Was your breast lump painful?



  • hoof2sand
    hoof2sand Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2015

    YES PAIN..Gyno told me "nothing" just dense breasts stop complaining. She is fired. Breast center told me to collect ALL of my past mammos prior to new mammo. Pain means it is not breast cancer was info handed out on phone "start on antibiotics". Lucky my breast said start screaming. In one week went from pain to swelling and redness. Went bezerk on the phone to get an appointment (told to go to ER) Yes at a MAJOR "certified" BREAST CENTER IN NY!!! After getting an appointment (after visits to primary doc to get a script for a mammo) they tried to cancel appt! Bezerk again.. went in after mammo-Radiologist came in looking grim. I said "I know... I have breast cancer-body told me so." Told me that we still need to do a sono and biopsy but we will do it fast. Needless to say-took my tests to a better cancer facility. I appreciate your cause and would like to add the YOUU DO NOT NEED MAMMOS IF YOU HAVE A GROWING LUMP crusade. :

  • Addie29
    Addie29 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2015

    mine was painful. It actually felt like someone was sticking a hot pocket into my chest right where the lump was and it would shoot across my chest to my arm.

  • little-k
    little-k Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2015

    Mine felt like a suddenstinging pain. That is how I noticed the lump.

  • SusanBMomof3
    SusanBMomof3 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2015

    I'm a breast cancer survivor, 11/2010 Is when I finished treatment. I discovered a lump in my armpit this a.m. May 2015 . I have pain through my shoulder, shoulder blade, and when the Dr. Pushed on the lump I did feel pain in some areas. It's the lymph nodes. I was relieved when told if it was cancer it wouldn't hurt. My Dr. Ordered diagnostic mammo, and ultra sound stat. Well...to my surprise trying to get in stat (they thought I'd get in today , have the results tomorrow) the cancer center/imaging is booked until the end of June! Yikes, having to wait after already going through cancer surgeries really stinks, I can't help but be nervous.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739
    edited May 2015

    Hi SusanB,

    Welcome to Breastcancer.org! We're sorry you have to be here, but really glad you found us. You'll find this Community an amazing source of advice, support, and knowledge. We're sure others will be by shortly to offer their experiences.

    In the meantime, you may want to join others who have fears like yours in the Not Diagnosed With a Recurrence or Metastases but Concerned forum. There are also others waiting in the Waiting for Test Results forum.

    We hope this helps! Please let us know how your results turn out -- we are all sending our best wishes!

    --The Mods

  • Nestle17
    Nestle17 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2015
    I will help you. I had pain in my left breast that I ignored, because it hurt and because my family history was entirely free of cancer. Then I got an inverted nipple, which my doctor said was nothing to worry about. I was due for a yearly mammogram and it was perfect, but I told him it still hurt. So he sent me for an ultrasound which found the suspicious tumor. Finding out it was cancer completely blind-sided me; everybody and their hairdresser said 'cancer doesn't hurt'. It obviously does sometimes!
  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited July 2015

    I had pain, starting about four or so months ago....which I sort of ignored because I googled it and got the information many of you got, that 'breast cancer rarely causes pain.'...however, I did start checking my breasts regularly (ok, compulsively, at least twice per week... :-)) and discovered the tumor myself, right below the nipple. I have wondered if that location (all those nearby sensitive nerve endings) made it more painful. I should say, the pain is not that bad, just enough that I was aware of it. A good thing, I guess.

    Interesting to read that someone else mentioned that the biopsy bled a lot...so did mine, and took a long time to heal. lots of bruising, over an area bigger than an orange!

    And starting about six months ago, I started having vague anxious thoughts that something was wrong...though bc didn't cross my mind, I just felt 'not right'. Listening to our bodies is indeed important.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited July 2015


    I could almost word for word write what you wrote. Pain about 6 months ago, not constant but enough to make me compulsive about self exams. I had missed my annual mamo so when I found a lump I called my gyn to get the referral, scheduled the appointment and for some reason did not tell anyone about the lump including the mamo tech. I knew I was going to get a call back and I did the same afternoon to come back the next morning for repeat left side mamo and ultrasound. The radiologist read the ultrasound while I was on the table and asked if she could do a biopsy right now. I had to wait all weekend but I KNEW I had cancer and it hurts still. In fact I am worried about my axillary lymph nodes because I hurt there too.

  • ClareInChicago
    ClareInChicago Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2015

    hi Everyone,

    At 2pm today (U.S central time), I'll be getting an ultrasound guided biopsy on my right breast (3.2cm mass) and mass in my right armpit. Yes, it hurts like Hell (lol)! It's hurt for years. After 6 years and 4 mammograms (diagnostic too), a lump appeared a month after my 40th birthday. I'm actually excited (weird word) that the lump was seen in my screening mammogram this time because now I will once and for all have it drained then biopsies and get on with whatever happens next. It hurts now as I type this out. I haven't been diagnosed with cancer but yes, my mass hurts

  • Deannie58
    Deannie58 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2015

    hi ladies. Just got through reading all of your post waiting on my doctor to come off of vacation so I can get paper work for a mammagrame from him. I have had pain in my breast now for awhile now and it becomes very painful at times. At first I thought it was just menopause causing the pain because of my age etc but I am having more pain more often. I have changed bras etc nothing takes the pain away. My mother had breast cancer and now so has a aunt on my father's side of the family. I'm not due to have another mammagrame toll next month but hoping that my regular Dr will write me up to have one done early. Yes you can do it on your own here but it costs extra money so this works best for me to get it done. All of your information here was very helpful and makes me realize that cancer can hurt. Thank you for listening to me. Deannie

  • HighTops5280
    HighTops5280 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2015

    Yes, my cancer hurt. Twinges off and on, and an occasional soreness, all from the same spot nearly midway between my breasts. But a mammo showed nothing so I tried to ignore it. After all, I'd heard so often that breast cancer almost never hurts. Finally saw my doctor again 6 months later. She couldn't feel anything either and suspected fibrocystic disease, but ordered an ultrasound anyway, just to be sure. Good thing she did. My tumor was sitting right on my ribs and so close to the center that it didn't show at all on a mammo. Even after the biopsy, when they put in a clip and knew exactly where to look, it could not be seen on a mammo.

  • amygil81
    amygil81 Member Posts: 42
    edited July 2015

    I've had two breast cancer lumps. I found my initial DCIS lump in the shower. My BF found a lump under my mastectomy scar, which was my chest wall recurrence. Neither was painful (until I had the surgery to remove the cancer, of course).

    I also had osteosarcoma at age 13, in my left leg. Now THAT was painful. The pain was the primary symptom. The tumor grows, but the bone doesn't compress the way breast tissue does, and that pressure causes increasing pain. The trick is to get to the surgeon in time to do something about it before it spreads.

  • holiday614
    holiday614 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2015

    I had severe pain in my left breast, I couldn't even move my left arm. It felt a lot like nerve pain. Sharp, searing pain, like a knife was slicing me open. I went to see my doctor and she didn't even care about the pain. She wanted to give me Naproxen (Aleve) but that was it. I got an ultrasound done and they found several benign lumps and one lump that they were unsure of. She told me there was no point in doing a biopsy but instead to wait 6 months and redo the ultrasound and see if there are changes. The doctor made it seem like no big deal. It's been 6 months and the pain has definitely lessened but I still have a constant discomfort in my left breast ( sort of like a heavy pulling sensation). Sometimes I will have a sense of that sharp pain. At times it feels like my left breast is just heavier but on visual exam both breasts look fairly symmetrical. I'm curious to know if there are others who have experienced this type of pain???

    Background: I am a 24 year old registered nurse and do have a history of breast cancer on my mother's side of the family (deceased relative). I also am very familiar with different factors that place a person at greater risk of BC; however I am not familiar with this type of pain related to BC. Any help from a person with a similar experience is greatly appreciatedSmile

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739
    edited October 2015

    Hi Holiday-

    We want to welcome you to our community here at BCO. We're sorry for the worry that brings you here, but we're glad you've found us, and hope you find the support you need.

    While it's true that many people don't experience any pain associated with their cancer before diagnosis, as you can see from the posts in this thread, no two people (or cancers) are alike. It's good that you took a proactive approach and saw your doctor! Given your age, the odds are in your favor that this is a benign condition, but getting it checked out is very important. You mentioned that it's been 6 months, have you scheduled your follow-up yet?

    Please keep us posted on how your follow-up goes, we'll be thinking of you!

    The Mods

  • holiday614
    holiday614 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2015

    No I have not scheduled a follow up yet. I know that I need to get the ultrasound done but I am just not sure if I should go back to this same doctor. I just don't know who to trust. It's hard to trust someone who doesn't seem to care. Healthcare is really hit-or-miss here in the southern part of New Mexico. I actually have had two friends who have had breast cancer before the age of 20. I'm not scared, just would like some answers. Thank you for your speedy reply.


  • MB12
    MB12 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2015


    I have 2 confirmed lumps in quadrant 4 and possible 3rd. My doctor is scheduling mammo/ultra on Friday or Monday. I'm 39, active, healthy and spotted one after I was off my period. The doctor found the 2nd lump and I may have found a 3rd. They are all close in proximity. The other night I woke up to a sharp shooting nerve pain from lumps radiating outwards and up to my armpit. This has happened on and off the last 2 days. Also, felt a quick jolt of throbbing pain a time or two where lump is. It may be because I've been feeling the lumps, obsessively. It's only where lumps are as the focal point and will shoot out. Sporadic pain. A couple of seconds up to 5, at the most.

    Has anybody been diagnosed and felt the same pain? Thank you for any info provided!


  • bluepearl
    bluepearl Member Posts: 133
    edited October 2015

    My second breast cancer was 8mm and was sore....to the armpit. No nodes though.

  • MB12
    MB12 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2015

    Hi Bluepearl,

    Thank you for the info. ย Mine are not sore. Just experience some sharp random stabbing pains from lumps n an occasional throbbing where the lumps are, almost feels the throbbing is underneath the lumps. ย Hoping to get mammo next Thursday.ย 


  • MB12
    MB12 Member Posts: 44
    edited October 2015

    Hello Friends,

    Ok, here is my first report. ย Went and got the mammo and ultra. ย Highly irregular, abnormal, suspicious, very concerning, etc. are adjectives all used. ย 2 centimeters at 11 o'clock and looks like a blob of black paint splattered on the floor. ย 3 tech/doctors all looked at me very sympathetic, whispered in low voices and I could feel their empathy. ย They were all great! ย They were not concerned with the 9 o'clock at this time. Referred me to breast cancer counselor, biopsy, options for treatment facilities and told me that I'm in good hands and we can move fast w this after the biopsy confirms. That they will work w me and wherever I decide to go. ย So, scheduling biopsy, tomorrow. I saw the images and it concurs with cancer diagnosed images that I've seen. Just saying.ย 

    I'm not scared. I'm pissed off at the timing of this as my app is launching in November and I'm commuting from SF to LA to STL. I'm a boss and get shit done. Take the bull by the horns kind of lady. Not to mention my 12 year old daughter is homeschooled this year and we move to Venice after Thanksgiving for 3 months and are to travel for work. This is the worst possible time. Oh, and I held off on new insurance bc in healthy and I got quotes for business and employees after we launch. We got delayed w launch and thought, I'm healthy, I can wait a couple months and enroll in January. They denied me in 2014 because I took Xanax 8 years prior that. One prescription. Also, tried getting coverage in CA and MO. Way harder after Obama care went through. Told me to wait and reapply. ย I've worked my ass off to get us here over the last 3 years. Nothing will stop this launch. Also, I'm a health junkie. I take all sorts of superfoods, anti-cancer fighting free radicals agents, herbs, exercise, watch my sugars, eat non-processed foods, etc. ย I'm not perfect, but I'm on it w diet and exercise. ย Plus, I eventually want more kids and had planned on freezing some of my eggs. I'll have to check into that at a faster rate, now. I'm totally venting. I know there is no good time to get bc and I still have to wait on biopsy for proper diagnosis. I just know that burning pain/aches that I felt is not normal. It's like anesthesia shooting in your veins and nerve pain. Also, I have been forgetting a few things as in short term here and there when my memory is exceptional. I've had some fatigue, dizziness, light appetite over the last couple months and may have dropped a size, but i work out and I've been hitting abs more frequently. Just thought it's the stress of the app launch and commuting. I'm actually the happiest I've ever been and in the very, best time of my life, right now.ย 

    So, I'll get biopsy and go from there. Keeping this under tight raps w my family and work. Not until, I follow through w my backup plan that is already in place as in where I'd go for treatment in CA. LA/SF. They will all throw in their opinions and I have quite a few family/friends that are dr/nurses. They'll try and suck me in to staying in STL and there is no way in hell that is happening. :) Not to mention it could cause issues on our fundraising round. We are a company that believes in full transparency. We are a global app. We travel. ย It's the job. Geez. Thanks for listening. ย Praying for a miracle or an easy, fast cure and praying for all of you ladies!!! ๐Ÿ˜˜ I'll update after biopsy. It may not be the dumb BC. Tysm for listening!!!! ๐Ÿ™

    Michelle xo

  • SmileyLady
    SmileyLady Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2015

    Courious on an update on you? I have a lump attached to a larger lump behind my nipple. It aches and I have pain in that shoulder. It's come on quickly. After a mamogram & ultrasound they say that it isn't a cyst (have 12 of those is this breast!) & it's dense. I cannot get in for a byopsy for nearly 2 weeks because of scheduling & thanksgiving. Another 3 days for results. Dear lord that's too long.

    Everything says pain is a good sign but I have never felt like this. It aches and twitches.

  • allsmith642
    allsmith642 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2015

    Created an account to post this but for the past year I've noticed a lump in my breast that was painful from time to time. Brought it up to the doctor got an ultrasound and biopsy and was diagnosed with "dense fibrosis". I work in radiology - as a secretary- and was kinda spooked when the radiologist came to my work area to give me the diagnosis versus calling me with it. I am 22 and I know I have age on my side but something doesn't feel quite right. My mother was just diagnosed with bc this year and went with me to get the ultrasound.. I walked in to the exam and told her not to worry that it was probably just a cyst.. And then after the radiologist came in and told me that he couldn't not rule out that it was begnin from the Us got BIRADS4 .During the biopsy the doc only got2 when they tried to get four samples beacuse I bleed like crazy. During the year I discovered then lump my breast would hurt like an electric shock from time to time.. I thought maybe it as caffeine that was the trigger so I went months with out it and my limo still ached from time to time and didn't get smaller. I have made several changes to diet to see if that makes a difference, tracked my period as well but it still aches time and again, and never gets smaller. I am a little worried about it giving my us was inconclusive and was wondering if you think I should get a second opinion? I've had others strange things going on with my body since this lump appeared that I hd never experienced before. I'm a little nervous I was misdiagnosed

  • Sandy35
    Sandy35 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    hey there I'm going for a breast screening in couple weeks cause I complained to my GP that my right breast is so painful it swells up and now my left breast has started an pain in my armpits and upper back, I have a big lump in my right breast that's causing the pain I'm kinda freaking out, it's my first screening and I'm only 35 years old so hoping good news

  • MB12
    MB12 Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2016

    Hi Sandy,

    Praying for positive results and good news!! Let us know how it goes amd know we are here for you!!

    Michelle xo

  • ForeverOptimistic
    ForeverOptimistic Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2016

    I'm new to this forum. Interesting post. My TNBC was painful. I thought it was a pulled muscle. I still think it began that way. I either experienced a stabbing sensation in my chest or a burning sensation that shot under my arm. The world stopped while I help my breath and waited for the burning to subside. Reaching for a glass of water could set it off. I couldn't leave the house without pain meds. I'm not a pill popper. I did not use any meds after surgery. My cancer had a tale which my osteopath assumed caused the pain.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,739
    edited March 2016


    Welcome to BCO, and thank you for sharing your experiences! We hope you find this to be a supportive place!

    The Mods

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited March 2016

    That's the only way I found out something was wrong was one morning I woke up with a lot of pain in my left breast. Well, there was a 7 cm tumour there so no wonder. I didn't keep up with yearly mammos, skipped 4 years worth, and mistakenly thought no bc in fam so low chance.

  • Tracey65
    Tracey65 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2016

    yes my was very painful , was told it was painful cysts , then they done a biopsy and bang it was a cancerous 2cm tumour ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    Had lumpectomy and sentinel lymph nodes op , thankfully nodes were clear and no more op needed , 20 sessions of radiation and all done now , huge pain still 4 months later , nerve damage from lymph node removal ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

    Hopefully it will heal soon ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • missscarlett1984
    missscarlett1984 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2016

    Hi! I have a question. What kind of "weird dreams" did you have?

  • LovesLoons
    LovesLoons Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2016

    I had intermittent pain, usually during the same time every month, even though i was on birth control pills constantly (for endometriosis). It was stabbing. I was used to pain because of my late-stage Lyme, so didn't expect it to be anything new going on.

    My breast tissue started getting hard spots. After the nipple retraction and I knew something was not right. This all happened within the space of about 3-4 months. Fast growing, triple negative, grade 3. No wonder it hurt. It has now taken up basically all the space in there (yea, I'm small). And it's still growing. Will be starting chemo in about 2 weeks.

  • Confusedandtired
    Confusedandtired Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2016

    Hi I found a lump in my breast at the beginning of the tear but put it off because every time I go to get a mammogram they find something and usually its a cyst that they drain and so to have to go through unnecessary worry I just didn't want to. Well that ended up being a mistake. I wanted 8 months and only because my sister went for a routine man no and demanded I go. So I went they found a slew of cyst and other things wrong and this lump that was Hurting me that felt like a hard rock which was different from the rest of my lumps had gotten bigger over the 8 months. The mammogram said it was a clogged duct. And the biopsey came back discordant . I left out I am 41 and for the last 6 years have had nipple discharge which no one wants to address being yellow green clear brownish red or white. I just feel like something is not right my body feels tired night sweats hot flashes. Headaches. I got bronchitis 3 weeks before my lumpectomy which was 4 days ago had a horrible time getting better then lost my voice for 2 weeks and hot thrush all before my surgery. I too had arm pit pain and shoulder pain . My docter to tell me cancer doesn't hurt my breast sinks in when I am laying down weeks begorevthe lumpectomy the discharge turned red red blood coming out my nipple . Still she wasn't concerned. So I find out my pathology results tommarrow. I will be surprised if it isnt cancer because my gut says it is but glad it isnt.. But I agree they don't listen to us .