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new and future flat sister, with questions



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Hi Painterly. You must be a snow bird as my grandmother would say. I'm a hillbilly and speak with a redneck accent not a Southern drawl. Sorry Idesim.

    I thought of Ariom while I was waiting for Jin Shin. The squirrels and one little ity bitty brown sparrow were interested in my snack of hummus and pretzels. The bird was actually top dog and got first crack at the crumbs and he is smaller than those squirrels (4 of them).

    Bobo. I found I could eat a whole can of mandarin oranges when I was nervous. They tasted good and didn't require effort. Can you eat while watching TV or reading and sneak in extra since you're concentrating on it? Get a bigger bowl for your ice cream or were you at the end of the container? We don't mean to harp on it but you've got a lot to do this summer with your job and kids and packing.

    Congrats in the new job!

    Good luck Granwe with the docs tomorrow. Hope your wait is short.

    Party tomorrow for Idesim. I'll be the boobless and more bald one. More hair came out today. Good thing it's hot outside. I didn't plan ahead so no moonshine from me.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning All!

    I have a confession to make........I promise I got up and read everything, just to be sure everyone is OK, but I snuck away, and went to the online EOFY Sales. I am getting better, though, I used to stay up, or get up at Midnight to make sure I didn't miss anything!

    You all know I can't help myself, I love to shop, but I am back now to answer all your posts.

    I got some stuff, but not a lot, the Sales aren't what they used to be. Still I'll have some parcels coming!

    Bobo, I am so glad to see you are getring some sustenance. I am also pleased to see you are still consuming Soy, as I do. If I have one more person wag a finger at me because I still have Soy, I will bite it off! I don't have as much as I used to, but I have read up on it and the jury is still out on  lot of the worries about Soy products.

    I'll be your platonic girlfriend Bobo! I like the sound of that, and Grandma, to your two, you know I'd love that.

    Now, my Bobo, an offer of new job, I am loving the sound of that, and negative results from the Biopsy.......hmmmm, are you believing me when I tell you the Owl was there to tell you of new beginnings, and exciting things coming your way?

    I really do wish I lived closer, you are right we could get into a lot of trouble, but boy it would be fun!

    Take care now! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Gramwe, you crack me up!

    So you've lost a day. I am not surprised, you are a dynamo!

    I don't know how you do it, but I am in awe of you. How is the OG? I do hope there is no further deterioration. Sometimes things have to get worse  before they get better. Big hug to him!

    How did the BIG dinner go? have you recovered? I hope they appreciated it, and you weren't to exhausted. Like I said, you're amazing. I don't think I could tackle that. 

    Two Doctors appointments for you. I wish you all the best for whatever it is. I hope they are nice Doctors, 'cause we wouldn't want you to unleash "F Femara Gramwe" on the unsuspecting medicos:)

    You take care, and let us know how you get on! M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    Granwe, no b slapping my sister.. that's my job!  I hope you are getting some results on OG.

    Bogogirl, thank you for the food report... yes, that is calories.. all 300 of them.. you need to do a little better than that! Can you try 3 tbsp of hummus tomorrow? :)

    Count me in, I don't usually get drunk, but I can make an exception for Thanksgiving and we can be totally inappropriate and mother will be very upset with us.

    We watched an old movie and it was the most boring tedious movie I have seen in a long time which is surprising since it had DeNiro & Jack Nicholson (two of my favs) in it.. called the Last Tycoon.. just painful.. oh well.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013


    Dex does have a sweater, and a raincoat, so Bobo, can comntinue with Foobs, and not worry bout "the Dex". Colin swears Dex is part Samoyed, I think "He's Dreamin'" (Aussie saying!) This dog is all terrier, albeit a mix. He does have the same sandpaper rough front paws of a snow dog, and a thick winter coat, but I am not buying it. I think it's wishful thinking on Colin's part:)

    I am chomping at the bit, waiting to hear your Rads are over. I will take a swig of Colin's 18 year old Scotch, as a toast to you, and say Slangevar! "To your Good Health in Scottish Gaelic". 

    Emu Oil, now isn't that amazing. I have used it in the past for my arthritis. I believe it is wonderful for the skin, too,  so I hope it does the trick for you. There are Emu farms in Western Australia that send it all over the world. They make cosmetics from it too. When I worked at the Airport, there was a shop that sold it in big bulk containers, like a litre or so. The Japanese tourists couldn't get enough of it. I know we like to buy in bulk, but you'd be hard prssed to get through a litre of Emu Oil:)

    I am betting you went to Sovereign Hill when you were here. I can't think of another similar place in Victoria.

    Vi had 4 siblings when he escaped Vietnam in a boat with, I think it was 26 other people. There were another two siblings that he had met when he returned to see his family years earlier.

    When he died, his Unclle went to America to take Vi home to his Village for burial.

    The traditional burial ceremony for Buddhists/ Catholics goes for 3 days. His Mother was catholic, and his Father Buddhist. I wasn't able to get vaccinated and protected from Malaria in time to get there for the Funeral , so I was kept involved by the family, from the laptop, on Skype,  of his best friend from Australia, who was at the Funeral. It was an amazing thing to witness. I wish I could have been there. They buried him in the small cemetery, closest to the beach where he played as a child. I know that's not where he would have wanted to be, but his parents had missed him so much, and although they had formally written to "give" him to me, they had missed so much of his life. When we finally managed to contact them, years after he escaped and arrived in Australia. It was the first time they knew exactly what had happened to him. They never knew if he escaped, or if he drowned. He didn't tell a soul of his plans to escape.

    I plan to go there some time. I have been to Vietnam, briefly, while on a cruise, but would love to see the place he spoke of, and his grave.

    Speaking of having your Family Tartan. I have seen mine, but never bought any because it is so gross. It is one of those awful pee yellow ones. I always liked the red tartan, and that was what my kilt was. I can't recall which one it was, but definitely not my family tartan.

    Today, I am going into town, that's if the fog clears. I don't like to drive in the fog. I have a fear of hitting a Kangaroo, and there are kangaroo crossing signs all along one section of the road. I had the misfortune to hit a kangaroo when I first started driving, and have never forgotten it. I don't know if they move about and cross in fog, they usually only cross at dusk or dawn looking for water, but I am scared of them like you wouldn't believe. They can make an awful mess of your car too. If the sun comes through and burns off the  fog, I'll go to town.

    Take care now..M x 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Zills, I am wondering how hot it is for you today, and if all is well with the children?

    I am sorry you are losing your hair, I am sure it must be a scary experience. Big hugs to you!

    I think of you often, and try to work out how your accent sounds. I got pretty good with accents after 11 years of talking to Americans every day. I love the accent, and had regular passengers that I would talk to every time they traveled here. They would tell me jokes and I would tell them to Colin with the accent for effect:)

    I used to have hoards of sparrows in Melbourne, they would come to my garden and wash in the birdbath, then fly up and sit on the fence in a row to dry. Since moving here, I just don't ever see them. There are lots of other types of birds, some I have never seen before, and I even have trouble finding some of them when I look them up in my "What Bird Is That" book. I thought sparrows were everywhere.

    Did you learn anything new at Jin Shin? I have looked it up and find it really interesting, but I have never heard of a practitioner who does it here. Would it be done by an Acupuncturist?

    My Massage Therapist is in Fiji for a conference this week, so I have to wait another week for a massage.

    The Sun is out, so I am going to take off into town, but i will check back later...take care of you! M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited June 2013

    Hey all you Scottish folks. I'm watching art videos by a woman named Sian Dudley (the a has a little hat mark). How would it be pronounced? I think she's Scottish by her accent in English. Doesn't sound Irish at all.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hi Wren, I think it's pronounced "Shaan". I am pretty sure Dudley is an old English name.

    The names get around in the UK. I am a Scot, but Moira is a very Irish name, but my surname, which I have kept, is Scottish, and a "Mc", but my middle name is the traditional surname of the paternal GrandMother. So I have Moira, followed by two surnames. Makes it tedious and very long when filling out forms.

    How are you doing Wren?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013


    Happy Last Rads Day to You

    Happy Last Rads Day to You

    Happy Last Rads Day to Yoouu

    Happy Last Rads Day to You

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    You're up early Zills!

    How are you doing?

    All the best for today ldesim!

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Chilling the aloe and booze for Idesims graduation party. So glad this day is here. No Mo Rads!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hey Gramwe! How's it all going?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    I'm good. The family is good. Raining now so have to wait for my walk. Going to "skate" the floors clean. I can't stand them anymore and don't want to ask anyone or invoke the claw tonight.

    I did learn a new move at Jin Shin. Place your hand under each knee and hold one hour! She learned it at class over the weekend. She lays on her side with a pillow between her knees and you can cross your arms. She did it before falling asleep.

    I can't sleep on my side yet. Port on one side and node surgery on other. So I did it propped up while watching tv last night. Within a few minutes I could breathe clearer and I felt a zing where she did the detox pressure earlier. Also I'm not as tight this morning.

    Her Japanese instructor said some woman who had cancer did it for a year. I have been saying I would eat Brussels sprouts every day if that would help. This is much easier so we'll see what happens. I'm her guinea pig.

    Off to have a cup of tea and maybe something sweet. Need to pack the calories in before next week but I only eat a little at a time. Trying to get motivated to clean those floors!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Hi again Zills, It's raining here too, not too heavy, I have no problem with it raining over night. I just don't like it raining during the day when I want to get out and do things.

    Everything is so green, We had a terribly dry hot Summer, so the lawn and the paddocks around here really dried out. We have had so much rain, in a short time, that everything is looking so lush and perky.

    I know what you mean about invoking the "Claw" with floor cleaning. I still get it from that movement too. Don't push yourself too hard Hon, it's easy to set yourself back. I know it's hard to look at work that needs doing, but the reality is, it will wait.

    I love to hear when a new modality clicks. That's what the rites have done for me. I like the sound of this Jin Shin, and it seems to be suiting you. It's a good guinea pig experience!

    Take it later..M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    Celebrate idesim! best graduation ever!. hope things continue to improve! We had quite a thunderstorm with tons of lightning and thunder last nite and a little more than half inch of rain! in the souther part of our state they had about 9 inches of rain! no one needs that much at once. We had so much snow last winter and too much rain this spring so alot of farmers didnt get all their crop land seeded up here. Hope we dry out a bit here, yesterday was 87 and very humid so figured it was brewing up a good storm. I went shopping with a best friend yesterday to a larger city over 100 miles away, had a good day! found a yoga bra that i think will work for me! and of course we needed some "therapy" and hit the garden center and of course had to buy 2 more lillies to plant in perennial garden! I am addicted! oh well could be worse addiction I tell my hubby! It is wonderfully green here too with all the rain beautiful time of year, so I better get busy and plant these new possessions.

    Zill? hand under knees for an hour? sounds interesting, going to have to research this.

    hope everyone has a great day.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2013

    Hi Zills, Bobo,

    Yes, I am a snowbird. Been flying south for the winter for about 7 years now, prior to that we were snowflakes, drifting in and out of that gorgeous city.

    I love Sarasota so much, very artsy. I joined a plein air group there and every Thursday a group of artists meet at 9 am to paint the selected weekly scene. While painting, we get people looking over our shoulders and commented on what we are doing. They really are funny almost leaning on our shoulders.  Lots of good comments from them though. They take our photos while we are busy painting, no idea why they are interested in seeing us paint. The group I paint with is called the Light Chasers of Southern Florida. Last year our leader organised free demos from very experienced plein air painters.  Talk about therapy!! I was waiting for my PBMX and I was both terrified of the op and anxious to have it over and done with, so being part of this group helped me cope with the anxiety I was going through. I am mainly a studio painter so this is a really good experience and I was thrilled to find this group.

    Here's a couple of pictures of one of our free demos done at the Bayfront.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Excellent report, Painterly!  And beautiful pictures.

    This is a momentous day for our group.  Idesim's last day of rads!  F questions about how her... area... is doing!  Today, we drink.

    Crazy tired but I will be drinking two (2) beers tonight in honor of this great day.  And she has her own end of rads present coming in the mail -- candles -- so I will light all the candles I have.  And plus I just sent her a surprise.








    Yaaaaayyy  IDESIM!!!!

    (wild applause)



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    You had to bark.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited June 2013

    Idesim, Congrats on the last rad! Definitely time to celebrate.

    Ndgirl, Is the yoga bra the size of a regular bra? Or one of the tops that incorporates a bra?

    Which reminds me, I need to put a pocket in my new swimsuit and reduce the size of the foob in the other swimsuit. We're going to spend July 4th with my son & family in Oregon and they have a hot tub.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited June 2013

    Wren: it is a regular sports bra I found at Kohl's, they come Small , med, lrg, ext lrg, etc. they are called Lilly of France and Zone 2 active wear. They have removable pads with a side pocket to do that. They have straps that cross in the back, which I dont really like but still ok. comes in many different colors too. Just a good bra to wear around days that require much of anything! I think they were about $20.00.

    Painterly: wow, how nice that area looks, you must be very talented. enjoy! I would love to live by the water.. well until the first hurricance hits!!Smile

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    F Rads.. they are over!  Not a moment too soon, my poor skin gave up yesterday and it's been a little painful, but one of the nurses gave me a big bag of ointments and bandages and whatnot to make me right as rain.  How pathetic is it that I'm excited by this bag of goodies? lol

    Had an MRI today, so just have to wait for those results.  When I had initial scans there was something on my pancreas that they thought could be a cyst but should be followed up in 6 mos.  6 months hit in April and I wouldn't shut up about it until they cleared me for getting the MRI and that's what I had today.  Please let it be ok! 

    I'm still at work.. busy busy busy.. but wanted to pop in and let you guys know I'm done!!! WOOHOOO .  

    I will catch up later when I get home :)

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    I used a hand towel and my feet to clean the floor. I "skated" it clean. No mopping for my chest. That would really invoke the claw.

    It must be good exercise because I slept for two hours even on my side (a first)! Now I have a nap hangover. Going to grill out kid food and have leftovers and corn on the cob.

    I actually feel like I accomplished something. My husband did stop by and caught me watching a movie. He won't notice the floors or the laundry except it was his work clothes. But he takes care of the kids so I'm not complaining exactly. He's become an expert on the baby including diaper duty!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited June 2013

    Hip hip hooray! You may be too tired to celebrate tonight but the weekend will be here soon. At least they gave you a goody bag.

    You go girl! I would get myself checked out too. MRIs are a piece of cake after everything else. I just imagine kids banging pots and pans.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited June 2013

    Idesim, when do you expect MRI results?

    Looking forward to our celebrating tonight!!  Tonight is all about YOU!  Wonder what is on the coffee table?  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    Good Morning lovely ladies!

    ldesim, you were my first thought on waking. I am so glad it is over! I would have been happy with that goodie bag too! LOL

    I do hope relief is swift from the soreness.

    All the best for the MRI!

    I just have to work out what time I need to have my drink to be in sync with the rest of you?

    I guess it is kind of nowish...ooooh Scotch for breakfast...that's a first! But for my friends, I'll do it!

    We have been having the most incredible fog the past few mornings. So bad that you can't   see the lake or the island. Then the sun comes out and burns it off, it is just amazing.

    Dexter won't go out, he's like a cat curled up on the top of the couch, on a furry throw rug.

    I'll be back after a bit of opp shopping this morning to see how everyone is.

    First I will have a shot for you, just a little one...Cheers..M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited June 2013

    I get the MRI results next week when I see my MO and I'm due for my Herceptin. 8 months of treatment, I can't even describe the relief, but I am also kind of lost lol.

    Zils, that was my first MRI and it is like that!  I couldn't believe how loud it is and I was about to bust a couple of times holding my breath.. sheesh.

    Skating is much more fun than pushing the mop.. how did it come out? There is nothing like the feeling of finally sleeping on your side! That was the worst part for me, I have such trouble sleeping on my back.

    Bobogirl, you crack me up... I see your threatrical side came through :) Chinese food on the coffee table.. my favorite!  It should be here soon!

    Even better the heat wave has broke and it's nice and pleasant now.. although it looks like we are in for some more damn rain.  F rain.

    Zills, the hair loss was the worst part for me, even worse than surgery. I procrastinated so badly that after like 3 or 4 days of it gradually falling out, I took a shower and it was just everywhere and it was just an awful experience, so I suggest you buzz it off and not go through that.  Are you going to do hats or scarves? I did like a newsboy cap around the house and bought a little sleep cap for at night... still us them since my hair is only like an inch long.

    I thought soy products were good for you?  What is supposed to be bad?

    Dex has a raincoat? That is so cute!!! 

    Yes emu oil, it was highly recommended on the radiation board and it does feel nice, no greasy residue... there was something on the bottle about useage for joint pain.

    I am glad Vi's family included you during the funeral, but that had to be so difficult to be so far away.  Are you still in touch with any of the family members?  The poor guy sounded like he went through a lot and what a sad set of circumstances with the whole family being pulled apart.

    Sorry about the pee yellow tartan, lol.. I agree, the reds are much more preferable.

    Food is here, I'll stop by later.. thanks for all the congrats :)

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2013

    Just popped the cork on a wonderful bottle of champagne! Cheers to you Idesim! One step closer to cured.

  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited June 2013


    Congrats on the end of radiation. It is always such relief to get through each segment of our treatments. I toasted you tonight when I had a glass of pinot noir after my golf game.

    Some of you mentioned the claw feeling. I have never actually put a word to it, I just  had the feeling that someone was lifting me up by the armpits, but I am sure it is the same as the claw feeling. I am just wondering if doing the 5 rites might have a benefit someway, because since I have been doing the rites, the claw feeling is fading more and more with each passing day.

    Wren, how do you make a bra pocket? Is it simple to do?


    I will have to check those bras out at Kohls. I found junior bras at Macy's which had a pocket, only cost $12, so I bought the whole rack. LOL. I use them for playing golf, they don't ride up and are just great, they hold a small silicone foob that I got from Walmart for $24.  No one has noticed that I have had a BMX. Must be because I flattened my boobs with a sports bra while waiting for my operation.

    I find there are more choices in Florida than Montreal, and I was amazed to see so many bras with little pockets. Makes one wonder about the actual size of women's breasts if there are so many enhancement bras on the market!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited June 2013

    ldesim, I took a little swig of Scotch for you this morning, not the greatest with a power shake, but it was Cheers to you!

    I don't like MRI's, I had never been claustrophobic, but they kept asking me so many times, if I was,  that by the time I got in there, I was definitely claustrophobic. I was surprised by the noise too. They had a thing like a catchers mask on my face too which didn't help. Mine was for a neck injury from a Chiropractor. That's a whole other story too.

    I had to have a series of three MRI's and the second one was too much for me, and I kept moving. They pulled me out and shot me full of Valium, and shoved me back in. It wasn't nice, but I don't really remember much about it. The third one, they gave me the meds before going in, no hassles!

    I don't have any way of keeping in touch with Vi's family ldesim, because they don't speak any English, and my Vietnamese is a few words, also they don't have a phone, or anyone to translate a letter. One of Vi's friends has a thriving business between Vietnam and Australia, so if he is over there he will occasionally Skype me, and I can send a message to them through him.

    I feel for you girls, who have had the treatments that have made you so ill, and lose your hair. I know it is something that you just have to deal with, but I think it must be terribly difficult. I am thinking for me, it would be worse than the surgery, too. Zills is in the midst of it, and you are through that part ldesim.

    I hope you are having a well earned rest, slathered all over with your new creams, or Emu Oil. Big gentle hug from me!

    M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,953
    edited June 2013

    Painterly, Go to (might be .com). She has instructions and great pictures. Finding swimsuit fabric in something tamer than neon is the hard part. I also followed her instructions for making a microbead foob.