STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Sweetp, Sent you a PM.

    Cmbernardi, I wish we lived closer.  I have 2 sets of kitchen stuff and such from 2 daughters who had apartments in college and then brought everything back to "mom's free storage".  


  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited June 2013

    I am drinking way too much wine, and feeling so sad for all of the people around me. So many people have so much sadness and such great losses. Makes my bc seem insignificant to the loss of a wife and a child.....reflecting on life and on the wonderful friends that I have made on this site. Who knew what path this would take me? Love all you hooligans! BE

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Scottie I can be your buddy. I just sent Juliaanna a PM, but it's ok to have more than one  buddy!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Beatmon we love you 2! O yes we do. You're always in our hearts. Can't remember the rest. That was from a Beatles fan club song, I think, but it fits for you too!

    Do beatmon and dewillikers need buds?

    Mary, bet you could give him a run right now, and win. Ha!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    We all have buddies now? Just like the girl scouts, but I bet we could teach them a thing or two.....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Does that mean we have to sell cookies..............

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    In front of Wal-mart on Saturday mornings haha

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited June 2013

    Filliz (That's you PHGraham)  If we can have 2 buddies, I'd like to buddy up with you (especially since DH is so proud of his Nebraska birthplace).      I actually had a friend named Filix and it was pronounced Phyllis.  How's that for some spicy news.   NOT


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Juliaanna and ALL - thanks for your offer and all of the support folks.  I will be just fine.  BIG LOTS and the Dollar store will have everything I need.  I am also a big fan of

    Happy Sunday ALL and Peace!


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited June 2013

    If corn oil is made out of corn, are Girl Scout cookies made from Girl Scouts?

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    Okay you hooligans, everyone is talking about mushrooms, well I was thinking, I got gluacoma and they are trying to legalize pot in IL for medical reasons.  Well I only briefly tried it in my early 20's--didn't inhale though,wink, wink, LOL!!!  Now, maybe I can legally start to use it--don't know what the school I teach at would think but as long as I am covered by the law--so go ahead IL and hurry up legalize Weed.  Hey--I'm 60 and my favorite beverage--Wine is sort of off the market for me now, so maybe becoming a pothead would be a new thing for me. Tongue Out  You crazy hooligans are beginning to rub off on me and I like it!!!!

    Opps!  Did I read about mushrooms somewhere else??? can't find that thread,now --oh well my cat is out of the bag,  :)

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited June 2013

    I promise not to pass any of my bad habits off to my buddy Jan.--wink, wink!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Go to sleep Veggy.girl scout cookies are made for Girl Scouts to sell.

    It's late...way past my bedtime.

    I did put a lot of time on here today

    I think and hope everyone is now buddies up.

    If not tomorrow is another day...

    Good nite all.its been fun today.

    And good must be sleepin for quite some time now.

    Xo princess

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited June 2013

    dwilli - We Californians are just a large state of straight laced, law abiding citizens who would never touch pot, mushrooms, or any other mind-altering substances.  Don't worry about me.  J

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Me too Gran.....maybe we can meet for coffee tomorrow....and any other early birds.....sleep well dear friends.....hugs

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    Oh, the stories I could tell about Girl Scout Cookies!  I was the "Cookie Lady" for 36 troops in our town.  I did it for 15 years.  The last year I dealt with ordering, tracking and dealing with the money for over 100,000 boxes of cookies. I'm not so fond of any of the varieties now.  My favorite was the old version of thin Mints with the chocolate cookie, layer of mint filling and dipped in chocolate.  

    Beatmon, Did you have a buddy?  Gmafoley, how about you?

    Sweet dreams.  

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Phylliagrahamcracker - a trustworthy hooligan, good description!

    I've got Julianna as her 2nd buddy. Is everyone covered.....Scottiee....Joan....Wren....Blondiee? anyone else?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Janpbn-sent you a pm.

    Dwilli-nilli, was it Scottiee that had the mushtools? I would go back and look but I'm too sleepy. :-)

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited June 2013

    OMG y’all are giving the Mods a run for their money...

    Scottiee, ya shoulda PM’s me....see what you started?  I’ve never been a shroom gal, but I’m willing to try anything...I’ve had 2 bad URIs last fall/winter (usually get none) and a very bad UTI and recent relapse...the really bad pain in the rash thing...just not like me to get knocked over health-wise.  After grandkids leave, I will get the "REAL" info from you.  Thanks...

    Chevy, I want what you had last morning....was LMAO at your non-stoppers.  Been thinking about your hands...I’ve got one with relentless contact dermatitis on top of pseudoarthritis from always rubbing something on the hand and massaging and complaining....unlike you of course....
    I can see the Borax would work...keep trying.

    Ducky, Letrazole and statin = ‘it all hurts and I’m clueless”...Scottiee, me too – more SEs as time goes on...and any time a new drug is added it’s worse.

    While in Ca last week, I went off the statin after the pain got so bad I couldn’t function.  Now, about ten days later, I finally feel some relief.  Didn’t tell my cardio yet....

    Shell – glad you are getting some respect!  Keep on pushin’
    Juliaanna glad that first year is behind you...only better days ahead

    flowers...I know it's tough but there's nothing like your own place...something I've never had in my life.  Good luck and keep looking forward. 

    Grandkids wore me out....hike, beach, playground, pizza, ice cream sundaes, movie night at home...baths & showers...we had fun. 

    Phillerupwithbeer, keep straight-shootin'  ... and i know how much it sux to lose a post...we all have.


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited June 2013

    Come on Chevette - wake up and start partying - we gotta keep this thread so it rocks around the clock. I can't stay up until 2 am anymore, it's 10:30 and I gotta go to bed!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited June 2013

    I hope the lack of activity means everyone is getting their beauty sleepLaughing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013


    OK are we all buddyed up--does that mean we have to go swimming together too.? And I hate girls scout cookies--I guess it's a holdover when I was kicked out as a kid, and then again as the cookie monitor, and then again as a brownie helper. So I gave them 3 chances and they blew them all.

    Dwilli My DD told me they signed the passing of med pot a week ago.==Personally I didn't hear anything but she said now they have to get things organized for the amount and the stuff u cook with or smoke---so have to check this one out and since we both live in IL hahahaha, The government should just go to the kids on the cornrs and have it done in no time.

    I'm watching HOUSE now so that means I'll have a new disease in a few hrs. I always have all the sypmtyms of any medical show I watch When I went to chemo every week I'd walk in an announce a medical problem I had and they had (chemo patients) guess which program I got it from and I thought I realy had it. My brain is so easyily manipulated.

    FrownFlowers I'm sorry u are going thru this now and we know u love u'r sister and always wil, but who they choose can break things up a bit--as long as u'r up for it u'll love living alone--I did until recently and I did for wel over 20 yrs and it was great--no one to think about but u'rself when u'r home.Smile So it could really be a good thing for u and even when u love a man they not always easy to live with--so u might feel less stressed in some ways and it will help.

    OH and Phylrentafriend---u'r offering everyone to friend u--is this some thing u'r parole officer said is some kind of requisite? This is not a sexual thing u know.

    OK It's almost coffee time, but no one is making it yet--Sunday it comes later, I'm not a Sunday fan--I don't know why--it's kind of a blah day to me. OH well it is what it is, as I say about alot of things.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Good morning hooligans, if anyone is up yet. It's 7 am in TO and everything is quiet...

    the highway is closed because there is a bike "ride for the heart"....feel sorry for the riders because it is raining here and very dark...not the usual sunny day they are used to.

    I hope everyone has a buddy ......Princess, thank you....that was a great idea, especially after what happened with Red, may she RIP.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Okay!  WAKE up Hooligans!



    I LOVED this song, and would dance around the house with it up full tilt!  But I pretty much danced around the house listening to ANYthing!


    Oh my GOD!  How did we wind up with sooo many orphinks?  Little Sisters of the Poor called me and said "If you befriend any lost soul, we will pay you $100 for each one."

    So just PM me, and I will help you get over this great depression that Miss Princess Kantalope STARTed! 


    Like little Maryleftoutinleftfield... also little miss Sweetpicklepea!  What are you talking about?  What's this about Cammi's problem?  How far back do I have to go? 


    Julianna, what is your NAME?  I mean one that I can remember?   How come this is so hard for me, unless you sign off with it?   I will be a sponsor to ALL of you.... better than you standing out in the streets with that sign!  It's just unprofessional.... And with that COFFEE can!


    Scottiee!  That's a "yes, same here" with family members, Ha!  Actually I don't have many left... just in-law type people....  MY family members are perfect...


    So misshornymary... You like Mathew?  I mean who doesn't?    THAT guy should be available with HIS phone number AND email, and I'll bring a bag of chips!  Just something about that man that reeks of perfection.


    Beatmon, we love you too!  Just don't let all that devastation and loss of lives get you down.....  We're all so sorry, when this happens...  Just don't let it hang with you too long.....


    Phylodendrum, so you are trying to make Mary go chasing after Mathew?  And so THEN what would she do? 


    Hi Jan... Is that peanutbutter and "jam"? 


    OMG Flowers!  My favorite stores are the Dollar store, Big Lots, and Ross!  I MUST have seen you there! 


    Little Vegamite.... So does your computer go off after 1 paragraph?  But it's better than nothing, Ha!  Are you doing alright?


    Yes, Willinilli!  You should go GET some mushrooms, they must be good for SOMEthing!  And yes weed!  Weed is a MUST for Glaucoma I have heard.    No, I think it was Shells or maybe Scottiee that takes mushroom something..... No, wait a minute..... It was ME!  I DO have some vitamins/supplements called Chabba... made with mushrooms, but  they sit right there along with 10 others I don't take either!    So nevermind.


    Janarama!  WHO are we kidding here?  California?  I LOVE California, but those guys are just a little bit tilted!  I remember driving with my folks, them showing me the sights in San Francisco, and Mom would not let Dad drive down  into Height Ashbury!  Ha, ha!  I was about 22 at the time, with baby girl in tow, and Mom must have thought I would jump out of the car, with my hair blowing in the wind, and go live with "all those damn hippies"....!   It really was quite a sight... this was about 1959...


    Morning Joan!  So fun to make you guys laugh, Ha!  I was just "on" my regular de-caf coffee...  YESterday Starbucks did NOT have my usual "sweetened iced coffee"...So she said, I can make you an "Americana".   And I agreed, reluctantly... WELL, I tasted it, and you know it is made with 2 shots.... 2 SHOTS of espresso!!! Over ice, which didn't dilute it one bit!  Well my ears stood straight up, my eyes blinked back tears, and I thought my heart would race me to the moon!  That stuff was just not good!  Damnit!   So when I got home I fixed me a chocolate coke.  At least THAT won't kill me!


    Yes Shells and Juli!  I WAS getting my beauty sleep.... Man, it's a wonder I even COULD sleep with that espresso!


    Little Cammi...  Morning miss confusion!   What the hell were you talking about?   YOU were kicked out of GIRL Scouts?  Was it because you first tried to join the BOY scouts?   They frown on that type of thing you know... Oh well, live and learn.


    Yes, the kids on the corners have no PROBLEMO buying and selling weed here in THIS State...  I think we must grow it wild, like in our front yards or something!  


    That was sooooo funny, about you watching House, and will surely acquire a new disease!  Ha, ha!  And yes, I HEARD that about you that you were "easy" to be "manipulated".... !!!!   Such a Tart! 


    Oh Morning Scottieeeeeee   !  I woke you?  It takes so long to type this, it's a wonder it isn't NOON yet!


    It's raining?  Man, I wish we would get some of that rain!

    Okay little Buddies!  Talk to you later-gaters! xoxoxoxoxo





  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy.....morning....looks like it's you and me's the matter with these hooligans, how many hours of sleep does one need anyway???....😴

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    They sleep their life away, Ha!  Mornings are the BEST!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    So what did you do, go back to bed?  And I'm sitting here whilst all the other hooligans are SLEEPing?   Drats!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, I'm here.....went to get some more coffee, and yes, back to bed, but not to sleep.

    Reading, watching kitty sleep, listening to everyone snore away...ah yes, mornings are the best...😋

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Okay.... More coffee for me too... I keep running out to change our hose.... It's our day to water.  We only get 2 days, with the restrictions, so I'm trying to save water, but keep the grass and plants alive...

    Going to watch our little neighbor Ivy...3 1/2 at her dance recital!  Janie and I are walking there, so we will see the little "princess" do her stuff...Ha! 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, that's so cute....a beautiful age, sweet and innocent, just like our grown up Princess here...ha ha ha .