STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015

    see I told u

    Yes I drove Ducky crazy along with some others


    PTs....she took me for PT told me to wear the song sports bra( the one that looked like a tank top)... I tried buy 1 get one free...they worked soooooo she took me back and I bought im pretty sure 8 or 10 more...I gave away 2 brand new ones cause I gained weight haha and they were too small..I have sooo many bras I need 2 draws to keep them in...

    Do I buy a lot?

    Yup one of everything and more

    That must be a sickness

    YA think

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2015

    think you are a shopaholic~~

  • MagicalBean
    MagicalBean Member Posts: 192
    edited February 2015

    Holy smokes. I have a gray one, a beige one and a navy one. 3 bras. That's it. I never wear them in the winter, and in summer, I slap one on when I leave the house, period.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited February 2015

    I was bra crazy too. It was so difficult to find a comfortable one. I would buy a ton of them and bring them home to try them on. Because I'm so OCD, I would try them on over a t-shirt. Then I would bring back the ones I didn't like. I'm sure they just rolled their eyes when they saw me coming back. lol I also found the tank top bras to be almost comfortable. There was a really almost comfortable sports bra I found too. I'll have to look in my drawer and find out which was the only sports bra I could wear after surgery. I don't leave the house too often lately, so I never wear one at home. They still feel so uncomfortable to me - even a year after surgery.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015

    I guess PTS is rite

    I am a shopaholic

    2 draws of for light and white and the other for dark and black

    Shoes...lost count

    Boots...bought 4 new pairs this year

    Tops,,,2 closets full

    I have every color sweatsuits...

    Oh shit

    I'm im writing im Thinkin of all the sweatpants I have...every color

    I gotta stop

    Is there any kind of meeting I could go for this?????

    BTW...I do wear everything I own

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2015

    FK--yeap shopaholics here she comes!  I sure they have a 12 step program for you!  but Macy's might not like you to join, it would be bad for business! 

    too funny girl!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015

    good morning

    If u name it U claim it..haha

    My downfall is my daily email from Zulily...

    They have the most beautiful clothes

    One of my New Years resolutions was to stop buying...after I got my purple boots...

    So far I broke it just one time

    Only because I needed sweaters....just bought 2...

    That's it

    It's not snowing today but the weekend brings snow both days


    Sub zero temps....oh well I no the worst month....


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2015

    No snow here just rain.........

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited February 2015

    My DD would love you. She loves to shop and takes forever to pick things out.
    I don't like to shop, but I do love spending time with her so I always go with her.
    She does wear me out though!!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2015

    Slow.. I have one daughter who I always joke "shops like a boy ".. If the first dress she tries on looks good, she'll buy it ! My other daughter is like yours.. It's an all day event to buy anything!! I have spent so many hours standing on one leg and then the other outside change-rooms!! But.. I enjoy the company too!

    FK... Don't worry.. There's nothing wrong with a bit of retail therapy.. It's good for the soul :-)

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited February 2015

    Lucy, when she was young it was so much worse. I would get so frustrated. She would just agonize over every decision. My DH and I would wait out in the car while she shopped, then she would come get us when it was time to pay. We still joke about that today. Plus she always had to shop at a place called Tilly's. She refused to shop anywhere else. Then she grew up and had to pay for her own clothes. My how quickly that changed!! haha I'm like your other daughter....takes me about two seconds to pick something out. If it fits, I'm buying it.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited February 2015

    FK - all signed up & posted to FB


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015

    I didn't buy anything

    Not one damn thing cause I need nuthin

    DELEATE Zulily without even lookin to see if there was anything I wanted not needed

    I could literally shop till I drop...

    Thanks Martha for signing the pitit ion

    They still need like five thousand more signatures

    Please tell all ur friends

    I'm blinking a lot which means it's almost that time to start my exercises

    Sharon came to visit soon as the weather clears up a bit im goin with her to her church to see Veggys hubby

    For the newbees who don't no VEGGY she was my neighbor,friend and bco sista who passed away..Sharon is her friend whose mother lived in my bldg...small world..

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2015

    Hi all, most of you good girls should be asleep at this time.

    You lot have been busy partying, shopping and misbehaving I think.

    I have been reading but not had too much energy to write and didn't feel up to it. Its just the RA has been really bad, have had such severe pain in lower back. Had xray and there is something pressing on the spinal cord. I need an MRI so they can have a real good look at it.Could be a herniated disc, a bone spur or something else. Problem is I can't get an appointment with a specialist for ages and this is privately as well. I have just wanted to think its the old back problems getting worse and not anything else.

    Any way on a much brighter note DS and DDiL are having baby at the beginning of August. which is wonderful. I am already busy knitting even though it has been very hot. And it gives me something to do when I don't feel like moving much.

    I was really bad today and did some gardening but i do love being in the garden and at least I know what is making me so sore.

    Loads of big hugs for all my dear friends.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2015

    Hi Aly.......good to hear from you....sorry to hear your having RA flare-ups, and hope that is all it is.....not to minimize the pain, but just as its what I call........"my old lady aches" I'm not saying your old........LOL.......just saying maybe it is the RA......

    Your hot there, and here we are freezing our buns off.......not a lot of snow to compain about, but the weather as far as cold goes has been brutal........but not as bad as last year (I don't think).

    As much as we all hate the "heat", I guess when it comes to RA its better that then cold........

    My grandaughter is due in another month with my 5th great-grandchild......not sure what it is, she claims she did not want to know........then I found out that one of my grandsons is having a baby in July...........under much different circumstances.....but he seems ok with it, and from what he says so are my son and DIL.......he is a great guy......26, college graduate, going for his Master's........just hope he realizes its no walk in the park........time will tell..

    Good to hear from you.......we ;missed you.......hugs.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702
    edited February 2015

    So good to see you Alyson!! I'm praying the MRI shows something simple to fix.

    So many grandchildren and grands. I can't wait to see pictures!! There's nothing like a baby to bring job to a family. Have I mentioned I can't wait to have grandchildren??? haha

    Thinking of you GMA!! We all miss you here. Sending healing thoughts and gentle hugs your way!! :)

    Kracker, good for you for resisting yesterday. hahaha

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2015

    Alyson.. Good to see you back.. Sorry about the pain.. So annoying you have to wait so long to see the specialist.. Congrats on the grand -baby.. a winter baby as well.. Your knitting will be very much appreciated!

    I'm excited too.. I'm having another grand-baby too.. A boy..He will be born by c section on March 26 th.. He's my 8th grandbaby.. and the eldest only turned 5 a couple of weeks ago.. There will be 5 girls and 3 boys..

    Slow.. Yep.. Grandbabies are lots of fun.. You just have it all to look forward too 😃

    Joan ..Thinking of you and you grand daughters.I hope all goes well when they set up the two homes ..I know it's hard not to worry ..Sending prayers for your family .

    Ducky ..more great grand babies to love :-)

    Going to the beach today with my daughter and her family ..yay ..I so love the ocean , the sound , smell, watching the waves ,walking on the sand ..Yep ..It's a gift from God .!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2015

    Slow.. Forgot to add. ..(Re the daughters shopping trips).. After the standing on the one leg, and then the other, I too had to then pay.. and yep all the clothes had to be brand names.. Hmm.. I don't notice her getting around in much designer gear these days, now she's paying for it either.!!!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2015

    Lucy..........I have 18 grandchildren........10 boys, and 8 girls.....ranging from 31 own to 14.........some I am veyr close to, others not as much...............2 I took care of when they were babies back in the 80;s.......2 mor I took care of up to 2 years ago...........they are now 16 and 14, so they don't need me now to watch over my daughter is working from home now.

    She has a problem with the new office building and when she goes in she gets sick, so until they can find out what is wrong with her and the building she will be home.

    2 of my grandsons live in Chicago.......that is where I was last month for 4 days.....I really miss those 2.......the others I don't see often even though they l 10 minutes away......well I take that back......

    One is going to college in Rhode Island, but he wouldn't come anyway, and the other was transfered to St. Louis, Mo but if he was here.....he would come over......

    People say....your lucky your kids live so close.....all my kids....all 6 live a town over from me......just one lives 20 minutes away..........they may as well live in Europe for as many times as I see them.........Some more then others.........

    I have 4 great grandchidren who iive 10 minutes away......I last saw them in July........

    The new baby coming in March I will see constantly.........that grandaughter is very close to me.......I am hoping for a boy..............hugs

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015


    U showed up Alyson

    I told u we were gettin worried...I feel UR pain..I have one of them I don't care which one but it stinks

    Thank u God I don't have anymore GGkids comin

    At least not that I no of

    I had Sharon here again today...I finally have a friend where I live who I adore

    She took me for groceries and I cooked dinner...Fish SAUCE Ducky!!!!

    I gotta go have a smoke


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2015

    fish sauce is fine................but red is gravy...........LOL.........I had clam sauce tonight............

  • magdalene51
    magdalene51 Member Posts: 2,062
    edited February 2015

    Ducky, your daughter's problem with the new building is most likely the carpeting. I've had that myself, when my client remodeled; I could barely go in the building, and had headaches after meetings. It's a formaldehyde coating that wears off in a couple of months after installation. How new is the building?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015

    good morning

    And the argument continues

    The fish sauce is RED...DUCKY...

    When I moved into this apt I got new carpeting..I hate carpeting but that's what I got..anyway the smell was killing me...the manager went on line and told me to but down bakin soda all over the carpet...let it sit a day and with a good vac...get it all up...walla!!!!! Smell was gone...

    I'm Thinkin of the end of the month party....Slo had a good idea with the old pic.thing along with everything else

    What does everyone think about that?

    We r getting a storm Tonite...I think it's gonna last forever.ha


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,854
    edited February 2015

    Gonna get a storm that's gonna stick around til late tommorrow night or early Tuesday. May see 6-12 out of it! Sick of snow now!


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2015

    I remember reading and even being told at the flooring store that carpet has nasty chemicals that can be an issue for us sensitive~~folks with allergies.  I still have carpets in some places but have replaced all else.  Course the other week I visited a continuum care place with carpet in the hall and in some of the appts....came home with breathing issues,  Run for the Rescue inhaler!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2015

    I like the idea of the photos at the party.!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2015

    Thanks ladies.......Nikki has been to every type of Dr. allergist, ENT, GP, Pulmonar specialst, has had allergy testing, can't eat certain foods...'(at least she found that out)........had an MRI to rule out diseae and tumor.

    She is fine till she enters the building....dizzy,.I wish I would have saved the picture where after being in the office for 7 hours ........3 days later she worke up and her face was black........she looked like someone beat the shit out ofher.............

    Building is brand new from the ground up.....our Mayor was thrilled about the development at our "'navy yard" which houses Jefferson Hospital satellite, Tastykake company, and many more.........

    We do beieve the company does not want to find out the cause because of all the hype of it being a green my it is better to let her work from home then t go to th expense of going over the entire building to find the cause which they may not want to know.

    Years ago there was some problem with the ground that this was built on.....her BIL works for the EPA and was telling her the story.......

    They won't let her go because it is "medical", and they are afraid of a law suit.......they are a healthcare company...GlaxoSmithKline Pharma......

    It could be "mold" from the framing of the building.......if he wood got wet, and developed mold while waiting to be used....

    She is happy home, but it goes from months to months still wondering what they are going to do......nothing deinite yet......they just keep have not been cleared yet.........problem is if they don't check the building completey they never will find out................

    Time will tell..........

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited February 2015

    I get the type of reaction, sorry for her and I know how hard it is to figure out industrial triggers.  I have some but never test positive during allergy testing

    sounds like she would have a case for workman's comp or something if she can not work in the building

    It is scary so do wish her the best, we can develop allergic reactions to anything at any point even if things are labeled hypo allergenic

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited February 2015

    I'm back

    I read everything but as U all no im goin from memory which I have none

    I remember the pictures..yes done deal

    The I hate the rug...Ducky whe I go to our living room in the bldg my eyes fill do my's the damn rug...I hate rug but I try to keep it as clean as possible...airpurifiers,de humidifiers, and I stil have this problem...with all the other crap

    I just want to remind everyone to please,please sign the pitition

    We need many more signatures

    I no Ducky and slow and tomboy did crogg....please it only takes a few minutes


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Member Posts: 2,703
    edited February 2015

    Ive signed too 😃