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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2014

    Welcome Dawny. Nice to meet you. What is a cavoodle? A something and a poodle? Or another form of animal life found only in  Australia? Sorry about the infection and hope it clears right up.

    GmaB, That's scary to fall like that. I hope it's just bruises. Rest and ice are the right things to do, so you should be feeling better soon.

  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2014

    Thank you all for being with me last night at the memorial service for my friend.  What a great memorial for a very special lady.  No doubt it was difficult, but so glad that I went.  They lite lanterns that are biodegradable and go in the air.  There were about eighty of them that went up in the air in memory of her.  Talk about a beautiful sight to see...... Just spectacular!  

    Welcome Dawny this is a great group!!

    GmaB hope you feel better soon!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014

    Hi Dawney! Welcome!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2014

    Hi Dawny, welcome.  I too was wondering what a cavoodle is.  Like Wren, I too think its part poodle.  Love guinea pigs, we had them all the time growing up.. we had one that went outside and would scratch at the door to come in. You've come to the right place for foob advice!  Ariom is the expert in all things foob and even had a foobmoire to store them all in.

    Togetherness, glad you ended up going to the memorial and it sounded so lovely, what a sight all those lanterns must have been floating up in the sky, what a beautiful gesture.

    M, can't wait to see the new pictures!!! What exactly is Australia Day?  Founding day?

    GB, ouch... I am glad you didn't do some real harm to yourself, that sounded like a nasty fall.

    Viv, tell us about the new kitchen.. my kitchen is so old, I hope to redo it in the next couple of years, but just don't know where to start in the planning... I have the worst vision when it comes to these things!

    Geezus Fia, sorry to hear about the water heater.. just what you friggin needed, hope it gets resolved soon with minimal expense.

    My primary also told me to chew antacid to get calcium, but I haven't been good on following up on that... I don't drink lots of milk, so I really should.

    posting, I'm shocked I got this far without too much of a struggle.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited January 2014

    Hi everyone, just checking up on my bc friends, I am having a blast in San Diego! The weather was just perfect today and I see another blizzard is predicted at home..will they never end?  

    welcome Dawny, glad you found us.

    So sorry about your fall GB, hope you are ok

    I will update later as it is hard to post right now keep losing then, but wanted you all to know I am thinking of each of you...hugs to all....don't want to come home because then I will have to start making appt for mammo.... So dreading it.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2014

    Zils, tubes for water in your ears? Sorry about the UTI, those can be painful buggers... I think Cranberry juice is supposed to be good for that.  I love Firebob, he sounds like the most awesome little guy :)  I love ginger tea, but don't put sugar in it... never thought of using green tea as well, that might be quite good.  The exercise class sounds nice.. and swimming lessons would be great for the kids.

    Wren, I know a lot of women on Tamoxifen have complained about having weird and vivid dreams.  This has not happened to me, I never have remembered dreams and that hasn't changed... I think I sleep too deeply.  Maybe its a SE as well with Arimidex or maybe you are just sleeping lighter. Having the same nightmare would be horrifying.

    TB, I am in agreement on the Vitamix, I just can't justify the price when I don't believe I will ever use it to its full potential.  Bobogirl does amazing things with hers, so it is totally justified with her and I can tell M too will get a lot of good use out of it.. in the laundry room anyways :)  Don't feel bad not posting, you can lurk too and just say hello every now and again. I too was very centered on myself planning for and during chemo, it's the only way I felt I could keep it all together and we need all the energy we can get to get us through the treatments.  We're all here for you :)

    Otceb, sorry to hear about your cold... I hope you were able to get some assistance today at the clinic and I'm hoping everything clears up for you in time for chemo.  You DS sounds adorable!

    Susan, so happy to hear about your freedom!!! It makes a world of difference doesn't it? Things will improve quickly now, you will hopefully see a big difference, although I would imagine you'll have to sleep on your back for a bit longer.  I was able to get back in bed after the drains were removed, but I was able to lay on my good side with a body pillow behind me.

    Bobogirl, I will punch her right in the nose if you want.. PS with perky boobs and looking like a young Princess Di should not be allowed to go near women who have had to have these types of surgeries... sheesh.  Sorry to hear that you are still feeling like sh!t :(

    Lots of appts this week from the sounds of it.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Thanks everyone! Geesh, every day some new bruising shows up!  I am now black and blue on my left arm too!  I very fortunately didn't break anything but sure am aching all over.  It was freaky, one minute I am walking towards the kitchen, the next I am colliding with the wall and the floor.  I am glad I fell forward though, that may have saved my back some.

    Welcome Dawny!!   Always nice to see someone delurk!!

    OK, I just had to google, a cavoodle is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Miniature Poodle.  Never heard of them before, but they are adorable!!!

    Togetherness, I am so glad you went and that it was a good experience for you.

    posting..been sitting too long need to move around a bit.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014


    My Kris is a min Poodle. The Cav King Chas spaniel was on the AKC site


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014

    And for those who haven't seen the boss lately

    Heeerrrrrsss Spookie. All ready for cold weather


  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014


    Cavoodle pups.  Too cute!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014

    PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!! Nothing better than puppy breath!!!!! I am a true dog nut. I'll walk right past a skin kid to get to a dog. But I think everybody kind of suspected that. 

    Thanks! Now I have puppy fever. 

  • otceb
    otceb Member Posts: 129
    edited January 2014

    gB and Spookie, thanks for the adorable pictures!  What cute doggies you have, Spookie and Dawny!

    Welcome Dawny! Great to have someone else from downunder join. Happy Australia Day! Sorry about the infection, it will probably clear up in a few days with the antibiotics. One of the things I did not like about mine, other than spending nights in the hospital, was the fact that it was a setback - you think you're recovering, making progres, then bam! Almost back to square one! I hope you don't get LE.

    gB, oh, I'm so sorry about the fall. I'm glad you seem to have fallen in a "good" way, that your back does not seem affected. No swelling or anything, you don't suspect broken bones? Take good care!

    Viv, I'm glad you're feeling well and productive! And you have sunshine, wow, enjoy it while it lasts :)

    Togetherness, those lanterns sound magical. I'm glad everything went well, I'm sure it was emotional.

    Wren, I hope the PT improves your neck issue, you must be fed up of living with this pain for the past 4 weeks.

    Zills, up at all hours of the night, poor you. Sorry about all the ailments you have.  Thank you so much for finding the ginger tea recipe! Good for your DH for getting in shape, and I'm glad you'll be able to train at the Y!  It will be so good for you!!

    ndgirl!! I'm so happy you're having a good time, wish I was there! Enjoy!!

    Hi Idesim!

    I went to the clinic and got eye drops: trying the simple antihistamine ones for a few days, if that does not work, then I'll use the antibiotic ones. At least I don't need oral antibiotics. My cold is what it is, I have sinus issues so often during the year that I should get used to it. I used to think it was my weak body part, but the BC kind of trumps it!

    I'll hold off on getting a juicer or a Vitamix. I don't even use the blender and food processor I have. I'll get my vitamins & iron from regular food but if I'm inclined to try juicing during chemo, then maybe I'll just get a cheap juicer. I just don't have time now with work, apts, family, etc., to research those things. But thanks for all the info and advice, I do appreciate it!  Maybe I should realize that my diet needs improvement since I got BC.  What?  I thought ice cream and chocolate were good for you, no? :)

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014

    Heh heh. Actually very dark chocolate IS good for you! 60% or higher 1 oz daily. Really. 

    Spookie and Kris send nose licks!

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 299
    edited January 2014

    Spookie:  I so agree about the puppy breath.  Love it.  Nothing better :)  good nite all

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    Hi all, just got back and made some lunch. Dex and I had a great walk, lots of people around. Dex has been patted, sniffed, nipped at, and slapped. What is it with toddlers that they have to slap dogs on the head? Poor Dex , he just kept looking up at me and blinking every time he got hit on the head by tandem toddlers.

    All the different "oodles" are very popular her in Aus. You won't believe how many different types there are. We have a friend who breeds Labradoodles, and we are seeing more and more lovely curly haired dogs around here too. 

    Togetherness, I am so pleased that the service went well and that you're glad you wet along.

    I am familiar with the lanterns you speak of, I have seen them filling the sky at night in Bali, absolutely beautiful.

    gB, you'll likely be finding bruises for days, and then you'll be watching the colors change to that awful yellow!

    ldesim, you're not wrong about my Vitamix doing its soup making thing in the laundry, boy is it noisy. No wonder they are in a little perspex house at "Boost Juice", you'd have to get danger money to work with 6 of those suckers going at once.

    Australia Day is the first landing day, Sydney 26th January1788. We love a long weekend over here! There will be fireworks all over the country tonight, and today is a traditional BarBQue day. With sausage sizzles out on the streets.

    ndgirl, I was wondering how you were doing. I checked the weather, and it is just perfect there. You enjoy every moment!

    You'll need a pretty big bag to fit all of us in for your Mammo. We will misbehave so we keep your mind off it! Bobo may even have a beer! LOL

    Wren, you brought a smile! A cavoodle isn't another strange animal only found in Australia! I know we have a lot of weird ones. I had to stop the car recently on the road outside our house to let an Echidna cross over, and today the shop owner from a little tea room down in the town had to stop the traffic so two black swans could cross the road, to be fed cookies from the people eating at the tables on the pavement.  

    I didn't have my phone with me, but I would have loved to get a picture for you of the newest "silly boat" built by one of our neighbors, who is a bit of a celebrity around here for his whacky creations. This one is a huge guitar, lying flat, and with every detail including a long neck and tuning pegs. It has an outboard on the rear and a booming sound system. It is so big, that even with the 4 adults that were on it sitting on deck chairs, there would still be room for several more.

    I haven't asked Colin to do the picture for me yet, I'll catch him later....Take care all. M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Ariom, poor sweet Dex, does he understand it is not meant to hurt him??  Your Australia Day kind of sounds like the 4th of July for us in the US.  The founding of our country, with lots of celebrations and fireworks.  Yours the discovery of your country,  we have Columbus Day, the day Columbus supposedly discovered our land but it isn't celebrated like the 4th.  

    ndgirl, so glad you are having a great time!!  Here in MT we are cool and clear, no snow predicted for several days.  We are really dry here too.  I really don't want to have a Summer full of smoke from fires because everything is so dry!

    otc, I hope the eye drops work.  can't something just be easy at least once!!??

    Yum, chocolate!! Since my diabetes dx I have only had Lindt 90% Cacao squares , and Dagoba (87% cacao).  They are a special treats and in small amounts.

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Just a quick hi to everyone and welcome dawny! These girls are awesome! My best friend used to work at Geelong uni! Such a small world!


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    Hi everyone! Oh those puppies are just so gorgeous, and Spookie's divine, she does the one eye thing too! Very glamorous!

    gB, Dex wasn't being hurt, just that patting that little kids do. I was ready to spring into action if I saw him getting bothered. He doesn't have a lot of kid contact, so I never know how he'll react.

    Hey Viv, a friend who worked in Geelong, now what are the chances?

    I am going to try to get Colin to post a couple of shots for you. Today was just the most magnificent day! Hugs...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2014

    Welcome Dawny! Do you like BBQ roo too? 

    GrammaB. Sorry about your fall. That sounds like you were very lucky nothing was broken or wrenched. I used to like 72%dark but since chemo it's too bitter. I get mine at Aldi since it's German and cheap. 

    SGC. Those lanterns sound wonderful. What a beautiful send off. 

    OTC. Don't worry about eating right. Whatever sounds good and stays down. You and your family can go back to proper meals when this is over. Good luck with the drops. 

    I love puppy breath too. My fav is a black lab. DH says a small dog next time. Gotta get the baby potty trained first. Probably want a dog not a puppy. 

    Hello to everyone. Supposed to be warm today. Got car stuck in a drift last night. At least it was in front of the house. DH had to shovel it out. 

    Saw August in Osage County yesterday with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts.  Didn't care for it. Very dark. Mom had cancer, dad died and dis functional family came home. I was hoping for another Steel Magnolias. 

    Better go. Baby thinks she can do whatever her brother is doing. She's very fussy. Probably teething.

  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    I know M how random.  My nephew in law is now living in Goulbourne where said friend also used to live.  This world really is too small!  I just Skyped her this morning and told her and she couldn't believe it either!  She is planning on coming back to live here in 2015.  She is Australian but we met when she was here for a year with her kids.  She's my best friend in the world and I can't wait to have her here all the time!

    It's not stopped raining here for bloody weeks.  So glad I made the most of yesterday.

    Had a random conversation with my Dad this morning.  He didn't seem amused when I said I have gone about £1600 over budget on my kitchen. I NEED stone glittery blingy worktops, oh yes I do!!!!!  All the people in my life at the moment have issues with my only live once and happy attitude.  Not sure if I'm going to let them get me down.  Aren't I better to be positive than be miserable.  I don't think people want to see me happy because then they don't have to flap around me!!!!!

    Sorry bit of a rant, feel better now!!!!



  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014


    Pic is of my Beanie dawg!  She is a Bushland Terrier, Scottie dog crossed with Cairn Terrier!!!


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2014

    Love all the pup photos!! Spookiesmom, I adore that outfit lol!

    Viv, if you need blinging worktops, then you sure as hell get them... I am of the mindset now that if I want it, I am going to get it.. forget rainy day saving.  I'm sure most of us that have endured this sh!t feel the same way and if anybody has a problem with it... errr.. what was Fia's saying about going outside and F'ing oneself?  Well they can go do that!i

    Viv sorry about the rain, that can get so depressing.

    Still freezing cold here... am so over.. at least the sun is out today,t but it is horrendously windy.  Have been  around and now have put myself on the task of organizing the tax crap.. I haven't been good about keeping tax crap aside, so have to wade thro ugh a mountain of paper.

    Z, I saw that movie.. loved Meryl &  Julia and one of the othelover women . but wasn't crazy over the movie itself so much.   Not sure why the glowing ratings.  Joe loved it, but it would anything with Meryl in it.  Same with Wolf of Wall Street, dont get the rave reviews... movie was ok, but WAY too long with many boring parts..

    M, would love to see the boat.. bet somebody has pics online... Speaking of, I have to look up a Echidna.  I know you don't like them, but wish I could feed a black swan a cookie! lol.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited January 2014

    haha.. what a weird looking little thing... reminds me of a porcupine,


  • Vivtwins
    Vivtwins Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2014

    Wow that is one ugly mofo!!!!  Haha!  Yeh I agree, I think I will tell em all to go F themselves.  Life is a struggle as it is sometimes eh?  Load of old shizzle!  Shizzle is my best favourite word.  Can be used for a multitude of swearing in school when I really want to say shit!!!! Haha!

    It'll be bedtime soon so will be back tomorrow to catch up on all the happenings.

    Good luck with the tax crap, thank heavens I don't have to do any of that, I think it'd break me!!!!


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    Morning all! Beautiful day here again. I am so pleased that the weather has been kind for the holiday. No heatstroke or excessive sunburn. It was lovely to see so many people enjoying the water yesterday. I had to smile when I walked past the Real Estate windows, there were so many people looking at houses for sale! I used to do that myself, when I was on holidays, and sit and dream about living that lifestyle, in that place.

    Hi Zills, hope you're feeling better. Is the UTI gone yet? I am still not sure about that ear thing you mentioned.

    I bet you can't wait for the baby to get all her teeth. It is such a bad time for them. I remember Bec with bright red cheeks every time. It's nasty for them.

    Thanks for the heads up about that movie Zills, not my style, at all. I did like Wolf of Wall St, though.

    I bet you weren't too popular last night, for driving into a drift! Did you get the "freeze" from DH, for that? Sounds like something I would do!

    Hey Viv, what a cute dog, and nice big stretch of beach there!

    If you want bling, bench tops, then you should have them! If I want something that is over budget, I usually use the long term argument, eg 1600 quid over the lifetime of the kitchen is nooooooothing!!!!! LOL Don't you be letting anyone bring your mood down! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014

    ldesim, I like Echidnas, we have one that comes to visit. It comes through the fence at the front and has a sleep under a big Jade bush in my garden.

    I thought you'd like the Swan story. If I'd had my phone I'd  have taken a pic for you. The kids were so delighted, but Dex kept his distance he hasn't had any good Swan experience!

    I found a pic online of another guitar boat, but will have to get Colin to post it. Still haven't been able to get him to do my shots from yesterday.

    "Shizzle" what a great word! Viv, I like that!

    Tax crap, I hate that stuff, but I love the refund at the end!

    Chat later...M x  

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited January 2014

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!  You are awesome!

    Wren, I too did have to smile with your comment about cavoodles!  Sorry I should have explained what they are.  Paddy is our furry baby, we got a cavoodle because they don't lose a lot of fur/hair so they are good for people with hay fever allergies, like me.  He is so cute a cuddly, but such a sneaky thief, he loves to steal shoes, especially thongs(footwear type, not underwear type). You can't leave anything laying around, he is helping to keep the house tidy lol

    The doggy photos are sooo cute, Spookie looks adorable in red, and Vivtwins, yours looks so fluffy, what is her name?  Fancy you knowing someone from Geelong, it really is a small world, isn't it?  I was born in Liverpool, England, we moved to Australia when I was seven.  I think if you want that bench top, you should have it.  I have one, you should have one too!  I love the word sizzle, I am going to look for an opportunity to use it ASAP.

    Zillsnot4me,  roo is certainly not for me, I am a vegetarian. Lol.  My DH would eat it tho, he will try anything.  I have to look away sometimes when we are out for dinner, I don't like fish eyes looking at me, or octopus, too much of an eewww factor for me.

    Otceb, you are right about infection feeling like a setback, I think it feels a bit better today, so hopefully on the mend, I can't bear to look at it tho, my DH is changing the dressings, he describe the goo, color, texture, amount and then the the room starts to spin, and I need to have a little lay down!  Lol

    M, would love to see a pic go Dex, have read so much about him.  I need to learn how to post pics with my iPad, it's an old one.  We have some hot weather this week, stay cool!

    Must go and get out of my jammies now unfortunately, I could stay in them all day, but my DH is the pajama nazi!  Ha

    Dawn. Xxxx

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    grrrrrr, I just lost a long post!!! :((

    Trying to recreate:

    Oh, that's good Ariom, I thought maybe they were patting him too hard.  Glad the weather is holding for your Holiday!! Are those quills on the Echidna or thick hair?

    Thanks Zills, very lucky not to have broken anything, but may not have come through completely unscathed.  Today my low back is really hurting, but no zings down the back of my legs so that is a good sign.  I won't be looking for that movie on Netflix after all.  Grew up in a dysfunctional family, don't need to watch someone else's.  Poor baby, teething is brutal!

    Viv if you want glittery blingy worktops, you should have them!!  Cute dog!!  And great beach for walking! Love it, shizzle!!

    ldesim, that sure is an odd little critter.  Australia has a good many on the odd side, me thinks.

    Hugs for all!

  • grammaB
    grammaB Member Posts: 1,118
    edited January 2014

    Waving Hi to Dawny, we were typing at the same time!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2014


    Hi again, managed to corner Colin to do this for me, Dex, this morning, in the sunshine coming in the bedroom window. 

    The one below is where I sit to write to you. It is a little hard to see, but there are boats everywhere this morning, and Black Swans for ldesim!

    Supposed to be 38c today, but so far it is really pleasant, blue skies, and a light breeze. I wish I could bottle it and send it, to everyone who's feeling the cold!

    Hugs to everyone...M x
