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2013 Survivors!!!



  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited January 2016

    Thank you Websister. I lost my mom when I was 15 so I know too how hard it was to lose a parent at such a young age like you did your dad. The tough part about losing my husband now is that he was my best friend; we did everything together - After almost 40 years I can honestly say I don't even know what I want or like to do or even what I enjoy watching on tv-I never realized the continual interaction we had. When we weren't together we were on the cell phones. When I am out somewhere now, I think how weird it is that no one knows where I am or if I even get home. Hopefully I will be able to find another new normal. The craziest thing happened this week though. I have been going to a weekly grief group and although there have been people there who I can feel their pain who have lost adult children, friends, etc there has been no one I could really relate to. This week there was a new woman who was married 30 years to her high school sweetheart. Like my husband her husband had cancer for about 2 years then died this past fall. Anyway in addition to the similarities of our husbands treatments and taking care of them, I mentioned that I had had breast cancer before his diagnosis and that he was my rock at the time. She said "you are kidding, I had breast cancer when I lived in PA and my husband was my rock, then we moved down here to Florida" I told we were originally from PA as well. Then she mentioned that her husbands oncologist had passed away of a massive coronary a month after her husband passed (imagine the doctor was at work when he had it- so sad). I told her I knew exactly who it was as he was in the same practice as my oncologist who had left the practice right before this doctors coronary and that I had to find a new one. Turns out when she came down from PA she was also going to the the same Onc as me before he left the practice and also saw my new one! For being such a huge world full of people it's crazy how small it can seem at times! I think it was divine intervention to help us both get through all this. Take care hope all is well.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited January 2016

    2Fried....Great story, maybe a new friend????

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324
    edited January 2016

    Hi Loral- I am thinking that! It's sad that while the fight is on, you feel you are doing all you can but when you lose your loved one you go through the what ifs, should haves and a feel of guilt, etc.But after several conversations after meeting each other, she and I found that with out knowing each other, we did the same things for our husbands as far as research, 2nd opinions, treatments, trials etc.and came to the conclusion that we both couldn't have been wrong.That left us both feeling better that we had done all we could do. It also brought us back to the reality that we need to follow up on our own medical issues now as both of us have only had minimal visits with our own doctors; just enough to get our meds renewed.

    The only negative thing about being friends is that we both have a sweet tooth so discussed going to a dessert place after group. LOL

    This weather is crazy - trying to remember if anyone here was from Baltimore/washington area. I know there are several from New York so I imagine you are trying to find your cars under the snow.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited February 2016

    Hi Ladies - life is propelling us all along... so glad we are all well enough to NOT need to be here so much. MY BIL's father has brain cancer now (after his mother just passed in August from lukemia that resulted from the BC chemo treatements 3 yrs ago!). It's really a nightmare!

    2Fried - what is the group you found for support? I'd like to direct my BIL to it.

    My SIL's MIL (does that make sense) who was diagnosed with me, and had a UMX (no checmo), had a recurrence last summer in her remaining breast, chemo, rads and apparently it's still in here nodes.

    I have gone off my tamoxifen about a month ago. I am starting to sleep better for the first time in years. It's a slow improvement, but I can tell. FINALLY!! I have horrible dry eye that cause corneal abbrasions that it seems will require surgery to get healed, so that seems to be the next fun medical event in store for me.

    I hope everyone is healthy and has finally found their happy!

    xoxo ladies!

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited February 2016

    2Fried - such a small world - it does sound like it was meant to be for you and this other lady to meet and share your stories with each other. How amazing!

    Juneaubug - sorry to hear about your BIL's parents - scary that the mother developed leukemia post chemo, I'm sure that caused you some concern of your own. It must have been hard to make the decision to go off of Tamoxifen, glad your sleep has improved since. Corneal abrasions are no fun - I had a fairly serious one about ten years ago - that was the end of wearing contact lenses for me. One of these days once all these reconstruction surgeries are done I would like to look into laser eye surgery. What type of surgery would you need to help the healing of the abrasion? A BIL of mine had corneal transplant on one eye

  • lisa2012
    lisa2012 Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2016

    Yes, websister, I am retiring! Looking forward to it but a bit nervous. I plan to be active and volunteer, etc. but move at slower pace. Fewer 10 hour work days! with bipolar boss! and plenty of human crises! Being a school principal has been fun but it is pretty intense and a lot of people can be mad at you (parents, teachers, other admins, etc.) But the kids are still usually entertaining!

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77
    edited March 2016

    Lisa2012, I too am looking at the possibility of retiring after 38 years in education. I, too, am nervous - love the kids (38 years in Middle School - yikes) but would like to get back to some of my hobbies I've not been able to participate in because of long work hours. One of the hardest decisions I've had to ponder - spent more time being depressed over this decision than I did over having cancer - Have talked it to death in my head - and waver back and forth on a daily basis - Don't know if that means I should stay - or if it's just part of my inability to accept/make change (have never rearranged the furniture in my house in over 30 years, never try different foods at restaurants if I like the first thing I had there, etc. - gosh I am a weirdo) I'm like an old tree with deep roots, hard to move me from my "spot" I guess. I wish you the best in your retirement - enjoy. Kris

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited March 2016

    reading the retirement posts ... I am retiring next January. I can go in August with a full pension but decided to stay until January because of benefits. I am SO looking forward to it. I have already booked a rental house for the month of MARCH 2017. I usually go for 2 weeks.


  • lisa2012
    lisa2012 Member Posts: 288
    edited March 2016

    Kris, it's so weird. I did announce my retirement (only 35 yrs) but I'll miss the parts I love. Meanwhile people are making comments- and I am well-liked- that make me feel odd. "You get to go out and not deal with this new testing," and "What do you care, you're on your way out (with a nice laugh) or such things. Many are jealous- and I just smile and say "Age has its privileges." I hope I can drum up my old hobbies etc. My husband is running for city council so I will get to be a campaign worker!

  • ireland20
    ireland20 Member Posts: 175
    edited March 2016

    Hi guys....been a while but I find myself leaning on you all again. Has anyone heard about or experienced hairless on tamoxifen. I am losing my hair once again and read that this is a side effect. I am on it 4 years and it really only is noticeable recently. I have also been under a bit of stress and not sleeping due to the house lesk and having to live out of suitcase so everything is up in the air......just not sure which one is causing hair loss.😑

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited March 2016

    I have thinning hair and thin eyebrows, not sure if it's Tamoxifen(Teva) or age 54.....Loopy

  • maryah930
    maryah930 Member Posts: 122
    edited May 2016

    I'm on Femara. Thinning eyebrows and lashes, but no problem growing hair where I don't want it. 😞

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2016

    Hi All I am also on Tamoxifen (4.5 years) My hair was very thin. I discovered Priorin (bought at drugstore in vitamin section) I have been on it two months and have all but stopped "shedding" Now loosing hair like a "normal" person. Can see lots of new hair growth as well my hair feels thicker. . My hair dresser was very impressed by the change in my hair

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited May 2016

    I have not experienced any hair loss. My hair has changed .. It is much easier to manage now .. I have 6 months left on Tamoxifen and my hair dresser and I have talked about wondering what will happen when I go off it

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited May 2016

    My hair has gotten thin I take 10,000 mcg Biotin, it grows long but stays thin....Tamoxifen???? Who knows!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited May 2016

    I had my hair buzzed to a #5 pre hernia surgery in April~~don't like bed hair and actually like the buzz look. I did it 2 years ago before trekking so I guess it is a 2 year event~~chemo, trek, surgery. Sure is easy and though I know it is thinner, I am happy with the buzz.

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited June 2016

    HI all,

    Websister; the procedure was called PTK, it was a laser procedure and I didn't respond well (of course) and it took WEEKS to start to heal and totally SUCKED! I am still having intermittent eye pain. *sigh* another new normal I suppose.

    Re; hair - I didn't have any loss while on the tamoxifen. My eyebrows thinned badly though and I've started using Rapid lash and it's working wonders! I did have my third haircut in 4 years last week, and I suppose I will have to go every three months now that I finally let her shape it and add layers back in. The bottom 6 inches are still quite curly though. Sorry to hear others and having issues with that.

    My oncologist tried to talk me into going back on the tamoxifen last week when I went in for my 6 month, but I'm not ready to give in. I sleep better, and I can think clearer again. I do get fearful at times, but the truth is - even on the damn meds we can still get a recurrence.

    I'm starting to look for a new job. my bosses just suck. They are surly miserable people. Everyone here always tells me they don't know how I do it (meaning work for them). Yesterday I was scolded for not asking my boss to forward an email to me that I needed to complete a task for a big client (the assumption here being that I knew she had gotten an email with the information I needed; and if she had gotten such an email - she wouldn't have already forwarded it to me so I didn't need to ask/remind her!). what a bitch... she kept saying - I asked if you if you needed anything else from me - why didn't you ask. UH, because I thought if you had the answer already YOU WOULD HAVE SENT IT TO ME WITHOUT ME ASKING AND REMINDING YOU I NEEDED IT YOU BITCH! ah, I feel better now.

    My BILs father is hanging in there. Just this past weekend he escalated to not being able to eat, totally bed ridden and uncommunicative. So it won't be long now. What a loss....

    Anyway, I'm going to try to check in here more often. I miss my ladies! XOXO

  • Believe777
    Believe777 Member Posts: 540
    edited June 2016

    Oh my ... It's been way too long! I've missed you all. You are never out of my heart!

    Time seems to be flying by in warp speed.

    We've been in our new house for 7 months already! Amazing that one year ago, we had our house on the market praying that it would sell. We love being desert river rats. It will get into triple digits this week end. We added a pool, dh bought a boat. If it's gets too hot for us we have a couple plan b's ... I keep reminding myself it's very comfortable inside!

    My mother is visiting this week. We had a big party when she got here. Her favorite pass time is playing bingo so I've already dropped her off at the casino, dh is playing golf. Home alone and loving it!

    I had lasik eye surgery several years ago and it was perfect. Then I got cataracts ... Surgeon over corrected my eye ... So now I'm back to glasses. I bought four pair and haven't gotten them right yet! Too bright around here to not wear sun glasses anyway so I'm adjusting.

    2fried-so glad you found a good friend! You've dealt with enough and are due for good things to happen to you!

    Still taking arimidex... Only one more year. My hair is fine. I let is grow out until a dear friend said I looked like a country western singer. Pixies are nice and easy too.

    It would be fun if everyone checked in. Hard to believe it's been four years since we all met.

    Juneau - good luck on your job search.

    Hugs, hugs and more hugs...

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited June 2016

    Believe: I think you need to change where you are from on your profile. Happy

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited June 2016

    Checking in! Believe, I take it your MO thinks 5 years is enough on Armidex? Mine is thinking 10 for sure even though I now have Prolia injections twice a year for the toll osteoporosis has taken with the drug. I also need surgery for my augment side where the implant is contracting and on the other side, cords that have been impossible to deal with via massage and physio as well as changing both implants from Allergen 410's to round ones. But I have been on a waitlist for 5 months and would probably be another 6. I had a hernia surgery in April with nothing to do with cancer but needed doing. That has healed and I am now getting back to normal. Feeling good and still on Venlafaxine (Effexor in the US).

  • websister
    websister Member Posts: 405
    edited June 2016

    Juneaubug - sorry to hear that your laser eye surgery didn't go as planned.

    I know that you pride yourself a n your work, it would be very difficult to be working for someone like that :(

    I am hoping that I can retire in two years; counting it down.

    MarianElizabeth - I am like you and my MO is saying 10 years total. Not sure what my bones will be like by then - I have 'graduated' to Zometa IV for osteoporosis :( Definitely makes me feel flu like for 2 - 3 days when I have it. I am wearing my lymphedema sleeve today - woke up with fluid pooling around the elbow area. Joy!

    On a happier note, my newest grandson was born April 17th - name of Laughlin - a real cutie with lots of hair, just like his sister had. She turns 3 end of June - love her to pieces - took her to the store with me last Wednesday and we had a great time together - on the way home she said - 'Grandma - I really missed you'

    Believe - glad you are enjoying your new place and that all seems to be going well for you - your mother sounds like she must be fairly healthy - glad you can have a visit with her.

    Sending hugs back and look forward to reading other updates

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited June 2016

    Hello everyone, I've missed you all! Believe wrote it would be nice if everyone checked in and I think that's a great idea. I haven't posted in a couple of years, but I do keep up with your posts. I feel pretty much healed up from the emotional trauma I felt after surgery and treatment. Most days I feel happy and normal, and ride out the anxiety and depression that still visit. I am working part time and starting to plan real vacations with my husband. In some ways I feel stronger than ever before, but still working on conquering fears.

    I remember the early days with this wonderful group, and am greatful for all the support given over the years.

    Please keep in touch.

  • ramols
    ramols Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2016

    Nice to see you all popping in! June 7th was four years since diagnosis. I actually missed it and didn't fully remember. Guess that's a good sign. In general - life is as it should be. Work is crazy. Boys are wrapping up kindergarten and second grade - and simultaneously driving us nuts and providing oodles of joy. And aside from still debating getting my hard as rock radiated implant swapped out for new and soft one - I've been doing great. Been participating in an online writing course from the living beyonder breast cancer site and loving it. Think of you ladies often. Sending big hugs.

    My happy today - walking my boys to and from school and watching them enjoy all the nature and sights along the way. Go get your happy ladies!


  • ireland20
    ireland20 Member Posts: 175
    edited June 2016

    OMG....just realized after reading Ramols post....It was my 5 year anniversary on the 14th June......I never even thought about God how time heals...who knew all that time ago that it wouldn't even figure!!! My big problem now being....thinning hair! Great to see everyone checking in.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited June 2016

    SmileCongrats Ireland may you stay NED for the rest of your life........

    Tamoxifen??? Thinning hair...Yep!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2016

    Congrats Ireland......❤️.......dealing with thinning hair too on Letrozole.......Next March I will have completed 5 years on L and for me it is good news/bad news. Psychologically it is my "security blanket" and the jury is still as to whether another five years would be of any benefit. My friends tell me that because I'm getting close to 70 and due to all the s/e I have had, that I should celebrate and perhaps enjoy a better quality of life....tough one. I'm also glad to see many of us checking the time has flown.....hugs to all....

  • Joanne_53
    Joanne_53 Member Posts: 714
    edited June 2016

    hello everyone .. I do keep up with many in Facebook but nice to see everyone here. I will be 5 years in December and my said I will not need to stay on Tamoxifen any longer than that.

    I am planning on retiring January 31, 2017 which I will make me 58 ... My cancer diagnosis and a house fire has made me rethink my priorities. I will be able to retire comfortably and do some travelling and that is what I intend to do.

    Keep healthy everyone

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited June 2016

    SmileCongrats Joanne...enjoy the free time!!!

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited June 2016

    Nice to see so many checking in. 4 years for me July 18~~day I found the lump. Websister, do they say osteoporosis or osteopenia? I am still osteopenic but quite fast changes in the last year alone. Will have to see how Prolia. Did you do that prior to Zometa IV?

    Scottie, I told my MO this week during my bi annual visit that 5 years might be enough for me just for QOL~~it is the osteo problems that concern me since I am still very active and want to remain so. But...never say never.

    Joanne, good choice for early retirement! Ramois, so good to hear about your boys, writing and I understand about the hard implant and whether to deal with it or not. Wait list for me and so don't have to make a decision now. Ireland, 5 years! Thinning hair yeah, another cancer take-away. I went the route of a #5 shave prior to my April hernia surgery and just did it again.

    Happy summer everyone!

  • juneaubugg
    juneaubugg Member Posts: 517
    edited July 2016

    hi ladies. I had a clean four year mammogram/ultrasound last month!!! Went off tamoxifen last October at 3 years post treatment. Totally a QOL decision. I am so much clearer now and able to function. Even the arthritis is a little better.

    My friend was diagnosed two weeks ago IDC with node involvement she's in her early 30s I hope she comes here I begged her to

    I'm heading to France for my friends wedding actually at jfk airport waiting to board now what a life! What a gift!

    Websister sorry about the elbow. How's it doing?

    Ramos- swap that thing out!!!!

    Marian- when are you trekking again?

    Joanne- cone to nyc when you travel!

    Xoxo ladies!!