STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    Scottiee takes tincture of iodine...  It's probably good for SOMEthing.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Holy Hooligans!  THAT was good JanuaryJones!  (That's a real person I think.)   You have eye problems!  I'm just SOrry!  I can't hear either, so we kind of match.  I mean I REALLY can't hear.  I'm going in for another hearing test next month... It's either these hearing aids, or my ears, but I feel so "lop-sided"....  Oh shut up everyone!   I use ear candles every couple weeks, but my hearing has just dis-integrated along with everything else.     Maybe I need them adjusted, or something.


    Yes.... I haven't turned on the news this morning.... it all is just so heartbreaking.... 


    Morning Joan.... Can you tell I'm going backwards with this thread?  Ha!  You talked about your rash.... Man, those are AWful.... I am the Queen of rashes though... Mine are still up and running.  My hands deserve a medal for driving me crazy....  I have stock in Claritin, and Preparation H.  See, the Preparation H is for "itching and burning, and swelling".... right?  So well, that is just ONE of the things I am using for my hands, along with 20 Mule Team Borax.  SHUT up!!!  I can hear you guys laughing!!!  Honest, I read this...  You put your hands in that powder, and all of a sudden............... nothing.  Maybe it's too soon yet.  I am on a mission....  

    And Joan, we know we can't make over any man.... for Sassy, or anyone else.  They just ...... "ARE".... We could all go out and shoot the guy I guess.... but there are ramifications for that....  if we were to be caught....

    THEN we would ALL have that same type of ankle monitor that Physicist has! 
  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy....good morning....can this be our little secret about the REAL mushrooms ....I'll just give Joan the names of the fake ones...ha ha ha

    My ex girlfriend's son used to grow the REAL ones in his closet until she found out....he had to go back to the fake

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy.....the tincture is a iodine..ok gonna really STFU about mushrooms before I get booted off here.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    IT'S A DIANE!!!!   Oh WHAT can we do with her?  Yes, we ARE fun, and deranged.  But we don't care....  I mean where ELSE can you go for this much fun...?  Pilot's quarters don't count Ducky..... 


    You were just diagnosed?  Have you had your surgery yet?  As you can tell, most of us here have been through it all, and SOME are now going through chemo, and we are TRYing to help them along, just as we will with you.... if you behave....  Sorry you are just beginning, but we can help you through it all... That reminds me of the album my Daughter gave me... with Martina McBride...



    I just love the song "I'm Gonna Love You Through It."  It was the same as when my Doc told me over the phone, that yes, it was breast cancer, and I just fell into my husbands arms...


    But you SEE?  That was almost 4 years ago, and here I am!  Ornerier than ever!  So just pitch a fit.... oh wait, I mean pitch a tent, and hang with us... You won't be sorry! 


    Oh I know Scottieeeee...  I have some mushroom vitamins, I think called Chabba?  I'll have to check...  I KNOW they are good for SOMEthing.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013
    Morning Princess... I have to post in installments, otherwise you guys will nod off!  You are right... I go to bed sooooo early, but I wake up with the chickens... Ha, ha!  There's those damn chickens again!

    Go get your hair cut, you silly!  And get that purple streak!  And damn good job girl!  You beat the boys! 

    Pretty soon you will be all new again!  You will have to take a picture of your new choppers!    Or one of some movie star that we will mistake for you! 


    Oh!  And so Miss Maryinnocense over here wants us all to believe that it was NOT her in the book-shelves that we ALL saw in the library after hours that Tuesday night! 


    That SHE was only in the hay-loft!  I DIDN'T SEE HER THERE!   And she had a horse!  Or rode IN on one or something . 

    But oh yeah Mary.... Those masculinized guys with all the masculins and hairy beards and dark eyes just DID it!  And if they had a Harley, I would give them 20 more points! 



    Oh no, wait.... not him!


     Edited.... because I didn't want his family to see this Pic....  Ha!


    HIM!   Actually girls....  I went out with this guy a few times...  I was a Senior in High School, but there was this thing about his reputation preceding him, that I would NOT go bats over him like all the other girls.  Sooooooooooo nothing! 

    I actually DID break out the window in his back seat with my HEAD when he slammed me into that glass.... He  thought a little convincing was needed, but it didn't work.... I just cried.... and I THINK he was so high he couldn't have anyway.... I wonder what he is doing now?  That little rat-bastard!
  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Chevy...WTH is in your coffee this morning.....and I'm the only one here listening to you

    and you know all I want to talk about is mushrooms....good in omelettes

    We should have a little competition here as to the first time we put out....ha ha ha ...I'm

    saying that because I think I would win....I'm not a tramp like the rest of you....😷😎😋😇....I'm REALLY gonna STFU now. 😷

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Jan...I am the one with the AMD........dry I think....

    Scottie...I am losing weight on Letrozole, but the SE's can be a bitch most days......I ave arthritis, and an on a statin, so it's hard to day which friggin drug is making things worse, but they worsened with the AI...would love to stop it....also,,, the hair thinning is a bitch...let me know what helped you to feel better.....somedays are I love mushrooms...send me a PM so we don't bore the hooligans..

    Going to make a LB cake to take to the party.........

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Try a mushroom one instead I'm starting to get more S/E now as the time goes buy......rib pain along with back pain....general aches and pains as well.

    I'm too scared to stop so will just suck it up and bitch off and on to you lot....❤

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning Ladies, Welcome Diane--I hope these loud mouth ladies didn't scare u off, as they would for most people. But I do want to assure u we do have some very healthy mentally balance women (man) on here that will guide u thru any procedures or questions u may have so please make u'rself comfortable here. It is safe and comforting and perdonally I was brought up in afamily that was very quiet and went to Catholic school, so I mind my P's and Q's at all times.

    Ok does that sound OK>

    Now hey Ducky I heard on the news that there is a pilot that flies (I don't remember the name) some airline and when he gets to 20,000 feet and climbing he announces this one's for Ducky. I knew it was u but no one else know hahaha

    Scottiee I will not let this go---Mushrooms made u feel better> Hmmm--we all know u'r an intelligent woman, but even my grandson wouldn't fall for that one. Ooo let's mix those mushrooms up with some homemade brownies, We'll all feel good then. It's legal here hahaha

    I wasn't here last night, well I was home just not here. My GS wanted alone time so that's what we do alone talk and talk and then he starts asking his questions that he wouldn't dare ask his mommy (my DD) so I answer him. Don't judge me til u hve walked in my slippersocks.

    Ducky I'm really glad u'r taking care of u'r eyes---yrs. ago they couldn't do what they do now so I'm happy about that for u.Laughing

    ChickaD U sound better, I hope it stick for a while, when do u get u'r next chemo? maybe it will be better. Phylohomahomahoma U too--this is not fun. But look at us all done and mentally screwed up==I blame the chemo , that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

    I'm going by memory now, I don't know how to double screen a computer so whatever I say u know who u are.

    Veggie u'r the quiet nice one, but u'r still a hooligan--u ca't help it u just are but Ducky, Chevy. and Princess are the head ones (OH I'm biting my lip, not sayong any more)

    Chevy if I hear anymore about those chickens I'm sending PhyloOkley over and shoot them all, and if she gets caught because of her ankle thingy then remember--we don't know her.

    Phylocracker don't feel bad. but I can't afford to get in trouble with the law again so I'm laying low. My world is very complicated.

    Dwilli I'm so glad u didn't get scared off u'r a nice addition.

    OK Princess if u want to stick to the story that u played cards with all men and u came home with all the money, then we'll go with that. It's u'r story, (Only u'rs.) Yea right.

    Well my DD and SIL aren't home now so my GS has to make coffee and I have to have some--I was on here before coffee--so my brain hasn't fully been awake. It was yesterday at 2:20PM for 2 mins. yesterday u might have missed it. So I'll be bock---My best Arnold Schwarznegger impersonation--the only one I do.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    GUYS!  The neighbors had to stay overnight in Oklahoma City Airport!  Damn!  With 2 little girls even!  I would have been so scared!

    And yes, I took the girls one more treat of corn off the cob!  They are getting too friendly anyway.... I'm afraid they will run out that door when I open it, and peck my ankles to death!  Wink  My stint is now over.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2013

    Cami.....I want to know who is mentally balanced in here.....did I miss something..😋

    AND great minds (I use the term loosely) think alike......I never bought that story either...

    She's putting out and doesn't want to make us jealous....when I visit the Princess, seems I won't need to bring any money with me...😷😎

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Scottie your right about the Princess......once a week card game with the boys, always comes home a winner.....kind of reminds me of the Jack and Jill story...


    Lol, lol......

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited June 2013

    GOOD MORNIN" HOOLIGANS!!! (Visualize Robin Williams yelling Good Mornin' Vietnam) Laughing

    I walked my first 5K race today and survived!!! Can't believe it. I think it is the first time I actually walked 3 miles in my life. It was to support one of the local cancer centers survivorship program. I had a good time, met some nice people, and was NOT the last one to finish. A few ladies pushing strollers were last, but I made sure I was ahead of them.

    54 min 32 sec for 3.1 miles - not too bad for a first 5K at age 63.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited June 2013

    Don't you all ever take a breath? I just can't get a word in edgewise.


    I am like 20 pages behind!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    good morning

    just to keep the records straight.....i did not put out...i will not put out....and for your info i was devirginized the nite i got there...thats the Gods honest truth.....I told u i dont want anyones when i get those beautiful choppers the story just might change if mr georgous shows up at my door.....yeah right...and pigs fly...

    its fugly the 90s...damn i hate the friggin summer.....

    Sas....been thinkin of you...hope you win this battle....we are here for least check in and let us know your are makin me itchy.

    ill be i betta clean this apt....

    huggs everyone


  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013


    I had a beautiful long post on my notepad and twice I couldn't post it here.  Locked up my screen.  So I restarted BCO and went back to notepad and it was gone too!   Grrrrr  sldfkdsfjsldfjsdlkjfsldfk!!

    Love you ladies!  Time for meds or meds and booze or booze and meds.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited June 2013

    So someone here is mentally balanced???  I'd sure like to know WHO?  Wink  I think that's an oxy-moron... or something similar.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    for the record (who is keeping the score?) - I didn't put out when I was younger, but I would put out now if given half a chance.   Kiss

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    Off the topic for a moment.

    For those of you that know our Torigirl from the 2010 thread she has been missing for a while.

    She lives in Oklahoma and after emailing her,calling her and posting on the thread she started she is safe and sound...PLEASE REMEMBER HER AND ALL THE OTHERS WHO ARE GOING THROU THIS HORROR.

    I even spoke to the mods about it cause i was so worried...they suggested I tell everyone that there is a central booking where you put all your we wanna do that?

    I think and it has been mentioned before we should have each others email,phone # we can keep up with each other....I told the mods I would mention it.....I do have lots of phone numbers and email addresses....what does everyone think?is there anyone who doesnt have a email or phone number please speak up now!!!!!

    just doin my job!!!!!!

    dont forget to remember our Torigirl and her family in your prayers.

    ill be back

    princess K

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    There is some sort of walk/run going on at the park across the street from me.  I should find out if it's for a cancer cure.   I could stand on my porch with my beer and yell "Hurry up!  We're waiting!"

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited June 2013

    Phg.....LMAO.....get me a beer, I will be on the next flight out to stand beside you and yell louder.........oh wait, Did I say flight.......hmmmm, now this may take a little longer then expected.......oh shit, when they get near your house, just tell them to circle a couple more times.........or I can tell my Pilot to hurry things up a little..........oh shit did I say little......I sure hope not.......either way,........keep that beer on, lol

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    PPK - Do you know how we get to central booking?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited June 2013

    Well Philohicup they allow u to go on the porch and u don't get arrest? That ankle bracelet gives u lots of leway, but I think u'd better put u likker in a paper bag---no one will figure that out.

    Princess i didn't know there was a thingy to put our special stuff on there. Well my specil stuff isn't exactly what I meant but it's like info about me. I don't put my special stuff out for just anybody like some people.

    Chevy no more chickens.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    The mods sent me a link for the central that sounds like prison!!!!

    If anyone is interested pm me and ill let u know.

    I dont want to put all my stuff out there either...i told that to the mods BUT if RED didnt have her info we would never have been able to find out that she passed.

    Maybe we should do something between us....whats everyones take on this?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited June 2013

    ok...i went back to the pm that i sent the mods.

    Its the Central Address book.Its on the stage 4 forum but the book is open to all.

    im not goin on it...

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited June 2013

    Phillycheese, I thought you knew all about central booking! I have never been on that side before, although I do know some good bail bondsmen.......from years ago....told you dh used to be a wildman.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    marywhat!  Yes, I have had some small experience with central booking.  I sorta miss it!  Ha, not so much.  And it's not like I'm not in all records with all my aliases. 

    At least I'm not on the No Fly list!  Chicklet and I can fly out to see Shellybelly.  I can even use my retired employee passes for my ticket.  I'm sure Chickpoo has some sort of travel agent discount for herself.  Get ready Shells!  Oh wait - gotta clear it with my anklemonitorperson and the judge.  I'm sure it's ok though.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2013

    I would rather keep  my contact info among us also.  I'm still sorta new here though, so I haven't exchanged info with anyone.

    Phyllalias  (hahaha, that sounds bad!)

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Late afternoon hooligans...

    Happy belated Birthday Flowers! How was dinner last night? Was the filet yummy? Did you dance the night away?

    Scottie I love truffle Mac and cheese... Don't think it's very healthy... But it's so good I feel high after I eat it.

    Sass you amaze me with your writing. It was always the hardest subject for me... I couldn't do it all just math and science. As for man trouble it is so hard to know what to say. But I do know you deserve someone to support you and be there for you.

    Princess please send a pic of your new grill (teeth) when you get them :) I am glad you took all there money you card shark. Never strip poker? You are so good at cards you could make some $$ and get a good look in

    ChickaD glad you are having a good day ;) you will be done with chemo before you know it. It sucks but you are one hell of a fighter.

    Diane welcome ;) glad you joined this amazing group of fighters! You will laugh, cry, and pee yourself!

    Sending hugs and prayers to all...

    Xoxo sweet pea