STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    I KNOW!  She showed me her costume yesterday, and she added a little tiny embroidered hankerchief on top of her little veil... just plopped on top of her head!  She is a little drama queen already!  And she had purple little slippers!

    I SWEAR she is the re-incarnate of Princess Kantalope!  And she has the bluest eyes in the world! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OH Good Mornig Miss Chevrolay--yes those last 2 letter wer on purpose.  I didn't say I was proud about getting kicked out of girl scouts, at least I didn't have to wear an ankle bracelet.

    I was up way to eary and my Ktie-Kat talked me into going back to sleep, well she demanded it. I listen to her.

    It's cloudy and chilly right now, supposed to be cooler today--I'm not starting the day well--with this pounding headache so I'm craby and miserable----but at least I never went behind the library lookin' for something--like MaryWhitepretendingtobemissholy.anyway Life is just a virgin away from being F***ed. I don't even know what that means, I just wrote it for some strange reason. I told u my head is hurting--Oh I have a myriad of meds to take so it should go away.

    Chevy are u'r neighbors home for sure now---NO MORE CHICKENS to peck u'r toes. ick

    Oh I'm going back to bed, I think I'm going to throw up--not good for the keys on the computer.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    WTH....good morning Chevy!!!!! what am I here invisable??? no I'm woman here me

    roar, I'm invincible ......good morning

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    Well, just was awakened by Mr Pug (@6:30am my time) so he can get his hip medicine with a fine provolone.  Walked into a TRAp with my Sis & Mom telling me to "make this situation right!".  WTF?  I am not the unforgiving retired Naval Captain who cannot get a job for 4 years and has a kid on drugs who did not graduate after a $90,000 investment in a private school in Dallas.  I am not the one who has ignored me, treated me like I do not exist and then told everyone I could not be trusted.  Serenity now, serenity now!  How the Fu** do I make this right?  And how did I become the scapegoat.  Apparently, I am not doing enough with my life except having cancer, a broken foot, osteopenia in my hips and now for the last few days have been in constant pain.  And I surely am not the one who will move out of this crazy house without a pot to pi$$ in - no furniture, kitchenware, TV, bed, NOTHING!  Make WHAT right?  Can anyone out there tell me.  I told my Mom that if she wants me to chat with Mr. Naval officer a$$hole today then she should facilitate it.  I'm sure it will be quite a doozy!  Gotta go to Church soon and pray on it.  Who the FU** knows what I will find when I return!  Suggestions Sisters of mercy?????   I sure could use it.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited June 2013

    OH, and as a Sister just said on another thread and so much of us have been thru, "holed up in bed" is apparently NOT ACCEPTABLE in this house of Fruits and NUTS!  Huh?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Headed for my back later.....I hate this shit.......had one 6months ago for the same thing.......I swear this is to make money for the Doc's who own the place where it is being tell me..

    Premier Orthopedics.....Doctor's office

    Premier MRI Center......where it's being done........hmmmm, odd huh.....

    Could have gone to my hospital, but thought "screw it, he is repeating it regardless of where I go, right......just hope this is necessary...they forget the $163.00 co-pay...chump change to them.....ok, I will STFU, and go.....hugs

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    scotteeeeeeeeeeee - I need a lottalotta sleep and I still never get enough! I may be trying to sleep my way through treatment.  Oh!  Wouldn't that be fabulous!

    Does anyone remember a movie from late 60's probably.  It was a war movie and it had a littly boy called Dondi?  He used to say "Hi, Lady Buddy" to a woman in it.  After all the buddying-up and buddyganing yesterday, I was calling you all Lady Buddies.

    It's very sad that I can remember something from a movie from that far back but have no idea if there is milk in the refrigerator.

    Thanks to all of you who be-buddied this orphink.....Chevy.  You can collect at least $100.  And I'm happy that you can!  And that I won't need to stand out on the street with my sign and coffee can.  That should buy you a couple of Starbucks thingies!  And for the case you're wondering....What cammi said "It's not a sexual thing you know".

    rofl, cammi, you had me laughing at 4 a.m.  Then I went back to sleep with dreams of thin mint cookies, cookouts and those damn outhouse latrine things at camp.  Ugh.  I couldn't poop the whole time I was there because I refused to sit.  It was so(!) disgusting. That summer I think I grew my bladder to immense proportions just so I would only have to pee once a day.  I also had clean the latrine duty for a day or two.  I wonder what the counselors would have done if they caught me squatting in the woods.  Whoops, TMI!  I would have made coffee for you but I had to go back to sleep.

    Juliesomeone - Yippee on one year out from surgery!  Hopefully your arms are working right and you have your range of motion back.  I see you also had recon more recently, so I hope all that went well too.  Don't be skeert!  Just come here and we will say all sorts of nonsense and give you many legal and not so legal activities to take your mind off of things.

    mary - Chevy didn't catch the part where you KNOW what to do with Matthew.  I just love watching him in A Time to Kill. I would take him to raise (and other things) in a minute.

    NE doesn't have medicinal pot.  Boohoo!  I bet a little special brownie would make me feel a lot better during this freekin' chemo.  AND it's non-constipating.  

    This morning there is a church service in the park across the street.  Maybe I'll be uplifted by osmosis.  I'd better go sit on the porch.

    misssassypants was MIA yesterday.  Don't think I didn't notice.  That's a double negative. Sassy!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Ok, went to the MRI place.....empty roads, no traffic, 4cars in the parking lot and normally you can't find a appt. was for 9:45 on Monday.........girl said......w,hat day is your appt.......I said sarcastically ( thinking they screwed up).....IT'S 9:45, MONDAY......

    Woman says.......yes, your right.......I I said, again sarcastically.......WELL WHAT'S TODAY?

    Woman says.......SUNDAY.....

    Oh boy, that is called a real senior, lol

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    cammi  feel better FAST!!!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    Family is parking in front of my house to attend the event in the park.  He locks the car BeepBeep!  then he unlocks it BeepBeep!  Then they pull stuff out of the car like blankets to sit on and proceed to shake them out on my lawn.  Then he locks the car BeepBeep! They're all standing in the street and on my lawn as the bald chemo lady in the bathrobe opens the door.  They all stop and look at me.  Then he opens the car again so the little girl can get something else out.  He locks the car again BeepBeep!  I say Stop!  They all ignore me.  They walk across the street to the median, where just to be sure he BeepBeeps AGAIN!  Unfortunately I yelled "do it again!"  They all looked at each other like WTH?  bahahahahahahahah I'm losing it.  But he's an idiot and there is no cure for that.

    I forgot to say that one of my pet peeves is the beeping door locks.  You can set them to be silent, people!  Whew!  Thanks for letting me rant.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Philly.....LMAO.......Dare I say ....BEEP BEEP..........LOL, LOL, LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Oh MAN ducky!  I even thought "Isn't today Sunday.... Maybe she is getting it done at a hospital, where they are ALways open?????"  I thought that to myself... And danged if I wasn't right! 

    Oh Flowers day is beginning off with a bang!  Can't you just shoot them all?  I think circumstances will find this to be appropriate.

    And okay Phylonthropic.... Can't you just shoot them too?  I mean of ALL the nerve!  Shoot their car!  I know!  Go stick a screw-driver in their tires...  Oh wait, they will SURELY know who did it! 

    I wish I had a cute little beeper.... I only have a key... to get into my car.... sniff.....Cry  But if I had one, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't park near your house.... Ha, ha!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    lol ducky and chevy.  I can go as high as 2 or 3 beeps before it gets irritating.  This was way over my limit!

    I'm working on my latest project - not that I have many.  What do you think of this photo?  I'm going to make it 24X36 inches and hang it over my bed since I don't have a headboard.


    There's some cropping to do, but I think it will work!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Chevy, they do business 7 days a week..........I went from 7am till that woman told me it was Sunday, clueless.......

    Oh take that back....I had traffic, 3 cars in the parking lot, empty waiting room, and all the neighbors cars in their driveways.......thought.....hmmm, guess they all took off work today......REALLY.......what an asshole....

    The kids must never find out about already think I am a couple chairs short in the

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Ducky, been there, done that..ha ha ha ..😜

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Shit, I can always blame it on my medicine........when this would happen even before the BC, my son- in- law always would look at my daughter and say..AND WE LET HER WATCH OUR KIDS. Lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    OK I'm hsving my first cup of coffee--wy not enuff.

    Ducky even I thought Wow today is Sunday, they are opening for ducky?  Wow she is really something, now I know u'r just like us. First thing O=I do is say GM and what day is it. hahahaha Ducky that was hysterical,

    Flowers I assume u Mom just basically wants peace cuz she thinks this will affect u and u'r sister so she's kind of acting like u be the bigger person and gulp chit down so everything is fine. Whether u've done anything or not is not even involved here, it's the whole idea of let's all get along and someone has to be the one to be the bigger person (in other words thron under the bus) nd she figures it will be u cuz he won't budge nd feel bad. Since she's not asking u'r sister to really tslk to him she figures u'r the one to do this. It's simple Mom Math, but u do whst u feel is right for u whatever it is. U'r mom is using the old guilt thing u'r way and she hopes it works,

    Chevy I don't think the "bracelet" will let Phylophysco get far enough to do the car much damage unless she shoots it, like u'r telling everyone this morning.

    And Scottiee, I knew I was going back to bed but I'm sorry Chevy get me all screwed up and u'r not chopped liver u are like a fine medium rare fillet mignon, hmmm spunds good. 

    OK my wisdon has been spread like the seed upon the earth to grow and prosper. 

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    And the reply to that one Ducky is....And I let you marry my

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited June 2013

    Photographer Phyll -  Opium poppies!!!!  At your head?  Are you sure you should have tempting reminders so close by? Hhhhmmmmm.  Beautiful photo.   Janaling

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    I am in the Atlanta airport and just got online. Scottie and I are buddies but let me know if anyone else needs a buddy.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Cam.....LOL, LOL, still can't believe it took me that long, and someone else having to tell me what day it was.......I can see a couple minutes, till you unfog your brain, but from 7am till 9:45, and even then another person had to tell you what friggin day it was, and to boot, I was acting like ( she was wrong)........LOL.......

    It gets better......then I said to her before leaving.....OH, CAN. YOU TELL ME WHERE THE........OH NEVER MIND IF ITS SUNDAY I DON'T HAVE TO GO WHERE I WAS GONNA ASK YOU ANYWAY.......she looked at me like......."ok.....should I call 911 right now, or wait to see what else this stupid bitch does........

    Now reason for the question to her......I was going to stop at Krispy Kreme donuts to get the buy a dozen, get 1 free, cause I was suppose to go to my daughters on Monday night, and was taking them to the since it was Sunday....which I was just told, I did not need the donuts till Monday, which is tomorrow when I will be going back for the MRI, at which time I will get the donuts...........even though I still have no idea where the Krispy Kreme store is....maybe I will ask tomorrow......"or maybe I better not"

    Ok, are you all as confused as I am right now........imagine.......I never had Chemo......can't use that as an there such a thing as "Rads Brain"

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Ducky....yeah, got that too....💃 is what it is, we are who we are.....if people don't like us the way we are now....their loss because they're missing out on wonderful,

    funny and loving people, not to mention being hooligans and medically imbalanced...😜

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Ducky hahaha--Actualy u don't need chemo or rads to have what is called as Chemo brain it is the cancer that can cause it, but chemo etc would just make it worse--they just don't have all the facts because they never thought it was real even a few yrs. back, then they found out it could last for??? up to 20 yrs so far as studies go. hahaha

    We're all in deep Chit. hahaha U too Scottiee, it's a goofy feeling I know but I love that u acted like u were right Ducky hahaha u should have asked where the Krispy Creme place was--it would have added more fun to her day. LOL

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    rofl ducky!  I thought today was Saturday EVEN after I said there was a  church service in the park. Doh!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    I wonder if they would give us a group discount for lobotomies...ha ha ha

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Oh Ducky, love it. You guys make me feel not so out of it. Played hookie from church today and went to the flea market instead. Didnt find anything for me but did get gs a Huge blow-up spider-man and sponge-Bob. Dh looked quite the man carrying those 2 dolls around. 1 in each hand. He bought 2 hats because his heads been getting sunburned on top and wonders why. I said its cause your hairline is receading you dimwit!!!So now hes all worried about going bald. I could tell him a thing or three about that!!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited June 2013

    I don't think we need lobotomies. It's already happened. At the senior center it's quite common for people to come in on the wrong day. I think it's because days all look alike once you're not working.

    Chevy, My aunt was home with her 4 little kids when the police officer knocked on the door. He said, ma'am, do you know that's a marijuana plant in your front flowerbed? She was really disappointed because it was healthy and nice looking.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Wren u'r right on the brain thing for us and I love the plant story---I woudn't know what one looked like--Geeze all that time she could have made money. hahaha

    Maryblowupdoll---Whew I thought the doll was for u at first, then when u said 2 I figured one was for u'r DH--wow I'm glad it turned out the other way. Not tht there's anything wrong with having one Phylodolly. I do not judge, for I have sinned--not like u. I don't have the law breathing down my neck, well I don't have anyone breathing down my neck--so in a way u'r kinda lucky.

    And whoever isn't working, especially if u live alone, never knows the days of the week and I love when I ask and get the date--who the hell cares, I don't know the day.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Lobotomies would make room for our transplants ladies....I know I'm ready for one, not ready, but NEED one badly....😜😳

    About a month ago I showed up for a doctor's appt. and was so proud of myself that I was on time....the secretary said yes it would have been wonderful yesterday when you were supposed to come in. ...duh...😴

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    OMG...another all niter...damn don't any of you sleep..I'm not the best sleeper but ill be damned if ill get up unless I have to pee.

    So it looks like we are all buddies up....and the newbee never returned.Well I guess she got scared of this crazy group...boy do we fit or what?

    ducky..I was cracking up from your Sunday episode...

    Chevy pot legal where u live?

    if not who said it was legal anyway?

    ts legal in NJ...duh but u have to get a dr.who is on the list.WTF.what list?none of my drs will go on the list.they looked at me like I had 2 heads.BUT if you are getting chemo you can get the Maranol.If your insurance will cover it...damn I tried but mine would not cover it cause I was not in active tx.There are lots of threads on here about it if anyone is interested in doin the brownie thing.Who me?????

    Dontch love Veggy with her one liners..she does that to me when I'm goin to pa and I send her a pm...I get 3 words if I'm lucky.

    I do have rads brain.guess what? I was born that way.cant remember shit.sure I can remember from yrs.ago what that bastard X husband did but I'm lucky if I remember my drs.appts.I work with 2 in my purse and 1 right by the phone.

    Enuf of my bullshit...

    Question for Scottee.I know you use the coconut oil for your do I.but yesterday I left it on all day and its still on a little greasy but I don't want to wash it you?duh...

    Ill be back later...for me it's lunch time.

    I'm wearin 2bras for the's workin.maybe I could start a new fashion trend.

    Betta STFU rambling.

    Xo. Princess purple kantalope