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2013 Sister Warriors



  • surrealist65
    surrealist65 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2013

    Me too!  Diagnosed 2/5/13, surgery coming up 3/20 & still don't know HER2 status.  We will rock the chats!

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2013

    I have been thinking about you today longwayhome. Hope  everything went OK at your appointment.

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    longwayhome -- thinking about you as well.

    How are the rest of my sister warriors doing today?  I've got surgery coming up Friday and am really nervous (both about the surgery as well as what they will find in there).  Hugs to everyone!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Yeah Happy Dancing!!! Post-op MRI is clear ... no biopsy no surgery relief ... Rads here I come. Friday Rad setup & Tatoos yippy:))

    Longwayhome pray that your news is good too!

    Surealist6 & Cuetang praying for successful surgeries quick healing easy recoveries & calm peaceful confident hearts&minds.

    Go Warriors! ((XXX)))

  • momtotenkids
    momtotenkids Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2013

    Keeping you in my prayers cuetang for Friday.

    RMlulu doing the happy dance with you! I went today for my rad setup and tattoos. I don't start treatments for 2 more weeks though. Ready to get this over with and get back to everyday life!

  • pacools
    pacools Member Posts: 35
    edited March 2013

    First radiation treatment behind me.  I celebrated by meeting AmyinMI for lunch.  We had a very enjoyable afternoon. One thing I know is that all these treatment plans are so different, which I think is great we are being treated as individuals with no cookie cutter protocols.

    RMlulu wonderful news and another step on this journey.

    Cuetang I am sure you will be glad to have this next part behind you, what a trooper and so patient.

    I hope we hear an update soon from Renee, Longwayhome, and Kimberly they need our continued support. 

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2013

    Happy dancing with you RMlulu--that is great news!

    Wishing you all the best Cuetang.  Hope you can find things to distract yourself between now and surgery day.  You are stronger than you think and it will go easier than you think.  It's kind of funny. The next day I was visited by my breast surgeon's residents (I think 3) and my plastic surgeon's residents (I think two or three), plus my PS (at a later time).  It kind of reminded me of Gray's Anatomy with all those young drs., but my operating room didn't have a viewing area.  Anyway, two pieces of advice: keep up on your meds to avoid pain those days following surgery.  And talk to a nurse about keeping your bowels moving.  The daily stool softner pill didn't do it for me.  I finally started taking Miralax (can use generic version--same thing) a couple days after I got home, but that still was too long (it takes a few days before that kicks in).  Maybe start the day before and then after you get home (?). 

    I go tomorrow to see the PS.  Hoping to get a drain pulled, or at least an indication when he thinks I'll be done healing.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Pacools- congrats on day 1 rads completed & added bonus of lunch date with Amy! Fun :)

    Momtotenkids- missing my TX hill country blue bonnets. Best Wishes on your tats&rads. I'm thinking I may not be out kayaking on LBJ just yet.

    Renee- glad you are doing good & moving(prunes&hot tea worked for me). Hope you get a drain pulled tomorrow :)

    Rock warriors!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    Thanks everyone for the positive wishes! I've had my good and bad days, and I'm glad I have all of you who listen and understand...

    RMlulu-- doing the happy dance for you here as well! :)

    Renee-- thanks for the advice, I will have to ask about having stool softeners prior to surgery. Hopefully you'll get rid of the drain soon!

    Pacools-- good to hear that you're onto the next step of this process.

  • AmyfromMI
    AmyfromMI Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2013

    RMlulu, congrats on the MRI! I am happy dancing with you!

    Patty, it was so great to meet you! I hope we can celebrate again. Good luck on rad number 2 tomorrow!

    Hugs and healing thoughts to everyone. I hope you all sleep well and have peaceful dreams. I'm off to tuck my youngest in to bed. 😴

  • Starynights
    Starynights Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2013

    Well looks like Ill be getting on this bandwagon too ! I was diagnosed on Jan 18 with IDC, ER/PR+HER2 -lumpectomy/sentinel node biopsy on Jan 31. Was grade 1, stage 1, barely 1 cm, clear margins and clear nodes. Was so happy Id be getting only radiation and Femara hormone blockers.....SURPRISE !!!! Had genomic (Symphony) testing done and what all the docs said they were sure would be negative came back positive ! Oncologist was shocked. So I went from single digit reoccurance rate to 30% chance in ten years. Just damn it ! I will now start chemo on March 8. With chemo my recourrance rate will still be 12%, a number Im still not happy with. Scared to death for Friday to get here afraid of the chemo and afraid of the immune system booster shot I hear hurts like the Devil !Id rather be shot than throw up !!!!!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Starynights~To beat that pain from the Neulasta shot, start taking Claritin on the day of treatment and for a few days after the shot. You can also get Loratidine which is the generic and costs about 1/3 of Claritin. You may still need ibuprofen or something, but the Claritin will make a huge difference.

    I pray you have an easy time with side effects.



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Starynights- so sorry surprise shock is understatement :(( this journey is so difficult always girding yourself for lows praying for the best. Thankful your MO did test so you will receive the best care to get that cancer out of here.

    Sending calming healing good vibes (((hugs))) for Friday & thought out your chemo tx.

    Take care


  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2013

    I'm out here, too! I had my lumpectomy and SNB today (3/5/2013), and my node was clear! I am so happy surgery day is over, but I send my thoughts and healing white light to everyone else out there!

    I was diagnosed on 2/13/2013.

    You know you have breast cancer can't sleep after sugery, so you spend your time on the breast cancer .org boards! :)

    Gentle hugs and love to all!


  • kim4444
    kim4444 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2013

    I was diagnosed March 15 2012..I have not had the courage to join a forum until now. What a long and uncertain year it's been. I had both breast removed and reconstruction started on the operating table. I have had 8 surgeries in the last 10 months due to infection. I just want to scream somedays..It feels like it's never going to end!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Kim, Lynn, & Cindy, I'm so sorry for all that you've been through.

    I pray that you have the courage & strength to Slay This Dragon!



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    Lynn- glad all went well today! Yeah clear node & praying for those clear margins :))

    Keep on top of the pain the first 24-48 hours. Benefit is you will drift off to sleepy well there is a sweet lifting of the mental fog after crossing over.

    Kim4444 welcome sorry that this past year has been so challenging. Scream cry vent you've found a safe place with great sister warriors. Together we battle!

    Have a good night (((hugs)))

  • PositiveThnking
    PositiveThnking Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2013

    Hi All -

    Lots to catch up on when you are off for a few days!   Had a WONDERFUL visit with my daughter over the weekend.  We shaved my head (I cant remember if I posted that or not) and I can rock the bald look!  I wore one of my wigs to work on Monday and everyone just complimented me on my new haircut.  Wigs have come a long way. My husband shaved his head too.   He says he looks like Charlie Brown and is growing his back out.    So now into week two I feel almost normal again.  Still have fatigue but I have my taste back and the only side effect is the runny nose from the Taxotere.   I'll take it!    I start physical therapy for my arm on Saturday.  I've been doing stretching on my own but think its time I get more professional assistance.   All in all I will totally ready for round 2 of chemo on the 14th.

    Kim, Lynn, & Cindy, sending you postive thoughts for all that you are going through.  My heart goes out to you. every one of our journeys is unique but we are totally united in support and overcoming the challenges and I find looking at the boards does help you know you are not alone! 

    Pacools- congrats on day 1 rads completed how nice that you an Amy could meet!

    Renee - Hope the drain came out!

    StarryNights - I am starting the Claritin 2 days before and taking it for 7 days.  I couldn't decide if the Advil or the Tylenol worked better with the Neulasta shot, but it helps.  I had the shot on a Friday and Sunday was the worst day.  My husband asked me how it felt and I said "you know that scene in X-men when they graft adamantium to Wolverine's bones?  Like that..."  But my MO said the next one would not be as bad.  I'll let you know if that's true.  But to have an immune booster is worth it!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2013

    Just back from the PS. One drain out. He said I could drive, reach over my head; 10# weight limit. I've been off pain meds since Sunday afternoon. Feeling my normal self, but have been a good patient, so have been basically doing nothing except watching TV. Wonder if I tried going back to work tomorrow would be premature, or I'm ready. I feel ready.

    It was a weird conversation about my status. He checked the pathology report, and said it had lots of good things (e.g., the tumor size was 1.1 cm, clear node). But what he wasn't sure of was the part where they were concerned about the cancer being so close to my skin, and a positive for cancer came up in the report. He is not sure that my breast surgeon removed that area of skin during surgery (if so, we're in great shape, because I'm healing well, and he doubted if I'd need radiation if that were the case). But, if that skin is still there, that I'd need more surgery. And if that were the case, then it'd just depend on how much more needed to be removed. If a little, no problem (go with reconstruction as planned), if more, then he'd want to do the diep flap reconstruction (abandon the tissue expander/implant route). Lots of speculation, seems two out of the three scenarios are OK (but still not happy if I have to have surgery again, and definitely not cool with diep flap reconstruction), and all (or at least more) will be revealed when I meet with the breast surgeon on Tuesday.

  • Starynights
    Starynights Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2013

    Soteria - I will certainly get the Claritin and start before the shot. I have enough aches and pains !

    RMlulu - Sounds like we are almost twins with very similar diagnosis ! Thanks for the kind words.

  • TMM60
    TMM60 Member Posts: 121
    edited March 2013

    Welcome to all of our new sisters- we are glad you found us. This is a warm and safe place to share the journey with others who understand!

    Starynights- I, too, thought that with my stage and negative nodes that I would cruise right to rads and arimidex. But my Oncotype came back at 28, so I'm doing chemo to lower my risk of recurrence too. Sounds like your risk score came back higher, but I'm not as familiar with the Symphony test. I've already had my 1st round of chemo and did well. I see you found the Feb/Mar Taxotere Cytoxan group. That's good. I get my second round on the day you get your first- this Friday. I will be half way done then and you will be 1/4 of the way done!

    Renee- I had a close skin margin too. My anterior margin is only 2mm from the skin. According to my BS, she doesn't re-excise for the skin margin. But then again, I'm getting rads and chemo which will take care of any sneaky buggers in that area. Your surgery was much different. Sure hope you don't need a re-excision. Hoping for good news for you at your BS appt.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited March 2013

    Hi All

    What a journey we have all been on since Renee started this thread and our DX 1/04.. Renee big hugs to you. I am so proud of the woman you are today, I see you getting stronger and stronger! I will say a prayer for no more surgery for you and that the healing continues.

    I am sorry I have only been lurking here. I started a thread for ILC, just the same as this one for those with ILC. Your all welcome to stop by and share or learn. As here the women are amazing and have helped me and each other so much. I read the threads here everyday, feels like home and I continue to pray for all of you. I am doing okay waiting on brca results if negative off to rads, if positive then I have chosen the DIEP. I am holding it togethor and see you all are also.

    Renee as the saying goes "we've come a long way baby".

    much love to each of you, I continue to be in awe of your kindness


  • LongWayHome
    LongWayHome Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2013

    Hello sisters, Well rough cpl days but clawing my way out of the funk I was in. I met MO and RO and a bunch of other people Im calling them my Onc team lol, anyway start chemo on the 14 march 8 cycles 2 weeks apart of AC-PACLitaxel (dose dense) then 25 days of Rads and Hormone therapy. They also said Neulasta on day 3 is ordered. Claritin helps the pain of the shot or are there side effects later ? My head is spinning, Aaahhhhhh! Lots of appts comming up monday CT scan and bone scan, echo cardiogram, ultrasound and then a chemo class, Wednesday PICC line installed(lol) and another exam then thursday is the big "C" anxious to get started but scared shitless! Well not entirely true on that one...destroyed a relatives bathroom and decided to cut the visit short and go home!
    Well today I went to see the BS and he took one look at my breast and sent me to emerg! Said he would meet me there to drain it as it was about to burst literally! He drew just over 500 ml of fluid from my breast and I was so relieved of the pressure I started to tear up but it was relief not sad tears whew! My breast went down a cpl cup sizes and I saw the indent and puckering for the first time since surgery a month ago. Didn't really care though at this point just want to get going with treatment,
    Thank you so much to all the beautiful ladies for the encouragement and thoughtful and kind words, I truely have found a place of comfort in here!
    I wish all of you peace of mind and speedy recoveries in your BC journey.

    Much love xoxo

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited March 2013

    Longwayhome~The Neulasta tends to cause bone pain, so taking Claritin or the generic Loratidine will greatly lessen that. Take it the day before the shot, then for a few days after.



  • Kimberly1965
    Kimberly1965 Member Posts: 32
    edited March 2013

    So sorry to see all the new faces. I know it's hard right now but you all will get through this. As for me I had my first chemo treatment yesterday. Took over 4 hours to infuse. 4 meds bag of pre meds,herceptin, 2 different chemo drugs. Long day but wasn't bad. Not feeling to well today but have to go back for shot and they say it causes bone pain so joy joy. Bright not I got what I call my first fill up on expanders and this is amazing I think I'm gonna like this. Never had breast like this. Well if that what you call skin and muscle no nipples over hard balloons.stay safe and happy. Things will look brighter. Life will change But I feel for the better!

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2013

    Kimberly, so good to see you past the surgery pain, and am wowwed that you are into chemo phase.  You are sounding really good, and rolling with the punches in good spirit.  I had no idea about the shot and associated pain, and have been interested in the recent conversation on this thread to address that issue. So glad folks are here to share their knowledge and experience so others may benefit from it.

    I need to go through this thread when I find a bit more energy and see what our numbers total these days.  So hard to keep track of everyone and where they are in their "journey" (can anyone come up with something better than that term?).  Maybe I can do monthly update.  I just hope people are finding the support they need, are feeling comfortable with decisions they are making about their treatment, and most importantly, on their way to kicking cancer out of their body for good.

    Glad you chimed in lemon68!  Miss having your active voice here, but obviously it's better for you to work through your situation with others with the ILC dx.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited March 2013

    LongWayHome- about to burst whoa! I'm such a baby...would have been in ER pronto. You have been through so much with your lumpie :(. Praying for your chemo tx & all those per-apps. Do you have appt buddy or chemo buddy? GFs would take turns going & staying with a sweet sister :). Her DH looked so happy to have the added help and shoulders it certainly blessed us. Hope you do too!

    Kimberly- ya like the new girls! LOL best wishes on your chemo tx too!

    Renee- don't overdo amazing warrior! Take time to heal.

    Go warriors kicking butt!

  • Denise51
    Denise51 Member Posts: 23
    edited March 2013


    Just found your board, there are sooooooo many. I also was diagnosed with IDC. Bad news came on 12/21/2012. Since then I have had a lumpectomy and 3/4 of the lymph nodes biopsied were found to be positive. This came as a bit of a surprise (silly me)  because my tumor was 1 cm and the cells classified as a grade 1. I thought the lumpectomy would be the end of this. Again, silly me.

    Anyway, after my surgery on 2/19/13  I was bumped up to Stage 2. Drats!  ( Does anyone say that any more? I am now facing chemo. My first visit with my medical oncologist will be 3/19 and I hate the waiting. This is one of the hardest things for me. 

    Thank you all for sharing your stories and tips on getting through chemo. I hope I can contribute. Positive thoughts to all.

  • ReneeinOH
    ReneeinOH Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Denise! Glad you found us, and sorry to hear things didn't go a simply as you'd assume with a lump., grade  1 tumor. Start visualizing the chemo killing any rogue cancer cells in your body! 

    RMlulu: You are so right! I woke up this morning feeling really tired.  Who knew getting cleaned up (make up and everything), trip to the dr., make a simple dinner and a couple loads of laundry would wipe me out.  So, I stayed home today; thought I would take on some easy tasks around here (paperwork, bills to pay), and see how that goes.  My job is not physical (computer, phone, meetings), but stress can be exhausting.  

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2013

    I'm happy that our new sisters have found this board but yet so sad that there are so many of us that have to face this unwanted "journey" now (yes, I can't think of anything better to describe this either). 

    Kimberly, I'm glad to hear the update from you!  Lemon68--good to have to chime in again.  Laughing

    Renee--good idea to stay at home and rest up, your body definitely needs it after surgery!  It's amazing how stress than really screw up the body.

    I've got the pre-surgery jitters for tomorrow, but it's one of those things in life where there's not a choice in having surgery.  Hopefully I've done the right thing by picking the type of reconstruction I have.  Deciding now if I need to dig into the Xanex/Ativan stash or not.  Have a great day everyone!