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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2014

    Sorry. Appts yesterday and today. Very tired. No bad news. 

    Bobo out of surgery. Didn't take out second implant. Keeps saying she's broken.

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited January 2014

    Hi, just wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy new year! I hope your 2014 is much better than 2013!

    I just quickly glanced at this page to see what I've missed in the past week - so sorry bobo.

    I guess you joined me on the infection trip... the swelling I had last week shifted to the front and became bright red and painful by Friday, which made us cut short our visit in Montreal. On the drive back to Toronto, that swollen side started oozing out fluid - I was drenched by the time DH dropped me at a Toronto hospital ER. I came out of the hospital 3 days later (yesterday). It's an infection that just developed, it's rare that it happens so far out after a sx, but that's what it is. I'm on antibiotics and it is improving. I've been finding it pretty discouraging to be stuck in a hospital, to take steps back in the healing, and to again not be able to do all the normal life things I needed and wanted to do. Happy to be home now.

    I guess it's another good thing about this forum: there's usually at least one other person who has gone through an experience similar to what we are going through.

    Nice to meet you, Vitwins and sgc!

    gB - hope you get power back soon.

    Happy New Year!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year!!!!  Let's hope 2014 is healthier for all of us. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2014

    Zils, glad to know that you are ok and even more glad no bad news.

    Otceb, sorry to hear about your infection that is awful but I am glad that you are seeing improvement.  I'm glad you are home and you can just put this behind you.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2014

    Agreed Spookiesmom!  Happy New Year everybody!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2014

    Zills-glad to hear you are ok!  

    Otceb- nice to meet you as well.  Sorry about your infection!

    GB- praying your power returns!

    Bobo-sending you healing thoughts and gentle hugs {{{{}}}}!  My heart breaks for you, but you are not broken!

    I had doctor appointments today as well.  Had a Herceptin infusion (which always keys me up) and had to get a preop clearance from my PCP (which was a waste of time as he hasn't a clue as to what has been going on since last May!) so my BS can cover her a$$!  I also received insurance paperwork stating that they were covering my mastectomy (I thought I was having a bilateral) and SND.  Hum....why would I need a SND when a biopsy and CAT scan already showed cancer in my lymph nodes?  I wouldn't!  So the question is, whose fing chart was being looked at when the request was made?  I am not feeling warm fuzziness from my BS office!  I am not happy-quite an understatement!  I am so pissed because now I can't get in touch with the office week!  That is one week before my surgery.  And so it goes......  Thank God I am no where near anyone in the medical profession as I am sure I couldn't control what would come out of my mouth.  My DH reminded me that a doctor only needs a 60 on their medical license exam in the US.  No wonder malpractice insurance is so high! I really needed to rant like that.  I feel a little better now.  Sometimes it is all so frustrating!

    As Spookie said, "Happy New Year" everyone!  

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2014

    Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! Let's all hope and pray 2014 is much better for all of us.

    Glad to hear from you zills and glad all is well with appt. sorry to hear you have infection too, was wondering how things were going for you when you had to be in hotel because of power outage.. but glad to hear your infection is on the mend, keep things going in the right direction.

    Dh and i went out for dinner with friends for  seafood, ate too much but enjoyed ourselves, I actually dressed up a littleSmile, felt good even tho it is so terribly cold here, but we know this is what winter is here so we deal with it.

    Bobo, what can I say?? dont understand why what you want will not be done? But hopefully things will work out for you, you need to be healthy. I am agreeing with the gals that say you need to tell your work about your issues, i know it is difficult to say and talk about, but they need to understand too, they cant help if they dont know. My dil's first marriage was a bummer, spoiled rich brat that was always cheating on her, she is an engineer with a good job but she was afraid she would lose her job because of her mental state etc. but she finally went to her boss and explained the whole situation and guess what?? he was so understanding, gave her some time off and a raise!! so maybe fessing up is the answer. So worried about you, and angry with a few of your so called medical experts... a 60 is all they need to pass in US?? now that is not very encouraging is it. But I also know there is many good drs out there too.

    Sgc... hopefully you can get things worked out soon... the last thing we need to deal with at this time is the damned insurance that we pay dearly for but seems we have to fight with.. I know i am lucky to have good insurance and not too many battles but have had in the past.

    Happy New Year everyone... and especially a great one for bobo!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960
    edited January 2014

    Poor Bobo and DLLP. Maybe they don't want to remove the other implant because they don't want to create further stress on her body. The infection sounds really really serious. I think she should go back to the f-ing Dr that made her see the PS and give her hell and a blow by blow description. I sure hope they can clean out the infection and find an antibiotic that does something.

    Otceb, sorry about your infection too. Hope now you're on the mend and will be able to make up for lost time.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    "Happy New Year! from Downunder!

    We had a huge night, too much food, loads of laughs and 2 fabulous fireworks displays right outside! I will try to get a photo up if I can. The boats on the water were all rafted up together with bright colored lights twinkling away. It was absolutely beautiful. We met up with all the neighbors and all our guests outside, for the count down. The fireworks were sensational such a treat for a small country town, but they bring in so many tourists. The town has been super busy since before Christmas. I am looking forward to normality again.

    Zills, I am so pleased there wasn't any bad news for you. I hope everyone is well at your house today and the children let you sleep in a bit!

    ndgirl, I hope you and your Husband had a lovely night, I am all "seafooded out". Will be making Pizzas for dinner with the last few Prawns. I won't feel like seafood for a long time! 

    sgc, so sorry to hear of your stressful nonsense going on too. What is wrong with these people, there is so much incompetence. It is forgivable in some circumstances, but Medical stuff is Non Negotiable! Medical stuff needs to be checked and checked again to make sure there are no mistakes. isn't rocket science! Lets get it right with no drama!

    otceb, I am so sorry to hear of your infection, and unexpected trip to Hospital. I sure hope you are feeling better now.

    Happy New Year! yeah right!!!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    gB, can't imagine not having power in that cold, but so glad to hear it is back on.

    ldesim, thanks for the updates again.

    Fiaranch, thanks for the wise words again! 

    Wren, I hope all's well with you too! and Spookiesmom too!

    Off to get dinner started... more food.... oooh I am so over it! M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year everyone!!

    ldesim, thanks for the updates.  I'm staying home and watching Dr Who reruns on BBCAmerica. :)

    Fiaranch, love the crayon analogy.

    Zills, glad all is well with you, just busy times.

    otceb and sgc, my power had come back on just before when I posted about it.  Pole is replaced and hopefully no one else will knock it over tonight!!

    otceb, so sorry you had to go through the infection issues too.  Glad you are healing now.

    sgc, I had a similar thing with my ins approval.  It just said mastectomy and I was having a BMX also with the node biopsy.  I called my BS and the assistant said the code number was correct for BMX even though it just said mastectomy.  Maybe yours is similar?

    55 minutes to 2014!!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960
    edited January 2014

    Went to a party tonight with people we've never met before. Then DH left to drum in Tacoma. He's coming back after the first set to spend New Year's with me. 54th wedding anniversary.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Ariom, I was composing while you were posting.  Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration!  I bet it was beautiful to see fireworks over the water!

    Fortunately I have a natural gas fireplace in my living room and it was on when the power went out so the outage didn't affect it.  If it had been off I wouldn't have been able to light it.  I hung out in the living room most of the day. :)

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year! I crashed early. Now can't sleep. Boy had nightmares. Worried about Bobo. 

    Scan showed no growth.  Shrank or disappeared. What's left could be scar tissue. RO said haven't had "active treatment" since Sept. He means chemo but what is rads? He's pleased. Still have the effects of tamox and rads to benefit from. Go back in April. 

    Have mixed emotions. Be so glad when kids go back to school and can get into a routine. Too much stress and chocolate not enough sleep. 

    Went to friends for dinner. Had cactus or spine soup. Awesome. Had two bowls! Didn't stay for the carne asada. Fatigue hit at 8. 

    Spine soup is pork, cactus, green leaves, topped with plain rice and avocado. The green leaves are a "weed" to us but didn't translate so not sure what it is. Not dandelion. Carne is thinly sliced, salted sirloin cooked over wood, served with charred corn tortillas. One of my favs. 

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Zills, still up here too.  Well, the scan results sound like good news to me.  Worried about bobo too.  My heart hurts for what she is going through.  That soup sounds good, I'd have to leave out the rice, but even so, yum!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year to you all. 

    I'm so sorry to hear of your infection too otc.  What a nightmare.  It's too scary!  I just remember feeling so unwell.

    I do hope Bobo is okay, I know I've only been here a week or so but I was thinking of her last night. Zills that all sounds positive. 

    I read all of your nightmares with medical insurance and it all sounds so scary.  We are so lucky to have the NHS and I had one of the best BS in the South of England.  When she did my temporary implants she had a 50/50 success rate and I didn't do anything to improve that sadly after one was removed due to infection.  I'm terrified to have any surgery now because of that and has been a big part of not wanting recon! 

    I went to bed at 11pm to be woken up by fireworks and thunder and lightening.  The weather is appalling here at the moment.  Wind and rain so can't get out of the house!  My boys are going to go stir crazy soon. 

    Zils - spine soup sounds interesting!!!!!   

    Ariom - how lovely to spend NYE like that.  It sounds wonderful!!!!!

    Gramma - having no power sounds a nightmare, thank heavens for natural gas!!!!

    Wren - Happy Anniversary, that's an amazing number!!!

    Ndgirl - Glad you had a great NYE.  Bet you looked lovely!!!

    Sgc - Hope you are going to kick some serious medical ar$e the minute you get the chance!!

    Here's hoping you are all sorted soon and sending you some healing and positive vibes.

    Love Viv xxxxx

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited January 2014

    Vivtwins  I have neglected to welcome you , welcome !!!

    SGC - I am so sorry re the insurance crap !! It is enough having the illness without all the Fing paperwork. I am still waiting for my surgeon to submit her billing. In the mean time I am getting al these bills from people who supposedly assisted her . I told the insurance I did not contract with them and they needed to figure it out !!

    Otceb - OMG I am so sorry ................ I just hope the antibiotics are working ........... I have never been "germaphobic " before but I am now .  I got the flu a few weeks back and it was twice as bad as usual .

    Wren - Congrats on the anniversary and hope you had a great night

    Ndgirl - I am sure you looked great !!!  I tried to look good for xmas . I wore a new Marika set of black leggings and a burnout fuschia burnout hoodie (I know you Marika people know which one) .  Before my BMX I would usually never wear patterns.  My DS says are you having flashbacks from the 70's? ..........nice !

    Zills so glad you are well . I love all Mexican food !!

    Bobo - hugs and we all wish there was something we could do !

    GB - Hope your Dr Who shows were good

    Off now to get productive , de hoard this house ........list crap on ebay and stay away from any food .  I am with you M . sick of food now !!!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Thanks Zils, I do feel a bit of a gate crasher as you are all seemingly go through such an awful time at the moment.  I will be happy to help now I'm on the other side (fingers very tightly crossed), wherever I can be useful (if at all).  I feel like this site has saved me the last few weeks.  Women don't understand what it's like to have lost their t!ts and I'm sick to death of people saying that if they were in my shoes they couldn't have coped or the other way being that they wouldn't miss them.  How do they know how they'd react.  I guess people don't really know what to say!  

    My Dad came round today and was quite sweet saying he would support me whatever I decided to do but at the moment going through major surgery for the sake of it, NAHHHHHHH!

    Anyway been thinking of you all this afternoon in a very very windy south of England.  Just took the dog out for a walk and got soaked!  Hopefully the sun might shine for an hour or so and we can get to the beach to be blown away!

    Lots of love to all, 

    Viv xxxxx

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960
    edited January 2014

    Vivtwins, I'm confused. Did you have recon on both then the infection? Sorry we're all so preoccupied with Bobo right now. This is a great group. You're so right about people saying strange things. There's a thread called Shut the F**k Up started by someone sick of peoples comments. Sorry your weather is so blustery. Kids locked inside are hard to take after a while.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2014

    Anyone eat special foods today? I'm having black eyed peas in hoppin john. 

    Here's a video for you treadmill girls. I will never be this coordinated.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960
    edited January 2014

    We're having black eyed peas and okra. DH has decided to use an Indian recipe and swears it will not be hot.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960
    edited January 2014

    Suspense is killing me. I hope we hear something about Bobo soon.

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Yes Wren I had a bilateral mx with temporary implants in Aug 2012 then got a severe infection in the non bc side 2 weeks later and ended up back in hospital for another 10 days and had left implant removed. The temporary implants were horrible as you could feel the plastic casing through my skin and they were a weird shape!  I was hoping to have recon in November 2013 but just couldn't lose the weight to get to a BMI of 30 so I delayed.  Then I got fed up with having the 1 implant left and being lopsided and it not even being mine and so decided to have it removed (had to pay a lot for that). So I am now flat, with a PS appointment in March this year to discuss times etc for recon but I don't think I'm going to bother.  My belly is enormous but that's what I want to work on now rather than losing the weight for recon.  I'm so terrified of going through infections again and things, so I'm trying to live life flat!  The foobs have gone into the wardrobe for ever as far as I'm concerned.

    I hope you all get news on Bobo soon.  It's so awful for her.  I couldn't make any decisions with a raging infection.  


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Fiaranch, I had a great time watching Dr Who!  The show just celebrated its 50th anniversary on TV (BBC/BBCA).  Its a family sci fi show that has quite a large following around the world.

    Sadly no black eyed peas for me, too hard on my blood sugar.  But I am having black soy beans and ham.  It is as close as I can get.

    The Angel Card I drew for this year is "Surrender". Hmmm, going to have to think on that one.  No doubt it will become more evident as the year progresses.

    Hoping bobo is feeling better today.


  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Zils - that is one awesome treadmill routine!!!!!  I have no coordination either. I've done 2.5 miles out of the 108 I need for the first leg of my challenge so only 105.5 to go!!!!!!


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2014

    Wren, happy anniversary and congrats on 4 years.. we will be 48 this summer!

    No special food here, but see on facebook alot of people are having black eye peas, that is a southern dish right? my neice in NC always has them.

    Hoping for a bobo update.

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited January 2014

    GrammaB ,

    Ok I can't help myself ....................  Surrender has  to mean surrender to whatever the hell you want .......................  Unlimited chocolate , booze , food , shopping .......... Pot ? (LOL )    Nice thought huh ?

    Wren I would love that Indian recipe it sounds great !!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Zills, great video!

    Fiaranch, yeah, to all of the above with the exception of the pot. Tried it once in college and had a very bad reaction to it.  This is definitely an unusual card. The year my DD had her DD, the card I had pulled was "Expectancy".  Nailed it!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2014

    Yes, blackeyed peas are a southern thing.  Being a transplanted Yankee, I never developed a taste for them, and haven't understood ham biscuits either.  Why not make a ham sandwich?  I am sure my DMIL has itchy ears right now.  Dissing black eyed peas or ham biscuits are equivalent to blaspheme down here!  Thank goodness I have kept my mouth shut about sweet tea, aka "the house wine of the south"!  I make mine "unsweet" and say it's because I can't have sugar!  LOL. So, what to make for dinner?  I know.....reservations!

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    grammab, we went to the Dr Who 50th Anniversary convention at the Excel in London, it was awesome!  This is a pic next to one of the of the tardis consoles.  (I have my boobs in and as you can see my belly is massive!!!!!)

