. I went off tamoxifen for about a year after 3 years. Been back on since October. Hot flashes are brutal, but gabapentin helps with those.

  • loral
    loral Posts: 818
    edited May 2017

    My Dr. says 10 years on Tamoxifen too....I'm not switching either...I had a endometrial polyp, benign...now possibly another...

    Make sure to have your yearly Trans-vaginal ultrasounds ladies!!!!Winking

  • iatigger
    iatigger Posts: 269
    edited May 2017

    Hi All, Haven't been on our site in a long time, just busy with life I guess. Funny to come on here and read your last post Loral. I just had a transvag last week because of spotting. Definite thickening of the uterus and couple of polyps. Still waiting on the biopsy. Contacted my oncologist and told her I wasn't comfortable with being on Tamox any longer because of this, so I am off until I go see her in June. She has been talking about switching drugs when I am officially menopause but it hasn't been a year yet. Will be nice to see if I lose that Tamoxifen "not normal" feeling I have had for the last 4 1/2 yrs and hopefully the flashes.

    So happy the warm weather is finally here. Starting to get out camping and enjoying everything.

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Posts: 645
    edited May 2017

    hi, does gabapentin cause you to be sleepy? I was on aeffexor for hot flashes but it made me so sleepy

  • PaEaglesFan
    PaEaglesFan Posts: 57
    edited May 2017

    aaaah ladies. So good to see some are still here and we all seem to be going thru new stages in life. I'm scheduled to have a hysterectomy in July. Apparent,y when you hit 50 your uterus falls out. At the advice of the GYN MO AND the BS, I will have the ovaries taken out too. I've been worried about the effects of the surgical menopause, but because of PMDD, migraines and low back spasms all centered around "that time" I'm looking forward to it now. Not sure I want to stay on anymore inhibitors for another 5 years tho.

    Be happy, be well!

  • DeltaLady
    DeltaLady Posts: 17
    edited May 2017

    Have you had any side effects with Gabapentin? I am ready to throw in the towel with the hot flushes, not to mention the painful joints, muscles, cramps, insomnia and so on. I see the Doc. in a couple of weeks and will ask for either Effexor or Gaba, whichever causes the fewest badeffects and helps with the flushes.

  • DeltaLady
    DeltaLady Posts: 17
    edited May 2017

    PaEagles fan,

    I had a hyst and ovaries removed when I was 55. On hormones until the cancer diagnosis. Was taken off the estrogen patch cold turkey and thought I was losing my mind. My Doctor survived, lucky for him, but he did blush when I said he could have warned me, or made it a gradual withdrawal.

    I think, as someone else posted, that they really don't believe us when we talk about theses side effects. But if you lopped off a guy's hormones and put him on blockers, what do you think would happen?

    Here in Canada I read recently about a great new drug for hot flushes, but it's not going to be on the market for a number of years yet. Too bad. It had something like an 80% effectiveness rate and few to no side effects. I have the name written down omewhere but can't remember where!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Posts: 1,156
    edited May 2017

    Believe, please keep us posted on how it goes as you progress off Anastrozole. I will stop next March as 5 years. But I did just finish my last Nepal trek, same one that I did a few weeks pre diagnosis July 2012. Way harder as my heart rate goes so on. Any uphill and Mustang is high altitude with many passes over 4000 meters

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Posts: 1,156
    edited May 2017

    Forgot to say also that I developed my first ever LE flying the first leg Vancouver to Shanghai. Sleeve on but hand swollen like a balloon. That resolved fast but upper arm still big and lots of tingling in my hand. I see my RMT who specializes in BC when I get home next week