Stage III Cancer Survivors ...Five + Years and Out.
Kerry....some gals don't have side effects from AI's....and most side effects do go away after stopping AI's. Hope things get better for you...sending you hugs....
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Just checking in. 5 1/2 years since diagnosis.
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Well done, Martina.
Kerry, I was on Femara for 9 years and after some neuropathy in the first two months, I had next to no side effects apart from the cumulative effect of treatment lowering my bone density.
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flatnfab, Congrats !
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I have just finished my 5 years (2 months short of) on tamoxifern glad it's finished going back to onc to tell him I am finished. I am just going to try to eat healthy and exercise vigorously the latest stats are showing fast walking or jogging reduce reoccurrence by 25% which is mind blowing. I did a lot of research and soul searching to come to that decision most of my BC group took tamoxifern for 5 years most are 10 years and over with grade 3 or 2 with lymph node involement one had 16/19 nodes involved and is 12 years Ned I take DIM and various other supplements that my intergrated dr recommends I am also doing a 6 month detox of my liver
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Hello.. my mom was diagnosed breast cancer july 2013. I dont know what type of cancer it is. The skin is red, I dont know this redness caused by the large tumor or because it is ibc? Because my mom tumor around 7cm. Anybody with large tumor can help? I am very worried about her condition.
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Wow love to hear from the long term survivors. Carol, Alyson, Irish, Mpetago & Bjuce congrats on your milestones. Wishing you many more years of health and happiness.
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Don't come around much but read my stats I am living breathing and loving LIFE !!! To the girls I have met here thanks for all your support !
Love n Light
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Cheryl, thanks for the encouragement!
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Thank you thank you for your inspiration! I just had a double mastectomy,diagnosed stage 3a,3/14 nodes,BUT my doc really scared me with this her2neu positive thing. I am waiting on my pet scan to see if it's spread, I am terrified. I got the feeling if it has spread I'm done for!
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Cheryl.....thanks for dropping in, nice to see....
Tat2monkey, I remember waiting for the pet scan results, I thought I was going to have a heart attack from the stress....hoping you get good results soon...
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Tat2monkey I remember waiting outside the onc's office and nearly fainting on the floor waiting for my results. I silently sat and meditated you have to get control of your panicked thoughts and focus on getting well again. Hugs Judy
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Just because you are Her2 does not mean you are done for..try to be positive I know it's hard I have been there..
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I guess I can say I'm 5 years out. Not sure which date to officially use. I was diagnosed with a dignostic mammo on Jan 13, 2009, but when they went in and did the mx and SN on March 18, the tumor was larger than expected and SN was positive for cancer cells. So they went back in on April 6 and removed more nodes in which 2 were positive for cancer. So now I'm wondering which is the official date. In my head I always think of January 13 because that's when I learned I had a malignant tumor. Everything else followed. So anyway between Jan and April I'm officially 5 years out!!
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Oceana.....YEEHA for your 5 years post cancer dx & treatment.
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MAB here,
I finished AC/Taxol and radiation in February of 2009, and I just took my last Arimidex last Friday - so happy to be done with it all!
So I'm another 5 year survivor. It hasn't been easy with a full-time job, but I'm hanging in there. My treatment plan now includes lots of exercise, sunshine (Vit. D), a whole food diet with a few "cheats" here and there (nutritionist says if you're going to eat sugar, make sure you have some protein with it - especially if you're hormone positive), and minimizing the stress as much as possible - my MO told me that the only thing all of her breast cancer patients had in common was they were all under a lot of stress at the time of diagnosis, so stress is our enemy!
Take care, all!
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Woo hoo, Oceana and mab...thank you for sharing your good news!
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Oceana and Mab -
Thank you much for posting - I'm sad today and your stories give me hope.
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YEAH Oceana and MAB...Oceana...I use date of Dx as my date!!! Wishing you many more years of celebrating!!! Karen
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Oceana and Mab congrats I use dx date as well I don't think we will ever forget that date.
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mab - So glad for you that your done with it all. Yay, no more Arimidex!
Karen - That's kind of the way I feel. As far as I'm concerned, the date I heard the word cancer and need to see a breast surgeon for a consultation for mastectomy is the day that is engrained in my brain. The day of my diagnositc mammo and fine needle biopsy was when the said the tumor was over 4 cm. So even though it proved to be larger after the surgery pathology report which came at a later date, it's really from January 13 until April 7 that my cancerversary lasts.
peacestrength, It's ok to feel sad on many days during this breast cancer journey. Give into it and allow yourself to have your sad feelings. Cuddle up in bed with a comfy blanket. Just remember tomorrow is always another day, and things always do look brighter.Don't worry, your sun will come back out.
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Oceana - Thanks. Wish I could see you in person to give you a hug.
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It's been 8 years for me since diagnosis. I don't come on this site often, but I want to give encouragement and hope for the newly diagnosed sisters.I had a very poor prognosis, and here I am, 8 years later, doing very well. Diagnosed with locally advanced cancer, stage IIIC ( the surgeon was not sure if it was IDC or IBC, since the skin of the affected breast had peau d'orange spots), 14 cm tumor, 12/12 positive nodes, ER/PR-, HER2+++. I had 4 chemo rounds of AC and 4 of Taxotere, 1 year of Herceptin, surgery, radiation and reconstruction (DIEP flap). Don't lose your hope ladies !
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man & raluca63... CONGRATS to both of you...
Thank-you for posting, it really helps to be reminded that it is possible to go on with life, and beat this stinkin' disease.
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Raluca - thank you for your post!
Holeinone - i like what you said!
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thanks raluca for such encouragement, your case seems similar to my mother. she had 7,6 cm tumour, and doctor is not sure whether it is idc or ibc. i wish u many good years ahead.
by the way did you have neoadjuvant chemo back then?
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raluca63 what grade did you have? Thank you so much for posting congrats x
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Hey ladies,
10 years out today and still dancing with NED!!!! While disappointed the old posts have disappeared , happy to see KimF, Alexi4, Maryanne and FitzT still posting. I am sure I will find more as well.
I cannot believe it has been 10 years. I am half way through my 20 year longitudinal Herceptin study. I retired from the school system this past June and only work independently at my leisure. Doing well. Hope all of you are too.. God bless you everyone.
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Janie - thank you for your incrediable story! 10 years - wonderful!