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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hello Betty, thank you! We moved here 2 years ago and did a total renovation on the house and garden. I was Dx just 4 months after moving in, so it took a bit longer than expected to get everything done. Doing the decor has been a lot of fun for me.

    Dex has a great personality, it's impossible to understand how he was abused so badly before we got him. It took a very long time for him to completely trust us. Now he is a very well adjusted, friendly little guy, with a few little quirky habits. LOL  

  • Helenna
    Helenna Posts: 66
    edited June 2014

    Thanks for all the tips, I have newbie couple of questions:

    What is a v pillow and where can I get one, Bed Bath and Beyond? Is it a neck pillow or what size is it?

    You guys are suggesting button up shirts, never thought about it but I seem to wear mainly pull over tops, how long after surgery do you think it would be until I can wear my pull over tees? I may have to buy a couple cheap button up shirts this week. Let me know what you guys think. 

    They have told me I should not lift more than a soda can the first couple of weeks, is that realistic? I lift things constantly, a carton of almond milk weighs more than a soda can, so does my laptop. Do I just use the other arm for a week or two or longer for lifting?

    How do you keep from using your arm? My NNav, who is a uni,  told me she bought a sling and kept her arm in that to prevent using it. Anyone tried that? 

    Ariom, I love those chairs! You are lucky I didn't see them first, ha, but shipping to U.S. might break the bank. Love Dexter. Thanks for tip on lozenges, would not have known.

    Bobo, that recipe looks wonderful! And thanks for tips on meds. I'm a real weeny when it comes to pain. I cry with bee stings, so with every biopsy, blood test, etc they say "its just like a little bee sting". Dreading those needles for the lymph node dye, and they already told me it will feel like bee stings. I will let them know when I need help dealing with pain.

    Wren, a latte! I love my coffee! My surgery is in the am and I won't be able to have any beforehand. Something to look forward to….an extra hot latte with vanilla soy milk on the other side. 


  • SC60
    SC60 Posts: 403
    edited June 2014

    Good Morning,

    Helenna-I highly suggest the button up shirts.  To save a few dollars and if possible, go to the men's department at a thrift store.  I lived in my DH's oversized button down shirts.  Made my life easier as I didn't have to put my arms over my head or wrangle with drains. I am into comfort and didn't get into my comfy tee shirts for weeks!  Please do as instructed as far as lifting is concerned. It is very important that you do not lift until you are told it is okay.  They will also give you exercises to do and you need to do them as instructed. I really didn't want to use my arms right away.  I still move my left arm around to my back when I go to any doctor- keeps them from trying to take blood pressure or do blood sticks in that arm.  I guess I just got into the habit of resting my hand on my lower back.  I don't suggest the sling as you need to have mobility in the shoulder and I think it would not be comfortable on the chest area.  I hope this helps and I am sure others will weigh in as well!

    Hey Bobo- I don't know what that makes you.  I had a friend years ago who shared my name so we were Susan and Susan Squared.  I guess I could be bitch squared since they think I am so evil now!  Lol. I think they will have to get over it or move out- at this point I really don't care which one they choose as long as the bills get paid!  

    It's going to be another hot day in VA.  Can't wait to head north on Wednesday and cool off!  

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited June 2014

    Hi Helena. One more thing, a small pillow for under the seatbelt on the ride home. Button, snaps, or zippers will be your friends for a week or more. I had bmx, picked Spookie up with both hands. 7 1/2#. You will discover what you can, or can't do. If you have hair, it will be hard to wash. 

    Soy isn't good for us now, feeds estrogen 

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2014

    Helenna, It's the SNB or lymph removal which is pretty painful afterwards. It will hurt to raise your arm and stretch that area; that's the reason for button down. I agree with the thrift shop approach. Mine was in Feb and DD gave me 2 pr of fleece pajamas that buttoned. She has a knack for the perfect gift. They told me not more than 5 lbs for the first 2 weeks. I'm a uni, so could use the other arm. I think Penney's had the V pillow online. It's almost an L shape. I didn't get one but it looks like good back support when sitting. Unfortunately, Spookiesmom is right about the soy. My onc said I could have soy about 1 x week; some prohibit it entirely. Almond milk is pretty good.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Morning all! Lots of great info for Helenna!

    Someone was asking about how much 1kg is it is 2.2lbs. I was given 2kg as my lift limit after Uni, so approx 5lbs.

    In Aus they are really pushy about doing the exercises, we have a visit from a PT before being released from the Hospital who gives us 2 sets of exercises that they insist you do 4x daily. The first set is while the drain is in and no lifting above shoulder height, the second is the stretching after the drain is removed. I always did my first set of the day under the hot running water of the shower. We shower immediately after surgery here, the first one being the next morning before you leave the Hospital. I did what I was told, doing the exercises 4x a day plus massaging the incision to prevent adhesion. I don't know if they push for that much in the US, but for me, although a bit sore to do, I had full range of motion in a few weeks and I kept up the whole routine for many months, it just became a habit. 

    Although I did have the button front shirts and I wore them a lot, I found I could wriggle into a T shirt using my good arm if I really wanted to.

    I agree with sgc, I wouldn't use a sling either, you do need the shoulder to remain mobile. I found it easy to tuck my elbow into my side, if I was feeling a bit sore from overdoing it, which brings me to the overdoing it subject. I don't think there is one of us here who didn't overdo it, because you do feel pretty good very early on and feel like you can do pretty much anything, alas, we all learned the hard way. Your body will definitely let you know when you've exceeded its limit. I named the feeling "The Claw" it feels like something sharp is holding you under the arm and chest, usually in the evening, but it goes away without pain meds or anything like that and only returns if you overdo it again. I call this the surgery of strange sensations, because for me that was what it was. Numbness and a burning like bad sunburn, with a zap here and there were the norm for me. My surgeon explained that the cut nerves were regenerating from both sides and trying to reunite.     

    As Spookiesmom said, you'll find that you won't want to lift anything heavy for the first little while, but Almond milk in a carton was fine for me. I found I couldn't get the tops off things with that arm, and wiping benches or sweeping, was an action I had real trouble with. Even though you still have the other arm to reach with, it is a good idea to move stuff you have in overhead shelves to bench height to be comfortable.

    I was told that washing and drying my hair would be impossible, I even bought a doohicky to stick on the wall to hold my hairdryer, don't really know what I was thinking, maybe I could turn it on and spin around in front of it, anyway, I gave that to the Opp Shop when I discovered that if I bent at the waist and tucked my elbow to my side I could wash my hair and holding the dryer in my tucked in, affected arm, I could use the good arm to  fluff dry my hair. If you aren't a nut about having your hair right all the time, this won't be an issue, I unfortunately, can't bear a bad hair day! LOL

    The other thing that I wasn't expecting was the tiredness, I felt great, but could nod off almost mid sentence. It was a bit like, I feel a nap coming on.....thud!! That lasted a little while and gave my family a good laugh. I think it was the anesthesia!

    The V pillow is available at department stores and manchester stores and is about 2' on either side  up to the peak, so quite large.

    In Aus, we are all given a pack which contains a rounded pillow that fits under your arm and keeps the seat belt  away from your chest, there is also a fabric shoulder bag to hold your drain, and a matching shopping bag. They are made by women's craft groups all over the country and given free to anyone who is Dx and has surgery. I also had what's called a "toddlers pillow" which is just  a pillow designed for in a pram, which I kept in Colin's car in case we went out and I forgot to take my hand made one.

    Wrenn is right, the underarm from the SNB was the part that was most uncomfortable for me too, but I have to tell you that for me, the actual SNB procedure was painless, not even a bee sting, so I hope yours is the same.  I had a tech who talked me through it, told me to deep breathe, and relax into the table, it worked for me. 

    I hope that isn't too much stuff Helena, just ask away if we've missed anything.

    Take it easy.....M x   

  • otceb
    otceb Posts: 129
    edited June 2014

    Hi M!  Thanks for posting pictures of your beautiful home and darling Dexter!  What a monkey, trying to hide from you - so cute!

    Helenna, tons of great info from these ladies. One of my aunts just had her bmx last week and she's been having trouble getting up from bed herself - she is 71, with a bad back and smoked all her life, so all these things can't help, but it did remind me that I used different muscles to get up after surgery since you can't really put your weight on your arms. So abs and legs somehow got me up.

    bobo, thanks for letting me know about the bco meeting, but unfortunately, yes i will be gone by then.

    ndgirl, i've been thinking about you and the foob packing for your San Diego. I think I will just bring (and wear) the cushy foobs. I rarely wear the silicone ones, I'm just gone for 3 days, so I won't bother packing other ones. I really should go to the bra store where I bought everything, to see and try on the microbead foobs or whatever other ones they might have that are lighter than silicone but nicer than the post-surgery poofs.

    Zills, thanks for the info on tamox. I'm enjoying this short break of no drugs in my body!

    Nice weekend here, just activities with the family like DS' ball hockey games, cycling, yard work, and even a little nap - I'm still weak from the end of chemo. I tried to go for a run yesterday and couldn't, was out of breath after a few steps. I can't wait to have my normal energy level, there's so much to do!


  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Hi otceb, Thaank you! Yes, he is a little monkey!

    If you go to the store to try new foobs, ask to try the light weight foam forms. I have the TruLife and I find I am wearing that most of the time now. The weight stops the bra riding up, but nowhere near as weighty as the silicone.

  • grammaB
    grammaB Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    Hi everyone!  Sorry I have been absent again!  

    Thanks all for the birthday wishes!  Someone (sorry, forgot who) asked for the Coconut Flour Muffin in a Minute recipe.  Here is the link to the original recipe.  I sometimes add high fat cocoa powder to make it chocolate.  It is very light and fluffy and makes a great base for fresh fruit too!  Bobo, I would think it could be baked in a regular oven too.

    Coconut Flour Muffin in a Minute.

    I almost had a great birthday.  Got a phone call from DD and we talked for a long time.  At the end she had some "news" for me.  Turns out she and DLLP have split (in March) and it is getting ugly!  They are not married, living together and registered with the city as partners so the ex could be added to DD's medical.  Ex is trying to get custody of my GD saying DD is an "absent parent".  DD is furious, she is the one that is working while ex stayed home with GD, it was a mutual decision at the time. DD is a police Sgt and heads a SWAT team so sometimes she does get called in from home for situations, but it was a known part of the job from the beginning.  Ex is only allowing DD to have GD two times a week right now.  They are in mediation but sounds like that happened too late.  I told her to push for 50/50 custody as that is only fair. ( For those that don't know, GD is from my DD's egg and a sperm donor, the ex carried the baby, both are on the birth cert.)  

    DD is bending over backwards offering ex first and last month's rent on a new place for her, her teen aged daughter and GD, ex wants more....she want's DD to cash in her retirement and give her $40,000!!  I told DD NO, don't do it!!  DD will take the ex to court if she has to to protect her rights!  It is breaking my heart and DD's too that things have come to this.  DD loves that little girl so much and to have the ex start in on the poisoning so early is so wrong on so many levels. Here is a pix of them earlier this year on Jax's 3rd b-day and DD turning 40 in March:


    On the 5th of June I had my appt with PCP and he did the biopsy on my ear.  He took a piece about the diameter of a lentil and about half as thick.  He had a really hard time cauterizing the spot.  My ear still hurts like heck and is all black and blue. This has hurt longer than the BMX did!!  Should have results tomorrow, I still hate the waiting!!  I just want it healed and done with!  I have been seriously thinking of getting a loose perm, but can't risk it yet.

    Then better news!  Last Friday, my DD and her SWAT team was honored with a City Proclamation for their win at the 2013 Urban Shield drill. They are held yearly in several large cities country wide.  2013 was the very first year ever a team run by a female took first place!!

    Urban Shield is a continuous, 48-hour Full Scale Multi-Disciplinary Homeland Security/Disaster Preparedness Exercise hosted by the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, with the support of the Bay Area Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), and more than 150 local, state, federal, international and private sector partners.Hugs to everyone!  posting before it goes poof!!
  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Posts: 259
    edited June 2014

    GrammaB ,

    They are both gorgeous and you must be so proud of your DD .  I agree with you push for 50 /50 .  I am so sorry you and your DD are having to go through this . I hope your ear biopsy turns out ok .

  • grammaB
    grammaB Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    Thanks Fia! Yes, I am beyond proud of DD!!

    Oh and I forgot to add to the note about the recipe, yes, it is low carb.  It is a great substitute for cake/muffins w/out a lot of carbs!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    gB, WTF, I am so terribly sorry to hear all this, you must feel terrible. I have never understood, and never will, how people can turn on those they loved and use their children in the fight. I hope they can come to an amicable arrangement for that gorgeous little girl, that is just so sad. I feel for you gB, I know I'd be beside myself if it were my daughter facing this.

    Sorry to hear your ear is giving you so much grief, those small biopsies can really cause some pain. I hear you about the waiting, it is shitful! I hope it turns out to be nothing and it heals up quickly.

    I was wondering how you're doing with Ebay right now? In Aus, the bottom has fallen out since the hacking event was reported on the news. I assume it was worldwide, but not sure. I had a few things listed to sell, not so much as a nibble, but everything I have bid on, I have won, without another bid against me. I have found a fabulous Amoena seller, who also has a couple of shops, so I have bought more of my fave Valletta camis for half the Aus price and a few other pieces that were super cheap compared to here.

    Woke up to thick whiteout fog this morning and it was freezing. The sun is out now and burning it off. It looks beautiful, but Dex wouldn't go out for a pee, too cold still!

    I am going in to town today, have lots to do, but got all the house, washing and the tidy in the garden done over the last couple of days. I can't believe how much difference there has been in the way I feel since stopping those bone meds. Just have to work on some bone building exercise now.

    Take it easy everyone....M x

  • grammaB
    grammaB Posts: 1,118
    edited June 2014

    Yes, Ariom, my heart is truly breaking over this.  I really did love the ex, they were so good and happy together.  Ex used to call me every month to give me a Jax update in between DD's reports. Those stopped and I didn't realize how long it had been.

    DD's dad and my divorce was probably the most amicable one on record. We went to court with the same attorney.  In all the years we have been apart, neither of us has spoken a negative word to our kids of the other.  It isn't in my genetic makeup to do such and I just can't understand ex-dllp doing this.  This is foreign territory to me.

    The ex was married before and has a teen aged daughter from that marriage. All along she had told DD how bad a parent her ex was and now in retrospect DD is beginning to doubt all those stories.  It kills me that is really 2 against one, ex and her dd vs my DD.  GD loves her Mama and sissy, of course, but I will smack them back into the ice age if they poison her against my DD!!!! Bada$$ gramma will use very weapon in her arsenal to stop that!!

    I am so upset over this I can hardly focus on anything else!!

    Yeah, ebay has been slow again.  I had some spurts, but after the hacking, it has slowed down. The only business I have had is from long time customers.

    I've had biopsies on my arms before but nothing like this.  The ear appears to be a really sensitive spot that takes a long time to heal.  It is sore and still weepy and I just want to be done with it!!

    Ironically, I would welcome colder temps.... so far it has been mild here, I just don't do Summer well at all! 

    Making chicken, mushroom, with shiratake noodle soup for dinner. In need of comfort food!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    Hello everyone, I am back from grandson's graduation! We had a marvelous time, enjoyed family time, boat rides, everything went well, except for the fact it just had to rain on grad day... doesnt it always? day before and after just beautiful, no matter things went off without a hitch. GS won a kayak at the after grad party... he was so thrilled! They live on the St. Croix River so he will enjoy many hours on the water.

    I am so far behind reading, but here goes.. nice pictures Ariom! Dex is a sweetie.

    Helena, these gals have given you such good advice, I am another that had no pain with mx. I had a pain block in the back and never had to take pain pills, did take a couple of xs Tylenol. The button front shirts are a must. I maybe could have got into a pullover but I didnt want to risk anything and end up with le. I also left the drain tube in a little longer than I would have had to, but just wanted to make sure all fluid was gone. I was amazed at how well I felt afterwards, but agree with being tired, sleep when you want to. I overdid many times because I felt so good, but learned a lesson the hard way. Best of luck, we are all here for you.

    Hey Bobo, good to hear from you again, hope you are ok. such a busy gal you are.

    Oh GB, so sorry to hear the struggles you are going thru with dd and gd, we are all mother hens when anyone messes with our kids and grandkids arent we? I surely hope things go smoothly and quickly for everyone's sake.. also hoping for good news on the ear. the picture is great and congrats to dd for the award.

    OTc, you are a chemical engineer? my oldest son is a chem E. as was my dil. Good for you.

    Totally understand about what to do with things we love from the past. I have so many things that I have from my parents and grandparents that mean the world to me but it isnt the same for the kids. I look at some of the old dishes, jewelry or whatever and the memories flood, but doesnt mean the same to anyone else...

    Garden update... newly planted radishes are up and I am home and ready to do battle with the bugs... wish me luck, so far everything is looking good. 

    Greetings to everyone!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2014

    GB, So sorry to hear your news. I hope they can work it out for the little girl. And good luck with your ear.

    ND, Do you ever cook radish greens? We do now. Since every single radish seed sprouts, we always have more radishes than we can eat. We like most greens.

    I went to the eye doctor today and he told me to stop wearing my glasses for distance. This was after I told him I could read the chart fine without them, although I had problems with my glasses on. He thinks my cataracts can wait another year since I'm not terribly bothered by them. I also have map dot corneal dystrophy, which is more serious. I'm hoping it progresses slowly so I don't need a transplant. I can't imagine not being able to read or see to paint. I am going to go get some wildly colored readers. I've always had such sensible glasses.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2014

    oh GB I'm so sorry. How stressful. Don't let her settle. I was a live in nanny so if the single mom was called out at night, someone was there. It was perfect as the child and I were both in school. So I just dropped her off on my way. There are ways to get around being called out. Lots of parents have that issue. 

    Good luck with that ear! 

    Wren. What do radish greens taste like? I like spinach but not kale (unless kale chips) or Swiss chard. I too wanted funky glasses! Congrats on being able to see distances! 

    ND. You are so busy. I wouldn't be able to keep up! 

    M is busy too. 

    Boy has been napping at school. Not going to bed until almost 10. Argh. I can't stay up that late. 

    Rain today. Kids supposed to swim. Go to school dressed in bathing suits. No sure what to do. 

    Bc picnic tonight. Boy looking forward to it. He loves to go. 

    Have to take cat to vet for shots. Wished it was another day. Would like to nap. Have to bake cake for picnic tonight. 

    Better go get the munchkins up. 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    Wren, no I havent tried radish greens, do you get them when very young? and how to prepare or what to put on them? Lots of people do the dandelion greens, remember my Grandma doing that, they are ok but not my favorite, not had them in years.  Interesting.  I love the funky reading glasses too, I need my reg to see long distances. I had cataract surgery 2 years ago, easy surgery but the dumb dr. left 2 stitches exposed, I went back several times and he just told me I was a slow healer, finally went to another dr and he very quickly found the trouble. Needless to say I will not ever go back to first one, The other dr. did say it was put in place right and otherwise ok, most drs no longer stitch I guess. Always pays to go to the best especially with eyes... oh yea and boobs!!

    Zills, sure hope you can get some rest, but I know how hard it is with little ones, sounds like a perfect day for napping when raining.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2014

    We do eat the radish greens while pretty young. About 3" high. DH puts Asian sauces on greens sometimes. We don't eat red meat, so no bacon.

    Zills, If you don't like chard, I wouldn't bother to try radish greens. Hope you get some rest today. It's still light at 9:30 here so most parents get blackout curtains.

  • Helenna
    Helenna Posts: 66
    edited June 2014

    Oh you guys are so wonderful with all the tips and good vibes you are sending me.

    NDgirl I did get some cheap button up shirts, and two short sleeve pull overs--I know I know--but they were on sale-cheap- and so darn cute I will save for later.  

    Arion I cracked up over your "dohicky thing" for drying hair and you spinning around in front of it! So tomorrow I am getting my hair cut short, in a bob I think, my hair is normally shoulder length. I am making a list of what to take like the lozenges, etc, though I will have to look for the v pillow tomorrow. 

    Spookiesmom 71/2 lbs…that is a littly bitty one!  I have a deaf white cat who outweighs Spookie by 15 lbs! Won't pick him or the others up for awhile. 

    Yesterday I finally told my brother and my niece, I was stressing a bit about telling them, I knew they would be shocked and worried. Tried to make it upbeat and answer all their questions. My mom died of bc when I was in college many years ago, of course back then the treatments and all were a world's difference from where we are now. But my niece has always had bc in the back of her mind so I knew this news would be unsettling for her.

    I am wondering how you guys handled telling other family, or did you tell everyone, or hold off until it felt right? I know as soon as I tell my aunts it will spread among the family like wildfire, which is ok but I guess my mind keeps flip flopping on this issue. Part of me does not want to tell anyone else because 1. I don't want my relationships to change in any way with people 2. I don't want people to see me as sick. 3. I don't want people to feel pitty towards me. But on the other hand I feel that by telling everyone I might be able to educate others at some time down the road who are faced with this challenge.  

    Shortly after diagnosis I called two ladies who I would say are acquaintances, not good friends though one has done a couple things socially with me, but who both have had their own bc diagnosis and treatments in the past two years. Both were very friendly, offered advice and showed concern, however I have not heard from either one since and I really thought they would be a source of support. ( I even emailed one with a couple general questions but no response) I have told myself that everyone is different and it may be that they both are still healing emotionally and maybe physically, so holding up someone else just may not be possible for either of them right now. Not taking it personally but would be lying if I said it didn't bother me a little and does come into play when I think about if I tell everyone, will it cause some people to pull away because of my bc? Almost seems easiest if I just don't tell anyone else. Just struggling a bit with this decision. Any thoughts on this are appreciated.

    Wren44 I have never tried the radish tops, love radishes so must try that. And I love love greens! Green smoothies, I have chard growing in pots. Kale and spinach are always in my fridge. Also have cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, basil all growing in pots this year as I knew I would not be able to take care of plants in the ground and all the weeds. 

    You guys are all just awesome! xoxo

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited June 2014

    It seems to go with the dx, who will be there for and with you. Or those who will disappear. You don't know in advance, but it's a sure fire way to find out who really cares about YOU.  And it needs to be ALL about you right now. I guess we've all been surprised, one way or another. If somebody offers help, say yes! As for the family, take that at your speed too. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2014

    Wren: so sorry about cataracts, but happy about readers!  Thinking of you.  GB, so sorry about the troubles with your granddaughter.  Z has such good advice.

    ND, I love radishes!  They are one of my favorite foods.  I did not know they grow so easily!  Missing you.

    Helenna, do NOT be swayed by Ariom's siren-song instructions about drying your hair!!!  :)  Just let it air dry like I do.  I see you are shopping like crazy.  TIP:  I don't have many button-up shirts.  I used that whole thing as an opportunity to get new button-up pajamas.  I like the ones from  They are also moisture-wicking, which was good for me because I had overnight menopause.  I wanted the kids to see me around the house in cute matching pajamas.  You deserve it!

    Really bad news.  I just found out my dad has cancer in his bladder and prostate.  Waiting on staging but it does not look good.  The kind of cancer he has is made of sessile cells, which tend to be aggressive, fast-growing, and likely to metastasize.  They don't know if the prostate cancer is mets from the bladder, but in my opinion, it looks that way.  We're going down Sunday.  My mom, obviously, is a wreck.  XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Morning all! Brrrrrrr, it is cold this morning, even looks like snow on the grass, but it is only frost! I had to shove Dex out the door for a pee this morning, he hates to get those tootsies wet!

    Ahhh, Helenna, you've just hit on "One of the mysteries of life"! I was gobsmacked by some of the reactions I got when this all started for me. Spookiesmom has the same take on it that I do.

    When I was first going through the call back, testing etc, I played it right down with my Daughter, got her to read all of Beesie's (our DCIS guru on this site) information. Bec is my only family here in Australia. I didn't make any mention of the possibility of invasion, and a different outcome, but just decided to wait till the final pathology was in, to explain everything. I told my close friends and gave them copies of the DCIS info, because they all live back in the city where I was from. We had just moved to this little coastal town 4 months before my Dx.

    I also found that after my surgery, I would blurt it out and tell people, it actually worked as a positive, in a strange way, because I met so many women who would say, Me Too! and they would tell me their stories. I also joined our local BC group where I have made a wonderful group of new friends.

    One of my close ex colleagues had been Dx a few years ago and when I heard about it I had called her to see if I could help, or do anything for her. She was fine and had the same Dx as I would eventually receive. I called her back when I was Dx to ask her some questions and she was helpful in answering, so after my surgery, I called to let her know how it had all gone. She asked me what kind of recon I had chosen and when I told her I wasn't having any recon, she said "OMG, how can you bear to look at yourself!" That felt like a short, sharp, slap, but when I regained my power of speech, I told her that Colin, Bec and I had no issue whatsoever with how I looked. I have never heard from her again.

    I also had a couple of other friends, whom I'd known forever, but weren't really close, who wrote emails asking me what was happening with me and the Dx, they had heard about it from someone else. I filled them in on what had happened, what I knew and my Dx and I never received any further communication from either of them. 

    In saying all this, none of it bothers me, it was just a shock, or surprise, how some react. I have so many fabulous caring friends, who have exceeded my expectations as friends through all this, that these people don't really enter my thoughts these days. I do have a sneaky suspicion that I just may be wanted back on the friends list,  if this happens to them, though! LOL  

    All this stuff is such a roller coaster of ups and downs that it is difficult to really function as normal, so it is hard to decide what is right. I'd say, just go with the flow, with what makes you feel comfortable. I like the saying "What other people think of me, is none of my business!" I figure everything balances in the end, the people who stick around are the true friends and the others were just, well, fluff! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Oh shit, Bobo, I am so terribly sorry to hear about your Dad, I can only imagine how your family must be feeling. Hugs to you and yours...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Morning nd! Ouch for the leftover stitches after the cataract surgery! I had my right eye done many years ago, it was caused by my long term steroid use for the RA, but my left eye has never needed to be done, weird! The only thing I remember is waking the next day and realizing my windows needed washing!LOL I had to have laser surgery after they put the lens in because it needed to be polished, but I didn't have any problems with mine.

    Good point about getting good Doctors!

    I don't know if you are interested, but I love Amoena clothing and there is a seller on ebay who has the lounging pajamas and camis at super low prices. I have bought quite a lot over the past week. LOL The tops have pockets, just like the T shirts and my fave cami. I also bought the wrap cardigans to match and I found a seller here in Aus that has the latest range which includes a short, a midi and a full length maxi black dress with Mx pockets. They have also done a range of athletic tops and bottoms. I bought a few of the new clothing items, which are really smart looking and will be fantastic for traveling, all the tops have pockets built in, but the one I can't wait to try, is the long dress, which I think will be fantastic, dressed up or down, it has a high front and scooped back and falls straight to the floor in that lovely jersey modal fabric. I should have them in the mail by Friday, so I will let you know.

    Is your garden looking fantastic? I bet it is. Mine is so green from all the dew and rain we've had, but the veggies are all gone, just the herbs are still going. Take it easy ...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2014

    Gosh Zills, it never slows down for you! I like the sound of the picnic tonight, I hope you have a lovely time.

    I don't know what you do about the napping in school, if you can't get him to bed early. He is pretty active, so I guess you can't make him play till he drops off early.

    Does the baby nap during the day? Can you get a snooze in while she naps? I remember snoozing with Bec when she was small. She used to fall asleep at 2pm, no matter where we were or what we were doing, my Mother said I was the same, she used to have to carry me from the bus if we happened to still be out at 2pm! LOL

    What cake did you end up making? M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Posts: 8,178
    edited June 2014

    Ah geez Bobo, I'm so sorry about your dad.  Just remember to breathe. 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    Bobo, so sorry for this news of your father.. will this shit never end?? Sending you the biggest hugs! I find it so amazing how many different cancers there is, I knew a person with spindle cell cancer, not good news either. Well no cancer dx is good. Hoping for the best outcome. Yes, radishes come up very quickly but the bugs find them just as soon. Wish you were close so I could share.. how are your kids doing? 

    OK Ariom, I am off to check out pj's with pockets, would really like them when I am visiting or have visitors, I have been pretty good about not shopping so here I go again, pause is overHappy

    Helena, I guess everyone has to chose their own path on telling about bc, personally I had no problem with anyone knowing. I found it would have been much more stress to me if I had to always be on guard about what I was saying, how I was feeling or looking. My friends and family stood beside me firmly, but one good friend just could not bring herself to talk to me about my surgery or cancer. Really shocked me because as long as I have known her, she could handle any situation. She did once tell me she just did not know what to do or say, she has not pulled away from me or anything, but of all my friends around here I would have bet the farm that she would be the first to bring food, but nope, didnt happen but that is ok, we still remain friends. We live in a rural area where everyone knows everyone, so I couldnt have hid it if I wanted to, which I didnt. I too am hoping others can learn or come to me if they ever find themselves in this situation. Ariom has it right about what other people think of me! The hardest thing for me was telling my oldest son and his boys about my bc, because his wife and mother of the children had died of this dreaded disease just 3 years before my dx. But I could not keep them in the dark either, not fair to anyone. You will find what is right for you I know. Good luck.

    GB, how are things today? thinking of you.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2014

    Bobo, Sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm not surprised your Mom is a wreck. I sure would be.

    Helenna, I only told a few close friends. DH told everyone who would listen. I think it helped him deal with the diagnosis. Of course, I was diagnosed early on and didn't need chemo or rads after the mx. I didn't really need any help. DH took me to appointments and my BFF drove for weeks for our Saturday outings. I think it's true that you can't predict how others will react.

    I have been listening to crows for the past several days. They must have a nest close by, perhaps in our 100ft poplar trees. They start at 4am. I'm going to have to sleep with ear plugs. Mid morning they raised another fuss. DH went outside to look and saw a young racoon in our yard, so we think that was the problem. There's a city map showing crow attacks this year.

  • otceb
    otceb Posts: 129
    edited June 2014

    Hello everyone!

    gB, I'm so sorry about your DD and ex-DLLP. What a a$$ DLLP is being. I feel bad for DD but also GD, kids always sense these fights even if they're not in front of them. Yeah, it looks like it might be a pattern for DLLP... I hope DD gets as big a % custody as she can, and does not throw her life savings away. i'm glad she seems to hold her own and has an idea of her rights. And congrats to her on winning the Urban Shield drill! You should be proud, she seems like a strong and smart woman.

    bobo, I'm very sorry about your father. Just awful news. Does he live far from you? Keep us informed on staging and next steps, I hope you get good news. Big hugs.

    Helenna, like wren, I was not telling many people but DH was telling everyone he knew, and our extended group of friends, about the dx, the sx, etc. It was a little weird! He even sent this picture of me ringing the bell at the last chemo to a bunch of people, without cc'ing me. So people were replying to him saying "congrats [my name]" and I wasn't getting the messages! It took one friend to clue in and cc me for me to realize he had sent this mass email! Anyway, he means well but I guess I am more private than he is.

    nd, your oldest son is a wise boy :-) Does he work in his field? I changed career when I realized that, other than in oil & gas in some parts of the country, opportunities for ChemE's were dwindling fast. I used to be in the pulp & paper industry, which is quite dead now! Good luck with your radishes! And I think you're the one who has a bunch of different potatoes? Are they coming along ok? We bought heirloom potatoes at the farmer's market, can't wait to try them.

    Hi Zills, I hope the rain day turned out ok. Great that you're involved in all these BC groups/gym/etc. You must be leaving for Ireland soon, in a few weeks?  Exciting!

    Hi M, sgc, wren, Fia, spookie.

    Gotta jump on a call with China, just wanted to say hi!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Posts: 950
    edited June 2014

    OTC, son is no longer working as chem E, he is more into real estate now, he was an executive for Ecolab last job and took a great buyout. our younger son is a mechanical engineer, he really does not like engineering all that well, but the degree gets lots of opportunities.

    Wren, crows... bet they dont let you sleep in the mornings.. they can be pretty annoying. Chilly and misty here today, bring back the warm weather please.